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    五种基本句型 主谓两种结构 实用练习加详细解析Word格式文档下载.docx

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    五种基本句型 主谓两种结构 实用练习加详细解析Word格式文档下载.docx

    1、秘诀三、 绝大多数动词既可以作及物动词也可以作不及物动词 ,只作及物动词或不及物动词的动词是很少一部分。理解了以上概念之后,回到主谓结构来。主谓结构,虽然这个结构中动词后边不加宾语,但是往往带有状语。状语有点难理解,看下面的句子吧。下划横线的部分,就是状语, 1、 He will come tomorrow.(他明天来) 2、 He is working now 。(他正在工作). 3、 He works at this factory .(他在这个工厂工作) 4、He often swims in the river.(他经常在河里面游泳) 5、Tom is always late for

    2、school.(汤坶经常上学迟到) 6、I have never been to Shanghai.(我从没去过上海) 7、My Chinese is very good . (我的汉语非常好) 8、He runs quite fast. (他跑的相当快) 9、He works hard。 (他努力工作) 10、It is too hot . (天气太热了) 状语分类: I get up at six. (我在六点种起床) 介词短语在此处是表示时间的,是时间状语。介词短语:如in 、on、 under 等等之类的,如果介词后面加上了宾语,就把它叫做介词短语,如:in the room on t

    3、he desk under the table 。介词短语作时间状语的很多,类似的如:on Sunday. in September ,in 2008 等等,副词也可作时间状语,如:already (已经)before(以前) now (现在) yesterday (昨天) today(今天) tomorrow (明天soon(不久),这些应该熟记之。表示时间就是时间状语,那表示地点的,就是地点状语 He did his homework at home (他在家做的家庭作业) 介词短语在此处是表示地点的,是地点状语。副词也可作地点状语,如:here(这儿)、 there(那儿)、 up(上面

    4、) 、down(下面) 、upstairs(楼上)、 downstairs(楼下) 、 anywhere任何地方)等等。 He is often late. (他经常迟到) 副词在这里是作频度状语,表示经常。常见的还有always(总是) 、ever(曾经)、 never(从来不)、seldom(很少,不常) 、sometimes (有时0、usually(通常)等等 She danced beautifully. (她舞姿优美) 副词在这里是作方式状语,是来修饰动词“跳舞”的,类似的还有:quickly(很快的)、 bravely 、(勇敢地happily (高兴地)、 fast(很快地)

    5、、well (好地) He speaks English very well. (他的英语说的很好) 副词在这里是作程度状语,是到修饰副词well的,类似的还有:very quite too 等。熟记状语之 1. 状语通常是有副词、介词短语来充当,是来说明动作或状态特征的句子成分。2. 状语通常是来修饰谓语动词、副词、形容词。3. 地点状语、时间状语出现的频度最高,而且 二者都可由介词短语、副词充当。其他的状语大都是有副词充当。4. 时间状语、地点状语的位置比较灵活,可以在句首、句中、句尾。不过通常的位置在句尾。如果时间状语、地点状语同时在一个句子中出现,一般情况下,地点状语在前,时间状语在后

    6、。5. 频度副词的位置一般在谓语动词之前,be动词之后或助动词(如 havehascan等)与一般行为动词(如runworkdraw)之间。小结:在本句型讲解中,我们补充了宾语、状语以及及物动词和不及物动词五种基本句型主语谓语宾语 宾语的补充说明:宾语主要是由名词和代词充当的,其实,作宾语常见的还有:动词不定式(to do )动名词(doing )如:He wanted to go home ( to go home 作want 的宾语);He likes listening to music (listening to music 作like 的宾语)。需要注意的是:动词后面接名词或代词作宾

    7、语对所有及物动词都行得通的,但并不是所有的及物动词后面都可以接动词不定式或动名词。这里有三种情况:其一、有些动词后面只可以接动词不定式,其二、有些动词后面只可以接动名词,其三、有些动词两者都可以接。记忆技巧:1. 下面的动词后面只可以接动名词要决:“megafeps”(霉咖啡不吃) mind(介意)、miss(错过)、enjoy(喜欢)、give up(放弃)、admit(承认)、avoid(避免)、finish(完成)、escape(逃脱)、practise(练习)、suggest(建议) 2.下面的动词后面只可以接动词不定式要诀:“要想干,同意办,愿意不愿意,决定尽量干。” A.要求,想要

    8、,希望(want、wish、hope、expect、intend、mean) B.同意(agree、promise) C.意愿(care、hate、refuse) D.决定,企图(determine、decide、offer、attempt、try、manage)3.下面的动词既可以跟动名词又可跟动词不定式 begin to do somethingdoing something start to do somethingdoing something continue to do somethingdoing something forget to do somethingdoing som

    9、ething remember to do somethingdoing something regret to do somethingdoing something like to do somethingdoing something love to do somethingdoing something hate to do somethingdoing something try to do somethingdoing something mean. To do somethingdoing something 练习三 一 判断下列句子是主谓结构还是主谓宾结构,如果是主谓宾结构请指

    10、出是由什么充当的宾语(名词、代词、动词不定式、doing 等等) 1 He arrived yesterday. 2 The boy is crying loudly. 3 She died in 2000. 4 The man disappeared in the street. 5 I like music. 6 She wanted some help 7 I slept well last night. 8 Iom built a house last year. 9 I bought a computer in the street yesterday 10 .Tom often s

    11、wims in the river 11 .My sister works in that factory. 12 .The sun is rising. 13 .They know him. 14 .He enjoys listening to music. 15 .My watch has stopped. 16 .It is snowing hard. 17 .My grandma coughed all night. 18 .She was cooking. 19 .I found a box under the bed. 20 .Kate described the picture.

    12、 21 .I hate to go there. 22 .He remembered telling you. 23 .His aunt will come. 24 .The farmer works very hard. 25 .The flowers need watering. 26 .We usually watch TV on Saturday evening. 27 .She has cleaned the room. 28 .He liked collecting stamps. 29 .Both of them work in the school library. 30 .K

    13、ate is running fast. 31 .The ship moves slowly 32 .He wanted two boxes watches. 33 .I read every book in the school library. 34 .You can understand me. 35 .We can watch TV. 36 .The children are reading carefully. 37 .Mr. Smith speaks very fast. 38 .The train has arrived. 39 .They wont come today. 40

    14、 .You mustnt talk loud 41 .You will close the door. 42 .She decided to wait. 43 .I met one of my friends in Beijing. 44 .He passed the exam last year. 45 .China has a large population. 46 .He knows a little English. 47 .I have received your letter. 48 .The students answered the questions. 49 .He is

    15、beginning a new life. 50 .He learned to ride a bike yesterday. 51 .Have you finished writing? 52 .I suggest trying it once more. 53 .I want to go to college. 54 .She often dances in the park. 55 .Kate often studies at school at night. 练习三答案 1 He arrived yesterday. 他昨天到达 。主谓结构。时间状语 yesterday 2 The bo

    16、y is crying loudly. 那个男孩正在大声的哭。状语loudly 3 She died in 2000. 她死于2000年 主谓结构。状语介词短语in 2000 4 The man disappeared in the street. 那个人在街上消失了。介词短语in the street 做状语 5 I like music. 我喜欢音乐。主谓宾。名词muisc做宾语 6 She wanted some help 她需要一些帮助。名词短语some help做宾语 7 I slept well last night. 昨天晚上我睡的很好。主谓。副词well last night做

    17、状语 8 I built a house last year. 去年我建了所房子。A house 做宾语 昨天我在街上买了台电脑。A computer做宾语。In the street yesterday 做状语 10 Tom often swims in the river 汤姆常常在河里面游泳。介词短语in the river做状语 11 My sister works in that factory. 我的姐姐在那个工厂工作。介词短语in that factory做状语 12 The sun is rising. 太阳正在升起。13 They know him. 他们知道他。代词him做

    18、宾语 14 He enjoys listening to music. 他喜欢听音乐。动名词短语listening to music做宾语 15 My watch has stopped. 我的表已经停了。16 It is snowing hard. 雪下得正紧。主谓,副词hard做状语 17 My grandma coughed all night. 我的奶奶咳嗽了整个晚上。主谓, 时间副词all night做状语 18 She was cooking. 她正在做饭。主谓 19 I found a box just now . 刚才我找到一个盒子。主谓宾,名词a box做宾语,just no

    19、w做状语 20 Kate described the picture. 凯特描述了那些图片。主谓宾,名词the picture做宾语 21 I hate to go there. 我讨厌去那里。主谓宾,不定式to go there做宾语 22 He remembered telling you. 他记得告诉过你。主谓宾,动名词短语telling you做宾语 23 His aunt will come. 他姨将会来。24 The farmer works very hard. 那个农民工作的很努力。主谓,副词短语very hard做状语 25 The flowers need watering

    20、. 那些花需要浇了。主谓宾,动名词watering做宾语 26 We usually watch TV on Saturday evening. 我们通常在星期六晚上看电视。主谓宾,名词TV做宾语,介宾短语on Saturday evening做状语 27 She has cleaned the room. 她已经打扫了那个房间。主谓宾,名词the room做宾语 28 He liked collecting stamps. 29 他喜欢集邮。主谓宾,名词短语collecting stamps做宾语 30 Both of them work in the school library. 他们两

    21、个人都在学校图书馆工作。介词短语in the school library做宾语 31 Kate is running fast. 凯特正跑得快。副词做fast状语 32 The ship moves slowly. 轮船在慢慢移动。副词做slowly状语 33 He wanted two boxes of watches. 他要了两盒的火柴。主谓宾,名词性短语two boxes of watches做宾语 34 I read every book in the school library. 我在图书馆读了每本书/我读了图书馆里的每本书。主谓宾,名词every book做宾语,介词短语in

    22、the school library做状语/介词短语in the school library做后置定语 35 You can understand me. 你能够理解我。主谓宾,代词me做宾语 36 We can watch TV. 我们能够看电视。主谓宾,名词TV做宾语 37 The children are reading carefully. 孩子们正在看专心读书。主谓,副词carefully作状语 38 Mr. Smith speaks very fast. 司密斯先生说话说的很快。主谓,副词短语very fast作状语 39 The train has arrived. 那趟火车已

    23、经到达。40 They wont come today. 他们今天不会来了。主谓,today作状语 41 You mustnt talk loud 你不能大声说话。主谓,副词loud作状语 42 You will close the door. 你要把门关住。主谓宾,名词the door做宾语 43 She decided to wait. 她决定去等待。主谓宾,不定式短语to wait做宾语 44 I met one of my friends in Beijing. 我在北京遇到了我的一个朋友。主谓宾,名词性短语one of my friends做宾语,in Beijing做地点状语 45

    24、 He passed the exam last year. 去年他通过了考试。主谓宾,名词the exam做宾语,last year做时间状语 46 China has a large population. 中国有着众多的人口。主谓宾,名词短语a large population做宾语 47 He knows a little English. 他懂得一些英语。主谓宾,名词短语a little English做宾语 48 I have received your letter. 我已经收到你的来信。主谓宾,名词短语your letter做宾语 49 The students answere

    25、d the questions. 那些学生回答了那些问题。主谓宾,名词the questions做宾语 50 He is beginning a new life. 他开始了一种新的生活。主谓宾,名词短语a new life做宾语 51 He learned to ride a bike yesterday. 昨天他学骑自行车。主谓宾,不定式to ride a bike做宾语,yesterday时间状语 52 Have you finished writing?你完成你的写作了吗?一般疑问句式,主谓宾,动名词writing做宾语 53 I suggest trying it once more. 我建议再试一下。主谓宾,动名词短语trying it做宾语,once more状语 54 I want to go to college. 我要去上大学。主谓宾,不定式短语to go to college做宾语 55 She often dances in the park. 她常常在公园跳舞。主谓,in the park,often都做状语 56 Kate often studies at school at night. 凯特在晚上常常在学校学习。主谓,at school at night ,often都做状语


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