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    1、Dhave heard3_Kelly likes to sin9,her twin sister prefers to danceAAsBWhileCSinceDAlthough4Being a direct relative of the deceased,her claim to the estate was_ AoptionalBcompulsoryC1egitimateDprominent5The lexical relation between damp and m0st is_AsynonymyBantonymyChyponymyDhomonymy6The mode of oper

    2、ation in passing laws in the USCongress has many_,but there is no attempt being made to improve itAoptionsBsolutionsCadvantagesDdrawbacks7Which of the following sets of English sounds differs only in one distinctive feature?A.fsBfzCfz3Dfdz38Which of the following correctly describes the word stress?

    3、AOrigin,Original,OriginalityBoRigin,oRiginal,oRiginalityCOrigin,oRiginal,origiNAlityDoRigin,oRiginal,originality9In attempting to investigate the complex nature of second language learnin9,we have to appealto ideas not only from linguistic analysis,but from all the following fields EXCEPT_Aeducation

    4、BpsychologyCsociologyDmythology10Which of the following is a slip of tongue?ABlack shoesBBlack holesCBlack bloxesDBlack boxes11A teacher handed out a list of twenty“ifsentences and asked students to discuss and find out the grammatieal rulesWhat is the teachers grammar teaching method?,ADeductionBPr

    5、esentationCConsolidationDInduction12When you focus on“utteIOXICe function”and“expected response”by using examples like“apologyacceptanceinformacknowledge”,you ale probably teaching language at the_.A.lexical levelBdiscourse levelCstory levelDgrammatical level13Asking students to explain new words in

    6、 a text with known words is NOT all act of_.AelicitationBreinforcementCmanagementDproduction14Which of the following is an accuracy-oriented speaking activity?AIdentifying particular phonemes on the tapeBActing out the roles in the classroomCGreeting people informally in pairsDHaving discussion in g

    7、roups15Which of the following is NOT suitable pre-listening activity?AWriting a similar textBDiscussing a relevant pictureCWriting questions about the topicDLearning vocabularies about the topic16Writing exercises such as completion,reproduction,compression,and translation are mainly the type of exe

    8、rcises used in_Aincentive writingBguided writingCfree writingDcreative writing17Student:Im very downMy dad get seriously ill last week,and lmTeacher:N0Not getSay got because itS in the pastThe conversation above shows that the teacher_Afocuses on accuracy onlyB1acked confidence in the studentChad a

    9、good rapport with the studentDfailed to understand what the student said18If a teacher gets an incorrect answer from students,it is most appropriate for him or her to say“_”in order to encourage themAN0I dont like your answersBNonsense,it is not what l want!CYour answer is far beyond the pointDYou m

    10、issed the point,but Im glad you mentioned another point19When a student said in class,“I goed there yesterday”the teacher responded,“Say it again,please”The response is all example of_ArecastBmodificationCDositive feedbackDpostponed feedback20When students engage in group work,the teacher moves arou

    11、nd to provide help if necessary and make sure they are doing the task properlyThis is called_AinstructingBobsevingCmonitoringDevaluating请阅读Passage One,完成第2125小题。Passage OneCoasts mark the area where dry land meets oceans or other large bodies of waterThey are one of the most active environments foun

    12、d on EarthThe coasted landscape is ever changing It reflects the conflicting processes erosion of and depositionIt is a landscape that is affected by the interac-tions of the Earth,the Moon,and the SunCoasts are among the most beautiful and inspiring landscapes on the planet,whether they are scenes

    13、of torrential storms or serene calmThroughout recorded history,humans have sought to live on or near coasts Although coasts account for only lo percent of Eaahs land surface,they serve as home to tw0thirds of the worlds human populationCoasts and shorecoastline and shoreline,are commonly used in pla

    14、ce of each otherTechni- cally,they are different areas along a coastal hmdscapeThe line that marksthe boundary between water and land is the shoreline It constantly fluctuates because of the regular action of waves and tidesThe shore is that strip of ground borderi ng a body of water that is alterna

    15、tely covered or ex- posed by waves or tides:The boundaries of the shore are marked by the shoreline at its farthest sea-ward(10w tide)and farthest landward(high tide)Tides is the Deriodic rising and falling of water in oceans and other large bodies of water in re- sponse to the gravitational attract

    16、ion of the Moon and the Sun upon EachAlthough the Sun is larger than the M00nthe Moon is closer to Earth and,therefore,its gravitational force is approximately22 times greaterThe gravitational pull of the Moon creates two types of tides:high and lowA tidal bulge occuYs in the oceans on the side of E

    17、ach nearest the Moon,at the same time,a second tidal bulge occurs on the opposite side of EarthThis second bugle forms because the force of the Moons gravity pulls the solid body of Eaah slightly away from the water on Eaahs far sideThese bugles are high tidesThe areas between the tidal bugles exper

    18、ience low tideAs Earth rotatesthe tides move over its surfaceIt takes approximately 24 hours and 50 mi-nutes for a given point on Earth to make a complete cycle relative to the Moon,and two lunar tidal cvcles occur during this timeThus,the average time between high tides is 1 2 hours and 25 mi-nutes

    19、This is a generalized explanation of titlesThey do not move evenly and predictably over Earths surfaceVariations in the depth of the oceans and the distribution of landmasses combine with other factors to produce highly complex tidal behaviorThe coast and coasdine begin where the shore ends at its h

    20、igh tide mark(farthest landward)The line between the coast and the shore at high tide is the coastlineThe coast extends landward from the coastline to the first major change in terrain features,which may be miles inlandThis could be a highland or a forest or some other type of terrainSometimes,the c

    21、hange between the coast and the adjacent terrain is not so distinct21All of the following statements ale true about coastal landscape EXCEPT_AIt is an area of stagnancyBIt is an area of continuous changeCIt is an area of erosion and depositionDIt is an area shaped by the interaction of the Earth,the

    22、 Moon,and the Sun22How many people live on or near coasts?AAbout lo percent of human populationBAbout 25 percent of human populationCAbout 67 percent of human populationDAbout 75 percent of human population23The underlined word fluctuate in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_AforecastBalterCstable

    23、Dstrike24The gravitational force of the Sun and the Moon upon Earth depends on_Atheir sizeBtheir weightCtheir distance to EarthDthe depth of the oceans25One lunar tidal cycle lasts_A24 hours and 50 minutesB12 hours and 25 minutesCa monthDhaIf a month请阅读Passage Two。完成第2630小题。Passage TwoRespect is not

    24、 included in the marriage VOWSNo illustrated books show how to achieve itAndyet it is central to a lastin9,satisfying marriageWhat is this thing called respect?It is not the same as admiration“When you fall in love,you admire the other”says DrAlexander Symonds,associate clinical professor of psychia

    25、try at theNew York University School of Medicine,“You look up to someone-much the way a child idealizesa parent”Such romantic admiration thrives and even depends on the il lusion that hi;or she is“perfect for you”Thats why it doesnt lastYou come to see that the person you married isnt exactly what y

    26、ou expected,”says Francine Gaborone,“There are differences of personality,of approaches tolife,different ways of doing things”You can try to change your mate back into your fantasy But for the marriage to last and growits better to agree to disagree,to learn to let each other beOnly by taking this p

    27、ath Call you beginto develop real respect toward each other“I have one patient whose husband loves sports,especially tennis,”says DrSymonds“Shewould prefer to go to the theatre,or to stay at home and readShe could simply say,We have dif-ferent tastesInstead,she says,How can he waste his time and mon

    28、ey that way?She puts himdown”The put-down is the chief symptom-and weapon-of lack of respect,or contempt“Contemptis the worst kind of emotion”says Symonds“You feel the other pemon has no worth”Weve aU seen maITiages in which one or both partners attack the other quite savagely in the guise of“It,s f

    29、or your own good”Any“good”is undoneby the hostile toneA wife nags her hus-band to be more ambitious and makes him feel like a failure because he prefers craftsmanship orcommunity pmjects to the competitive business worldOr a husband accuses his wife of wasting time whenever she gets together with a friend:“Why isnt she doing something productive?”In good marriage partners nurture each others self-esteemThey may


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