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    1、Recess is over!休息时间结束了。Its time to study!该学习了。Sit properly. 坐好。Do you have any homework?你有作业吗?Are you done with your homework?你作业做完了吗?Did you do well on your test?考试考得好吗?What score did you get on the test?你考了几分?Good job!你做得很好!Move back from the TV. 从电视那里往后退。Turn off the TV now. 现在关掉电视。Who made such

    2、a mess?是谁弄得这么乱?Put your toys away. 把你的玩具收拾好。Are you sick?你不舒服吗?孩子最常使用的50句英文 Good morning, Mom and Dad. 爸爸妈妈,早安!Im awake. 我醒了。Have a nice day, Dad!爸,祝你有个美好的一天!I want to wear this shirt. 我要穿这件衬衫。I can do it by myself. 我可以自己完成它。Mom, Im all grown up now. 妈,我现在都长大了。Do I look good, Mom?妈,我美/帅吗?Tie my hair

    3、, please. 请帮我绑头发。Goodbye! Im leaving. 再见!我要出门了。m home, Mom. 妈,我回来了。Can you get me the scissors, Mom?妈,可以给我剪刀吗?Look at this, Mom. 妈,看这个。m bored. 妈,我很无聊。Play with me, Mom!妈,跟我玩。Draw me a car. 帮我画车。Can I watch TV?我可以看电视吗?Please play Caillou. 请播放Caillou。After this TV show. 等这个节目结束。Can I play computer ga

    4、mes for a little bit?我可以玩一会电脑游戏吗?Can I go play outside?我可以去外面玩吗?Can I go play at Jinas house?我可以去吉娜家玩吗?I want to try it, Mommy!妈咪,我想试试看。Minji hit me. 敏基打我。It was not my fault. 不是我的错。He started it. 是他先开始的。t get angry. 不要生气。m sorry. It wont happen again. 对不起,我不再这样了。m really angry. 我真的生气了。m not talking

    5、 back. 我不是在顶嘴。CHAPTER01忙碌的早晨 CHAPTER01-01起床 Wake up, you sleepyhead. 起床了,你这个贪睡鬼。Rise and shine. 太阳都晒屁股了。Get up, please! Time to go to school. 快点起床!该去学校了。Still dreaming?还在睡梦中吗?Ill tickle you if you dont wake up. 再不起床的话,我要抓痒痒了。You should go to bed early to get up early. 你要早睡早起。Want to sleep more?还想睡吗?

    6、Can I sleep some more?我可以多睡一会吗?Im so tired that I cant get up. 我太累了,起不来。Mom, I cant keep my eyes open!妈,我睁不开眼睛!Just five more minutes. 只能再睡5分钟。Ill count to three. Come on!我数到三,快点起床!Hurry up, or you will be late. 快点,否则你要迟到了。Im awake. You dont have to wake me up. Im already up. 你不用叫我也没关系。我已经醒了。Wow! Di

    7、d you get up by yourself?哇!你自己起床的吗?Did you not hear the alarm?你没有听到闹钟吗?t doze off. Sit right up. 不要打瞌睡了。做好!Lets see who gets up first. 看看谁先起床了?Youre still sound asleep. 你还在沉睡。Stretch your body. 伸展下你的身体。Im not going to wake you up anymore. 以后我不会再叫你起床了。CHAPTER01-02早晨打招呼 Good morning, Mom and Dad!你睡得好吗

    8、?Hey! Did you get a good nights sleep?早!Did you sleep tight, my sweetie?宝贝,睡得好吗?You slept in. 你睡懒觉了。Was it not chilly at night?晚上不冷吧?Youre already awake? Why so early?已经醒了哦?为什么这么早醒呢?Whoa! Ive never seen this before!哇!太阳打西边出来了。My eyes just opened. 我刚睁开眼睛。Seems like youre in a good mood. 看起来你的心情很好。You

    9、 look happy after a good nights sleep. 睡个好觉后,你看起来心情很好。Why do you look grumpy this morning?为什么今天早上你看起来心情不太好?Im still sleepy. 我还想睡。You should say hello first thing in the morning. 起床后,你应该先打招呼。You should say, Good morning! 你应该说:“早安!” Lets kiss and say, Good morning!亲一下,说“早安”吧。Did you have sweet dreams?

    10、你做好梦了吗?Mom, want to hear about my dreams?妈妈,要听听我做的梦吗?Can you wake up your brother?你可以叫你弟弟起床吗?CHAPTER01-03洗脸 Get up to wash your face. 起床洗脸了哦。Wash your neck, too. 脖子也要洗哦。Who wants to wash up first?谁要先洗?Want Mom to help you?需要妈妈帮你吗?Can you help me, Mom?妈妈,你可以帮我妈?If I do it by myself, I will get my clo

    11、thes wet. 自己洗的话,我会弄湿衣服的。I dont want to clean my face!我不想洗脸!Ill wash myself after I eat. 我要吃饭后再洗。Are you done?都洗好了吗?Im working, Mommy. 我正在洗,妈咪。Get a clean towel. 那一条干净的毛巾。Mom, theres no towel. 妈,我没有毛巾。Mom, can you get me a towel?妈,可以那条毛巾给我吗?You look pretty after cleaning. 洗好后,你看起来好美哦。Watch out for th

    12、e slippery floor. 厕所的地板很滑,要小心哦。CHAPTER01-04刷牙 You should brush your teeth three times a day. 一天要刷三次牙。Brush your teeth properly. 好好地刷牙。Brush up and down. 刷牙要上下刷。Dont forget to brush deep inside. 不要忘记也要刷里面哦。Clean your teeth and gums thoroughly. 牙和牙床都要彻底刷干净。Dont forget to brush your tongue. 不要忘记刷舌头。my

    13、teeth. 我讨厌刷牙。Brush my teeth for me, Mom. 妈妈,帮我刷牙。Brush your teeth well, or they will turn black. 要好好刷牙,不然的话,你的牙齿会变 黑。If you dont take care of your teeth, youll get cavities. 如果你不好好照顾你的牙齿,你会有蛀牙。If you dont brush well, youll have bad breath. 不好好刷牙的话,会有口臭。Dont brush your teeth the wrong way. 不要用错误的方法刷牙

    14、。CHAPTER01-05吃早餐 s time for breakfast. 该吃早餐了。来吃早餐吧。Sit at the table. 从餐桌旁。Dad,come and eat with us. 爸爸,来和我们一起吃早餐。Can you call your brother.too?你可以也叫一下你弟弟吗?Who wants to help me set the table?谁可以帮妈妈摆餐桌?Can you put the spoons on the table?你可以把汤匙摆在餐桌上吗?s say grace before we eat. 吃饭前,先来祷告吧。s have breakfa

    15、st. 吃早餐吧。How is it?Isnt it good?味道如何?好吃吗?t you like it?你不喜欢吗?t you feel like eating?没胃口吗?Why arent you eating?你为什么不吃?I dont feel like eating much. 我不怎么想吃。I cant eat in the morning. 我在早上不要吃东西。Eating breakfast makes you strong. 吃早餐,会让你更健康。Just take one more bite. 再多吃一口。Just try and see if its good. 先吃

    16、一口看看好不好吃。ll be late.Hurry up and eat. 快吃。s drink some water. 喝点水。t spill the milk. 不要让牛奶洒出来。t reach that dish. 我夹不到菜。There is too much rice. 饭太多了。ll feed you. 我来喂你。s too hot. 太烫了。Blow on your food to cool it off. 吹一下,让它冷一点。Are you finished?都吃完了吗?Stop eating now. 不要再吃了。t eat anymore. 我再也吃不下了。m full.

    17、我饱了。Cant I leave some?不可以剩一点吗?6 Is it okay if I dont finish it all?可以不要全部吃完吗?m almost done eating. 我几乎都吃了。Looks good.Thank you!看起来好好吃。谢谢!Thank you for the nice meal. 感谢你这么好吃的一餐。The food was fabulous.Thanks. 食物相当好吃。CHAPTER01-06用餐习惯和礼节 t be picky with your food. t walk around while you eat. 吃饭的时候,不要走来

    18、走去。t leave your food uneaten. 食物不可以剩下。You should eat by yourself. 你要自己吃。Be careful not to drop your food. 小心食物不要弄掉。Oops!You dropped your food. 哎呀!你弄掉食物了。s okay.Ill clean it. 没关系。我来收拾。Eat slowly and dont rush. 慢慢吃。不要急。Clew well. 好好咀嚼。Use your chopsticks right. 正确使用筷子。t spit out the food. 不要把食物吐出来。Sit

    19、 down and eat at the table. 要坐在餐桌吃饭。Sit properly at the table. 好好坐在餐桌旁。t talk with your mouth full. 嘴巴内有东西时,不要说话。Put your bowl in the sink. 把碗放在洗碗槽内。Help me clean up the table. 来帮妈妈收拾餐桌吧。CHAPTER01-07上厕所 I have to pee. 我要去尿尿。I have to poop. 我要去便便。m about to poop. 我快要大出来了。Take off your pants first. 先把

    20、你的裤子脱下来。t forget to flush. 不要忘记冲水。t use too much toilet paper. 不要用太多的卫生纸。Phew!s stinks!唷!好臭喔!Tell me if you have to pee. 如果你要尿尿的话,要告诉我。Is it not coming out?尿不出来吗?t hold it.Go pee. 不要忍,去尿。s not good to hold your pee. 憋尿是不好的。t want to sit on the toilet. 我讨厌坐马桶。Can you pee by yourself?你可以自己尿尿吗?Wash you

    21、r hands after you poop. 便便后,要洗手。Flush the toilet only once. 水冲一次就好。Call me when youre done. 好了叫我喔。m done,Mom. 妈,我好了。Can you wipe my bottom?你可以帮我擦屁股吗?I keep farting.Hold your nose. 我一直要放屁。捏住你的鼻子。Ugh.who cut the cheese?哦,谁放屁了?Fart in my face,and Ill get you!放屁在我脸上的话,我会抓住你。Did you pee in your pants?你尿在

    22、裤子上了吗?It looks like you were in a rush. 看起来,你很急。Does your tummy ache?你肚子痛吗?t hold it till you have to pee in your pants next time. 下次,不可以忍到尿在裤子上。CHAPTER01-08爸爸去上班 Daddy is going to work. 爸爸要去上班了。Say bye-bye,Sweetie. 说再见,甜心。Have a good day,Dad!爸爸,祝你有美好的一天。Good luck,Dad!爸爸,祝你好运。Give Daddy a kiss. 亲一下爸

    23、爸。Honey.want to polish Dads shoes. 宝贝,要帮爸爸擦皮鞋吗?Let me get your shoes ready.Dad. 爸爸,你帮我拿鞋子。Call us if youre going to be late. 晚的话,打个电话回来。Are you eating out with your coworker?你要跟同事去聚餐吗?Come home early. 早点回来。t be too late,Dad. 不要太晚,爸爸。When are you coming back?你什么时候回来?I want to go with you,Dad!我想跟爸爸一起出

    24、门!Come home early to play with me. 早点回来跟我玩。t drink and come home early. 不要喝酒,早点回家。See you later,Dad!爸爸,一会见!Bring me some goodies when you get back. 回来时,要买好吃的给我。Dad,you look great!爸爸,你看起来很帅!Have fun all day,Sweetie. 甜心,今天也玩得开心。Dad will go to work. 爸爸去上班了。ll miss you while I work. 当我在上班时,我会想你的。Dad wil

    25、l call you at lunch hour. 午餐时,我会打电话给你。Shall I bring you something good?我可以买什么好东西给你呢?Have fun with Mommy. 跟妈妈好好玩。ll come back from work as fast as I can. 下班后,我会尽可能早回家。CHAPTER01-09挑衣服 What do you want to wear?你想要穿什么呢?Choose what you want to wear. 挑一件你想穿的吧。I want to wear a skirt today. 今天我要穿裙子。What do you need to wear today?今天你需要穿什么?Today,you need to wear your school uniform. 今天,你需要穿学校制服。Today,you need to wear yo


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