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    1、But what is going wrong? In the dream Bobby said angrily, “My life cant be worse! I dont like fish. I dont like milk. And toy mice? Are you crazy? Im not a cat, and I dont want to be a cat, either!”After the dream, I know better about him: Dogs dont like fish or milk. And surely they do not like toy

    2、 mice. Most important of all, they will let you know when they are really unhappy!1What can we learn about Bobby in the passage?A. He likes cats.B. He is Sams pet.C. He is four years old.D. He enjoys talking with Sam.2In Sams dream, Bobby and Sam _.A. fought with each otherB. went shopping togetherC

    3、. had a face-to-face talkD. went out for a walk3From the Paragraph 4, we can know that Bobby wants to say _.A. he enjoys his life a lotB. Sam loves him the wrong wayC. he hopes to have a catD. Sam isnt a generous person4Sam bought a house for Bobby because _.A. Bobby did not sleep well in his roomB.

    4、 Bobby needed more space for his toysC. Bobby was too big to share a bed with himD. Bobby did not always like to be with others5The writer buys many things for Bobby EXCEPT (除之外) _.A. some clothes B. toy miceC. fish D. milk【答案】1B2C3B4D5A【解析】文章介绍了作者通过梦感觉更了解自己的宠物狗了。1根据文章介绍了作者通过梦感觉更了解自己的宠物狗了。故选B2根据In t

    5、he dream, Bobby looked quite unhappy. He had a face-to-face talk with me故选C3根据第四段的内容作者给狗买的东西,它都不喜欢,可知作者在用一种错误的方式来爱它;4根据I even bought a small house for him, because he sometimes likes to stay at some place only by himself故选D5根据I buy him fish and milk and lots of toy mice every week故选AI had many good

    6、friends when I was a middle school girl. But there is only one of them that I can never forget. Her name is Susan and she lived next to me. Although she was 2 years older than I, we liked each other.At school, Susan was a star. She did very well in all the subjects, but never seemed to be proud (骄傲的

    7、) of that. She was quiet, but she was like an elder sister to all the students in my grade. She was always willing to help us.Susan was very kind. She was the only child of her family. She was always polite to the old and the poor, and kind to her friends. She often gave her pocket money away to the

    8、 poor people in streets. She was quiet and it might make her look weak, but behind her smiling face was a strong will (意愿) of her own. So no one at school would think she was a weak person.After she finished the middle school, she moved to the USA with her family. For quite a long time, I missed her

    9、 very much. I will always remember her.6Susan was a star at school because _.A. She was not proud of herselfB. She was like a big sister to usC. She was good at all her subjectsD. She had many friends7No one at school would think she was a weak person because _.A. She had a strong willB. She was qui

    10、etC. She was politeD. She was very kind8The writer doesn t tell us Susan was _ according to the passage.A. kind B. generousC. quiet D. honest9Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The writer was Susan s neighbour before.B. The writer is older than Susan.C. Susan has no broth

    11、er or sister.D. Susan doesnt live in China now.10The best title ( 标题) for the passage is _.A. My elder sister B. My old friendC. A friend in need D. My new friend6C7A8D9B10B【解析】文章介绍了作者中学时期的好朋友苏珊。6根据At school, Susan was a star. She did very well in all the subjects,故选C7根据but behind her smiling face w

    12、as a strong will (意愿) of her own. So no one at school would think she was a weak person.故选A8根据Susan was very kind 可知A对,根据 She often gave her pocket money away to the poor people in streets.可知B对,根据She was quiet可知C对;故选D9根据Although she was 2 years older than I,故选B10根据文章介绍了作者中学时期的好朋友苏珊。MrSmith works in

    13、a companyHe has neither a wife nor childrenHe lives in an old housealoneHe likes nothing but drinking He nearly spends all his money on drinksSometimes he is hungry,so he has to borrow some money from his workmates to buy a little food One evening he met a friend of his in the streetThe man asked hi

    14、m to have dinner in a restaurantHe was happy and drank a lotWhen they left there at midnight,he could hardly standThe man has to stop a taxi and asked the driver to carry him homeSoon they arrived at the door of his houseWith the help of the driver,he got off “Thank you,sir”MrSmith said,”Now I can o

    15、pen the door myself” The taxi went away,buc he couldnt put the key into the keyholeHe was trying to do it while a policeman came “Can I help you put the key into the keyhole,sir?”asked the policeman “Thank you,sir,”MrSmith”The house is circling nowIf you can stop it moving,I can open the door myself

    16、”11MrSmith works_A. in a company B. in the field C. on a farm D. in a factory12He spends all his money_A. on books B. on his clothes C. on drinks D. on cigarettes13One evening ML Smiths friend asked him_A. to go to the cinema B. to take part in a partyC. to watch the football match D. to have dinner

    17、14That night he could hardly stand because he_A. drank a lot B. felt tired C. was hungry D. was too happy15Which of the following is right according to the passage?A. MrSmith was caught by the policemanB. Mr. Smith was drunkC. MrSmiths house was movingD. The policeman helped MrSmith to stop the hous

    18、e moving11A12C13D14A15B【解析】试题分析:这是一篇小故事,作者塑造了一个滑稽可笑的醉汉形象,令人捧腹。11题意:史米斯先生在 工作。考查细节理解题。根据第一句MrSmith works in a company,可知选A。12题意:他花了所有的钱_。根据第二段开头He nearly spends all his money on drinks,可知选C。13题意:一天晚上,史密斯的朋友请他 。根据The man asked him to have dinner in a restaurant.,可知朋友叫他一起吃饭,故选D。14题意:那天晚上,他几乎无法站立,因为他_。根

    19、据He was happy and drank a lotWhen they left there at midnight,he could hardly stand.,可知史密斯先生喝多了,故选A。15题意:根据文章,下列哪一项是正确的?考查细节和综合理解题。A. MrSmith was caught by the policeman史米斯先生被警察抓住了;根据He was trying to do it while a policeman came,可知说法错误。B. Mr. Smith was drunk史米斯先生喝醉了;根据后面的故事,可知说法正确。C. MrSmiths house

    20、was moving史密斯先生的房子移动了;不合常识,错误选项。D. The policeman helped MrSmith to stop the house moving警察帮助史米斯先生阻止房子移动;根据Can I help you put the key into the keyhole,sir?,可知说法错误。根据以上分析,故选B。点睛:对于阅读理解题,首先要粗读文章了解大意,其次通过细读,理解全文。在粗读的基础上,仔细阅读题后所给的题目,根据题目要求,再有重点地返回来仔细阅读。在阅读理解的题目中,所设问题主要有以下几种方式:找主题或概括文章的中心思想、就文中的具体事实和情节进行提


    22、测试点。还有一些测试题,要求考生在理解的基础上,通过自己的思维将理解的内容系统化,比如计算、排序等题型。I have a good friend called Mr Black. He is a good doctor in a hospital. Hes often busy and has no time to do the housework. His wife knows him well and does all at home. Bad luck! Their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and has to

    23、 be in hospital now. Mrs Black has to look after her there and she cant go home. Mr Black often eats something in the restaurant. As he never did any tidying, the rooms were all in a mess(混乱).Yesterday morning, before Mr Black got up, the telephone rang. He sat up to answer it. His friend told him t

    24、o write down an important telephone number. But he could find neither a pen nor a piece of paper. He found there was much dust (灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it. But soon he forgot it and went to work. Two hours later his wife came back and looked for a sweater for her daughter. Her husba

    25、nd came in while she was tidying the rooms. He couldnt see the number and shouted, “Who let you tidy the room? ”16Where does Mr Black work?A. In a school. B. In an office. C. In a hospital. D. In a restaurant.17Who does the housework at home?A. Mr Black B. Mrs Black C. Mr Blacks mother D. Mr Blacks

    26、father18Why is Mr Blacks daughter in hospital?A. She fell off her bike. B. She was hurt in a traffic accident.C. She fell off the tree. D. She had a bad cold.19Where did Mr Black write the important telephone number?A. In a book. B. On the paper. C. On the desk. D. On the wall.20Which sentence is ri

    27、ght?A. Mr Black cleans the rooms every day.B. Mrs Black came back home yesterday afternoon.C. Mr Black never eats anything in the restaurant.D. Mrs Black looks after her daughter in the hospital.16C17B18B19C20D【解析】短文大意:布莱克先生在医院里是个好医生。他经常很忙,没有时间做家务,布莱克夫人在家做所有的家务。一次他们的女儿受伤住院,布莱克夫人在医院照顾女儿,不能回家。由于布莱克先生从

    28、不打扫房间,房间里乱七八糟。还有一次把重要的电话号码写在了布满灰尘的书桌上,妻子回家整理房间时把电话号码也擦去了。16细节理解题。根据短文开头的句子“I have a good friend called Mr. Black. He is a good doctor in a hospital.”可知,布莱克先生在医院上班,故答案为C。17细节理解题。根据文中句子“Hes often busy and has no time to do the housework. His wife knows him well and does all at home.”可知,布莱克夫人在家做所有的家务,故

    29、答案为B。 18细节理解题。根据第二段开头的句子“Their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and has to be in hospital now.”可知,布莱克先生的女儿在一次事故中受伤了而住进了医院,故答案为B。19细节理解题。根据文中句子“He found there was much dust (灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it.”可知,布莱克先生把电话号码写在了桌子上,故答案为C。20细节判断题。根据第二段中的句子“Mrs. Black has to look after her there


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