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    1、景区总体规划面积26平方公里,这里水草丰茂,远古时期曾是珍稀动物麋鹿群居的乐园。Qin Lake National Wetland Park locates in the Lixia River area in the middle of Jiangsu Province, and is in the eastern area of Taizhou city, which was opened to public in 2003 and was approved as the National AAAA level Tourist Attraction by the National Tour

    2、ism Administration, and was approved as the National Wetland Park by the State Forestry Administration at the same year, which became the first National Wetland Park in Jiangsu province and the second in the whole country. The overall planed area of the scenic spot is 26 square kilometers. It used t

    3、o be the gregarious paradise for moose in ancient times. “莫道江南花似锦,溱潼水国胜江南”。秀丽的环境、淳朴的民风、厚重的文化,奠定了溱湖的人文底蕴。南宋岳飞曾在此驻军抗金;元末张士诚于此起兵反元;抗战时期陈毅部属管文蔚与国民党将领李明扬曾在湖上泛舟夜谈,会商抗战大计。此外这里还流传着世代农夫渔民无数轶事传奇。“Regardless of the flowery area in the south of the Yangtze River, for the Qintong water area is much better”. Beau

    4、tiful environment, honest folk custom and profound culture, established the cultural inner secrets of Qin Lake. In history, the General Yue Fei in Southern Song used to garrison here to fight against Jin dynasty; Zhang Shicheng used to raise troops and fight against Yuan dynasty in here at the end o

    5、f Yuan dynasty; Guan Wenwei, subordinate of Chenyi, used to talk with Li Mingyang, a general of Kuomintang, on the lake about the strategies in the war of resistance in the period of the war of Resistance Against Japan. Besides, there are other numberless popular stories and legends about farmers an

    6、d fishermen in generations. 经过近年来的开发建设,已形成了以溱湖为主体的水环境景区,以“中国麋鹿故乡园”为品牌的湿地生态景区,以“全球生态500佳”为主体的生态农业观光区,以及以溱潼古镇景区、中国溱潼会船节为代表的人文景观区。Through the development and construction of the recent years, it has formed the scenic spot of water environment with the main body of Qin Lake, the wetland ecological sceni

    7、c spot with the brand of “Home Park of China Moose”, sightseeing area of ecological agriculture with the main body of “Global Five Hundred Best Ecology”, and the landscape land of humanity with the representative of Qintong Ancient Town Scenic Spot and China Qintong Boat Festival. (二)景区平面图(II) Ortho

    8、graphic Plan of Scenic Spot(三)各景点详细介绍(III) Detail Introduction of Scenic Spots1.【园区大门】1. Entrance of the Park园区大门造型非常独特,由五条船的形状相叠而成,象征着一年一度的中国姜堰溱潼会船节在此举行,它的创意旨在“以船会友,以节招商”,上面的“溱湖国家湿地公园”八个大字,由中国野生动植物保护协会会长赵学敏先生亲笔题写。The modeling of the entrance of the park is very special, which was made of the piled

    9、shapes of five boats, which stands for the China Jiangyan-Qintong Boat Festival once per year would be held in here. The purpose of its idea is “Meeting friends by boats, and attracting investment by festival”. The Eight words in the entrance “Qin Lake National Wetland Park” were written personally

    10、by Mr. Zhao Xuemin, president of China Wild Plants and Animals Protection Association. 2.【军体乐园】2. Military Sports Garden军体乐园是溱湖拓展休闲基地,共分为三个区域:小型娱乐项目区、拓展训练区和彩弹射击区。The Military Sports Garden is the base of outward development and leisure of Qin Lake, with three districts: district for small entertainm

    11、ents, district for outward development and paintball shooting area. 小型娱乐项目区有水上步行球、无动力碰碰车等一些游乐项目。拓展训练区就是场地上的一些高空设施,设有求生墙、信任背摔台、考验团队合作的天梯、个人胆量突破的空中断桥等等。The district for small entertainments has walk ball above the water, non-powered bumper car and other items of entertainment. The district for outward

    12、 development has some overhead facilities on the ground, with survival wall, trusted back fall platform, Jacobs ladder that test the team works, air broken bridge that test the breakthrough of personal courage, etc. 彩弹射击区是苏北地区唯一的一家彩弹射击场。彩弹射击是一项极富挑战性的军事体育活动,可以换上装备进入战区进行CS真人彩弹对抗。The paintball shooting

    13、 area is the only paintball shooting area around the north of Jiangsu province. The paintball shooting is a military sport activity with high challenge, where you could equip the equipments and enter into the war zone to experience the true CS paintball fighting. 3.【溱湖】3. Qin Lake溱湖又称喜鹊湖、鸡鹊湖,因过去有“许多

    14、鸡鹊飞集”而得名。溱湖东西长1.4公里,南北长1.5公里,形似玉佩,面积2.1平方公里,登高而望,四面八方通达湖区的主要河流有九条,自然形成“九龙朝阙”的奇异景观。Qin Lake is also named as Magpie Lake and Pied Magpie Lake, which gains the name for there used to be “Many Pied Magpie Flying” in the old days. The Qin Lake is 1.4 km long from west to east and 1.5 km long from north

    15、to south, its shape is like the jade wearing, and its area is 2.1 square kilometers. If you step high to look around, you could find nine main rivers that connect the Lake areas from all sides, which forms the fantastic landscape of “Nine Dragon Going to the Royal Court”. 溱湖湖面开阔,湖水清纯甘冽,达到国家二级饮用水标准,湖

    16、心水可直接饮用,溱湖还盛产青虾,簖蟹、螺贝等各种水产品。水产鲜活鲜嫩,营养丰富,有“溱湖八鲜”之美称。湖中还盛产菱角、荷藕等无公害绿色食品,溱湖水产中尤以“溱湖簖蟹”闻名天下,青眼红毛,膏厚肉嫩。The lake surface of Qin Lake is broad with top quality lake water, which reaches the National Second Level of Drinking Water Standard, and your could drink the water in the mid-lake directly. Besides, t

    17、he Qin Lake is rich in producing the freshwater shrimp, blue crab, spiral shell and other aquatic products. Those aquatic products are alive and fresh with prolific nutrition, which own the laudatory title of “Eight Tasty Products in Qin Lake”. It is also rich in producing the water caltrop, root of

    18、 lotus and other nuisanceless green food. Among the aquatic products of Qin Lake, the “Qin Lake Blue Crab” is especially famous throughout the land for those crabs are blue eyes, red feather, thick paste and soft meat. 4.【会船观礼广场】4. Sightseeing Ground for Boat Festival会船观礼广场是波浪形台地式造型的建筑,会船节当天可容纳5000名

    19、贵宾和30000名游客,整个会船观礼广场包括表演舞台、发令台及服务设施。会船节过后可以作为平时集会、演出、娱乐的场所。The sightseeing ground for boat festival is a building with the shape of waved tableland, which could hold 5000 VIPs and 30000 tourists on the day of boat festival. The sightseeing ground consists of a performance stage, a starters tower and

    20、 service facilities. It could be used as the place for meeting, performance and entertainment in normal times after the boat festival. 5.【喜鹊湖度假村】5. Magpie Lake Vacation Village按照四星级标准兴建的一家花园式度假村,由商务会所、餐饮、别墅区三个部分组成,占地面积约80多亩,建筑设计新颖,充分体现了园林风格和水乡特色。度假村拥有标房49间,豪标62间,风格各异的别墅8栋,等等共计180余间。此外,各类临湖餐厅21间,共设有餐

    21、位500余个,会务楼设有中小会议室7间,可以同时容纳1000人开会就餐,不仅如此,各种宴会厅、棋牌室、KTV、游泳池、茶吧、温泉桑拿浴场等各种现代化娱乐休闲设施一应俱全。It is a vacation village in garden style that is built basing on the four-star standard, which consists of three parts of business club, catering and villa area. It covers about over 80-mu land area with new and uni

    22、que architectural design, which fully shows the landscape style and features of water country. The vacation village owns more than 180 rooms, including 49 standard rooms, 62 luxurious rooms, 8 villas in different styles, etc. Besides, it also owns 21 lakeside restaurants with more than 500 seats; th

    23、ere are 7 conference rooms in middle and small sizes in the conference building, which could hold 1000 person to take the meeting and dinner at the same time. Moreover, there are full sets of modern entertainment leisure facilities, such as various kinds of Banqueting Halls, Chess & Poker Rooms, KTV

    24、, Swimming Pool, Teahouse, Spa Bathing Spot, etc. 6.【湿地科普宣教中心】6. Communication and Education Center of Wetland Scientific Popularization占地面积5700平方米,总投资5000万元,主要以生态展示、科普教育、生态示范功能为主,通过声、光、电等高科技现代化的手段向人们介绍湿地,使人们增长湿地的有关知识。The center has 5700 square meters land area and RMB 50 million yuan total investme

    25、nt, which functions are mainly ecological exhibition, education of scientific popularization and ecological demonstration. It will introduce the information about wetland through Acoustics, Optics, Electricity other high-tech modern measures to the visitors, and enrich the knowledge about the wetlan

    26、d. 溱湖湿地科普宣教中心共分为三层,一层展厅主要介绍的是长江流域的湖泊湿地。通过介绍湿地的基本知识、湿地的功能和价值、湿地的变迁等加深人们对湿地的了解。在一层还设有4D影院,除了立体的视觉画面外,放映现场还能模拟闪电、烟雾等自然现象,将现场特技效果与立体画面紧密结合,在视觉和身体体验上给观众带来身临其境的感觉。The Communication and Education Center of Wetland Scientific Popularization of Qin Lake has three layers. The first layer mainly introduces the

    27、 lakes and wetlands in the Yangtze River Valley (Basin). It will deepen peoples understanding about the knowledge of wetland through introducing the basic knowledge of wetland, functions and values of wetland, changes of wetland, etc. There is a 4D cinema in the first layer, which will imitate light

    28、ning, smokes and other natural phenomenon in the spot except the solid optical pictures. Combining the spot special effects and solid pictures closely, it will bring the feeling to the audiences, as they were right on the scene. 二层展厅主要介绍溱湖湿地的相关内容,通过模拟溱湖的生态场景,能够进一步展示生活在溱湖的各种生物。此外,将古镇溱潼的场景复原,展示古镇风采。 T

    29、he exhibition hall in the second layer mainly introduces the relevant contents about the wetland in Qin Lake, which could further display the various lives in Qin Lake by imitating the ecological scene of Qin Lake. Besides, it will recover the scene of Qintong and display the graceful bearing of thi

    30、s ancient town. 三层展厅通过兽类、鱼类及各种鸟类标本的呈现,展示了溱湖湿地生物的多样性。利用翻转式百叶窗展示了溱湖春、夏、秋、冬四季不同的景色。此外,三层还设有观鸟观景区,并且配备了高倍望远镜,可以感受人鸟相近的观鸟天堂。The third layer will display the diversity of wetland lives in Qin Lake by showing the sample of various kinds of animals, fishes and birds. It also shows the different scene of Qin

    31、 Lake through reversible shutter in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Moreover, there is also bird scenic spot in the third layer that is equipped with high power telescope, which is the paradise for observing the birds and could make you feel the close feeling between you and the bird. 7.【水禽园】7. Water Birds Garden占地面积约300亩,通过水系的疏通结合地形改造,形成以水为核心的小型空间,通过栏网分隔,使这些小空间成为水禽的展示空间,这里拥有多元化的生态环境,不同种类及习性的鸟类均可在此地找到合适的栖息地。通过设置园路、栈道、平台,使游人能近距离、多角度地观赏水禽。在这里不仅能感受到大自然的魅力,还能接触多样化的湿地生态。The land area of this garden is about 300-mu. It forms the small spaces with the core


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