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    1、党校在职研究生英语复习题2012研究生-英语复习题一、单项选择1. _B_ a long time since I saw my father last time. A. There is B. It isC. There are D. For2. It _A_ last night, for the ground is white. A. must have snowed B. must snow C. should snow D. should have snowed3. I dont know whether it will rain or not, but if it _C_ I sh

    2、all stay at home. A. shall B. do C. does D. did4. It is _A_ that Id like to go for a picnic. A. such a lovely day B. too lovely a day C. so lovely day D. a lovely day such5. It was a great satisfaction for those overseas Chinese _A_ their hometown in China. A. to have visited B. revisit C. to having

    3、 revisited D. revisiting6. They found at last _C_ they had been looking for. A. that B. where C. what D. which7. Would you mind _D_ this letter for me? A. have posted B. has posted C. to post D. posting8. Mrs. Wilson has a _C_ nephew. A. three years old B. three year old C. three-year-old D. three-y

    4、ears-old9. The old man is too old to take care of _A_. He needs some help.A. himself B. herselfC. themselves D. oneself10. He is busy with his work now, and he _C_ you later.A. shall see B. may will seeC. will see D. will sees11. She _C_ money and forgetting to pay you back. A. borrowed B. borrowsC.

    5、 is always borrowing D. has borrow12. Linda _B_ China since last September.A. was away from B. has been away from C. will be away from D. is away from13. When I was young, I _A_ to school every day.A. walked B. was walkingC. had walked D. had been walking14. These questions _C_ at tomorrows meeting.

    6、A. have been discussed B. had been discussedC. will be discussed D. shall be discussed 15. Mr. White has been head of the financial department _B_. A. every year B. since 2001 C. five years ago D. in 200116. The music _A_ beautiful and makes people quiet and relaxed. A. sounds B. listens C. hears D.

    7、 smells17. The man _D_ we visited yesterday is a famous writer.A. where B. whose C. what D. whom 18. The teacher told us that he _C_ the problem with us next week.A. will discuss B. has discussedC. would discuss D. had discussed 19. My cousin writes good English but _A_ speak well.A. doesnt B. dontC

    8、. not D. didnt 20. He was taken to a room at the end of the corridor (走廊), _D_ he met his mother.A. which B. thereC. that D. where 21. Mary visited the Great Wall yesterday, but now she _C_ about it in her hotel room.A. reads a book B. will read a bookC. is reading a book D. has read a book22. It wa

    9、s raining when the plane _D_.A. found out B. got outC. passed on D. took off23. When we lived on the farm, I _A_ horses every day.A. used to ride B. was used to rideC. am used to ride D. were used to ride24. The more friends you have, _B_ you will feel.A. the happy B. the happierC. the happiest D. t

    10、he happily25. Of all his novels I like this one _A_.A. best B. better C. the better D. well26. I have known the reason _B_ she is so worried.A. which B. why C. that D. for why27. The river _B_ they crossed is two miles wide.A. when B. which C. to which D. where28. It _A_ difficult to say that learni

    11、ng a foreign language is easy. A. is B. areC. be D. am29. If we study hard, _B_ the exam.A. we passed B. we will pass C. we are passing D. we have passed30. Many people in the rural (乡村的) area _C_ against backwardness (落后) and poverty now.A. struggled B. will struggleC. are struggling D. have strugg

    12、led31. Telephone _C_ in our everyday life.A. being used B. usesC. is used D. is using32. It _D_ a great deal since you left.A. is raining B. rainedC. was raining D. has rained33. More and more people found _A_ necessary to have a balanced diet. A. it B. that C. this D. one34. I often have _A_ and tw

    13、o eggs for breakfast.A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milkC. two glasses of milks D. two glass of milks35. Kate is _A_ than her mother.A. taller B. more tallerC. the tallest D. more tall 36. This is the most interesting novel _B_ I have ever read.A. which B. that C. when D. on which37. Who is

    14、the student _A_ professor Wang praised at the meeting?A. whom B. which C. whose D. what38. If he _A_ to go, Ill ask someone else to go with me.A. doesnt want B. dont want C. not want D. not wants39. I _D_ you the book as soon as possible, I promise you.A. send B. sentC. would send D. will send40. Bi

    15、ll is studying hard now, because he _C_ tomorrow afternoon.A. is having a test B. have a testC. will be having a test D. has a test 41. Our washing machine _C_ out of order for a few days.A. is B. is beingC. has been D. was42. I called on (拜访) her and found that she _B_.A. go abroad B. had gone abro

    16、ad C. has gone abroad D. went abroad 43. The car accident _B_ at exactly twelve midnight last Saturday.A. happened B. was happening C. happens D. had happened44. Which language do you like _A_, English or French?A. better B. more C. best D. most45. It is my opinion _C_ children nowadays get too much

    17、 pocket money.A. that B. whatC. why D. when二、阅读理解(1)There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. But only a few of them are very important. English is one of these. Many, many people use it, not only in England and the U.S. A., but also in other parts of the world. About 200, 000,000 spea

    18、k it as their own language. It is difficult to say how many people are learning it as a foreign language. Many millions are trying to do so.Is it easy or difficult to learn English? Different people may have different answers. Have you ever noticed ads of this kind in the newspapers or magazines? “L

    19、earn English in six weeks, or your money back ” “Easy and fun! Our records and tapes help you master your English in a month. From the first day your pronunciation will be excellent. Just send ” Of course, it never happens quite like that.The only language that seems easy to learn is the mother tong

    20、ue. We should remember that we all learned our own language well when we were children. If we could learn English in the same way, it would not seem so difficult. Think of what a small child does. He listens to what people say. He tries what he hears. When he wants something, he has to ask for it. H

    21、e is using the language, talking in it, thinking in it all the time. Just imagine how much practice that gets.So it is hard to say that learning English is easy, because a good command of English depends upon a lot of practice. And practice needs great effort and takes much time. Good teachers, reco

    22、rds, tapes, books, and dictionaries will help. But they cannot do the students work for him.1. Which of the following is not true about English? (A )A. About 2 million people in the world speak English.B. People not only in England and the U.S.A. but also in other parts of the world use English.C. I

    23、t is difficult to say how many people in the world learn English as a foreign language.D. English is one of the most important languages spoken in the world.2. Why is learning English not easy? ( C)A. Because it is difficult to say how many people are learning English.B. Because ads in the newspaper

    24、s or magazines do not offer the right records and tapes.C. Because people do not practice enough in learning English.D. Because it is too difficult for adults to learn English.3. What advice does the writer give to English learners? (C )A. To attend the training class and master it in six weeks.B. T

    25、o look for a good teacher.C. To spend a lot of time practicing it.D. To buy many English books.4. How does a child learn his own language? ( D)A. He listens to what people say.B. He tries what he hears.C. When he wants something, he has to ask for it.D. All of the above. 5. What is the main idea of

    26、the passage? (A )A. Learning English needs great effort and takes much time.B. English is one of the most important languages in the world.C. Good teachers, records, tapes, books, and dictionaries will help people learn English well.D. Learning English is easy and fun.(2)If you have to miss one meal

    27、 a day, which meal will cause you fewest health problem if you dont eat it? If they have to make a decision of this type, most people, especially dieters or very busy people will choose to skip breakfast.However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast to be the most important meal of

    28、 the day. If we eat a good breakfast, they say, we will have the energy and nutrients we need to begin our working day with vigor and hopefully with good humor. Nevertheless, many people skip breakfast or substitute a donut and a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal. What happens if we ignore the

    29、importance of breakfast?One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people. Participants included both males and females who ranged in age from 12 to 83. During the experiment, these people were given a variety of breakfasts, and sometimes, they had to skip breakfast com

    30、pletely. Special tests, including blood tests and endurance tests, were set up to analyze how well the participants bodies functioned when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.The results showed that if a person eats an adequate breakfast, he or she will work more efficiently and more producti

    31、vely. This fact appears to be especially true if a persons work involves mental activity. The study showed that if schoolchildren eat fruit, eggs, bread, and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfa


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