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    1、10. There are many _ (分支) lines on the railway network. II. 同步语法(过去分词作宾语补足语) (30分) A) 从A、B、C、D中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(10分) 1. When I entered the theatre, I saw him _ in the first row. A. had sat B. settled C. seated D. seating 2. The two cheats _ the lights _ all night. A. let; lighted B. had; burning C. c

    2、aused; burn D. made; lit 3. I found my daughter quite _ in drawing. A. interested B. impressed C. addicted D. created 4. If you have a fan in front of your face, you can feel the air _ against your face. A. reflecting B. going C. sailing D. moving 5. With the boy _ the way, the soldiers managed to w

    3、alk through the forest. A. seeking B. led C. leading D. sought 6. Before he came to London, he had never heard a single English word _. A. told B. talked C. spoken D. said 7. Walking along the river we heard someone in the water _ for help. A. seeking B. shouting C. glancing D. dreaming 8. -Is there

    4、 anything I can do for you? -Im going to get _. A. posted those letters B. those letters posted C. to post those letters D. those letters post 9. The programme was so exciting that the children kept their eyes _ on the screen. A. fixed B. glanced C. related D. matched 10. The captain placed the flag

    5、 over the boy, leaving only his face _. A. opened B. viewed C. presented D. uncovered B) 根据句中所给汉语,用后面括号中所给的词完成下列句子。1. If I get further information, Ill _ _ _ (随时让你知道). (keep) 2. I dont _ _ _ _ (想把孩子们带出去) in such bad weather. (want) 3. The rich lady _ _ _ _ (让那位歌手吃饭) with the servants. (have) 4. The

    6、group of children _ _ _ _ _ _ _(用沙子装满了那个瓶子). (have) 5. His words _ _ _(使我纳闷) about his real purpose. (leave) 6. We can _ _ _ (看见游客被打动) by the beauty of Bei- jing. (see) 7. When I opened the door, I _ _ _ _ (发现地面覆盖着) with fallen leaves. (find) 8. Did you _ _ _ _ _ (注意到一个小男孩被带走) by a policeman? (notic

    7、e) 9. On my way back home, I _ _ _ _ (听见有人叫我的名字). (hear) 10. _ _ _ _ _ (把所有的工作都做完后), they hurried back home for lunch. (with) C) 读下列短文,并用文中所给动词的正确形式填空。As I came around the corner, the taxi stopped suddenly. The driver got out and I could see him 1_ (puzzle). A big truck following the taxi stopped to

    8、o. The taxi driver was standing at the corner looking up at the sky and the truck driver went to join him. Many cars behind were forced to stop as well and soon a crowd of people gathered at the corner. The cause of all this trouble was a very strange noise. All the people there could hear thousands

    9、 of birds 2_ (sing). The noise was quite frightening and many people looked disturbed. The uncommon thing was that there was no bird in sight. No one was able to find the answer to the mystery until two policemen arrived. They noticed a large board 3_ (print) posters for a film high up on a wall nea

    10、rby. As the noise seemed to be coming from this direction, they climbed up and found a tape recorder 4_ (hide) behind the board. The noise made by birds singing was being broadcast over powerful loudspeakers to attract the attention of passers-by. The police asked the advertisers to take the recorde

    11、r away because the advertisement had attracted so much attention that it was impossible for a great many cars to move freely in the street and it made many people 5_ (disturb). III. 课本要点(30分) 1. Please look at these two styles of building. In which building would you _ to live?A. hope B. love C. pre

    12、fer D. wish 2. He invented a special bed which would get you up in the morning, but his bed is not on _. A. condition B. sale C. order D. store 3. Streets, squares, buildings and parks are all _, planned and built in different styles. A. constructed B. prepared C. restored D. designed 4. -Which pict

    13、ure on show do you like best?-The one on the left_me most because it is huge and beautiful. A. impresses B. disappoints C. reflects D. bores 5. The old building is going to be _ down because it hasnt been used for many years. A. turned B. pulled C. put D. brought 6. Some old people wont feel happy l

    14、iving in a _ of apartments. They would rather live in old houses. A. block B. line C. building D. kind 7. -I think modern buildings are beautiful. -I dont think so. I think they look like boxes with flat roofs, sharp corners and glass walls that _ mirrors. A. take as B. look on as C. treat as D. act

    15、 as 8. A _ is to a boat what an engine is to a car. A. fisherman B. river C. sail D. sea 9. I have found out that the house _at $100 a month. A. costs B. rents C. pays D. spends 10. Now new uses are given to some old buildings. Its a great way to _ the architecture from the past. A. save B. protect

    16、C. reuse D. recycle B) 用所给词及词组的适当形式填空(注意有两个多余的选项)。take example,construct, impress, in a hurry, act as, fill up with, set aside,prefer,close to, would rather, be covered with, rent 1. I know youre very busy, but you ought to _ some time to visit your parents. 2. In the United States people stand _ ea

    17、ch other than English people. 3. Mother asked the boy _ the bag _ books. 4. _ you _ live in a traditional house than a modern building?5. If you do things _, you will make mistakes. 6. What _ me most is his confidence and courage. 7. All the hills surrounding their village _ green trees. 8. Some You

    18、ng Pioneers stand at streets, _ policemen. 9. Antonio Gaudi was a Spanish architect, whose works _ in and around Barcelona. 10. Some young artists do not have enough money _ studios to work and live. C) 根据句意和课本内容,用正确的介词或副词填空。1. If you are asked to design a house, what will that house look _?2. _ cla

    19、ss, you should share your ideas _ your classmates and your teacher. 3. What kind of furniture would you like to buy _ your new house?4. _ my opinion, modern buildings are more beautiful than traditional ones. 5. Some modern architecture takes examples _ nature. 6. Most old people dont like modern bu

    20、ildings _ glass walls. 7. The new Olympic Stadium _ Beijing looks _ a birds nest made _ tree branches. 8. The roof of a building is the structure _ the top of a building to keep the rain _. 9. -Could you describe a balcony?-Yes. It is an area _ a wall or bars _ it. 10. Some old buildings were decora

    21、ted _ small round windows that remind us _ ships. IV. 综合能力训练(50分) A)完形填空。(20分) Though pyramids are found in Egypt,the word pyramid comes from the Greek language.1the Greeks first arrived in Egypt long ago, they found many grand stones2 which they named pyramids. The Greeks wondered3 the Egyptians ha

    22、d built the great pyramids,but they could not find the4 , and even now we still dont know exactly how. It is5 in many ancient books written in Arabic(阿拉伯语)and found in Egypt that the Egyptians6 life after death. When a person7 , his family or friends placed the things near his body which they though

    23、t he might need. Emperors or kings had great8 , so their bodies were kept inside the great pyramids,which they had had them built for many years even while they were still9 . The Great Pyramid,which was 482 feet high and10 two square kilometers of land, was built for King Khufu with 23,000,000 block

    24、s of large stones, the smallest of which even11 over 25,000 kilograms as12 as a car. How the ancient Egyptians13 , moved and lifted such heavy stones without modern machines has always remained a great14 to present scholars. Perhaps these stones were taken across the Nile in boats at15 time. Maybe t

    25、hey were moved on rollers using slippery Nile mud on land and16 up along sloping(倾斜的)roads to the sides of the pyramids. It is still a great17 that the stones18 together so well that even a straight knife cannot be pushed between them. Century after century, strong winds have been19 yellow sand arou

    26、nd the pyramids. Different rulers have come and gone. Everything seems to20 except the pyramids. They have remained a 5000-year-old mystery(奥秘)in silence. 1. A. While B. Since C. When D. As 2. A. house B. buildings C. bridges D. dams 3. A. how B. when C. why D. where 4. A. reason B. cause C. way D. answer 5. A. known B. said C. recorded D. noted 6. A. believed in B. believed C. supposed D. expected 7. A. lived B. was ill C. was strong D. died 8. A. armies B. powers C. friends D. officials 9. A. happy B. unborn C. alive D. over 10. A. owned B. was C. lay D. c


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