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    1、So what is the right amount of praise? Experts say that the quality of praise is more important than the quantity. If praise is sincere and focused on the effort not the outcome, you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves a verbal reward. “We should especially recognize our

    2、childrens efforts to push themselves and work hard to achieve a goal”, says Donahue, author of Parenting Without Fear: Letting Go of Worry and Focusing on What Really Matters. “One thing to remember is that its the process not the end product that matters. ”Your son may not be the best basketball pl

    3、ayer on his team. But if hes out there every day and playing hard, you should praise his effort regardless of whether his team wins or loses. Praising the effort and not the outcome can also mean recognizing your child when she has worked hard to clean the yard, cook dinner, or finish a book report.

    4、 But whatever it is, praise should be given on a case-by-case basis and be proportionate( 相称的)to the amount of effort our child has put into it. 练考场审题Step 1:精准审题谋篇布局文体议论文时态一般现在时原文分析第一段:指出父母过多表扬孩子的弊端第二段:指出表扬得太少也不好第三、四段:给出建议, 要根据孩子实际付出的努力而非最终的结果来表扬孩子Step 2:头脑风暴字字珠玉(1)美词:extreme, enthusiasm, insufficie

    5、nt praise, an appropriate amount of, based on, rather than(2)佳句Experts warn about two extremes when it comes to parents praise for their children. Therefore, the given advice is that an appropriate amount of praise should be given based on process rather than the result. Step 3:斟酌词句妙笔生花要点1:专家警告家长们不要

    6、太多或太少表扬孩子。一般表达:Experts warn parents not to praise their children too much or too little. 句式升级(时间状语从句)专家警告说, 父母对孩子的表扬存有两个极端。Experts warn about two extremes when it comes to parents praise for their children. 要点2:因此, 家长们应该基于过程而不是结果表扬孩子。Therefore, parents should praise children based on the process rat

    7、her than the result. 句式升级(表语从句, 被动语态)因此, 给出的建议是, 适当的表扬应该基于过程而不是结果。Therefore, the given advice is that an appropriate amount of praise should be given based on process rather than the resultStep 4:衔接过渡斐然成篇Experts warn about two extremes when it comes to parents praise for their children. On the one h

    8、and, too much praise might lead to childrens lack of enthusiasm to explore new things, for theyre afraid they wont meet parents expectations. On the other hand, insufficient praise might let children consider efforts pointless. Therefore, parents should praise children based on the process rather th

    9、an the result. 1读下面短文, 根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。If youve heard people say they are having “high tea” in some exclusive, smart hotel lobby, you can smile to yourself, knowing that “high tea” is seldom served to tourists with fancy lodging. “High tea” doesnt refer to the “fancy” fixings, the elegant silver,

    10、 the pure-white table linens, or the luxury surroundings of a high-class salon. It is actually the main meal of the day, served between 6:00 and 7:00 p. m. The “high” in the phrase comes from the time of the day, meaning “late” or “high” in the afternoon. For a long time, the lower and middle classe

    11、s could afford only one meal per day. In order to make it through to the next day, the main meal would be taken after work and would consist of anything from the remnants of lunch to the very basic food staples of the time:a slice of bread, a hunk of cheese, a piece of sausage, all of which were eat

    12、en while drinking their evening tea. However, as the country advanced, the common people got wealthier, and evening meals began to be supplemented with heavier foods like roast beef, fish, eggs, vegetables, and potatoes. Sometimes referred to as a “meat tea” , or a “ham tea”, the term “high tea” has

    13、 been replaced with the modern equivalent of dinner. In contrast, “low tea”, or “afternoon tea” is served earlier in the afternoon, usually between 4:00 and 5:00. Originally started by Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, the tradition began when Anna needed a little sustenance to tide her over. Tidbits we

    14、re served with tea, and Anna invited friends to share conversation over these small snacks before the affair of the evening meal. In reality, people who have beautiful “teas” with fancy pastries and cakes nowadays, are partaking of the “low tea” or “light tea” that began so many years ago in Annas t

    15、ime. While the refreshments are pretty, they are “light” and the emphasis of the “afternoon tea” is on the presentation of the tea, and the conversation of the guests. 【参考范文】As the filling between two days by the poor historically, high tea is now the main meal, served between 6:00 p. m. (要点 1) In c

    16、ontrast, afternoon tea was once served by Anna, the Duchess of Bedford, before the big meal to her guests with snacks. (要点 2 ) Gradually, with the improvement of peoples living standards, dinner grew out of high tea, and people are focusing on conversation over afternoon tea. (要点 3)2The U. S. Fish a

    17、nd Wildlife Service( FWS) has issued a major update to the nations policy on elephant ivory. The measure bans almost all ivory sales and trade in the U. S. It was already illegal to import elephant ivory from other countries. The new restrictions cover ivory that has already been imported. Officials

    18、 hope the move will help stop poaching of elephants. African elephants are a threatened species, in large part because of illegal hunting. Conservation groups estimate that between 30, 000 and 50, 000 wild elephants have been killed by poachers each year since 2008. The main reason why poachers targ

    19、et elephants is for their ivory, which is very valuable. The U. S. is the second-largest market for ivory, behind China. Anti-poaching groups say the new ban makes an important statement. The new ivory ban includes very few exceptions. Some antiques and objects that contain a relatively small amount

    20、 of ivory, can still be bought and sold. The new restrictions replace a complex set of rules that made it both difficult to know what ivory was legal to sell and easy to cheat the system. For example, it was legal to trade ivory objects that had been made before elephants became endangered. Unfortun

    21、ately, some ivory dealers got around this rule by deliberately making new items appear older. These and other strategies meant it was relatively easy to sell illegal ivory in the U. S. The FWSs new restrictions close such loopholes. Conservationists agree that one of the most important ways to prote

    22、ct elephant populations is to give poachers fewer ways of making money from their kills. The less demand for ivory there is, the less appealing it will be to poach elephants. Some people are worried that the new ban will turn people who currently own antique items containing ivory, like musical inst

    23、ruments and trinkets, into lawbreakers. Conservationists applaud the restrictions, however. The U. S. is also hoping other nations will follow in its footsteps with more restrictive ivory rules. As it becomes more challenging to sell ivory products, the hope is that poaching will slow and elephant p

    24、opulations will grow. Ivory products benefit dealers so much that poachers spare no effort to kill elephants without mercy, leaving them dying out. (要点 1) To protect the endangered species, FWS bans any ivory sales and trade, including those imported long ago. (要点2)Though there are concerns from som

    25、e, conservationists stand by the ban strongly. (要点3) Also, America is expecting other nations to follow suit to make the elephants multiply quickly. (要点4)Hunger is a result of poverty, but it also causes poverty. In many countries women, although they do much of the fanning, lack access to training,

    26、 credit or land. Conflict, poor or corrupt management of natural resources, displacement of small farmers by natural disasters, and financial and economic crises that eliminate jobs at the lowest levels, all contribute to creating conditions that push the poorest into hunger. To break this vicious c

    27、ycle, the United States launched, in 2010, Feed the Future Initiative, which aims to reduce global hunger, poverty, and undernutrition by focusing on smallholders, increasing investments in agriculture and supporting country-owned plans for improving food security and nutrition while generating oppo

    28、rtunities for economic growth and trade. Back then, the U. S. government selected 19 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America to participate in the initiative, based on 5 criteria. Since 2010, Feed the Future has helped 9 million people living in the participating countries, pull themselves out o

    29、f poverty. The passage of the U. S. Global Food Security Act of 2016 endorsed Feed the Futures approach and ushered in a new era of the U. S. government global food security investment. A new, corresponding global food security strategy developed by the U. S. government is guiding Feed the Futures work as the initiative into its second phase. On August 31st, USAID Administrator Mark Green announced th


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