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    1、C. News reporters.D. Public speakers.2.A. $ 36.B. $60.C. $ 24.D. $30.3. A. Nervous.B. Excited.C. Surprised.D. Calm.4. A. They can hardly find time to do exercise.B. Both of them are fond of doing exercise.C. Doing exercise is the last thing theyd like to do.D. The woman disagrees to do exercise with

    2、 the man. 5. A. Student and teacher.B. Guest and receptionist.C. Customer and shop assistant.D. Daughter and father.6.A. The Student Union.B. The Tutoring Service Center.C. Her professors office.D. Her tutors home.7. A. The coverage of newspapers.B. The nature of humans.C. The increase of crime rate

    3、.D. The impact of mass media.8.A. Doctor Green is very busy on Mondays.B. Doctor Green forgot to put the man on the schedule.C. An unexpected patient visited Doctor Green last Monday.D. Patients can usually see Doctor Green on schedule.9. A. She is disappointed with his decision.B. She is crazy abou

    4、t going camping in the tropical jungle.C. She tries to persuade the man not to go with Jerry.D. She suggests the man reconsider his plan.10.A. Because he favors goods in physical stores.B. Because he enjoys the offline shopping experience.C. Because he doesnt have much money.D. Because he doesnt lik

    5、e the shopping festival. Section B In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When

    6、you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A. A number of giant rats are hidden in the fields or forests.B. Violent robbers may come out a

    7、nd hurt innocent civilians.C. People may step onto a landmine (地雷) and get injured.D. Other roads have a litter problem, which spoils good mood.12.A. It is a rare species of rat.B. It has a good sense of smell.C. It sacrifices its life to detect dangers.D. It is terrified of explosive devices.13.A.

    8、13 minutes.B. 30 minutes.C. 40 minutes.D. 4 days. Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14.A. It bans the sales of salty and unhealthy food.B. Its residents lose altogether 100,000kg by 2020.C. Everyone weighs himself on giant scales in public. D. Local doctors make personalized

    9、 diets for everyone.15.A. Local people share healthy diet with each other.B. Thousands of residents kick football to keep slim.C. Local restaurants use olive oil to replace butter.D. Government officials persevere in physical exercise.16.A. Students are encouraged to walk or ride to school. B. Stude

    10、nts are allowed to ride bicycles in school libraries.C. Parents are offered devices to monitor childrens walking time.D. Fruits are provided for those who are addicted to online games.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17.A. Neither of them can find a suitable game.B. Th

    11、ey are both enthusiastic about games.C. Good games cost a large amount of money. D. They often go Dutch when buying gifts.18.A. It includes fantasy role-playing.B. It doesnt have an actual ending.C. It is an expensive online game.D. It is something like a racing game.19.A. Players have opportunities

    12、 to make new friends.B. Players can have face-to-face communication.C. Players may be rewarded with delicious food.D. Players can start the game at anytime they want.20.A. Add variety to the recommended game.B. Look around to find a cheaper online game.C. Persuade the woman to change her mind.D. Try

    13、 to find an extraordinary online game.II. Grammar and vocabulary Section A After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, us

    14、e one word that best fits each blank.A newly discovered tea plant is caffeine-freeThe world loves tea and some 3m tons of tea are consumed every year. Tea can be good for health, as it contains compounds that help to lower cholesterol (胆固醇)and reduce the risk of heart disease. But there is a downsid

    15、e. Tea contains caffeine which, (21) _ it improves mental alertness, can also cause anxiety, insomnia and other problems.(22) _ would be agreeable is that a tea plant that provides all the taste and goodness but with little or (23) _ of the caffeine has been found. Liang Chen and Ji-Qiang Jin of the

    16、 Tea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences have discovered just such a plant (24) _ (grow) wild in a remote area in Fujian province, southern China. (25) _ they report in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, not only is the tea plant naturally caffeine-free bu

    17、t it also contains a number of unique medicinal compounds that, the locals believe, offer considerable health benefits.(26) _ (know) locally as Hongyacha, the newly discovered plant grows only between 700 and 1,000 metres (27) _ sea level around a handful of Chinese villages.Now the researchers (28)

    18、 _ (explore) methods to protect Hongyacha in its natural habitat while further studies are carried out. It can take timeand sometimes it does not workfor new plant varieties (29) _ (breed) for commercial use. A pair of naturally caffeine-free coffee plants were discovered in 2003, but little progres

    19、s (30) _ (report). Tea enthusiasts will be watching Hongyacha with interest. And others will wonder what else is out there.Section B Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. A. willingness B. loyal C.

    20、priority D. figure E. acknowledging F. interaction G. academic H. drain I. stress J. tense K. convincingDealing with Difficult RelationshipsEveryone has at least one awkward or _31_ relationship. It may be with somebody who will _32_ your energy whenever you are with them. Or worse, it could be some

    21、one who always cuts you down. This person may be a family member or even a friend. No matter who it is, its necessary that you learn to set boundaries for yourself. Otherwise this kind of relationship can chip away at your self-esteem.Setting boundaries for difficult relationships starts by _33_ how

    22、 you are affected by the relationship. Do they bring you closer to your goals or pull you farther away? For example, its time to study for tomorrows test. But your friend wants to take you to a party. Here, setting boundaries will help protect your _34_ goals.Next, decide how much time you should sp

    23、end with these people. Its easy to overcommit yourself. But its difficult to help others if you forget to protect your own _35_.How do you know if a relationship is unhealthy, and its time to set boundaries? Here are a few practical questions to ask yourself.1. How does this relationship affect me?E

    24、very _36_ can affect you positively or negatively. For example, someone who pressures you to something youre not comfortable doing will _37_ you out. But a friend who considers how you feel will respect your _38_ to try something new.2.Why am I in this relationship in the first place?People may try

    25、to keep you in an unhealthy relationship. By _39_ you its your obligation or duty, you forget about your own needs. Sadly, by remaining _40_ to these people, you forget who you are. You allow them to take advantage of you or even belittle you. Setting boundaries requires taking a long, honest look a

    26、t yourself. By saying no to harmful patterns in relationships, you say yes to a healthier you. III. Reading Comprehension For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.According to G

    27、erman novelist Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), a house without books is like a room without windows. Mann _41_ pointed out the value of books, but some researchers have found evidence that people with books in their homes really do gain a window on the world.A new study in the journal Social Science Rese

    28、arch, published in October, suggests that people who grow up with more books are more likely to have educational _42_, and to achieve more in life, than people who grow up without them.In the study, over 160,000 adults from 31 countries and regions were asked about the number of books there were in

    29、their homes when they were 16 years old. Then they were _43_ in literacy, numeracy (计算能力) and information communication technology.The research shows that the number of books for each household _44_ greatly from country to country. _45_, the number of books is 27 in Turkey, 143 in the UK and 218 in Estonia. But the total _46_ of home library size on literacy ar


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