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    山东省广饶经济开发区乐安中学九年级英语上学期期中试题无答案 人教新目标版五四制Word文档格式.docx

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    山东省广饶经济开发区乐安中学九年级英语上学期期中试题无答案 人教新目标版五四制Word文档格式.docx

    1、A. Ask the teacher for help. B. Join an English club. C. Join a Chinese club.9. Why does Jane think English is a little difficult for her?A. She cant read the new words. B. She is afraid of speaking English. C. She often makes grammar mistakes.10.Who often writes vocabulary lists? A. Jim B. Jims bro

    2、ther C. Jims sister.(三)录音中有一段对话,听对话两遍后,从每小题A、B、C中选出能回答所给问题的正确答案。11. Wheres Bills mother going on a trip? A. To England . B. To Japan C. To China.12. When is Bills mother leaving? A. Tomorrow. B. The day after tomorrow C. Next week.13. How often will Bill take out the trash?A. Every day B. Twice a we

    3、ek C. Twice a day. 14.What will Bill water in his house? A. Grass B. Flowers C. Trees15. What does Bill ask his mother to buy?A. Chinese stamps. B. Story books. C. CDs(注意:请同学们翻到第卷第四大题,继续做听力填表题。)二、 单选16.- Whos _ boy in red, do you know? -Oh, Hes _ friend of Toms.A .the; a B. an; the C. a; the D. the;

    4、 an17 -Im worried about my English. - _harder,_ you will catch up with your classmates! A working; and B To work; or C work; and D work; or18. -We can use QQ to talk with each other online. -Really? Could you show me _ it?A. what to do B. how to do C. when to do D. why to do19. Susan will not arrive

    5、 at the airport on time _ she hurries up.A. once B. if C. when D. unless20. Our success depends _ whether everyone works hard or not. A. to B. on C. at D. with21. If you dont know a word, you can _ in a dictionaryA. look it up B. look at it C. look it over D. look up it22. Lily didnt have_ for break

    6、fast, so she feels_A enough water, enough thirsty B water enough, hungry enough C enough food, hungry enough D enough food, enough hungry23. We have two foreign teachers here. One is from England, and _ is from America. A another B the other C other D the others24. The hospital opened 5 years ago. I

    7、t _ for 5 years.A. opened B. has been open C has opened D has been opened25. Having conversations with friends in English isnt helpful at all , is it ? - _ . Ive learned a lot from it . A. No, it isnt B. Yes, it isnt C. Yes, it is. D No, it is26._ hot weather! Why not stop to have a rest? A. How B.

    8、What C. What a D How a27. Linda with his family _ going to Hong Kong _ a week. A is; in B are; in C is ;after D are; after28. I sit in the front of the classroom _ I can hear everything clearly.A so that B in order to C because D because of29. I find _ difficult to learn English well in a short time

    9、. A that B this C it D them30. At last, Tom made the baby _ and began to laugh. A stop crying B to stop to cry C to stop crying D stop to cry31.They ended up _ in Chinese because they got _ about something _ .A talking; exciting ; excited B. talking ; excited; exciting C. to talk; exciting; exciting

    10、 D talking; excited32. - What did the teacher say to you just now?- She asked me _.A. why was Tim late this morning B. where did I see Tim this morningC. Why Tim was late this morning D. where I see Tim this morning.33、-_ will you finish the work? -In a week.A How often B How soon C How long D How f

    11、ar34. I dont know if Mr. Wang _. If he _, I _ to the Great Wall with him.A. come, comes, go B. will come, will come, will goC. will come, comes, will to D. will come, comes, went35. Dear students, please read every sentence carefully._ you are,_ mistakes youll make. A. The more carefully; the fewer

    12、B. The more carefully; the less C. The more careful; the less D. The more careful; the fewerII 阅读理解AIf you get into the forest with your friends, stay with them always. If you dont, you may get lost. If you really get lost, this is what you should do. Sit down and stay where you are. Dont try to fin

    13、d your friendslet them find you by staying in one place. There is another way to help your friends or other nearby people to find you. Give them a signal (信号) by shouting or whistling (吹口哨) three times. Any signal given three times is a call for help. Keep up shouting or whistling always three times

    14、 together. When people hear you, they will know that you are not just making noise for fun. They will let you know that they have heard your signal. They give you two shouts, two whistles, or two gun-shots (枪声). When someone gives you a signal, it is an answer to a call for help. If you dont think t

    15、hat you will get help before night comes, try to make a little house-cover up to the holes with branches (树枝) with lots of leaves. Make yourself a soft bed with leaves and grass. What should you do if you get hungry or need drinking water? You would have to leave your little house to look for a rive

    16、r. Dont just walk away. Pick off small branches and drop them as you walk so that you can find your way back. The most important thing to do when you are lost isstay in one place. 36 If you lost in the forest, you should _. A. stay where you are and give signals three time B. walk around the forest

    17、and shout so that your friends could hear you C. try to find your friends as soon as possibleD. try to get out of the forest and shout for help37 If you want to let people believe that you are not just making noise for fun, you should _. A. tell people that you are lost B. keep up shouting or whistl

    18、ingC. shout at the top of your voice D. shout or whistle three times38 When you hear two shouts, or whistles, or gunshots, _. A. you should shout more loudly B. you can whistle three timesC. it is an answer to your call for help D. you should try to run to them39. When you want to leave your place t

    19、o get drinking water, you should _. A. just go to the river B. find some glasses or bottles before you goC. make a fire so that you can have some tea D. leave marks so that you can find your way back 40 This passage mainly tells you _. A. when you hear a signal always three times, it is a call for h

    20、elpB. What you should do if you get lost in a forestC. any signal given twice means an answer to a call for helpD. how you can live longer in a forest B My 10-year-old Donna said, “Mom, I made a new friend at school today. Can she come over tomorrow?” Donna was a shy girl and I wanted her to make so

    21、me friends to bring her out of her shell. “Sure, honey, that sounds great.” I said, thinking back to my own best friend, Lillian. We lived across the street from each other in Washington Heights, New York. We met at the age of 10, too. Like my daughter, I was shy, but Lillian drew me out. She was on

    22、e of the friendliest people in school, with shiny black hair and a mile-wide smile. In senior high school, Lillian went on a trip to Florida. This was the first time we had to be away from each other for a few days. “Ill be back soon.” she told me. But three days later, Lillians sister told me that

    23、she had fallen into a river and hadnt come out any more. Soon, my family moved to New Jersey. Whenever I thought of her, tears came into my eyes.The next day Donna brought her new friend home. “Hi, Mrs. Loggia.” the little girl said. Her hair was so shiny and black and she shot me a big smile. “My n

    24、ame is Laura.”My daughters new friend was so much like Lillian. I was still puzzled (迷惑) when Lauras mom came to pick her up later that afternoon. I opened the door to let her in. “Judy!” she cried. “Its me, Lillians sister, from Washington Heights.” Yes, my daughters friend looked familiar. She was

    25、 Lillians niece.41. The underlined words in the first paragraph “to bring her out of her shell” mean _.A. to help her become less shy B. to help her become smart C. to help her live happily D. to help her walk out of her house42. Laura looked familiar to the writer because she _.A. was Lillians niec

    26、e B. was as old as her daughter C. was from Washington Heights D. had shiny black hair and a big smile, too 43. Why did the writer lose her best friend? Because _.A. she moved to New Jersey B. they were different from each otherC. her best friend travelled to FloridaD. her best friend lost her life

    27、on a trip44. “I knew we would be best friends forever.” is a sentence from the passage and should be put at the end of _ A. Paragraph 2 B. Paragraph 3 C. Paragraph 4 D. Paragraph 545. We can infer (推断) from the passage that_.A. Laura is outgoing B. Laura helps Donna a lotC. Laura and Donna are of th

    28、e same ageD. Judy moved to New Jersey because of Lillians death CPenny was a five-year-old girl. One day when she and her mother were in a department store, Penny saw a plastic pearl necklace (珍珠项链). What a beautifulnecklace! She wanted it very much, so she begged(乞求)her mother to buy it for her. The mother said, “Well, I can buy you the necklace, but when we get home, we should discuss what you can do to pay for it. Can we do that?” Penny agreed with much happiness, and she got th


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