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    1、考研英语复试面试简历模板考研英文复试简历中英模板(附面试的48个问题)个人基本信息?Personal InformationName: Li Yueming?姓和名的第一个字母需要大写Ethnic Groups / Ethnicity: Han?Nationality 在国际语境中往往指国籍,在国内语境中可以指具体的民族Ancestral Home:?Jinan City, Shandong Province籍贯是一个中国特色词汇,指一个人的祖籍之处,与出生地 native place 并不完全一致。如果对方没有要求,完全可以不提祖籍这一项内容。Native Place / Place of

    2、Birth:?Beijing?出生地,指自己出生或成长过程中主要居住的地方。注意省份的英文首字母要大写。Political Status:?CPC Party Member政治面貌也是中国比较强调的一个点,在英文简历里一般不需要提及。常见的选项有:团员 League Member,群众 The Masses教育背景?Educational Background / EducationMajor:?English主修专业名称的翻译都可以到相关网站查询,或汇总成册。Minor:?Accounting辅修专业名称的翻译可以到相关网站查询,或汇总成册。University:?Beijing Unive

    3、rsity of Foreign Studies学校名称的翻译可以去学校官网或教育部网 站查询,或汇总成册。BA / BS:?Bachelor of Arts / Science?文科学士/理科学士MA / MS:?Master of Arts / Science?文科硕士/理科硕士Sep. 2005Jun. 2009?英文的日期格式:日/月/年 或 月/日/年;月份的缩写通常为单词的前三个字母。特殊的月份有:五月 May,九月 Sept. / Sep.Courses:Economics, Accounting, .?列出主要的几门课程即可,课程名称首字母大写。获奖情况?Honors and

    4、Awards举个例子:Undergraduate Research Excellence Award, University of Tianjin, 2019First Prize of English Speech Contest, China Daily, 2017Third-class Scholarship of College Level, 2015直接列出获得的奖项、荣誉名称,如可能,最好附上颁奖部门、时间。推荐按照获奖时间逆序排列,即最新的奖项放在最上面。其他常见荣誉有:National Encouragement Scholarship 国家励志奖学金Merit Student

    5、 三好学生Outstanding Student 先进个人Excellent Staff 优秀工作者Excellent Student Cadre 优秀学生干部资格证书Certifications举个例子:Certificate of Tour Guide, 2010Project Management Professional, 2009National Computer Rank Examination Certificate of Level 2, 2008National Teacher Certification for Primary School, 2007Drivers Lic

    6、ense, 2006直接列出资格证书名称,后面可附证书颁发时间。推荐按颁发时间逆序排列,即最新的证书放在最上面。各类资格证书的翻译尽量以官方网站或者证书自带的英文版为准。建议汇总成册。工作技能?Skills and Abilities1.?技能类business process improvement vendor managementsales analysisstrategic planningcommunication skills?注:直接列出自己擅长的工作技能,首字母可小写,也可大写2.?语言类English, BasicFrench, IntermediateGerman, Flu

    7、ent(或者 Native)?注:列出自己掌握的语言,后附上语言水平的描述3.?软件类Microsoft Excel, AverageLinux/Unix, SkilledMicrosoft Project, Excellent注:列出擅长的软件名称,后附上操作水平的描述,不擅长的软件就不要列举进来(工作/项目)经历(Work / Project) Experience举个例子:Writing Fellow July, 2016September, 2017Writing Center, University of Tianjinl Tutored students in multidisci

    8、pline areas to improve organization and arguments in writing.l Underwent bi-weekly calibration and discussion with professors and other writing fellows.对于学生来说,工作经历可能偏少,可以提供兼职、志愿者工作经历。可以聚焦科研学术类的项目经验。列举工作职能或成就时可省略主语,以动词过去式开头。格式一般为:工作角色、工作时间段、工作机构名、承担的工作职能、取得的工作成就Self-introductionDear professors, I fee

    9、l honored to have the opportunity to address you here today. Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is XXX and I will be turning 23 years old this coming March. I come from XXX, a beautiful and historical city of XXX Province. Last July, I graduated from Hua Zhong University of Science and Tech

    10、nology in Wuhan and my major was Information Management and Information System.During my third year of college education, I had an internship at a national television program, where 11 foreigners from different countries have a discussion and give their opinions about certain topics. My roles includ

    11、ed transcribing the conversations that they had and so on. This helped me build my teamwork skills and also gave me an opportunity to see how a television show is produced from the beginning until the end. Since then, I fell in love with our subject and decided to pursue journalism as a lifelong pur

    12、suit.You know, I graduated from HuaKe, which is an engineering school with solid and rigorous attitude towards study. But in temperament, Fudan University is quite different from HuaKe. While Fudan also emphasizes a rigorous study schedule, it also values the spirit of independence and critical thin

    13、king. It means Not to be trapped in the original theories. Try to create a new theory system with Chinese characteristics. I truly hope I can be admitted to Communication School at Fudan University, learn the professional content and taught by our learned teachers. In the future, I am willing to stu

    14、dy abroad and communicate with foreign scholars. I hope I can work harder and harder to make valuable contributions to the development of our Chinas Communication Study.Thank you again for giving me such a valuable opportunity! And thanks for your attention.Seven topicsPostgraduate Education & schoo

    15、l Hometown & cities Family & family members Spare time & Hobbies (favorites) Yourself ( strength and weakness & personality & work experience ) Interview simulation 1 Postgraduate一、为什么你选择我们的学校,继续学习Why do you choose to study at our school/ institute二、为什么选择XXX专业为什么你要换专业Why did you choose Journalism an

    16、d Communication study as your major Why do you change your major三、为什么考研的原因Would you please give me some reasons for taking postgraduate exams四、你为什么选择考研,而不是找工作Why do you want to go to graduate school instead of finding a job五、如果你录取了我们学校,你希望在这里收获什么What do you expect to achieve during your study if you

    17、 are enrolled into this institute六、对于接下来研究生学习的规划。What is your plan in the postgraduate study七、如果有一个出国留学的机会给你,你会怎么做If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do八、毕业后的职业规划Do you have a career plan in 5 years九、如果你这次考研失败了,近期你有什么打算If you failed this time what will you do in the near

    18、future十、你原来的学校和我们学校的区别是什么Tell me the difference between your former school and XXX2 Education & School一、聊聊你的本科专业。Tell me something about your major.二、聊聊你本科的大学大学期间获得哪些证书Tell something about your university. What qualifications have you obtain三、你最喜欢哪门课程为什么呢What is your favorite subject and why四、你觉得英语重

    19、要么为什么Do you think English is important for your future plans五、校园生活中你认为最有成就感的事What has been your greatest success/ accomplishment in campus life六、在你看来,大学生活和高中生活有哪些不同What are the differences between middle school and university life七、教育如何改革以适应未来的挑战How can education be reformed to meet the future chall

    20、enges八、过去的5年里,在你的专业领域里你认为最重要的变化是什么What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years九、你认为你现在所学的课程和现代社会实际关联度高吗为什么Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society Why3 Hometown& Cities一、能否介绍一下你的故乡Tell something about hom

    21、etown.二、在你家乡气候怎么样How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities三、你家乡的人怎么样What are the people like in your hometown四、你最喜欢家乡的哪些地点What places in your hometown do you like best五、在你的家乡,有什么地方是你不喜欢的Is there anything you dislike about it in your hometown六、你的家乡和香港比较的话,区别有哪些What is the d

    22、ifference between your hometown and Hong Kong七、介绍一下家乡的历史Can you describe the history of your hometown八、你去过哪里旅游最喜欢哪个景点Where have you been travelling to Which place interested you most九、你觉得中国人现在变富裕了吗Whether Chinese people are very rich now4 Family& Family Members一、你能描述一下你的家庭吗Can you tell me something

    23、about your family二、你的家庭对于你来说是否重要呢Is family very important to you三、你和家人通常周末会做什么/你和家人们喜欢一起做什么事情What does your family usually do for the weekend / what do you and your family like to do together四、你喜欢经常和父母谈心吗Do you like to talk with your parents五、你是如何与你的父母相处/ 当你空闲时喜欢和家人待在一起还是喜欢和朋友待在一起How are you getting

    24、 on with your parents / do you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends六、描述一下你的父亲/母亲。Describe your father/ mother.5 Spare time & Hobbies一、你空闲时间喜欢做些什么What do you like to do in your spare time How do you arrange your spare time二、你的兴趣爱好是什么Could you tell me about a hobby or an interest

    25、 that you have三、音乐What kind of music do you like Why四、你认为音乐给我们的生活带来什么影响What role do you think music play in our life五、电影Do you like watching movie Talk about a movie you like/ you have watched recently六、电视剧Talk about a TV series you like.七、 书籍Talk about a book you like.八、游戏What is advantages and disadvantages for watching computer games6 Yourself一、优缺点Your strengths and weaknesses二、你从社团经历中学到了什么What have you learned from your club experience三、性格What kind of character do you think you have四、你从实习经历中学到了什么What have you learned from your internship experience


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