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    3 大学英语B词汇与结构Word下载.docx

    1、C.bring D.giveAdo somebody a favor为固定搭配,意为“帮某人一个忙”。5、Its bad _ for you to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.A.behavior B.action C.manner D.movement behavior意为“行为”;action意为“行动”;manner意为“礼貌”; movement意为“运动、移动”。 后面的“smoke”属于行为,因此可选出A。6、- Its a good idea. But whos going to_ the pla

    2、n?- I think John and Peter will.A.carry out B.get through C.take in D.set asidecarry out意为是“贯彻、执行;完成、实现”; get through意为“通过、从内部穿越”; take in意为“接收、收留”; set aside意为“留出;不理会”。由题意可选出A。7、Two days is not enough for him to finish the workHe needs _ day. A.other B.the other C.the third D.a third由题意可知,他需要更多时间。A

    3、、B可泛指为另外一天,与题意不符。而C特指了“第三天”,该题不用特指。因此选D。8、The red flower goes from one to _ in the class. A.the other B.others C.another D.other one to another意为“从一个到另外一个”,为固定搭配。9、The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A.broke down B.broke out C.broke up D.broke inbreak

    4、down意为“机器或车辆出故障;垮掉”; break out意为“爆发”;break up意为“散开,分散”;break in意为“打断对话”。10、How can he _ if he is not _?A.listen; hearing B.hear; listeningC.be listening; heard D.be hearing; listened toBhear有特指结果,listen是指动作。由题意为“如果他不听,那么他又怎么能听懂呢”可选出B。11、The students were all entertained in a Mexican restaurant, at P

    5、rofessor Brians _.A.money B.payC.expense D.lossat ones expense意为“由某人支付”,固定搭配。有题意可选出C。12、 Tom, what did you do with my documents? I have never seen such a _ and disorder!A.mass B.messC.guess D.busmess意为“杂乱、麻烦”;Mass意为“群众;大量”。由题意可选出B。13、If she wants to stay thin, she must make a _ in her diet.A.change

    6、B.turnC.run D.gomake a change意为“做改变”,固定搭配。14、_ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A.Before B.At C.In D.Between由题意并结合史实,可知题意为“在独立战争之前,美国是英国殖民地”,因此选A。15、This kind of material expands _ the temperature increasing.A.to B.for C.with D.atexpand意为“在大小、面积、容积、体积或范围等方面的增长”,而with带

    7、有伴随状态的意思。由题意可选出C。16、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several _ a day. A.customers B.supporters C.guests D.clientscustomer意为“客户,购买者”; supporter意为“支持者”;guest意为“贵宾”; client意为“诉讼委托人”。由题意可选出D。17、What is the train _ to Birmingham?A.fee B.tipC.fare D.costfare指“车费、船费和飞机票价”;fee指“加入组织或做某事付的)费, 酬

    8、金”;tip指“小费”;cost指“花费、价格”。18、You shouldnt _ your time like that, Bob; you have to finish your school work tonight.A.cut B.do C.kill D.kickkill time指“消磨时间”,为固定搭配。do time指“服刑”。19、If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask the person to leave a _.A.messageB.letterC.sentenceD.noticeleave a message为固定搭

    9、配,指“留口讯”;而letter前通常加write;sentence通常与“make、draw”搭配;notice通常与make搭配。20、You can take as many as you like because these handouts are free of _.A.fareB.chargeC.moneyD.payfree of charge指“免费”,为固定搭配。题中handout意为“救济品”。21、Youll find this map of great _in helping you to get around Beijing.A.priceB.costC.valueD

    10、.useful句中of后应加名词,由题意可选出C。意为“在某方面有很大意义”。22、Our manager will look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little _.A.waitB.timeC.patienceD.resthave a little patience意为“给一点耐心”,由题意可选出C。23、The car accident happened at _crossroads a few metres away from_bank.A.the; /B./; aC./; theD.the;因为已知 the c

    11、ar accident发生的具体位置,所以后面的地点都需加定冠词the。24、Wouldnt it be _wonderful world if all nations lived in _peace with one another?A.a;B.the;C.a;第一个空泛指“一个世界”,没有特指;第二个空“in peace”为固定搭配,意为“和平”。25、He was hit at least twice in the legs and also in _chest.A.aB.oneC.theD.hisand引导的并列句,前后格式需相同,选C。26、Robert, theres a man

    12、at the front door, saying he has _news of great importance. A./B.theC.aD.an由情景可知,题中的news不为特指,且不能判断是一则新闻还是多则新闻,因此排除A以外的所有选项。27、Would you let _ to the park with my classmate, Mum?A.me go B.me going C.I go D.I goinglet somebody do something,为固定搭配,意为“让某人做某事”。28、Therefore, other things _ equal, the numbe

    13、r of workers that employers want decreases.A.is B.are C.being D.having句中other things为插入语,不能有谓语动词。而being equal表示持续状态。29、I have been looking forward to _ from my parents.A.hear B.being heard C.be heard D.hearinglook forward to中的to属于介词,后加动词ing形式。而从题中可知,为主动语态,意为“我想要父母能听听我的意见”,可选出D。30、The manager will no

    14、t _ us to use his car.A.have B.let C.agree D.allow此处have和let意思一样,后面都要跟动词原形,let(have)+do;而agree后直接加动词不定式。可选出D。31、Theres lots of fruit _ the treeOur little cat is also _ the tree. A. in;in B.on;on C.in;onD.on;in指长在树上;on指停在树上,暂时行为。32、No matter _ , the little sisters managed to round the sheep up and dr

    15、ive them back home safely.A.it was snowing hardB.hard it was snowingC.how it was snowing hard D.how hard it was snowingno matter how固定搭配+adj.33、A police officer claimed he had attempted to _ paying his fare.A.avoid B.reject C.refuse D.neglect解析: attempt to意为“企图做某事”。 Avoid意为“避免”;reject和refuse意为“拒绝”;n

    16、eglect意为“忽略、疏忽”。由情景可选出A。34、While I was in the university, I learned taking a photo, _ is very useful now for me.A.it B.which C.that D.what由句子可知为非限制性定语从句,选B。35、People at the party worried about him, because no one was aware _ he had gone.A.of whereB.of the place whereC.where D.the placebe aware of与be

    17、 aware that均为“意识到”。而前者接名词短语,后者接句子。36、A sudden noise of a fire-engine made him _to the door.A.hurrying B.hurried C.hurry D.to hurry make+do。固定搭配,“让某人做某事”。37、Both the kids and their parents _ English, I think. I know it from their accent.B.been C.are D.wasbothare,固定搭配,“两者都是”。38、Never before _ see such

    18、 a terrible car accident on the road!A.I have B.have I C.I did D.did Inever开头的句子需倒装,而后面的动词see为原型,因此选D。39、On _ side of the street there are some trees.A.both B.either C.every D.all either为两者中的任意一个,由句中side单数可排除A、D。而路只有两侧,因此选B。40、Peter worked so fast with the maths problems _ a lot of mistakes.A.as to

    19、make B.that made C.to make D.that he madesothat引导的从句,that 接完整的句子。41、Uncle Sam sent him a _ bicycle as a birthday present.A.red sports new B.sports new red C.new sports red D.new red sports形容词的常用位置顺序为:限定词(these,those)+数量形容词(three)+描绘性形容词(beautiful)+新旧(new)、长短、高低等体性形容词(large、long、high)+大小+颜色(Red)+国籍(C

    20、hinese)+材料(wood)+用途(sport)+被修饰名词(bicycle)。42、He likes to swim _.A.and to play football B.and playing football C.but play football D.and he also likes playing football and连接的并列句,形式需相同。To swim和to play football。43、-Have you got _E-mail address?-Yes, mine is Li Ping .A.theB.anD./E-mail address为元音,需用冠词an

    21、。44、Father is busy _the meal while I am busy with the homework.A.cookingB.to cookC.cookD.withbe busy doing sth侧重于动作,be busy with sth 侧重于状态。45、Well hold a sports meeting if it _rain tomorrow.A.wontB.isnC.doesnD.hasif引导的条件状语从句,前面将来时,后面用一般现在时。46、Tom was watching TV when someone_.A.comesB.comeC.cameD.has comewhen引导的时间状语从句,主句过去进行时,从句为一般过去时,表示动作。


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