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    1、年第30位最大小时交通量 thirtieth highest annual hourly volume年最大小时交通量 maximum annual hourly设计小时交通量 design hourly volume通行能力 traffic capacity根本通行能力 basic traffic capacity可能通行能力 possible traffic capacity设计通行能力 design traffic capacity道路服务水平 level of service公路交通规划 traffic planning交通调查 traffic survey交通量调查 traffic

    2、volume survey交通量观测站 traffic volume observation station 起迄点调查(OD调查) origin-destination study出行 trip境内交通 local traffic过境交通 through traffic交通发生 traffic generation交通分布 traffic distribution交通分配 traffic assignment交通预测 traffic prognosis行车道 carriageway别离式行车道 divided carriageway车道 lane变速车道 speed-change lane加

    3、速车道 acceleration lane减速车道 deceleration lane爬坡车道 climbing lane停车道 parking lane错车道 turn-out lane自行车道 cycle path 路侧人行道 sidewalk分隔带 lane seperator中央分隔带 median divider中间带 central strip路肩 shoulder;verge路缘带 marginal strip路缘石 kerb;curb侧向余宽 lateral clearance路拱 camber;crown路拱横坡 crown slope公路建筑限界 clearance of

    4、highway公路路线 highway route公路线形 highway alignment平面线形 horizontal alignment纵面线形 vertical alignment线形要素 alignment elements平曲线 horizontal curve极限最小平曲线半径 limited minimum radius of horizontal curve复曲线 pound curve反向曲线 reverse curve断背曲线 broken-back curve回头曲线 switch-back curve缓和曲线 transition curve竖曲线 vertical

    5、 curve弯道加宽 curve widening加宽缓和段 transition zone of curve超高 superelevation超高缓和段 supere levation runoff纵坡 longitudinal gradient最大纵坡 maximum longitudinal gradient最小纵坡 minimum ongitudinal gradient变坡点 grade change point平均纵坡 average gradiant坡长限制 grade length limitation高原纵坡拆减 highland grade pensation缓和坡段 tr

    6、ansition grading zone合成坡度 resultant gradent视距 sight distance停车视距 non-passing sight distance;stopping sight distance超车视距 passing sight distance道路交叉 road intersection;道口 railroad grade crossing平面交叉 at-grade intersection ;grade crossing正交叉 right-angle intersection斜交叉 skew intersection环形交叉 rotary inters

    7、ection十字形交叉 “+intersectionT形交叉 T intersection错位交叉 offset intersection;staggered junctionY形交叉 Y intersection立体交叉 grade separation别离式立体交叉 simple grade separation,separate grade crossing互通式立体交叉 interchange首蓿叶形立体交叉 full cloverleaf interchange局部首蓿叶形立体交叉 cloverleaf interchange菱形立体交叉 diamond interchange定向式

    8、立体交叉 directional interchange喇叭形立体交叉 three-leg interchange环形立体交叉 rotary interchange匝道 ramp交叉口 road crossing; intersection交叉口进口 intersection entrance交叉口出口 intersection exit加铺转角式交叉口 intersection with widened corners拓宽路口式交叉口 flared intersection 分道转弯式交叉口 channelized intersection渠化交通 channelization交织 weav

    9、ing交织路段 weaving section合流 converging分流 diverging冲突点 conflict point交通岛 traffic island导流岛 channe lization island中心岛 central island安全岛 refuge island沿线设施 roadside facilities交通安全设施 traffic safety device人行横道 crosswalk人形地道 pedestrian underpass人形天桥 pedestrian overcrossing护栏 guard fence防护栅 guard fence,safety

    10、 barrier遮光栅 anti-dizzling screen应急 emergency telephone反光标志 reflective sign反光路钮 reflective button弯道反光镜 traffic mirror道路交通标志 road traffic sign警告标志 warning sign禁令标志 regulatory sign指示标志 guide sign指路标志 information sign辅助标志 auxiliary sign可变信息标志 changeable message sign路面标线 pavement marking防雪设施 snow protect

    11、ion facilities防沙设施 sands protection facilities隔音墙 acoustic barrier停车场 parking area踏勘 reconnaissance可行性研究 feasibility study线形设计 highway alignment design公路景观设计 highway landscape design选线 route selection路线控制点 control point定线 location比拟线 alternative line展线 line development初测 preliminary survey定测 locatio

    12、n survey地貌 topographie fcature地物 culture地形 topography台地 terrace垭口 pass; saddle back平原区 plain terrain微丘区 rolling terrain重丘区 hilly terrain山岭区 mountainous terrain沿溪线 valley line山脊线 ridge line山坡线 hill-side line越岭线 ridge crossing line土方调配 cut-fill transition土方调配图 cut-fill transition program土方调配经济运距 econo

    13、mical hauling distance导线 traverse导线测量 traverse survey中线 center line中线测量 center line survey施工测量 construction survey竣工测量 final survey(路线)平面图 plan交点 intersection point虚交点 imaginary intersection point转点 turning point转角 intersection angle方位角 azimuth angle象限角 bearing方向角 direction angle切线长 tangent length曲线

    14、长 curve length外矢距 external secant测站 instrument station测点 observation point中桩 center stake加桩 additional stake护桩 reference stake断链 broken chainage水准测量 levelling survey水准点 bench mark绝对基面 absolute datum高程 elevation地面高程 ground elevation设计高程 designed elevation(路线)纵断面图 profile中桩填挖高度 cut and fill at center

    15、stake地形测量 topographic survey基线 base line地形图 topographic map等高线 contour line横断面测量 cross-sectional survey横断面图 cross-section坑探 pit test 钻探 boring摄影测量 photogrammetry航空摄影测量 aerial photogrammetry地面立体摄影测量 ground stereophoto grammetry地面控制点测量 ground control-point survey航摄基线 aerophoto base 影像地图 photographic m

    16、ap像片索引图(镶辑复照图) photo index航摄像片判读 aerophoto interpretation 综合法测图 planimatric photo全能法测图 universal photo 微分法测图 differential photo像片镶嵌图 photo mosaic路基 subgrade路堤 embankment路堑 cutting 半填半挖式路基 part cut-partfill subgrade台口式路基 benched subgrade路基宽度 width of subgrade路基设计高程 design elevation of subgrade路基最小填土高

    17、度 minimum height of fill边坡 side slope边坡坡度 grade of side slope 边坡顶 top of slope边坡脚 toe of slope护坡道 berm边坡平台 plain stage of slope碎落台 berm at the foot of cutting slope护坡 slope protection挡土墙 retaining wall重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall横重式挡土墙 balance weight retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙 cantilever retaining wall扶

    18、壁式挡土墙 counterfort retaining wall柱板式挡土墙 column-plate retaining wall锚杆式挡土墙 anchored retaining wall by tie rods锚碇板式挡土墙 anchored bulkhead retaining wall石笼 rock filled gabion抛石 riprap路基排水 subgrade drainage边沟 side ditch截水沟 intercepting ditch排水沟 drainage ditch急流槽 chute跌水 drop water蒸发池 evaporation pond盲沟 bl

    19、ind drain渗水井 seepage well透水路堤 permeable embankment过水路面 ford填方 fill挖方 cut借土 borrow earth弃土 waste取土坑 borrow pit弃土堆 waste bank回填土 back-filling黄土 loess软土 soft soil淤泥 mud泥沼 moor泥炭 peat盐渍土 salty soil膨胀土 expansive soil冻土 frozen soil流砂 quicksand软弱地基 soft ground强夯法 dynamic consolidation预压法 preloading method

    20、反压护道 loading berm砂井 sand drain路基沙垫层 sand mat of subgrade压实 paction压实度 degree of paction(标准)最大干容重 maximum dry unit weight相对密实度 relative density毛细水 capillary water土石方爆破 blasting crater抛掷爆破 blasting for throwing rock爆破漏斗 blasting crater松动爆破 blasting for loosening rock爆破作用圈 acting cire les of blasting路面

    21、 pavement弹性层状体系理论 elastic multilayer theory(回弹)弯沉 deflection加州承载比(CBR) California bearing ratio(CBR)路面宽度 width of pavement路槽 road trough 刚性路面 rigid pavement柔性路面 flexible pavement路面结构层 pavement structure layer面层 surface course磨耗层 wearing course联结层 binder course基层 base course垫层 bed course隔水层 aquitard隔

    22、温层 thermal insulating course封层 seal coat透层 prime coat保护层 protection course补强层 streng thening layer高级路面 high type pavement次高级路面 sub-high type pavement中级路面 intermediate type pavement低级路面 low type pavement水泥混凝土路面 cement concrete pavement沥青路面 bituminous pavement沥青混凝土路面 bituminous concrete pavement 沥青碎石路

    23、面 bituminous macadam pavement沥青贯入碎(砾)石路面 bituminous penetration pavement沥青外表处治 bituminous surface treatment块料路面 block pavement石块路面 stone block pavement泥结碎石路面 clay-bound macadam pavement水结碎石路面 water-bound macadam pavement级配路面 graded aggregate pavement稳定土基层 stabilized soil base course工业废渣基层 industrial

    24、 waste base course块石基层 telford base层铺法 spreading in layers拌和法 mixing method厂拌法 plant mixing method路拌法 road mixing method热拌法 hot mixing method冷拌法 cold mixing method贯入法 penetration method铺砌法 pitching method缩缝 contraction joint胀缝 expansion joint真缝 true joint假缝 dummy joint横缝 transverse joint纵缝 longitudi

    25、nal joint施工缝 construction joint传力杆 dowel bar拉杆 tie bar路面平整度 surface evenness路面粗糙度 surface roughness路面摩擦系数 friction coefficient of pavement附着力 adhesive force水滑现象 hydroplaning phenomenon 桥梁 bridge公路桥 highway bridge公铁两用桥 highway and rail transit bridge人形桥 pedestrian bridge跨线桥 overpass bridge高架桥 viaduct

    26、永久性桥 permanent bridge半永久性桥 semi-permanent bridge临时性桥 temporary bridge钢筋混凝土桥 reinforced concrete bridge预应力混凝土桥 prestressed concrete bridge钢桥 steel bridge圬工桥 masonry bridge木桥 timber bridge正交桥 right bridge斜交桥 skew bridge弯桥 curved bridge坡桥 bridge on slope斜桥 skew bridge正桥 right bridge上承式桥 deck bridge中承式桥

    27、 half-through bridge下承式桥 through bridge梁桥 beam bridge简支梁桥 simple supported team bridge连续梁桥 continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥 cantilever beam bridge联合梁桥 posite beam bridge板桥 slab bridge拱桥 arch bridge双曲拱桥 two-way curved arch bridge空腹拱桥 open spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥 filled spandrel arch bridge系杆拱桥 bowstring arch bridge桁架桥 truss bridge钢构桥 rigid frame bridgeT形钢构桥 T-shaped rigid frame bridge连续钢构桥 continuous rigid frame bridge 斜腿钢构桥 rigid frame bridge with inclined legs 斜拉桥(斜X桥) cable stayed bridg


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