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    1、A.as a resultB.at lastC.in the endD.therefore6.Can you help me to clear () my desk?A.awayB.out7.He () a lot of money since he () his own restaurant business.A.made, has startedB.has made, startedC.have made, started8.He got his leg () while he was playing football with a group of friends.A.brokenB.b

    2、reakC.breaking9.Mad with _, he beat his son with a big stick.A.rangeB.rageC.ragD.rank10.There () a lot of trees in the park, werent there?A.used to beB.use to beC.used be11.My father is () than my mother.A.three years olderB.older three yearsC.three years old12.Ill just go and () whats going on outs

    3、ide.A.findB.find outC.look13.My aunt was angry with her family and went away ().A.in herselfB.by herselfC.with herself14.If youre going to come, please let me know ().A.beforeB.in aheadC.in advance15.We have _ with the company for 10 tons of steel.A.contractedB.contactedC.constructedD.convinced16.Im

    4、 going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do you have () in mind?A.special somethingB.special anythingC.anything special17.Dont let () in. The doctor is operating on the patient now.A.anyoneB.someoneC.nobody18.Once the decision _, the most important thing to do is how to carry it out.A.has been madeB.made

    5、C.been madeD.having been madeD19.Do you know the people () came here this morning?A.whichB.whoC.those20.They () him for the job because he is a good teacher.A.recommendedB.introducedC.made21.Has it stopped (), Mike? We have to do some shopping today.A.to rainB.rainingC.rain22.Ill go and see you () I

    6、m in England.A.whileB.untilC.before23.My parents work very hard in the farm. They () get up early in the morning.A.occasionallyB.sometimesC.always24.He has () gone out.A.justB.nowC.soon25.Have you () your daughter recently?A.heard fromB.learnt fromC.heard at26.His mother () his father is busy with w

    7、ork.A.as well asB.andC.as well27.I () football when I was young.A.used to playB.used to playingC.used to be playing28.I am rather uncertain _ whether Ive made the right decision.A.as toB.onC.toD.for29.Dalian is east () Beijing, () the coast.A.to, onB.of, onC.of, at30.He was severely ill, _ he had to

    8、 lie in bed.A.as much as thatB.so many so thatC.so serious to thatD.so much so that31.Mr Smith has a () daughter.A.five-year-oldB.fives-year-oldC.five-years-old32.He () by different people in the company.A.interviewedB.was interviewingC.was interviewed33.Come here (). The meeting will begin in five

    9、minutes.A.fastB.soonerC.quickly34._ this problem, I will tackle with it later.A.AtB.ConcernedC.WithD.As to35.I dont () understand. Could you say it again?A.stillB.yet36.Dont worry about it The baby will look like () her father () her mother.A.not only, but alsoB.also, tooC.either, or37.If my brother

    10、 calls, () him to meet me at six.A.speakB.tellC.let38.He is no one to _ to rules and regulations blindly.A.formB.conformC.informD.perform39.He didnt get up () 10 oclock this morning.A.toB.forC.until40.() a glass of coffee.A.Id rather haveB.I haveC.I prefer to41.If you agree to have this operation, _

    11、 are that you may recover sooner.A.chancesB.opportunitiesC.occasionsD.fortunes42.A: Have you seen the film Life Without Steve? B: No, I havent seen it ().A.yetB.alreadyC.still43.He went on with his work () the difficulties.A.in spite ofB.althoughC.out of spite44.He () when the teacher came in.A.was

    12、singingB.sangC.will sing45.He () the Museum of Chinese History tomorrow.A.visitB.is going to visitC.visits46.Shall we () a time for our next meeting?A.makeB.decideC.fix47.Its my _ opinion that I should go abroad after graduation.A.considerableB.considerateC.consideredD.considering48.The children are quite happy _ the thought of the coming summer holiday.A.inB.atC.uponD.on49.I dont know () to explain it.A.whatB.whyC.how50.Thats a () excellent idea.A.veryB.reallyC.too


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