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    1、9. Shy people feel uncomfortable when others say nice things to them. 10. Optimists and pessimists differ in their focus when they look at the same thing. Dialogues AWoman: Good morning. Can I help you?Man: Yes, Id like to find a girlfriend. I see. Well, could you please answer me some questions? su

    2、re. First of all, what age would you like your girlfriend to be? About 25.Not more than 30, anyway. Well, would you like someone who is very slim or would you prefer someone rather more plump? Ah, I see. I dont think I mind, actually. And what about the height? Oh, not too tall. So, medium-height? Y

    3、es, and long hair. Good. Is there anything else at all? Well, surely Id like someone good-looking. Well, well see what we can do. Would you like to fill in this form in the next room and Ill call you soon?BSue: Hello?Mary: Hi, Sue. Its Mary, Mary Graham. Oh hi, Mary. How are you? Im fine. How are yo

    4、u? Fine. Listen, umI want to ask you some questions about Jim Wilson -you know him, dont you? Sure. Whats he like? Well, why are you asking about Jim? Well, I want to try and get a part-time job at his store Oh, well Jims a nice guyI mean hell give you decent hours, a decent wage, and plenty of brea

    5、ks. Well, that sounds good. Um, what does he look like? Ive got to meet him at the Sunset Restaurant for lunch. And I cant remember. Oh, well hes about 36. Six-foot-twooh, has dark, wavy hair with a little gray at the temples. Oh, sounds kind of nice. Is he a, a formal kind of guy, or does he dress

    6、casually? Oh, he rarely dresses casually. He always wears the threes-piece suit and a tie very much in style. Oh, I see, I better dress up thenOh, listen, wheres the Sunset Restaurant_ is that the one near Hudsons? Oh no! No, no no! Thats the Sunshine RestaurantThe Sunshine Restaurant is on Oak Stre

    7、et. Thats right. Is it a nice place? Oh, its a wonderful place. Uh, rather expensive though. Well, Jimll probably pick up the bill. (Laughs) I hope soListen, how do I get there? Oh, are you taking your car? Yes. Well, you go up Main Street, and take a left turn at the crossroad and then theres a big

    8、 parking lot on the right, just about half a block after the turnand its right next to that. I got it. OK. Wish me luck! Oh, for sure! You call me and let me know what happens, wont you know? Yes, I will. Bye.PassagesThe English, as a race, are very different from all other nationalities, including

    9、their closest neighbors, the French, Belgians and Dutch. It is claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe has much to do with it. Whatever the reasons, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed many attitudes and habits which distinguish them from other nation

    10、alities.Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well. In the presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems inhibited, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a city train any morning or evening to see the truth of this

    11、. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or having a light sleep in a corner. No one speaks. In fact, to do so would seem most unusual. In many parts of the world it is quite normal to openly show extremes of enthusiasm, emotion, excitement, etc. The Englishman is somewha

    12、t different. Of course, an Englishman feels no less deeply than any other nationality but he tends to display his feelings far less. This is reflected in this use of language. Imagine a man commenting on the great beauty of a young girl. Whereas a more emotional man might describe her as“an excellen

    13、t jewel”, “ extremely beautiful”, “precious”, the Englishman will flatly state“Um, shes all right. An Englishman who has seen a highly successful and enjoyable film recommends it to a friend by commenting, “Its not bad, you know,” or on seeing very unusual scenery he might convey his pleasure saying

    14、“Nice, yes, very nice.” The overseas visitor must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest and involvement ; he must realize that“all right”, “not bad”, and“nice”, very often have the sense of “first-class”, “excellent”, “beautiful”. This special use of language, particularly common in

    15、England is known as restrained statement.Waterloo, Belgium_ to many it is a song by Abba. To Londoners it is a railway station. But to millions with a feeling for history, it was the scene of the battle that broke Frances military dominance of Europe, although not many could say just where it is.Giv

    16、en that there are nearly 75 Waterloos around the globe, this is hardly surprising. Researchers have found 35 Waterloos in the United States, three in Canada, 15 in Britain, eight in Australia, five in Jamaica and others in the Caribbean, Sierra Leone, Germany, Ireland and even one in France.The orig

    17、inal Waterloo is in Belgium, 20 kilometers south of the capital Brussels and it celebrated in September 26 its 200th anniversary as a self-governing commune. “Ours is the real Waterloo, but many of the others have outgrown the original,” said the towns spokesperson for culture and tourism.Many of th

    18、e other Waterloos around the world were actually founded by soldiers who took part in the battle in June 1815, when the army led by Britains Duke of Wellington defeated the French army led by Napoleon Bonaparte. An eatimated40, 000 soldiers_ one in five of those who fought in the battle_ were killed

    19、. But the battle put the town on the map.Nowadays, waterloo, a solely French speaking commune in this bilingual country, is a somewhat calmer place with a highly cosmopolitan character. Unit 21. Very good. Your application material impressed me. I think you are just the most suitable candidate for t

    20、he position.2. Your main duty is answer the phone calls and transfer them to the person wanted.3. I have tried five times already, Sir, but the fax line has been engaged.4. What a shame for you to cheat on the examination.5. We are going to allow you 15% discount if your quantity is at least 50 sets

    21、.6. We would like you to give your comment on our specifications from a technical viewpoint7. Thank you for your interest in our products. May I know the exact quantity of purchase?8. In fact, we are going to further raise the price next month so as to meet the rising cost of the raw material.9. Im

    22、afraid a duck takes quite a while to prepare. Ill go to the kitchen to see about your order right away. Would you like a salad while you are waiting?10. Labor is demanding higher wages and production costs continue to soar. can you tell me something about yourself, Li Lin? Well, I left school when I

    23、 was eighteen. That was in 1988. And then I went to university. I studied Economics. And that was in Beijing? Yes, thats right. I was at Beijing University for four years. I finished my course in 1922. And what did do after that? I got a job in a trading company. I joined the Sales Department as a t

    24、rainee sales manager. Did you enjoy it? Yes, I did. How long did you stay there? For three years. And then I went to England. You see, the company sent me to London. They wanted me to learn English. So I spent two years in England, learning English. I also took a course in German while I was there.

    25、So you speak German. Yeah. What did you do after that? I came back to China in June 1997 and I went back to my old department as assistant sales manager. And thats where I work now. Right. Can you tell me something about your present job? Yes, well, Im responsible for Yes, Im interested in your rang

    26、e of mountain bikes for children. Right. Well, weve got a new model here. If you come over here, this way. Its this one. Could you tell me something about it? Well, its suitable for children from the age of ten upwards. We have a boys model and a girls model. The boys models available in yellow and

    27、purple. The girls modelthats this one hereis available in gray and pink. You know, its only been in the market for a few months, but its very popular. Mmm, What does it cost? The recommended retail price is $159. $159 for both models? Thats right, yes, for the boys and the girls model. Right. What a

    28、bout delivery time? We can deliver from stock. I see. Now, what about discount? Can you give me a good discount on a large order? Well, it depends on the size of the order. Ill have to check that. Perhaps you could give me your name and address? Heres my card. Thank you. Would you like a copy of our brochure in the meantime.Toms job was to examine cars which crossed the frontier to make sure that they were not smuggling anything into the country. Every evening, except at weekends, he would see a factory worker coming up the hill towards the


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