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    1、艳年壑郑眯工军中V D.111 1 E霹那翻里水米qll燮lll-N41幸丫Ice, g)3现否落wrvX晋绍#RNF-V-17 r?体络萃谭剧.汗单幽 耻典言匡吉咪中文摘要(1)英文摘要(4)英文缩略词汇表(9)前言(10)论文正文(12)第一部分 I125放射性粒子植入计划的三维模型设计及植入方法的研究材料与方法(13)结果(22)讨论(24)第二部分 术中 I放射性粒子植入治疗晚期胰腺癌的疗效分析材料与方法(28)结果(41)讨论(56)结论(62)参考文献(63)文献综述(72)攻读学位期间发表文章情况(82)致 谢(83)- 1 -I放射性粒子植入术对晚期胰腺癌的姑息治疗:植入计划的

    2、辅助三维模型设计及植入方法的研究中 文 摘 要本课题拟通过对无法切除的晚期胰腺癌患者进行术前三维数字模型的建立,来制定放射性粒子I的肿瘤内植入计划并对粒子植入的方法进行研究,同时进行双旁路手术(胆肠、胃肠吻合)以解决患者目前存在的症状如疼痛、黄疸、胃排空障碍或术后可能出现的上述问题。胰腺癌预后很差,外科切除手术是唯一有可能治愈胰腺癌的治疗方式,但只有5%22%的患者可以接受根治性切除手术,无法行根治性切除的晚期胰腺癌病人只能接受各种各样的姑息性治疗。肿瘤内放射性粒子I植入术是其中一种有效的治疗方法,我们通过综合分析文献及预实验后发现改进放射性粒子植入的方法,即最大程度地按照肿瘤的立体形状,将粒


    4、总结,分析可行性与安全性,评估其临床价值。方法:根据相关纳入标准,运用飞特图盟公司自主研发的FitMe DICOMviewer 0.15.1 三维重建软件系统(以下简称FitMe),对在解放军总医院肝胆外科2009年1月至2013年12月收治的47例晚期胰腺癌患者,进行胰腺肿瘤与周围血管、组织、器官的三维重建,根据肿瘤立体空间位置的测算,计算粒子需要植入的数量,布控针道,模拟粒子植入的过程。手术中严格按照术前设计方案进行,对可能存在的盲点进行粒子的“补种”。随后就其影像学资料、- 2 -治疗结果、随访情况等方面作一综合性分析及研究。并将我院同期行姑息性手术治疗的78例晚期胰腺癌患者作为对照组,



    7、术后胃瘫的发生与是否行胃肠吻合,以及行胃肠吻合的同时是否行粒子植入术密切相关。5、粒子组47例患者中42例得到随访,随访率为89.4%,获得随访患者的1月、半年、1年、2年的生存率分别为97.6%、62.4%、25.8%、14.3%,平均生存时间为13.01.2个月。对照组78例患者中72例得到随访,随访率为92.3%,获得随访患者的1月、半年、1年、2年的生存率分别为98.6%、41.7%、9.8%、3.3%,平均生存时间为6.60.2个月。明显差于粒子组患者。结论:1、对于不能行根治性切除的晚期胰腺癌患者,放射性粒子植入术是一种- 3 -安全有效的治疗手段。2、放射性粒子植入术并不会增加患

    8、者的死亡风险,是安全可行的,其能明显延长晚期胰腺癌患者的生存时间,提高患者的生活质量。3、采用术前三维模拟粒子植入的方法,即最大程度地按照肿瘤的空间立体形态将粒子均匀地植入肿瘤内,能最大限度地延长患者的生存时间,甚至部分患者能获得与根治性切除手术相同的效果。关键词:晚期胰腺癌;粒子;外科治疗;生存时间;生活质量- 4 -Intra-operative implantation with Iseeds in the treatment ofadvanced pancreatic cancer: The assistant design of 3D modeland the research of

    9、 implantation wayAbstractIn this study, we through the establishment of unresectable advancedpancreatic cancer patients with preoperative three-dimensionaldigital model, research to develop radioactive seeds implantation ofplanning and implantation method. At the same time through doublebypass opera

    10、tion (biliary obstruction, gastrointestinal anastomosis)to solve patients present symptoms, such as pain, jaundice, gastricemptying and so on. Pancreatic cancer is very poor, surgical operationis the only cure method for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, butonly 5% to 22% of patients can accepted

    11、radical resection operation,the other patients can only accept expectant treatment. Radioactiveseeds implantation is an effective method in the treatment of theimproved pancreatic cancer. We found that radioactive seedsimplantation through a comprehensive literature analysis andpre-experiment can im

    12、prove the survival time of the patients. That isto say the maximum implantation according to the three-dimensionalshape of the tumor, in this case, we can prolong the survival time ofpatients. And through pre-experiment we found that some patients canobtain the same survival time with radical resect

    13、ion operation. So thisarticle targets are to improve the survival time of patients andimprove the quality of life of patients.Objective: The purpose of this paper is divided into two parts, thefirst part starts from the 3D model design and implantation method.The design of 3D software system for the

    14、 preoperative 3D model ofparticle implantation, is expected to fully cover the tumor and noblind spot, while not harming the surrounding tissues and the bloodvessels. The second part according to the seeds implantation method.According to the quality of life, survival period of patients, thefeasibil

    15、ity analysis of safety to evaluate its clinical value.Methods: According to the inclusion criteria, using FitMe 3Dreconstruction software system, 47 patients with advanced pancreaticcancer in PLA General Hospital from 2009 January to 2013 December inour hospital department of hepatobiliary surgery.

    16、We finished 3Dreconstruction of pancreatic tumor and surrounding blood vessels,- 5 -tissue, and according to the calculation of three-dimensional spaceposition of the tumor, calculate the number of seeds neededimplantation, and simulation of seed implantation. Operation in strictaccordance with the

    17、preoperative design, particle on the possibleexistence of blind spot. Analysis and research of imaging data,treatment, follow-up results etc. And in our hospital underwentpalliative operation treatment of 78 patients with advanced pancreaticcancer as the control group, the clinical data between the

    18、two groupsof patients were compared and analyzed.Result.1. During the study period, a total of 47 cases of advanced pancreaticcancer patients with seeds implantation, including 29 cases of male,female 18 cases. Ages were 36-87 years old, and the average age was57.612 years old.2. The design of FITME

    19、 3D reconstruction software system forpreoperative 3D model of seed implantation, 3D reconstruction ofpancreatic tumor and surrounding blood vessels, tissue, calculatetumor stereo space position, calculate the number of seeds neededimplantation, and simulate the process of particle implantation.3. A

    20、ll patients underwent intraoperative I125 implantation,implantation for 16 -116 seeds, with an average of 53.119.8 seeds,5 of them underwent gastrointestinal anastomosis, 10 cases underwentbiliary-enteric anastomosis, 13 cases underwent biliary-entericanastomosis and gastrointestinal anastomosis, 19

    21、 patients onlyreceived seeds implantation.4. Seed group of patients with postoperative gastroparesis in 11 cases,1 case of biliary fistula, 1 case of bacteremia, 9 patients hadpancreatic fistula, 8 cases of Grade A, 1 case of Grade B, 1 patientoccurred intraperitoneal hemorrhage at twelfth days afte

    22、r operationand cured by conservative therapy. Complications contains 10 cases ofClavien grade I, II grade of 13 cases, no peri-operation period deathpatients. Postoperative complications of seed group occurredsignificantly higher than the total number of patients in the controlgroup, and the postope

    23、rative hospitalization time was longer thancontrol group patients. But seed implantation did not increase severecomplications (Clavien grade II) incidence, no peri-operation perioddeath patients. Seed implantation in patients of pancreatic fistulaand gastroparesis incidence was higher than that of t

    24、he control groupof patients. The first symptom of 25 cases with abdominal pain topatients, postoperative abdominal pain patients was 8 cases, divided- 6 -into 5 mild cases, 3 severe cases, the remission rate of abdominal painwas 88%(22/25). The data of 11 patients with postoperativegastroparesis, th

    25、rough statistical analysis and consideration, theoccurrence of postoperative gastroparesis is closely related towhether gastrointestinal anastomosis, and at the same time for seedimplantation.5. S eed group of 47 patients, 42 cases were followed up, thefollow-up rate was 89.4%. The one month, half o

    26、f year, one year, andtwo year survival rates of particle group were 97.6%, 62.4%, 25.8% and14.3%, the average survival time was 13.01.2 months. The survivalrates and time were significantly higher than control group(P0.05).Conclusion:1. For cant radical resection patients with advanced pancreaticcan

    27、cer, radioactive seeds implantation is a safe and effectivetreatment method.2. Radioactive seeds implantation did not increase the risk of deathin patients, is safe and feasible, which can obviously prolong thesurvival time of patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, improve thequality of life of p

    28、atients.3. By using the method of preoperative three-dimensional simulationof particle implantation, namely the maximum according to thethree-dimensional shape of tumor implantation, could prolong thesurvival time of patients, and even some patients can obtain treatmentas the radical operation.Keywo

    29、rds: Advanced pancreatic cancer; Iseed; Surgical treatment;Survival time; Quality of life- 7 -英文缩略语词表英文缩写 英文全称 中文全称TPS theraphy planning system计算机立体定位计划系统MSv milliSievert 毫西弗TACE transarterial chemoembolization 经导管动脉化疗栓塞RFA radiofrequency ablation 射频消融术Gy Gray 戈瑞CR Complete Response 完全缓解PR Partial Response 部分缓解I125 Iodine-125 碘-125CT Computed Tomography 计算机断层扫描SD S


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