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    1、13.stare at 睁大眼睛盯着看,目不转睛地看glance at 随意扫视,匆忙看一眼glare at 对怒目而视gaze at 含有兴趣,惊奇,欢欣等心情的凝视,有被吸引住的意思14.deliberately/ on purpose 故意地15.How +陈述句!How time flies!时间过得真快啊16.behind ones back 背着某人,私底下17.keep ones word/ promise 遵守诺言have a word with sb 与谈话have words with sb 与吵架in a word 总之in other words 换句话说beyond

    2、words/expression 无法用语言表达18.swear-swore-swornswear at sb/ sth 咒骂swear to do sth 发誓做swear (to sb) that-clause 向某人发誓19.forgive-forgave-forgivenforgive sb 原谅某人forgive sb for doing 为某事而原谅某人forgive sb sth 宽恕某人某事thank/ blame /excuse sb for doing sth 因而感谢/责备/宽恕某人forgiveness n20.tease = laugh at 嘲笑21.in trou

    3、ble 处于麻烦中get into/ out of trouble 陷入麻烦,陷入困境/ 走出困境have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有麻烦/有困难22.be in a dilemma 处于两难的境地place sb in a dilemma 置某人于两难的境地23.focus on/ upon sthfocus ones attention/ mind/ energy/ efforts on sth 把集中在.the focus of attention 注意力的焦点concentrate (ones attention/ efforts)o

    4、n sth fix (ones attention) on sth24.as a result 因此,所以as a result of由于的结果result from 由导致result in 导致25.yell at/ shout at 大喊大叫26.give a great performance 出色的表演27.turn into 变成turn to 转向;向求助turn up 出现;调高的声音turn down 调低的声音;拒绝turn out 结果证明28.keep on doing sth 持续不断地做某事29.be mean to sb 对某人吝啬的be mean with st

    5、h ( money) 对某物吝啬的mean doing sth 意味着mean to do sth 打算be meant to do sth 目的在于,旨在be meant for 为准备的,设计的means 方法,手段,单复数同形by means of 通过的方法by no means 绝不30.feel guilty of/ about sth 对有负罪感的31.stand doing sth 常与can/ could/ cant/ couldnt 连用 容忍,忍受bear/ tolerate/ put up with doing sth32.apologize to sb for sth

    6、/ doing sth 因为向某人道歉apology nmake an apology to sb for sthaccept an apology 接受道歉offer an apology 主动道歉demand an apology 要求道歉33.cannot help doing sth 情不自禁做cannot help (to) do sth 不能帮忙做cannot help but do sth 别无选择不得不做34.have the right to do sth 有做的权利35.blame sb for sth/ doing sth 因为.责备某人sb be to blame fo

    7、r sth 某人应受到责备注意:不能用被动结构36.in doubt 不确定的,不肯定的no doubt 无疑的beyond/ without doubt 确信,毫无疑问I doubt whether/ ifhave the doubt whether/ ifhave no doubt thatThere is no doubt about/ that-clause37.feel jealous of 对嫉妒的38.embarrassembarrassedembarrassingembarrassment n39.in public 当众,在公众场合40.avoid doing sth 避免4

    8、1.a gifted girl 有天赋的,有才能的be gifted at 在方面有天赋have a/ no gift for 有/没有天赋42.to ones strengthen(s) 全力以赴43. ruin ones friendship/ future 辨析damage/ destroy/ruindamage指部分性的损坏,还可以修复。也可表示损坏抽象的东西。还可用于借喻中。destroy指程度非常严重的毁坏,不可以修复再用。可表示毁坏具体的物体,也可表示毁坏抽象的东西。ruin指毁灭以至成为废墟,多用于借喻中。44.delay sth/ doing sth 推迟,拖延做withou

    9、t delay 毫不延迟地,立刻put off / postpone doing sth推迟,拖延做辨析delay/ postpone/ put offdelay指暂时性的阻挠,稍后可继续进行。postpone是正式用语,语义强,指有意识的延期至将来某一时间进行。一般后接延期至何时进行。put off较通俗口语化,语义与postpone大致相同。45.first of all 首先above all 首先,最重要的是at all 根本,究竟not at all 根本不,一点也不,别客气in all 总共,共计after all 毕竟,终究46.get along well with sb 与某

    10、人相处的很好47.stay up 不睡觉48.help sb with sth 帮某人忙help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事with ones help 在某人的帮助之下49.succeed in doing sth 成功做到某事be successful in doing sthmanage to do sth50.make it 成功做到;赶上51.make friends with sb52.be strict with sb 对严格的53.would rather do A than do B / prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A

    11、而不愿做B54.persuade sb to do sth/ persuade sb into doing sth 说服某人做某事try to persuade sb to do sth 劝说某人做某事,未能成功55.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事56.It is no good/ use doing sth 做某事是没有好处的/没有用的。57.discourage sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事prevent/ stop/ keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事58.suffer pain/ defeat 经历,忍受suffe

    12、r from headaches/ the disease/ loss of memory 遭受来自.的折磨59.get through 40 cigarettes a day 用完,消耗get through a lot of work 完成,设法完成get through the test (考试,测验等)合格get through (to sb) 打通电话60.puzzle sb puzzlingpuzzledbe puzzled about 对迷惑的puzzled look on ones face 迷惑的表情puzzle sth out 设法想出,仔细考虑解决puzzle over

    13、苦苦思索do a puzzle 字谜61.be absorbed in sth/ doing sth 全神贯注于,专注地做某事Absorbed in 置于句首,作状语absorb ink/ water 吸收absorb knowledge 理解,领会absorb the attention of the audience 吸引62.in the world= on earth 究竟,到底63.have/ show a positive attitude to/ towards 对表现出积极的态度64.be consistent with sth与一致的,相符的65.hesitate about

    14、/over/at sth 对犹豫的hesitate to do sth 不情愿做某事without hesitation 毫不犹豫66.respond to sth 对作出回应respond with a smile 用作出回应in response to sth 对作出反应67.be based on/ upon 建立在基础之上68.one another 彼此,相互(三者以上)each other 彼此,相互(两者)another one 另一个(三者以上)one after another 一个接一个69.on (the) one hand; on the other hand 70.t

    15、he first/ second/ last/ only to do sth 71.regardless of sth 不管,不顾M5U21.a heated debate 激烈的辩论debate with sb about/ on sth 就与某人进行辩论debate sth/ wh-clause 对进行辩论2. follow the schedule for 按照的程序,安排3.open the floor 自由发言get/ gain/ have/ be given the floor 取得发言权hold the floor 长篇大论地发言4.voice ones opinions/ an

    16、ger/ complaints 表达,吐露vtrecognize ones voice raise/ lower ones voicein a loud/ low voice have a/ little/ no voice in the matter 在上有/没多少/没有发言权5.the way that in which 省略 引导定语从句6.a large amount of +【U】+单数谓语动词large amounts of +【U】+复数谓语动词a large quantity of +【U】+单数谓语动词large quantities of +【U】+复数谓语动词a grea

    17、t deal of +【U】a large number of +【C】a good many +【C】plenty of + 【U】/【C】7.waste land 荒地waste paper 废纸a waste of time/ money/ energy浪费时间/金钱/精力waste ones money/ time (in) doing sth浪费时间做某事8.in a friendly atmosphere在友好的氛围之下9.in addition 另外in addition to sth 除之外10.wipe out 扫除,消灭11.lay an egg 下蛋,产卵lay the

    18、table 摆放桌子lay a book on the table 把书轻放在桌上lay down 放下;声明lay aside 放在一边lay out 设计(建筑等)lay off 解雇(工人)lay up 储蓄,存储lie lied lied lying 撒谎lie lay lain lying 躺,卧;位于lay laid laid laying 下蛋;放置12.have a lasting effect on/ upon 对有长久的影响13.表示数量之比的几种表达方法分数/百分比/倍数 + as as. + 比较级 +than. + the + n ( size/ length/ de

    19、pth/ weight/ width) + of. + what 从句 Eg. The population in China is more than three times what it was before liberation.14. My suggestion/ advice/ requirement/ order/ proposal is that should+ 动词原形15. approach v & nThe College Entrance Examination is approaching. 时间上的靠近,接近approach the school 空间的接近,靠近a

    20、pproach a problem 处理,研究take a new approach to sth 方法辨析approach/ means/ method/ wayapproach指问题的切入点,途径the approach to sthmeans指具体的方法手段 by means ofmethod指具有一定科学性的方法 with the methodway 指做事的方式 in the way16.cut back on 削减,缩减,减少cut down 砍到;减少的量cut in 插嘴;插队cut up 切碎cut away 切下;砍掉cut off 砍掉;切断(电力,水,煤气的供应);使孤

    21、立,隔绝17.be beneficial to 对有益beneficial = of benefitget much benefit from 从获益for ones benefit = for the benefit of 为了的利益benefit sb 有利于某人benefit from/ by . 得益于,受益于18.expand expansion19.It is obvious that 是显而易见的20.be concerned for/ about sth 担心,忧虑be concerned with sth 关心,与有关be concerned in 牵涉of concern

    22、= of importance 有意义,有重要性as far as sb/ sth be concerned 就而言concerning = about 介词,关于21.see/ treat/ think of/regard/consider as22.be responsible for 为负责be responsible to sb 对负责,向负责responsibility n have/show a sense of responsibility责任感take/ assume/ accept/ bear responsibility for 承担责任23.side by side =

    23、shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩24.do/ does/ did +动词原形 对谓语动词加强语气25.the key/ answer to sth/ doing sth 的关键、答案the solution to sth 的解决方法26.部分否定not always/ oftennot every/ each/ all/ both27.a problem with 带有的问题28.What if?如果将会怎样呢?29.run out of sth 用光,耗尽sth run out use up sth sth give outrun into 撞上;偶然遇见run after

    24、追赶,追求run across 跑着穿过;偶然碰见30.be delighted to do sth 高兴地做某事31.pick up 捡起,拾起 用汽车搭载某人 学会(外语,技能等)(无意中)获悉 (借助仪器)收听到 (身体,健康等)好转 跌倒后爬起来 偶然结识 (警方)逮捕某人(运气好)买到某物 32.customs officer 海关官员33.from under her coat从外套底下from under the bed 从床底下from behind the door 从门背后34.get sb to do sth/have sb do sth让某人做get sth done/

    25、 have sth done 把某事做了get sb/ sth doing 让动起来35.establish a company/ a theory 建立,创立establish a close relationship with sb 建立亲密的关系establish ones innocence/ guilt 确立,证实establish oneself in 定居在,落户在establish sb as 任命,派某人担任36.take measures/ steps to do sth 采取措施做.37.in the form of 以形式fill in/ out a form 填写表格

    26、be in/ out of form 处于良好的/不良的状态,表现正常/不正常take the form of 采取的形式,表现为的形式form into 将组成38.set up 建立39.be stocked with 装备有,储备有be in/ out of stock 有现货的/没有现货的take stock of 盘点存货;检查评估,鉴定40.sports equipment 体育设备be equipped for 对有准备,准备好be equipped with 装备有,配备有41.pick out good apples 挑选pick out sb in a crowd 分辨出来

    27、,辨认出来42.the third longest river 第三长河43.raise- raised- raised vt 及物动词rise- rose- risen vi 不及物动词raise ones hand 举手raise ons voice 提高嗓音raise a family 养家raise a question 提出问题raise money for 为筹集,筹措资金44.Not only, but also不但.而且连接两个并列单句,且not only置于句首时,not only后面的单句要采用部分倒装(助动词,be动词,情态动词放于主语之前)45.be deposited into sth 被沉积,被积淀46.rely on/ upon = depend on = be dependent on 依靠,依赖rely on sb to do sth 依靠某人做某事47.result in / lead to导致48.have harmful effects on/ upon49.recognize the importance of 意识到的重要性50.advise sb (not) t


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