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    1、t end there You see, welcoming someone into warmth and safety is just the (7)beginning You really could enable someone to change their life for good For Harvey, it was losing his job that led to him becoming homeless Since Harvey was welcomed into St Mungos, he has received (8)treatment for his heal

    2、th and so much more After he took courses in useful life skills, he recently moved into his own flat With your gift, you could help us offer a warm welcome to someone (9)like Harvey whos come in from the freezing streets Im sure youll a(10)gree/ accept thats a wonderful present to give at Christmas

    3、I hope you will send 25, or as much as you can, today【解答】1 impossible 考查形容词作表语根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是然而,实际上如果你在大街上过夜,那将是不可能的,不可能的的英文是impossible,所以答案是:impossible2 move 考查动词作谓语,在情态动词could后面,用动词原形根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是虽你的手指将可能如此麻木以至于将几乎不能动它们移动的英文是move,所以答案是:move3 increased 考查动词作谓语,此句是现在完成时,在助动词has后面用过去分词根据首字母提示,结

    4、合语境推测句意是听到这些你可能会吃惊,伦敦在刚刚过去的五年中露宿街头的人口数量已经翻倍,而且,近两年,国家其他地方的数量增加了30%增加的英文是increase,所以答案是:increased4 warm 考查形容词作定语根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是我们需要你的帮助给他在圣芒戈一个非常热烈的欢迎热烈的的英文是warm,所以答案是:warm5 provide 考查动词作谓语,在情态动词could后面,用动词原形根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是你能否给一个25英镑的圣诞节礼物,这礼物会提供一个圣芒戈欢迎包给一个无家可归的人提供的英文是provide,所以答案是:provide6 showe

    5、r 考查名词作表宾语,前面有a,用单数形式根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是所以,一个无家可归的人就能洗一个热水澡并做一些适当的清洁淋浴的英文是shower,所以答案是:shower7 beginning 考查名词作表语根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是你明白,迎接一个人走进温暖和安全只是一个开始开始的英文是beginning,所以答案是:beginning8treatment 考查不可数名词作宾语根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是他已经接受了健康治疗等等治疗的英文是treatment,所以答案是:treatment9 like 考查介词根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是用你的礼物,你将能够帮

    6、助我们为一个像Harvey的来自于冰冷大街的人提供一份温暖的欢迎像的英文是like,所以答案是:like10 agree/accept 考查动词作谓语,在助动词will后面,用动词原形根据首字母提示,结合语境推测句意是我确信,你会接受(同意)那是一个圣诞节的精彩的礼物接受(同意)的英文是 agree/ accept,所以答案是: agree/ accept2(2017南京)请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为6675的相应位置上Kids can make a differenceCraig Kielburger saidWhen Craig was 12,he

    7、(66)starteda group that has helped kids all over the worldHow did Craig get started?In the seventh grade he learned something that made him(67)angryA 6yearold boy in Pakistan was sent to work in a factoryThe boy could not go to schoolHe could not even playHe had no freedom (自由) at allCraig (68)compa

    8、redthat with his own lifeLaws in his country said that kids must go to school(69)Educationwas free to all kidsBut in some countries school was not freeChildren from poor families went to work instead of to schoolCraig wanted to help those who didnt have the same (70)advantagesas he and his friendsAs

    9、 a result,Craig and some friends started Free The ChildrenCraig and his friends decided that Free The Children should (71)raisemoney to build schoolsCraig hoped that learning would help kids in poverty (贫困) live(72)betterToday,Craigs charity has more than one million members in 45countriesIt is (73)

    10、stillgoing strongThe money they have raised has done many good thingsIt has helped build more than 500schools around the worldIt also pays for health care in (74)poorcommunitiesCraig has had a lot of successHowever,he still remembers his unpleasant start in the seventh gradeWe were laughed at by oth

    11、er kids,who said you (75)couldnt change things,he saysStill,Craig didnt give upNow he wants more kids to helpGo to free the childrencomBring it to your teachers,he saysAs you gain more confidence,friends will join youIt just gets easier【解答】答案:66started 考查动词根据上下文When Craig was 12,hea group that has h

    12、elped kids all over the world当克雷格12岁的时候,帮助世界各地的孩子们可知结合选项首字母,应说他创办了一个团队,因为上句是一般过去时,所以这里用一般过去时,结构为主语+动词的过去式,即started故答案为started67 angry 考查形容词根据上文In the seventh grade he learned something 七年级时他学到了一些东西和下文A 6yearold boy in Pakistan was sent to work in a factory一个6岁的男孩在巴基斯坦被送到工厂工作可知结合首字母应说是使他生气,make sb+ad

    13、j表示使某人.,故答案为angry68compared 考查动词根据下文Laws in his country said that kids must go to school法律在他的国家说,孩子们必须去上学可知结合首字母,应说克雷格比较他的生活下文是一般过去时,所以这里用一般过去时,结构为主语+动词的过去式,即compared 比较,故答案为compared69Education 考查名词根据下文But in some countries school was not freeChildren from poor families went to work instead of to sc

    14、hool但是在一些国家学校并不是免费的来自贫困家庭的孩子去上班而不是去上学可知结合首字母,说的是教育在他的国家对所有孩子都是免费的故答案为Education70advantages 考查名词根据上下文Craig wanted to help those who didnt have the sameas he and his friendsCraig想帮助那些没有同样的他和他的朋友们可知结合首字母,应说Craig想帮助那些没有像他和他的朋友们有同样优势的人这里应该用复数形式故答案为advantages71raise 考查动词根据上下文Craig and his friends decided

    15、that Free The Children shouldmoney to build schoolsCraig 和他的朋友们决定儿童解放组织应钱修建学校可知结合首字母,应说Craig 和他的朋友们决定儿童解放组织应筹集资金来修建学校raise money筹集资金should后跟动词原形故答案为raise72better 考查比较级根据上文Craig and his friends decided that Free The Children should raise money to build schoolsCraig 和他的朋友们决定儿童解放组织应筹集资金来修建学校题干Craig hop

    16、ed that learning would help kids in poverty (贫困) liveCraig希望学习能帮助贫困儿童生活可知结合首字母,应说Craig希望学习能帮助贫困儿童生活的更好故答案为better73still 考查副词根据上文Today,Craigs charity has more than one million members in 45countries现在,Craig的慈善机构在45个国家有超过100万的会员下文The money they have raised has done many good things筹集的钱做了很多好事可知结合首字母,句意

    17、应为它仍然在壮大故答案为still74poor 考查形容词根据上文It has helped build more than 500schools around the world它在世界各地帮助建立500多所学校题干It also pays for health care incommunities它还能支付医疗保健费用在群体可知结合首字母,句意应为它还能在贫困群体支付医疗保健费用故答案为poor75couldnt 考查情态动词根据上文We were laughed at by other kids我们被其他孩子嘲笑下文Still,Craig didnt give upNow he want

    18、s more kids to help不过,Craig没有放弃现在,他想让更多的孩子得到帮助题干应为who引导的定语从句可知结合首字母,句意应为我们被说你不能改变事情的其他孩子们所嘲笑句子为一般过去时,此空应是情态动词could的否定形式故答案为couldnt3(2016南京)How long does it take to bulid a new house?It usually takes about six months or more(66)BButeach year,thousands of people work together to bulid new homes in jus

    19、t four months?Who does this(67)wwonderful work?Habitat for HumanityHabitat for Humanity is a group that builds homes for families in (68)nneedIt has branches(分部)in different states around the countryThis group works all over the world,tooVolunteers help build the homesThey are unpaid workers who do

    20、all the work for (69)ffreeVolunteers can be builders and paintersThey can be teachers or bankers,Some are studentsHabitat for Humanity has built more than 300,000 housesMore than 1.5 million people(70)llive in these housesBuliding a home is hard workVolunteers learn (71)hhow to put up wallsThey use

    21、many (72)mmachines/materialsand toolsThese selfless(无私的 )volunteers work with the family that will live in the house,Everyone works together to make the familys (73)ddream(s)come trueSuruchi Srikanth has worked with Habitat for Humanity for four yearsShe (74)bbeganvolunteering in high schoolShe has

    22、built many homes with others VolunteersShe takes her responsibilities(责任)seriouslyVolunteers know (75)iifthey dont help,homes may not get builtThey are good citizens who care other people【解答】(66)答案but由前后文建房所用时间的对比可知此处表转折,故填but(67)答案wonderful由句子结构此处应填形容词修饰work,结合文意应表赞叹,故填wonderful(68)答案needHabitat fo

    23、r Humanity为那些有需要的家庭帮忙建房,固定搭配in need,故填need(69)答案free由前文知这个组织的工人都是志愿者,无偿工作,for free,免费,故填free(70)答案liveHabitat for Humanity已经建了超过300,000所房子,并且已经有超过150000的人住进了他们建的房中,故填live(71)答案how志愿者并非都是专业的建筑工人,他们会学习如何筑墙,how表方式,故填how(72)答案machines/materials他们建房会用到机器,原材料和工具,结合前文use和首字母提示,故可填machine/materials(73)答案dre

    24、am(s)大家齐心协力去帮助这些家庭实现梦想,make ones dream(s) come true,实现某人的梦想,故填dream(s)(74)答案began她中学就开始加入志愿者行列,发生在过去,故填began(75)答案if志愿者们清楚,如果没有他们的帮助,这些家园可能不会建立起来,if表假设,故填if4(2015南京)Suppose you find a bright yellow bike on a street corner in the cityYou hop on it and ride awayBut waitisnt this (51)stealing/strange?N

    25、o one shouts,Stop!Thief!That(52)because this free ride is just fine with the cityYou can find (53)hundreds of free yellow bikes in some UScitiesThe idea began in Portland,Oregon,in 1994People saw a need for (54)free transportation,and they wanted to help (55)control pollutionSo,to get citizens out o

    26、f their cars and onto pollution free bikes,they (56)started the Yellow Bike ProjectThe public bike are (57)painted bright yellow and placed throughout the cityPeople can hop on a yellow bike and ride to work to school,or to run errandsThey then leave the bike for the (58)next riderThere have been ti

    27、mes when bikes have been stolen,but most people obey the(59)rule/ulesWhat would be the point of stealing something thats already free?Portlands (60)idea quickly became popularWithin two years of its start similar programs were set up in cities in six other states【解答】51答案:stealing/strange 前面提到一种情形骑走原本不是自己的自行车,再结合空格后一句No one shouts(没有人喊叫),这种情形很奇怪,属于偷窃行为,结合首字母提示为s,可以推测出词语为形容词strange(奇怪),也可以是isnt this stealing(难道不是偷窃行为吗?),stealing为名词故答案为 strange/stealing52答案:because 上文提到骑走的原本不是自己的自行车,并没有人喊抓小偷,下文应该介绍发生这种情况的原因,结合首字母提示为b,可以推测出词语为because(因为),引导原因状语从句,那是因为这个免费的自行车适应了这个城市故答案为:because


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