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    1、沈阳航空航天大学毕业设计论文外文资料原文及译文 学 院:机电工程学院 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名:- 24 -Mechanical engineering 1.The porfile of mechanical engineeringEngingeering is a branch of mechanical engineerig,it studies mechanical and power generation especially power and movement.2.The history of mechanical engineering18th

    2、century later periods,the steam engine invention has provided a main power fountainhead for the industrial revolution,enormously impelled each kind of mechznical biting.Thus,an important branch of a new Engineering separated from the civil engineering tools and machines on the branch-developed toget

    3、her with Birmingham and the establishment of the Associantion of Mechanical Engineers in 1847 had been officially recognized.The mechanical engineering already mainly used in by trial and error method mechanic application technological development into professional engineer the scientific method of

    4、which in the research,the design and the realm of production used .From the most broad perspective,the demend continuously to enhance the efficiencey of mechanical engineers improve the quality of work,and asked him to accept the history of the high degree of education and training.Machine operation

    5、 to stress not only economic but also infrastructure costs to an absolute minimun.3.The field of mechanical engineering The commodity machinery development in the develop country,in the high level material life very great degree is decided each kind of which can realize in the mechanical engineering

    6、.Mechanical engineers unceasingly will invent the machine next life to produce the commodity,unceasingly will develop the accuracy and the complexity more and more high machine tools produces the machine.The main clues of the mechanical development is:In order to enhance the excellent in quality and

    7、 reasonable in price produce to increase the precision as well as to reduce the production cost.This three requirements promoted the complex control system development.The most successful machine manufacture is its machine and the control system close fusion,whether such control system is essentiall

    8、y mechanical or electronic.The modernized car engin production transmission line(conveyer belt)is a series of complex productions craft mechanization very good example.The people are in the process of development in order to enable further automation of the production machinery ,the use of a compute

    9、r to store and handle large volumes of data,the data is a multifunctional machine tools necessary for the production of spare parts.One of the objectives is to fully automated production workshop,three rotation,but only one officer per day to operate.The development of production for mechanical mach

    10、inery must have adequate power supply.Steam engine first provided the heat to generate power using practical methods in the old human,wind and hydropower,an increase of engin .New mechanical engineering industry is one of the challenges faced by the initial increase thermal effciency and power,which

    11、 is as big steam turbine and the development of joint steam boilers basically achieved.20th century,turbine generators to provide impetus has been sustained and rapid growth,while thermal efficiency is steady growth,and large power plants per kW capital consumption is also declining.Finally,mechanic

    12、al engineers have nuclear energy.This requires the application of nuclear energy particularly high reliability and security,which requires solving many new problems.Large power plants and the nuclear power plant control systems have become highly complex electroonics,fluid,electricity,water and mech

    13、anical parts networks All in all areas related to the mechanical engineers.Small internal combustion engine,both to the type (petrol and diesel machines)or rotary-type(gas turbines and Mong Kerr machine),as well as their broad application in the field of transport should also due to mechanical engin

    14、errs.Throughout the transport,both in the air and space,or in the terrestrial and marine,mechanial engineers created a variety of equipment and power devices to their increasing cooperation with electrical engineers,especially in the development of appropration control systems.Mechanical engineers i

    15、n the development of military weapons technology and civil war ,needs a similar,though its purpose is to enhance rather than destroy their productivity.However.War needs a lot of resources to make the area of techonlogy,many have a far-reaching development in peacetime efficiency.Jet aircraft and nu

    16、clear reactors are well known examples.The Biological engineering,mechanical engineering biotechnology is a relatively new and different areas,it provides for the replacement of the machine or increase the body functions as well as for medical equipment.Artficial limbs have been developed and have s

    17、uch a strong movement and touch response function of the human body.In the development of artificial organ transplant is rapid,complex cardiac machines and similar equipment to enable increasingly complex surgery,and injuries and ill patients life functions can be sustained.Some enviromental control

    18、 mechanical engineers through the initial efforts to drainage or irrigation pumping to the land and to mine and ventilation to control the human environment.Modern refrigeration and air-conditioning plant commonaly used reverse heat engine,where the heat from the engine from cold places to more exte

    19、rnal heat.Many mechanical engineering products,as well as other leading technology development city have side effects on the environment,producing noise,water and air pollution caused,destroyed land and landscape.Improve productivity and diver too fast in the commodity,that the renewable naturalforc

    20、es keep pace.For mechanical engineers and others,environmental control is rapidly developing area,which includes a possible development and production of small quantities of pollutants machine sequnce,and the development of new equipment and teachnology has been to reduce and eliminate pollution.4.T

    21、he role of mechanical engineering There are four generic mechanical engineers in common to the above all domains function.The 1st function is the understanding and the research mechanical science foundation.It includes the power and movement of the relationship dynamics For example,in the vibration

    22、and movement of the relationship;Automatic control;Study of the various forms of heart,energy,power relations between the thermodynamic;Fluidflows; Heat transfer; Lubricant; And material properties.The 2nd function will be conducts the research,the desing and the development,this function in turn at

    23、tempts to carry on the essential change to satisfy current and the future needs.This not only calls for a clear understanding of mechanical science,and have to breakdown into basic elements of a complex system capacity.But also the need for synthetic and innovative inventions.The 3rd function is pro

    24、duces the product and the power,include plan,operation and maintenance.Its goal lies in the maintenance either enhances the enterprise or the organization longer-tern and survivabilaty prestige at the same time,produces the greatest value by the least investments and the consumption.The 4th function

    25、 is mechanical engineers coordinated function,including the management,the consultation,as well as carries on the market marking in certain situation.In all these function,one kind unceasingly to use the science for a long time the method,but is not traditional or the intuition method tendency,this

    26、is a mechanical engineering skill aspect which unceasingly grows.These new rationalization means typical names include:The operations research,the engineering economics,the logical law problem analysis(is called PABLA) However,creativity is not rationalization.As in other areas,in mechanical enginee

    27、ring,to take unexpected and important way to bring about a new capacity,still has a personal,marked characteristice.5.The design of mechanical engineering The design of mechanical is the design has the mechanical property the thing or the system,such as:the instrument and the measuring appliance in

    28、very many situations,the machine design must use the knowledge of discipline the and so on mathematics,materials science and mechanics. Mechanical engineering desgin includeing all mechanical desgin,but it was a study,because it also includes all the branches of mechsnical engineering,such as thermo

    29、dynamics all hydrodynamics in the basic disciplines needed,in the mechanical engineering design of the initial stude or mechanical design.Design stages.The entire desgin process from start to finish,in the process,a demand that is designed for it and decided to do the start.After a lot of repetition

    30、,the final meet this demand by the end of the design procees and the plan.Design considerations.Sometimes in a system is to decide which parts needs intensity parts of geometric shapesand size an important factor in this context that we must consider that the intensity is an important factor in the

    31、design.When we use expression design considerations,we design parts that may affect the entire system design features.In the circumstances specified in the design,usually for a series of such functions must be taken into account.Howeever,to correct purposes,we should recognize that,in many cases the

    32、 design of important design considerations are not calculated or test can determine the components or systems.Especially students,wheen in need to make important decisions in the design and conduct of any operation that can not be the case,they are often confused.These are not special,they occur every day,imagine,for example,a medical laboratory in the mechanical design,from marketing perspective,people have high expectations from the strength and relevance of impression.Thick,and heavy parts installed together:to produce a solid impression mach


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