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    1、C. The woman should do the job in Manhattan. () 5 . What did the man probably think of his train ride?A. Relaxing. B. Boring. C. Exciting. 二、长对话或独白() (题文)听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。6 . (小题1)Where is the woman going?A. Her house. B. Sixth Avenue. C. West 22 nd Street. 7 . (小题2)What do we know from the conversa

    2、tion?A. It is going to rain soon. B. The woman is in a rush. C. The traffic is heavy at the moment. () 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。8 . How long will the woman have to walk before she gets to the subway station?A. About five minutes. B. About ten minutes. C. About fifteen minutes. 9 . What does the woman come t

    3、o the city for?A. To visit a friend. B. To do some sightseeing. C. To deal with business. 10 . For whom does the man want to buy the dress?A. His mother. B. His sister. C. His wife. 11 . What color dress does the man choose?A. Green. B. Purple. C. Grey. 12 . What does the man want to know at the end

    4、 of the conversation?A. How to pay for the item. B. Where to sign his name. C. Whether the item can be exchanged. 13 . When did the woman really start to like football?A. When she came to London. B. When she returned to Montreal. C. When she came to New Jersey. 14 . How long has the man been in Lond

    5、on?A. One year. B. Two years C. Three years 15 . What does the man think of soccer?A. It is a confusing sport. B. Its not interesting. C. Its not violent enough. 16 . What does the woman say about Euro 2012 football tournament?A. There are a lot of goals. B. She has watched every game. C. She likes

    6、the style of playing () (题文)听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。17 . (小题1)What kind of job did the speaker have last year?A. A secretary. B. A shopkeeper. C. A general manager. 18 . (小题2)Why did the speaker feel confident that she could find a new job soon?A. She was quite experienced B. She had been offered several job

    7、s. C. She wasnt demanding a high salary. 19 . (小题3)How long had the speaker been out of a job?A. For about one month. B. For about two months. C. For about three months 20 . (小题4)What is the speaker doing?A. Asking for advice. B. Sharing her experience. C. Making an introduction. 三、阅读理解() Its 5:00 i

    8、n the morning when the alarm rings in my ears. I roll out of bed and walk blindly through the dark into the bathroom. I turn on the light and put on my glasses. The house is still as I walk downstairs while my husband and three kids sleep peacefully. Usually I go for a long run, but today I choose m

    9、y favorite exercise DVD, Insanity.(疯狂60天健身) Sweat pours down my face and into my eyes. My heart races as I face my body to finish each movement. As I near the end of the exercise, I feel extremely tired, but a smile is on my face. Its not a smile because the DVD is over, but a smile of success from

    10、pushing my body to its extreme limit. Some people enjoy shopping, smoking , food, work, or even chocolate. But I need exercise to get through each day. Some shake heads when they see me run through the town. Others get hurt when I refuse to try just one bite of their grandmothers chocolate cake. The

    11、y raise their eyebrows, surprised by my “no thank you,” or by my choice to have a salad. Over the years , I have learned its okay to just say “no.” I shouldnt feel sorry for refusing food that I dont want to eat. So what drives me to roll out of bed at 5:00 a.m.? What gives me the reason to just say

    12、 no to ice cream? Commitment. A commitment to change my life with a way that reduces daily anxiety, increases self confidence and energy, extends life and above all improves my body shape. This is the point where a smile appears on my face as I look at myself in the mirror or try on my favorite pair

    13、 of jeans that now fit just right. Its through commitment and sweat that I can make a difference within myself inside and out. 21 . Why is there a smile on the authors face in the morning?A. Because she sees her family sleeping peacefully. B. Because she feels a sense of achievement. C. Because she

    14、enjoys the interesting DVD. D. Because she finishes her favorite exercise. 22 . What does the underlined word “commitment” in the last paragraph mean? 23 . What can we learn about the author from the text?AGood health.BA strong power.CFirm belief.DA regular habit.AShe acts in a strange way.BShe want

    15、s to look different from others.CShe has difficulty getting along with others.DShe aims to develop a good body shape.() People and animals often enjoy loving relationships with each other. When people adopt domesticated(家养的) animals into their families as pets, animals give humans the blessings of c

    16、ompanionship and fun in return. In the wild, animals sometimes carry out dramatic rescues of people in dangerous situations, miraculously(奇迹般地) sensing human needs and jumping in without fear to help. In 2000, a 6-year-old boy named Elian Conzalez left Cuba on a boat bound for Florida in the United

    17、States, but the boat sank and everyone aboard drowned except for Elian and two adults. Elian and the other two survivors held onto an inner tube for 48 hours to try to stay afloat in the sea. After a while, however, Elian began to lose strength, slipping under the water and then grabbing the tube ag

    18、ain as he fought to stay alive. A small group of dolphins noticed Elian struggling and swam over to him to help. The dolphins formed a circle around the inner tube and took turns using their noses to lift Elian until fishermen working in the area discovered and rescued Elian and the two adults who f

    19、loated nearby. The fishermen reported that, when they discovered Elian, he was repeating a prayer that his mother had taught him before drowning, asking guardian angels to protect him. Miraculously, the dolphins knew that a child would need more help than adults, so they focused on Elianand they fig

    20、ured out exactly what needed to be done and cooperated to carry out that plan successfully. They made it!24 . Why did Elian slip off the tube? 25 . How did the dolphins save Elian Conzalez? 26 . Which of the following words can be used to describe Elian Conzalez? 27 . What can be the best title for

    21、the text?AThe dolphins helped him.BHe was tired out.CThe two adults pushed him.DThe tube was too smooth to grab.AThey informed the fishermen.BThey formed a circle around him.CThey stopped Elian slipping under the water.DThey supported the inner tube by turns.AConfident and strong.BAdaptable and aggr

    22、essive.CFriendly and optimistic.DDetermined and luckyAPrayer Doing Wonder.BElians Narrow Escape.CAnimals: Human Beings Angels.DThe Dolphins That Rescued Elian.() Michaela Clovis is a neighbor of mine. Last year, one of her classmates made fun of her hair. “She said it doesnt look right and doesnt ma

    23、tch my skin,” said Michaela. Michaela is Irish, German, Native American, and African American. She has pale skin and reddish yellow hair, but she is not white. Soon, a few classmates joined the teasing. Michaela said she felt “small and alone”. But she stopped the teasing without getting angry. Here

    24、 is how she did it. First, Michaela talked to her parents. Her mother, Donna, told Michaelas teacher and also suggested that Michaela not face the teasing alone. Next, Donna told Michaela about the different people in her family, and their love for each other. She taught her that people of all races

    25、 are beautiful. “Everyones skin or hair color is beautiful and you have to believe that for yourself. You have to learn to be confident and comfortable in your own skin and hair. Forget what your classmates say, as it is just a period most kids go through picking on others because they are different

    26、 ! Just dont let it get to you and you will be okay! Be proud of who you are and love yourself for being a kind and generous human being,” Michaelas mother said. This made Michaela feel better. After that, Michaela was more confident. The next time she was teased, Michaela said, “I know that Im prou

    27、d of it”. She stuck to that answer until the teasing finally ended. 28 . Some classmates hurt Michaela by teasing her about her _ 29 . What did Michaela first do to deal with the teasing? 30 . The underlined part “picking on” in paragraph 4 probably means _. 31 . What can we learn from this story?Ah

    28、airBskinCneighborDfamilyAShe told her parentsBShe asked the author for adviceCShe talked to her teacherDShe believed in herself and kept silentAsearching forBlaughing atCfighting withDforgetting aboutATeasing is popular among classmatesBStudents should be taught to love each otherCPeople who tease o

    29、thers should be punishedDIts possible to end a bad situation without anger() Do you think horseback riding is easy? Well, you are wrong. Horseback riding is one of the most challenging sports in the world today. As you know, a horse has the instinct to run away when afraid. When he becomes puzzled, he becomes afraid. When your silent communication is confusing, he does not ask you to repeat what you have said. Instead, he runs forward, he jumps to the side, he kicks out, or he freezes in place. Most of the time, however, you wont know your communication is con


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