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    1、collect answers from students.drawa conclusion; whether roy stole the money or not, we help him all the same.becausewere friends.friendsare the ones we can get help from and we can trust.in this unit, we have talked a lot about friends and friendship, knowing the importance of friends.andwhat do you

    2、 think of a friend or friendship?how to keep friendship?list good qualities and bad qualities a friend may have.suggested answers:good qualities:outgoing hospitable considerate enthusiastic friendly kind polite honest loyal brave positive optimistic smart intelligent modest generous determined respo

    3、nsible mature bad qualities:dishonest unfriendly dishonest rude impolite selfish lazy careless pessimistic brainstorming:2 writingdescribe a problem you had with a friend and give advice on how to keep friends.suggested expressions:close, trust, chat, be on good terms, get on very well, keep in touc

    4、h, get to know, personal matters, be similar to , considerate, warm hearted, honest, 一些有关友谊的名言警句如:on friends and friendship:a true friend is one soul in two bodies.(-aristotle)a friend in need is a friend indeed.(-ray)be slow in choosing a friend; slower inchanging.(-benjamin franklin)a friend is a

    5、present which you give yourself.(-robertlouis stevenson)fate chooses your relatives, you choose your friends.(-abbejacques deille)a faithful friend is the medicine of life.(-williamshakespeare)the bird a nest, the spider a web, manfriendship.(-william blake)we choose our friend by instinct, but we k

    6、eep them by judgment.(-alfredcapus)friendship is love without his wings.(-georgegordon byron)true friendship is a plant of slow growth.(-george washington)sle:friendship is one of the most valuable relationship in our lives, it may even last through you whole life.ihave a good friend.sometimesi argu

    7、e with my friend.forexle, once we discussed a problem of our homework, as we held different ideasand wanted to persuade each other, we argued a lot.however,after we found the correct answer, the one that was wrongapologized at once.nomatter how often we quarreled and whatwe quarreled for, we are goo

    8、d friends for ever.my favourite proverb says ' friend are like stars, you dont always see them, but you know they re always there.& thatstrue, indeed friends are willing to help you all the time.whenyou are down ,friends raise you up with their hearts .when youlose your way, friends guide you an

    9、d pull you to the right way.when you have sorrow to plain of, friends are always the bestears for you.so please cherish your friends, because everyone of them isunique and precious.gettingalong with friends is just likegrowing plants.wemust use patience, trust, and honesty asfertilizer to make frien

    10、dship stonger.andnever forget ,plantsneed sunshine, so do friends.oftengive them some warm and youwill find your hearts are getting closer.friendship stands on both sides , so the more you give andthe more you will get .remember,the key is your sincere heart.step3 promotion and homework1) assign ano

    11、ther writing task based on the followinginformation:2) instruct the students to write and revise by themselves.3) let the students hand in their final copies.4) select some good sles to read to the whole class.suggestedfriendship is the most important things in life.goodfriend would like to help you

    12、 when you met some troubles.realgood friends could put each other in their hearts.realfriendship is like the spring rivers flowing down the mountains, silently.everybodyis looking forward to meeting real friends.how to find real friendship and keep it? i think it is like you planting a big tree.yous

    13、hould choose good seeds and take care of it to make it grow.almostthe same thoughts between each other is on base.maybefight also will happen.howto do? to make real friend, you don&t be shy to explain your thoughts to the other.tryyour best to keep friendship forever.itis necessary to tell the truth

    14、 and respect each other.高考英语书面表达教案(二)教学实施过程:针对学生这样的实际情况,并受任务型教学法启示“任务型教学理论实际上就是建立在讨论或交流教学思路的基础上的,是交流教学思路的一种发展形态,英语教学要以学生为中心,教师要为学生设计运用语言的环境,通过大量的交流活动总结和掌握语言的规律,并在交流活动中实践,从而达到目的.”我对每模块后的书面表达内容的教学作了调整,这样处理:即把写作课变成讨论和写作并存的活动课,并在活动课中备有相关的多媒体内容或音乐,使学生在真切愉快的情景中搜集写作素材, 完成写作内容,最后达到激发学生写作兴趣,提高写作技能并促进其他几种技能的效

    15、果。具体教学过程如下:第一步,确定题目后,教师启发学生思考,回忆写作中所需要的相关词汇,必要时通过多媒体展示相关内容,然后教师在黑板上进行总结或借助多媒体把关键词语呈现给学生.例如外研版教材book6 module3 interpersonal relationship_ friendship,该模块的写作任务讲述朋友之间所产生的矛盾问题, 并提出建议保持友谊:describing a problem you had with a friend and giving advice on how to keep friends教师可先展示一些有关友谊或本班同学相处的图片、幻灯片、音乐等,以激发学

    16、生的学习兴趣。然后教师可引导学生说说自己的好朋友,尽可能用到本模块所学过的词汇:close, trust, chat, be on good terms, get on very well, keep in touch, get to know, personal matters, be similar to, considerate, warmhearted, honest, 等等。第二步,分组讨论(均匀分配不同程度的学生),要求学生围绕写作话题借助有关词汇,人人动口,积极思维:1.who is your good friend?2.howdo you bee good friends? 3

    17、.haveyou everquarreled with each other? 4.whats the problem? 5.haveyou made up? 6.whatshould you do to keep your friendship? 等, 并让学生各抒己见,提供出不同的词语句型,如1.ive known him/her for .2.wefirst met six years ago.i remember meeting him/her for the first time 3.we have much in mon.4.i not only.but also.5.isugge

    18、st that.6.whynot.? 7.cant we .? 8.whatabout.? 9.friendshipis both.and.10.ifwe.,we can.等也可提供一些有关友谊的名言警句如: slower in changing.(-benjamin franklin)the bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship.(-williamblake)同时教师提醒学生在讨论中尽量使用正确的时态、语态并用英语交流。这一步也是学生英文写作收集写作素材的过程。教师可参考与到各个组中,帮助学生解决疑难问题,并根据不同的写作内容和各小组的实

    19、际水平适当给他们提供一些新的词汇, 同时鼓励那些平时不善于言谈的学生开口交流和帮助基础较差的学生。通过不断的教学实践,我发现:在这种活动或情景之下,学生无拘无束,大胆热烈讨论,加之教师的指导,写作的素材自然获得不少。最后每组选一位代表执笔完成书面表达,并在时间允许内在全班朗读;第三步,教师进行总结归纳: friendship is a kind of human relations.itis a human instinct to make friends.whenin trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support andencourag

    20、ement.withsuccess achieved, we also need friends to share our joys.long live friendship! 同时再次强调写作中所需的时态、语态和学生写作过程中容易犯的错误等关键问题。而后要求学生课后完成各自的写作内容并上交作业。第四步,作文评价是个意义重大的环节,可采用以下评价机制, 包括学生自评-学生互评-教师评价-全班反馈-范文共赏五个环节。学生参与情况:运用这种教学方式,我所教的班级学生普遍反映:这种讨论和写作的方式更适合他们,因为气氛活跃,让人觉得轻松,通过小组的讨论、互相帮助和老师的指引,较容易搜集到写作素材,而且

    21、参考小组素材再结合自己的观点,就更容易下手写作了。每个小组都能写出较为优秀的文章,而且,学生完成作业情况非常好,能充分运用课上所讲的相关词汇和表达方式,有些同学的文章写得相当好,可以作为范文展示学习。总而言之,这种写作教学法既激发了学生的写作兴趣,又提高了他们的口语表达能力,同时还培养了他们的群体合作精神,而且也达到了师生互动交流。高中英语书面表达优秀教案一、引言在高三英语复习中,书面表达方面的复习指导一直不受重视在培养学生书面表达能力的实践过程中,谋篇一直是被忽视的。我们应该注意两个这样的现象;一是学生犯的词与句的错误虽然数量多,却远不如所犯的结构错误严重,信息点过多或不够、逻辑混乱、 结构不严谨是造成书面表达”档次低”的”罪魁祸首”;二是词与句的错误并非都是由于不会用词或不会造句本身引起的,不会谋篇也会引发词句的错误。


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