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    1、3.Conversation TwoHow can the internet help Bob in his job search exactly ABy helping him make friends. BBy passing on the video he made. CBy providing job information for him. 4.Questions 9 and 10 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer e

    2、ach of the two questions. Now listen to the news.According to Dr. Flores, hospitals and clinics() Ahave seen the need for hiring trained interpreters. Bhave realized the problems of language barriers. Chave begun training their staff to be bilinguals. Dhave taken steps to provide accurate diagnosis.

    3、 5.What office is the student looking for AAccounting. BEconomic History. CEconomics. 6.51.“A Unique Experience in Indian Cuisine”here means that the Gandhi restaurant _ . Ais the only genuine Indian restaurant in Hampshire Boffers customers its own special style of cooking Cmakes special food for n

    4、ative Indian customers Dis trying out Indian recipes for the first time 7. 8.When was the orientation meeting held AYesterday. BLast Friday. CA week ago. 9. 10.How does the food preparation contribute to the unique experience AIt varies from customer to customer, depending on the price. BThe methods

    5、 used are secret and known only to the chef. CIt uses genuine Indian ingredients and follows ancient recipes. DIt follows methods described by traditional Indian authors. 11. 12.What is the rule about attendance at lectures AIt is optional. BIt is necessary. CIt is difficult to enforce. 13.According

    6、 to the article, in what way does the restaurant live up to its name AIt will soon be as famous throughout the world as Gandhi himself. BThe owner considers himself to be a leader of the local Indian community. CIt has had a considerable influence on other Hampshire restaurants. DIt sets new standar

    7、ds of excellence for other Indian restaurants to follow. 14. 15.How often does the student have to attend tutorials AOnce every other week. BThree times a week. COnce a week. 16.Where did the top chef of the Gandhi Restaurant use to work AIn London. BIn Hampshire. CIn Denvilles. DIn Portsmouth. 17.

    8、18. 19.Customers can obtain a cheaper meal by _ . Abringing the advertisement with them Bmaking a phone call to the restaurant Cproviding proof of their enjoyment Dcontributing to the cost of advertising 20. 21. In this section, you will hear two interviews. Each interview will be read only once. At

    9、 the end of each interview, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the five questions, each with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. BInterview One/B According to Da

    10、vid, what is the main problem for staff using computers now AA. The lack of IT support. BB. The speed of their networks. CC. The need for more laptops. 22. BSection A/B In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation,

    11、 there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question with three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. Listen to these people talking about a book. What kind of book are they

    12、 discussing AA. A love story. BB. A thriller. CC. A science book. 23.BInterview Two/B Who did Dr Stewart read a poem to AA. An actor. BB. A business person. CC. Mr Davies. 24. Interview One Why do most staff still print documents A. They do it out of habit. B. Their screens are small. C. Printed doc

    13、uments make easier reading. 25.BInterview Two/B How did this poem help the person AA. He stopped worrying. BB. He found a new balance in his life. CC. He felt more relaxed. 26. You hear two people discussing the menu in a Chinese restaurant. Which dish are they going to have AA. Fish. BB. Duck. CC.

    14、Beef. 27. What does the man want the woman to do AA. Watch a sports programme. BB. Repair the video. CC. Record a wildlife programme. 28. What percentage of employees find the videophone helpful in negotiations AA. About 89%. BB. Around50%. CC. Only 11%. 29.BInterview Two/B Which seems to be most ef

    15、fective for many patients, according to Dr Stewart AA. Listening to poetry. BB. Reading poetry. CC. Writing poetry. 30. Why arent videophones widely used according to David A. Their functions have not been fully introduced. B. There are not enough of them. C. They have a bad effect on staff relation

    16、ships. 31. Two people are talking. What are they talking about AA. A TV programme. BB. A film. CC. A concert. 32. What does David say about office design in the future A. Design will become a less important issue. B. Offices will be basically open-plan areas. C. Offices will have different styles to

    17、 suit different needs. 33. Two people are talking. What do they decide to do this evening AA. Go to the cinema. BB. Rent a video player. CC. Go to a friends house. 34.BInterview Two/B Why is writing poetry calming for many patients AA. It expresses their emotions. BB. The rhythm is soothing. CC. It

    18、takes a long time. 35.Interview Two Which of the following is Dr Stewarts opinion about treating people under stress A. They need a doctors advice on which poems to read. B. They dont need a doctors advice on which poems to read. C. They should read a particular poem regularly. 36. In this section,

    19、you will hear five short news items. Each item will be read only once. After each item, there will be a pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. What was the average age of the runners at the beginning of the survey AA. 50. BB. 58. CC. 68. 37. There is one passage in this section followed by five questions. For each question, there are four


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