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    1、C. The ducks are eating their picnic.( ) 2. A. He can help you. B. You can help me. C. I can help you.( ) 3. A. We ate hamburgers and drank some milk. B. We drank colas and ate hot dogs.C. We ate hot dogs and drank colas.( ) 4. A. They were very happy. B. We were very happy. C. We were very sad.( )

    2、5. A. She lived to be 78. B. They lived to be 87. C. She lived to be 87.三、听对话选图。请根据你所听到的对话内容从A、B两张图片中选择正确的一张,将其序号填在括号里。10分(每小题读两遍) ( ) 1. A: I want a hot dog, please. How much is it? B: A. B. C. ( ) 2. A: What is the girl doing? A B C ( ) 3. A: Where is the boy?( ) 4. A: When are we going to go to t

    3、he park? ( ) 5. A: This book looks interesting. Whats it about? A B C四、听短文判断。请根据你所听到的短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。(10分,短文读两遍) ( ) 1. Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America. ( ) 2. They went to the game by bike. ( ) 3. They didnt watch the game. ( ) 4. Their favourite team played very well. ( ) 5

    4、. Daming and Simon ate hot dogs and drank some juice. 笔试部分(70分)一、找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中。(5分)( ) 1、A、waterB、jumpC、runD、climb( ) 2、A、longerB、tallerC、tiredD、stronger( ) 3. A. ride B. teacher C. driver D. pupil( ) 4. A. flute B. guitar C. hot dog D. drum( ) 5. A. sunny B. warm C. windy D. duck二、单项选择: (15分

    5、)( )1.Were looking _ some ducks.A. in B. at C. near( )2.Shes _ her homework.A. do B. did C. doing ( )3. Look! The boys are walking _ the blackboard. .A. to B. up C. in( )4.Who _ help me? Sorry, I cant. A. can B. cant C. should( )5. -How are you, Mike? You look so_. -Its raining outside. I cant play

    6、football.A. happy B. excited C. sad )6.-Did you _ pictures yesterday?A. take B. tookC. taking( )7. I_ my room and watched TV .A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning( )8. The ducks _ in the water . A, is swimming B, are swiming. C are swimming( )9当你不小心碰到了别人时,你应该说A. Thank you very much. B. Sorry. C. Goodbye.

    7、( )10.你想知道汉堡的价钱是多少,你会问:A. How much is a hot dog? B. Here you are. C. How much is a hamburger?( )11.你处在麻烦之中,如果你想请求帮助你会对他人说:A. Can I help you ? B. Who can help me?C. I can help you.)12、当你想知道汤姆有多高时,你应该问:_A、Howlongareyou?B、HowtallC、Howlarge( )13. It is too _, I cant do my homework. A. soon B. sunny C .n

    8、oisy( ) 14. I want _ some tea , please . A. to drink B. drink C. drinking ( ) 15. How much is it ? It is _. A, thirteen dollar and one cents.B. thirteen dollars and one cents. C. thirteen dollars and one cent. 三、用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)1. What do you want_(eat)?2. Its 4:00 now. Lets_(go)home.3. We_(buy) so

    9、me delicious food tomorrow. What about you?4. Look! The birds_(sing) in the tree.5. They are too heavy. I cant_(carry)them all.6. My mother_(give)me a storybook on my birthday last year.7. He saw his father in space and he _(be)very proud of him.8、I_(eat) an ice cream last night.9. They _(come)to th

    10、e airport to meet their friend Tom next Monday.10. He sometimes_(read) a book about famous people.四、按括号内要求写出下列单词的适当形式。 (10分)(1)watch(过去式)_ (2)go(过去式)_(3)see(过去式)_ (4)sing(过去式)_(5)spend(过去式)_ (6)teach(单三式)_(7)make(现在分词)_ (8)swim(现在分词)_(9)fly(过去式)_ (10)do(第三人称单数形式)_五、从方框中选出正确的句子,将句子代号填写在横线上.(5分)A. Hi

    11、B. Its twenty yuan. C.A cola, please. D. Thank you. E. Yes, we have.Waitress: Hello. Can I help you?Tom: _1_. Have you got a hot dog? _2_. Good. A hot dog, please. What do you want to drink? _3_. How much is it?. _4_. Here you are. _5_.Enjoy your meal!六、读一读,选择正确答句(10分) ) 1. Does she teach math? A. I

    12、 am 160 cm tall. ) 2. How tall are you?B. I feel sick. ) 3. How do you feel? C. By bus. ) 4. What did you do last weekend?D. Yes, she does. ) 5.When is your birthday? E. I visited my grandpa. ) 6. What day is it today?F. Its Wednesday. ) 7. Where did you go yesterday?G. Its on January 1st. ) 8. Is s

    13、he playing the violin now?H. Come in, please. ) 9. May I come in?I. I went to Shanghai ) 10. How did you go home yesterday?J. Yes, she is. 七连词成句:1.his riding hes but bike its rain to starting (, )(.)_2. are these ducks hungry very (?)_3. of his proud him son was very (.)4. I you book bought this (.)

    14、5. carry bag this heavy will Daming (.)八、将下列句子的序号填入图片下面的括号中(5分)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1、 The boy is going to the park.2、 Some newspapers are flying away.3. The balloons are flying away.4. These boys are playing football.5. They are going to go to the park tomorrow.九、阅读短文,判断正误。对的打T,错误的打F。It is Saturday

    15、morning. Mrs Black and her daughter Kate go to the bookshop near their house. Mrs Black wants to buy some picture books for her grandson. Kate wants to buy some storybooks. In the bookshop Kate meets her old classmate, Sue. They are good friends. They talk and talk for a long time and forget to buy

    16、books. At twelve oclock Mrs Black finds them and asks Sue to go and have lunch in their house. The two girls are very happy.( ) 1. Mrs Black and her daughter go to the bookshop on Sunday Morning.( ) 2. The bookshop is near the school.( ) 3. The two girls meet in the bookshop.( ) 4. Kate forget to bu

    17、y books.( ) 5. The two girls go and have lunch at twelve oclock.小学英语六年级下册期末测试题听力原文及答案听力原文:1.take pictures 2. two dollars 3.have a picnic 4. play football 5. fly away1. The ducks are eating their picnic.2. You can help me.3. We drank colas and ate hot dogs.4. They were very happy.5. She lived to be 8

    18、7.1.A:B: Its 3 dollars and seventy-five cents.2.A: Shes singing.3.A: Hes in the library.4.A: We are going to go there at 1 oclock in the afternoon.5. A: Its about China.Yesterday was Sunday. Daming and Simon went to a basketball game in America. They rode bikes to the game. They watched the game. Th

    19、eir favourite team played very well. They were hungry and thirsty. Then they ate hamburgers and drank some juice. 听力部分答案(30分)一、 3,5,4,1,2二、C,B, B, A ,C三、C C C B B笔试部分答案(70分)1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D1-5 BCAAC 6-10 ABCBC 11-15 BBCAC1. to eat 2.go 3.will buy/are gong to buy 4. are singing 5. carry 6.gave 7.

    20、was 8.ate 9.will come/ are going to come 10.reads1.watched 2. went 3.saw 4.sang 5.spent 6.teaches 7.making 8.swimming 9. flew 10.does五、从方框中选出正确的句子,将句子填写在横线上.(5分)1.A 2.E 3.C 4.B 5.D1.D 2.A 3.B 4.E 5.G 6.F 7.I 8.J 9.H 10.C1. Hes riding his bike, but its starting to rain.2. These ducks are very hungry.3. His son was very proud of him.4. I bought you this book.5. Daming will carry this heavy bag.3 1 2 5 41.F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5.T


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