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    1、智慧树知到跨文化交际广西师范大学章节测试完整答案2020智慧树,知到跨文化交际(广西师范大学)章节测试完整答案智慧树知到跨文化交际章节测试答案第一章1、 Culture can be defined as:()A:Culture is the total accumulati on of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, in stituti ons and com muni catio n patter ns that are shared, lear ned an dpassed dow nthrough the gen eratio ns in a

    2、n identifiable group of people.B:A system of meaning.C:Culture is a system of meaning and the total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, in stituti ons andcom muni cati onD:A system of com muni cati on.正确答案: Culture is a system of meaning and the totalaccumulati on of beliefs, custom

    3、s, values, behaviors, in stituti ons and com muni cati on2、Twoimportant factors responsible in closely connecting the countries of the world and making the world a smaller place today in clude:().A:La nd and waterB:War and peaceC:Religi on and Gover nmentD:Com mun icatio n and trade正确答案: Communi cat

    4、io n and trade3、What are the 5 stories of the Global Village, as mentioned in the text book?A:Christian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, TaoB:Western, Marxist, Christian, Islamic, GreenC:Western, Marxist, Christia n, Jewish, BlueD:Love, Hope, Peace, Progress, Truth正确答案:Western, Marxist, Christia n, Islami

    5、c, Green4、“ Learning about ” a culture invoIves learning basicthings related to that culture such as its history whereas“ learning to do” a culture invoIves understanding why people in that culture behave and act the way they do.A:对B:错正确答案:对5、 During the first level of cultural awareness, you start

    6、conn ect ing with people from the differe nt culture and beg inun dersta nding them.A:对B:错正确答案:错第二章1、 The belief that your cultural group is superior to thatof others is known as:().A:AgeismB:Cultural InferiorityC:Eth nocen trism or Cultural SuperiorityD: Levels of Culture正确答案: Eth nocen trism or Cu

    7、ltural Superiority2、What are subcultures?A:Theman ydiffere ntkinds of prejudicesmanypeople have.B:Thebelief that your own culture is farsuperiorto thatof others.C:Themany smallercultures withi n alarger,n ati onalculture.D:They are overge neralizati ons desig ned to hurt others.正确 答案:The many smalle

    8、r cultures within a larger, n ati onal culture.3、The different Levels of Culture include:().A:Natio nalB:Regi onalC:Ge nerati onalD: All the optio ns are in correct正确答案: All the opti ons are in correct4、Generalizations are hurtful/harmful. Stereotypes are helpful.A:对B:错正确答案:错5、To avoid stereotyping,

    9、 one must avoid overgeneralizing.A:对B:错正确答案:对第三章1、 Low con text com muni cati onis com muni cati on that occursmostly through Ian guage.A:对B:错正确答案:A2、 High con text com muni cati on is com muni cati on that occurs mostly through Ian guage.A:对B:错正确答案:B3、What are examples of behavior codes?A:Books and

    10、 magaz inesB:Body Ian guage and social rolesC:Words people say and texts messagesD:Posters and past relati on ships正确答案:B4、What is one of the major sources of confusion, misun dersta nding and frustrati on in cross-cultural com muni cati on?A:The differenee in Ianguages spoken by people from differe

    11、 nee coun tries.B:The differe nee in age betwee n the people com muni cati ng.C:The differe nee in jobs betwee n the people com muni cati ng.D:The differe nee betwee n high and low-c on textcom muni cati on.正确答案:D5、For a Chinese student going to the United States for the first time, what might be a

    12、source of frustration?A:On ly hav ing writte n forms of com muni cati on and no one tohelp them in pers on.B:Not feeli ng con fide nt with their speak ing ability.C:The poor public transportation in the United States.D:Not being able to conn ect with new friends on WeChat.正确答案:A第四章1、Typically, Asia

    13、ns are more formal tha n westerners and older people are more formal tha n youn ger people.A:对B:错正确答案:A2、How do Westerners react to silenee?A:They will feel un comfortable and immediately leave thesituatio n.B:They will likely feel uncomfortable and keep talking tostop the sile nee.C:They will liste

    14、 n and wait for ano ther pers on to speak.D:They won ” t notice the silenee at all.正确答案:C3、Which of the following is a good question to ask in orderto start a conv ersati on with a foreig ner?A:How long have you bee n in China?B:Ca n you use chopsticks?C:What is somethi ng that has surprised you the

    15、 most aboutteachi ng in China?D:Ca n you speak Chin ese?正确答案:C4、Westerners prefer to use in direct com muni cati on meaningthat they say exactly what they thi nk.A:对B:错正确答案:B5、 Whe n making first con tact with a new pers on, which ofthe following matters?A:StatusB:The activityC:CultureD:The Sett ing

    16、E:AII the opti ons are in correct正确答案:E6、In the West, friendships are based on the ability to help one ano ther using pers onal conn ecti ons. If some one does something for you, then it is your duty to pay them back witha helpful acti on later.A:对B:错正确答案:B7、 Westerners often find it easy to underst

    17、and the Chinese system of social credit and social debt because it is similarto how people act in the West.A:对B:错正确答案:B8、Typically, Westerners are much more in formal in their frien dships tha n Chi nese people.A:对B:错正确答案:B9、America ns expect to gain and lose frien dships n aturallyas their life cha

    18、 nges. For example, they may have a group ofclose friends in high school that will cha nge once they reachuni versity.A:对B:错正确答案:A10、Which of the followi ng is true about relati on ships inthe West?A:Relationships often follow the rules of social debts andcredits.B:Gift-givi ng is a com mon way to i

    19、n cur or repay socialobligations in the West.C:Wester n frie nds typically have a more in formalrelatio nship tha n Chin ese frien ds.D:Westerners dislike the feeling of dependence infrien dships.正确答案:D第五章1、What is one possible reason that America ns don ” t feelas attached to their surroundings as

    20、people from other cultures?A:America has fewer smells and therefore their surro undings do n ot have str ong emoti onal attachme nts.B:Most places in America n are con sidered to be ugly by America ns.C:America n restaura nts are too loud and America ns prefer peace and quiet.D:All the opti ons are

    21、in correct.正确答案:C2、America ns live in a low con tact society.A:对B:错正确答案:A3、High Con tact is where a culture prefers to use theirvision in order to take in information, therefore they need tosta nd further away from an object in order to see the whole object and appreciate it.A:对B:错正确答案:B4、 Why did t

    22、he tribe from Central Africa describe thepicture differently from how you or I would describe the photo?A:They don” t have the education to understand the picture.B:It was an intentional trick by the person who was showing them the picture.C:They didn ” t have experienee with photographs before and

    23、therefore perceived it differe ntly.D:There was a Ian guage barrier and the wester ner was notable to un dersta nd what the tribes people were say ing.正确答案:C5、Perception is the way that something is understood orinterpreted using your ability to see, hear, or use othersen ses.A:对B:错正确答案:A第六章1、What t

    24、ype of lear ning styleis com mon in Chi na?A:A pare nt cen tered style of lear ning.B:A stude nt cen tered style of lear ning.C:A teacher cen tered style of lear ning.D:Equality betwee n the teacher and stude nts.正确答案:C2、What is one of the purposes of pets in the United States?A:To have a friend, be

    25、cause it can be difficult to makefrien ds.B:To satisfy the n eed for huma n touch.C:To satisfy the n eed of hav ing some one liste n to you.D:To satisfy the n eed of hav ing some one be below you.正确答案:B3、How is the inside/outside pattern divided?A:Loud and softB:Rich and poorC:Private and publicD:Hu

    26、ma ns and an imals正确答案:C4、In Chin a, if you make eye con tact and wide n your eyes, it means you are an gry.A:对B:错正确答案:A5、All humans around the world have learned to use their bodies the same.A:对B:错正确答案:B第七章1、 With regards to social relati on ships, hierarchy meansmaking your owndecisions and choice

    27、s that are best for you like what you want to eat for breakfast.A:对B:错正确答案:B2、 If a culture has a past-oriented sense of time, what doesthat mean?A:Traditi on is the best teacher.B:The past a future live together side by side.C:We should always be mak ing pla ns for tomorrow.D:N one of the opti ons

    28、are in correct.正确答案:A3、 Westerners and Christians historically have believedwhich of the follow ing?A:Huma ns are basically goodB:Huma ns are a mixture of good and evilC:Huma ns are basically evilD:All the opti ons are in correct正确答案:C4、What is an example from Chinese culture that shows abalanee bet

    29、ween living with nature and utilizing scienee?A:Kun gfuB:Ec ono mic developme ntC:Chi nese Medic ineD:Chi nese food正确答案:C5、Which of the following is not one of the 5 orientationsfrom Kluckhohn ” s model?A:Huma n NatureB:Se nse of timeC:Social Relati on shipsD:High con text正确答案:D第八章1 、 At the Appreci

    30、ation Stage of cultural adaptation, youare able to:().A:Forget about your home cultureB:Accept and appreciateboth thesimilaritiesanddiffere nces of the new culture.C:Like some things from thenew cultureeve n more tha nthehome culture.D:Appreciate both the similarities anddiffere nces ofthenew cultur

    31、e and Like somethings from the new culture even more than the home culture.正确答案:D2、 Experiencing culture shock upon returning home afterspe nding time in a foreig n country is known as:().A:Culture ShockB:Culture Shock Part 2C:Culture Shock Retur nsD:Reverse Culture Shock正确答案:D3、A good strategy to adopt if you are feeling Ionely ina foreig n culture would be:().A:Retu


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