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    1、Nqhwnx写作思维训练Dorothy托福|生活|一个人总要走陌生的路,看陌生的风景,听陌生的歌,然后在某个不经意的瞬间,你会发现,原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了. |-郭敬明思维训练A. 审题并确定所给观点哪些可用来支持,那些可用来反对:Topic 1: In many countries, the size of the average family has gotten smaller in recent years. Describe both the advantages and disadvantages of having a small family.For Aga

    2、inst 1. Parents have the time to give more attention and affection to each child. 2. Old parents are more likely to be abandoned to live in homes for senior citizens. 3. Children may be overprotected by their parents, making them weaker individuals. 4. There is more privacy and fewer interruptions.5

    3、. It is necessary to control the rapid growth of the population. 6. Both parents may go out to work, leaving the child or children alone or with baby-sitters. 7. parents can more easily afford a better education for their children. 8. Family decisions are easier to make. 9. It is less fun to be with

    4、 fewer people. 10. There are fewer family members to help each other in times of trouble.Topic 2: Pesticides have been used to control insects which eat or kill food crops, such as rice or orange. Discuss whether you think that the use of pesticides should be allowed or should be stopped. Support yo

    5、ur argument with clear examples.For Against 1. pesticides kill not only bad insects but good insects too. 2. Higher food production is needed for the worlds growing population. 3. Harmful chemicals in pesticides are dangerous to human health. 4. The balance of the ecosystem is destroyed. 5. The more

    6、 pesticides we use, the more we will need as insects develop immunity to them. 6. We cannot have the perfect fruits and vegetables that we have been accustomed to. 7. If crops are grown without pesticides, they will be more expensive to the consumer. 8. If the consumers were made aware of the pestic

    7、ides used onfood, they would think twice before supporting the use ofpesticides.红血丝 银杏树 擦鞋巾 日本白光 苏州脱毛 灰指甲治疗 苏州广告公司 徐州搬家公司 苏州抵押贷款 苏州私家侦探 徐州房产 9. Without pesticides a farmer might lose a large part or evenall of his or her crop. 10. The thought of seeing produce that has bugs or has beeneaten by bugs

    8、is revolting for many consumers.B. 审题并判断下面的观点哪些与题目相关,那些不相关:Topic 1: People all over the world spend time watching television. In some countries, watching television has replaced more active pastimes, such as sports or visiting with friends. Discuss whether television watching has had a good or bad e

    9、ffect on society. Provide clear examples to support your opinion.Opinion: Watching television does more harm than good.a. Many families fight about which shows to watch.b. Children see commercials on TV and want their parents to buy them many kinds of toys, videos, and candy.c. Instead of playing sp

    10、orts, young people just watch them on television.d. People do not go out of the house because they are afraid of missing their favorite TV shows.e. People lose interest in their community and what is going on in their neighborhoods. They know the characters in the TV soap operas better than they kno

    11、w their next-door neighbors.f. My parents watch television every evening.g. Children watch TV instead of playing outside.h. Families are beginning to forget how to talk to each other.i. People eat potato chips when they watch TV.j. Children watch TV instead of doing their homework.Topic 2: Some peop

    12、le think that when they have a problem, it is better to ask their parents for advice. Other people think it is better to ask friends. Give your opinion and provide examples.Opinion: It is best to ask parents for advice.a. Parents have more experience and know the world better than children do.b. Fri

    13、ends are the same age, so they understand problems better.c. Parents always think of their children and their best interests when they give advice.d. My parents dont understand my problems.e. Friends can sometimes have a bad influence.f. Parents were children and teenagers once, and they understand

    14、the problems that young people have.g. You should see a counselor.h. Parents dont understand the problems that their children find in work and school.i. Parents always want you to be honest with them.j. You can talk to your friends easily, but some parents are very formal, and it is difficult to beg

    15、in a conversation with them.Topic 3: Describe the advantages of planning your career goals.a. Without proper planning, you will never reach your career goal.b. In a large corporation, the company officials decide who will be promoted. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to plan your goals.c. You

    16、should always have a primary plan (Plan A) and a secondary plan (Plan B) because sometimes things change and dont go according to schedule.d. A career can wait. Your familys needs should come first.e. Planning is not necessary because you may change jobs several times in your career.f. If you have a

    17、 career plan, you will advance to the top faster than if you dont have a plan.g. You may need to get an advanced degree (M.B.A., Ph.D.) in order to reach your goal. You should plan to get this degree early in your career.h. If you plan too much, you might miss other opportunities in your life outsid

    18、e your career.i. Some employers prefer to make their own plans for their employees.Even if you make a careful plan. You may still decide to change your career later.开头1:One day, my sister, who has been pregnant for six months, caught a bad cold. She wanted to take medicine for her cold but she wonde

    19、red whether the medicine will do harm to the baby. She turned on the computer, went online and googled or searched for information on the safety of the cold medicine. After that, she made a right decision. The impact that computer has on our daily life is undeniable. There is a growing awareness of

    20、both the positive and negative influences that computers have brought to us. Some people might be right to think that computers have made life complex and stressful. From my point of view, those shortcomings can be neglected when the advantages of computers are mentioned.开头2:According to a recent st

    21、atistic on the internet, the number of single-child family occupies 75 percent of Chinese families, and undoubtedly has the tendency of increasing. It follows that parents or other adult relatives may likely pay more attention to their children, for the reason that the energy of parents has been sav

    22、ed a lot compared to those who own several children. Some people insist on making decisions for their children, considering that they are too young to judge. However, others believe that there is hardly any necessity to help so that children will cultivate the capability of analyzing important probl

    23、ems. From my perspective, I completely agree with the latter idea.开头3:With the development of science and technology, more and more companies (including international companies and small companies) are founded, but there are not enough people to take these positions. So a large number of working opp

    24、ortunities are provided to people who are still teenager students. In some countries, some people think if teenagers do a job while they are still studying in school, it may have a bad impact on their grade. Others consider that teenagers should have jobs while they are still students. As far as I a

    25、m concerned, I agree with the latter. Because teenagers can learn amount of useful experience through working and they think through the job they will acquire some knowledge of how to get a good relationship with others.开头4:It is not rare to see many students dozing off or doing other things while t

    26、he professor is trying his best explaining a theory. Most people claim that this phenomenon results from the severe school attendance rule and suggest that students should be given more right to decide which class to attend according to their own interest and their judgment of the value of the class

    27、. This idea is strongly opposed by numerous people who hold the opinion that it is the fault of the students that leads to the current problem. They stand on the ground that students do not really know what they are particularly suitable to make research on and what kind of class is remarkably valua

    28、ble. Consequently they think highly of the rule that students should attend all the classes. As far as I am concerned, strict school attendance really benefits the students in not only acquiring knowledge but also their social skills.开头5:Technology refers to skills, knowledge, and techniques that hu

    29、man beings use in their daily life and work. As everybody may find, technology develops day by day. How does the development of technology affect our life? Many people hold the opinion that it is due to the development of technology that human beings have access to the comfortable modern life. On th

    30、e other hand, a number of people are always aware of all kinds of destructive influence of the technological development on us. As far as I am concerned, the development of technology does far more good than harm to peoples happiness. 开头6:Im a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, th

    31、e more I have of it. Thomas JeffersonThere is little doubt that if people want to be successful, hardworking is an essential element. While it is also clear that luck plays an undeniable role in ones realizing dreams. I completely agree with Thomas Jefferson and believe that hard work, in most cases, helps people find and catch their luck and finally reach their life goals. 开头7:Just imagine if a student can not find a teacher to help him, what will happen? Some people believe that he can learn b


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