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    1、Abstract The topic for the culinary culture of the Western table manners ongoing comparison, so that people better understand the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western cultures, for their own future development to make adequate preparations. In this thesis, their food culture in t

    2、he West as the background, analyzing China and Britain and other Western countries tableware, seating arrangements, and cultural differences between Chinese and Western table manners of four dining atmosphere, and the Word table view, which reveals cause food culture the underlying causes of the dif

    3、ferences. Through this study was to investigate the paper, can make people fully understand Western food culture, focusing on Cultural differences, thus enhancing peoples intercultural communicative competence.Keywords: cultural differences between Chinese and Western dining table mannersCONTENTSCON

    4、TENTS21 Introduction22 Performance differences between Chinese and Western table manners32.1 Differences in time to attend , the Chinese concept of time is a diverse people , Westerners concept of time is a single person .32.2 Differences seating arrangements32.3 Tableware differences.42.4 Differenc

    5、es meal etiquette43 Reasons for the difference between Chinese and Western table manners73.1 Difference between Chinese and Western food ideas73.2 Differences between Chinese and Western food objects83.3 Different ways in Qinzhou food , cutlery and etiquette83.3 Differences in the nature of the West

    6、ern diet9Conclusion10References111 Introduction Differences between Chinese and Western table manners , by the Western philosophical and ideological influence of social factors, so far from the two cultures . In China , no one party , no matter what the purpose , there will be a formality. Is everyo

    7、ne sitting around , sharing a seat ; banquet use round table , which formally created a united, courtesy of interesting momentum. Delicacies on the table of people in the center , it is an object table of people appreciate the taste , but also a table of people s emotional communication medium . Peo

    8、ple toast each dish to persuade each other to allow food, then good things before , reflects the mutual respect between people struggle to let virtue. Reflects the Chinese Classical Philosophy and ideological influence in this area for future generations , to facilitate collective emotional communic

    9、ation , which has been difficult to reformThis mainly pasta and Western -oriented groups , details of table manners becomes more tedious and methodical . They are used in food Dining System , personal self sweep intraday dishes, soup bowl, regardless of others , each disturbance . Westerners also le

    10、t voluntarily drink , brandy, whiskey , cocktails , like what drink , drink how much to drink , the individual will be respected , reflecting ideas and more reasonable diet .In summary, the Western etiquette ten million kinds , the following are some of my table manners analysis methods.2 Performanc

    11、e differences between Chinese and Western table manners 2.1 Differences in time to attend , the Chinese concept of time is a diverse people , Westerners concept of time is a single person . Asked to do anything else, strict compliance with the schedule , which do what , so when attending dinner , th

    12、is difference appears to be more prominent , in general , Chinese people are more inclined to time diversity mode late . Often after a half an hour to reach the stipulated time , the owner seems to have already mentally prepared , usually arrange some other programs during this waiting time, such as

    13、 playing cards , drinking tea, chat , so that some of the first guests spend their time. For this late phenomenon both subject and object become accustomed to not see it as a kind of contempt for the host to offer or www.biyezuopin.cc impolite. All at a predetermined time to start activities in West

    14、ern countries , it is impolite to be late , formal banquet requests arrive , who after less than ten minutes , it will be considered substandard etiquette, is the owner and other guests are not respect .2.2 Differences seating arrangements China s banquet seating is usually facing south on the north

    15、 face , the formation of the South statue North Peel traditional values , South in the eyes of the Chinese people Suntech is a supreme symbol of the right , status and identity . Thus , we often see some of the diners at the banquet let let pushing , red in the face , the original order of the seat

    16、just for the sake of humility , in most Chinese banquet for high weight or elderly persons seated first and sat chief , which is because the Chinese people will seniority , respect for elders row seat as standard , in China , long the dominant Confucian culture and thought, Confucianism king, father

    17、 , husband , long -respect, first, to the minister , son , his wife , was humble after the young , and thus there is formed a high or low , etc. , the couple are different, the idea of seniority . Westerners will be ladies first , respect for womens banquet rows of seats standard , while the other a

    18、cts as a standard banquet, when the seating arrangements , first listed in the list of guests for sex , then forms and detailed seating arrangements accordingly seat If there is a common men and women to the party , co-chaired by the man of the house shall fitted to both male and female guests of th

    19、e list , usually in the form of seating arrangements : male master and mistress opposite sides about female guest of honor for the man of the house then arrange a clockwise outward .2.3 Tableware differences. Two different ethnic cultural influence on the choice of different dishes , Chinese people

    20、use Chopsticks and Westerners use knives and forks. Affected due to the long Chinese farming culture , like the peace and stability of life , due to the opposition of aggression . Western countries due to the impact of hunting culture, like the feisty , and willingness to take risks , Chinese people

    21、 like to use round table during a meal , eat with chopsticks reflects - unity and gas ; while Westerners are generally good enough with square table knife and fork , then giving a sense of the brutal killing of furious . However , with the development of economic exchanges between China and the West

    22、 , the cutlery has been no clear distinction , many Westerners like to learn to use chopsticks to eat Chinese food, Chinese people also often into the restaurant and use a knife and fork .2.4 Differences meal etiquetteChinese dining etiquette reflects a make the spirit of party , all people will wai

    23、t for the owner at the beginning , and only when the owner please meal before indicating the banquet , but the owner generally must first give the guest of honor take their food , make their first use . When a new dish up , please master, guest of honor and show respect for older people first , West

    24、ern dining etiquette to convey a beauty of the spiritual quest , the whole process should not only delicious meal , but also pleasing to the eye , pleasing to the ear . First of all, not only dressed , often wearing the dress also required and requested to correct posture , and secondly, can not be

    25、issued without pleasing sound when eating , talking to each other to whisper , not loud noise . Table in the West , there are so few details are Chinese food on the table can not be understand. Such as: 1 . When using the forks , knives and forks should be drawn outside to the inside , take the left

    26、 fork to the right hand and took the knife when cutting things , take the left fork holding the food , the right to food into small pieces with a knife , fork and then into the mouth . When a knife , fork and knife can not outward , should be put into a knife and fork down meal in the eight shaped ,

    27、 respectively, on the edge of the plate , knife and fork toward themselves, said that he would continue to eat , eat each dish , the knife and fork together on the plate, if you are talking to , you can hold in your hand without having to put down . When the knife is not available right hand fork ,

    28、but the gesture should For all put down the knife and fork , knife and fork must not hand waving in the air . Nor in one hand and a knife and fork in one hand and a napkin , and do not take food in one hand and a tissue in one hand , any time, can not be the end of the knife and fork on the plate an

    29、d the other end on the table. 2 . Do not sip soup when the Western table , eating chewing to shut up . Do not lick their lips or smack sound. If the soup hot, and so can be the first cooler drink , do not blow soup. When the soup with a spoon to scoop the soup from the outside , when the soup dish s

    30、oup fast finish , soup plate with his left hand to the outside slightly cocked, with a spoon to scoop net . When eating soup , the soup spoon left in the pan , spoon the point itself. 3 . When fish , meat and other dishes with thorns or bones , do not directly outside the spit , available Napkins Wu

    31、zui gently spit on the fork into the tray . If the disc remaining small amount of food , do not insert the bottom plate with a fork , not to eat with your fingers to help , should help small piece of bread or a fork to eat . Use a fork to eat pasta noodles rolled up first and then into the mouth. 4

    32、. It normally takes the bread into small pieces and then put in the mouth by hand , not holding a piece of bread to bite , but also the first time the bread into small pieces add a touch of butter or jam . 5. When chicken , chicken breasts and more Europeans and Americans as expensive. Forced to eat chicken bones should be removed first , not eaten with the fingers . Do not turn over the fish when the fis


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