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    1、初中英语完形填空100篇三配答案详解21A strange thing happened to Henry yesterday. He was on a bus and to _1_. So he stood up and rang the bell. _2_ make sure the driver heard him, he rang it twice, but the bus _3_ stop. And the conductor came and shouted _4_ him.The conductor was _5_ angry and spoke _6_ fast that He

    2、nry didnt understand _7_. The bus stopped at the next bus and Henry got off. As he got off he heard someone said, “ I think he _8_ a foreigner.”When Henry got _9_, he told his wife about it.“ _10_ times did you ring the bell?” his wife asked.“ Twice,” said Henry.“ Well, thats the signal (信号) _11_ th

    3、e driver _12_ on.” His wife explained, “only the conductor _13_ to ring the bell twice. Thats why the conductor _14_ so angry!”Henry nodded(点头). “ _15_,” he said.1. A. got off B. gets off C. get off D. get on2. A.To B. At C. In D. with3. A. doesnt B. dont C. didnt D. wasnt4. A. in B. on C. of D. at5

    4、. A. so B. as C. at D. because6. A. so that B. that C. so D. why7. A. words B. a word C. speech D. song8. A. was B. isnt C. is D. am9. A. to home B. at home C. in home D. home10. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How 11. A. to B. at C. on D. for 12. A. to go B. go C. went on D. goes13. A. allow

    5、ed B. is allowed C. was allowed D. allow14. A. got B. gets C. is getting D. gotten15. A. I seen B. I saw C. I see D. I did第二十一篇答案简析1. C。从上下文意思可知他准备下车,故选get off。2. A。他按两次电铃的目的是希望列车员能听见。这里应用动词不定式表示目的,故选to。3. C。文章主要讲述过去发生的事情。应用一般过去时,故选didnt.4. D。shout at sb 意为“对某人大吵,大嚷”,故选at。5. A。由文章可知,列车员很生气,用副词so来修饰“

    6、angry”与下文that 构成固定搭配,即sothat, 意思是“如此以至”。6. C。与上题同解。7. B。根据文意可知列车员的话乘客一句也没有听懂。故选a word。8. C。因为是直接引语,所以这里用一般现在时。故选is。9. D。got为不接物动词,可以直接接副词home,意为“到家”。10. A。分析四个选项,只有how many后可接可数名词复数11. D。这里for表示一种限定,指专门给驾驶员的信号。12. A。根据文意可知按两次车铃是提醒司机继续前进的信号,动词不定式在此作后置定语,故选to go。13. B。列车员与allow之间构成被动关系,这里应用被动语态,故选is a

    7、llowed。14. A。列车员生气的情况已发生,所以用一般过去时,故选got。15. C。根据文意,这位乘客知道列车员生气的原因之后, 应说“I see.”。22Allan was worried. This was his first time to go traveling 1 . He didnt know how to find his seat, 2 he went to the air hostess(空姐) and asked, “Could you help me? I cant find my seat.” The air hostess showed 3 the seat

    8、 and told him 4 and fasten the seat belt(系好安全带). She told Allan not to move about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Allans ears might feel 5 strange, but he didnt need to 6 it because many people felt 7 that. When the plane was flying very high, Allan could stand up and walk around

    9、. He could 8 read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would _9_ food and drinks. Allan would enjoy the flight and 10 soon.1.A. by ship B. by air C. by car D. by bus2.A. yet B. or C. but D. so3.A. him B. me C. her D. he4.A. stand up B. sleep C. to sit down D. sit down5.A. a little B. litt

    10、le C. a bit of D. bit6.A worrying B. be worried C. worry about D. worry7.A. in B. for C. as D. like8.A. neither B. either C. both D. also9.A hold B. take C. bring D. carry10. A. arrive home B. arrive to home C. get to home D. reach at home23What is the best way to study ? This is a very important qu

    11、estion. Some Chinese students often 1 very hard 2 long hours. This is a 3 habit (习惯), but it is not a better way to study . A good student must 4 enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Every 5 you 6 to take a walk or play basketball or ping-pong or sing a song. When you 7 to your studies, youll

    12、find yourself 8 than before and youll lean more.Perhaps we can 9 that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine, we mean that like Chinese medicine, the effects(效果) of your study 10 slowly but surely. Learn every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine. 1. A. play B. study C. sle

    13、ep D. think2. A. at B. in C. for D. with3. A. best B. better C. good D. bad4. A. have B. do C. want D. make5. A. month B. week C. hour D. day6. A. want B. hope C. need D. wish7. A. begin B. return C. go D. are 8. A. stronger B. weaker C. strong D. week9. A. say B. guess C. talk D. know10. A. return

    14、B. come C. give D. get 24Mr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor _1_ and said, “Well, Mr. Green, you are going to _2_ some injections, and youll feel much better. A nurse will come _3_ give you the first one this evening, and then youll _4_ get another one tomorrow evening.” _5_ a young

    15、 nurse came to Mr. Greens bed and said to him, “I am going to give you your _6_ injection now, Mr. Green. Where do you want it?”The old man was _7_. He looked at the nurse for a _8_, then he said, “_9_ has ever let me choose that before. Are you really going to let me choose now?”“Yes, Mr. Green,” t

    16、he nurse answered. She was in a hurry. “Where do you want it?”“Well, then,” the old man answered _10_ “I want it in your left arm, please.”1. A. looked for him B. looked him overC. looked after him D. looked him up 2. A. get B. give C. make D. hold 3. A. so B. but C. or D. and 4. A. must B. can C. h

    17、ad better D. have to 5. A. In the morning B. In the afternoonC. In the end D. In the evening 6. A. first B. one C. two D. second 7. A. confident B. surprised C. full D. hungry 8. A. hour B. minutes C. year D. moment 9. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. people10. A. with a smile B. in timeC. in sur

    18、prise D. with tears in his eyes 25Today was a very important day. France played _1_ Senegal (塞内加尔) in the opening match of the World Cup. Soccer fans were very _2_ watching the match on TV. To our great surprise, France was _3_.Today football has become very _4_ in China after a _5_ wait. “China is

    19、in the World Cup for the first time, _6_ we should support them!” Said some people. In our school many students enjoy _7_ it. My _8_ and I often go to the football field after class.This afternoon there was a _9_ football match in our school. _10_ team played against No.1 Middle School. _11_ they we

    20、re all very big and strong, it was a _12_ game between the two teams with the result 0-0 last time. Today our school played much _13_.In the first half of the match _14_ team kicked a goal, but in the second, Li Ming from our school kicked a goal. We won 1-0, at last. Im so _15_. I cant get to sleep

    21、 tonight.1. A. with B. against C. to D. at 2. A. good at B. pleased to C. interested in D. boring in 3. A. beaten B. knocked C. fought D. hit 4. A. welcome B. popular C. useful D. usual 5. A. 44-day B. 44-week C. 44-month D. 44-year 6. A. or B. but C. so D. yet7. A. buying B. playing C. drinking D.

    22、looking 8. A. students B. teachers C. classmates D parents 9. A. happy B. wonderful C. funny D. famous 10. A. Their B. Her C. Your D. Our 11. A. Because B. And C. As D. Though 12. A. mistake B. luck C. draw D. game 13. A. better B. well C. vest D. worse 14. A. neither B. either C. both D. none 15. A

    23、. lucky B. pleased C. unhappy D. worried26The computer is fast, and never makes a mistake, while people are too slow, and full of mistakes sometimes. Thats _1_ people often say when _2_ talk about computers. For over a quarter of a century, scientists have been _3_ better and better computers. Now a

    24、 computer can _4_ a lot of _5_ jobs wonderfully. It is _6_ used in factories, hospitals, post offices and airports. A computer can report, decide and control in almost _7_ field. Many computer scientists are thinking of _8_ the computer “think” like a man. With the help of a person, a computer can _

    25、9_ pictures, write music, talk with people, play chess, recognize voices, translate languages and so on. Perhaps computers will _10_ really think and feel. Do you think the people will be afraid _11_ they find that the computer is too clever to listen to and serve the people? No, people will _12_ be

    26、tter use of the computers in _13_ future. Man is _14_ the master of the computer. The computer works only _15_ the help of man. It cannot take the place of man.1. A. that B. what C. how D. why2. A. we B. they C. you D. people3. A. loving B. taking C. making D. thinking4. A. have B. get C. do D. offe

    27、r5. A. everyday B. every day C. each day D. some day6. A. widely B. wide C. great D. deeply7. A. either B. all C. both D. every8. A. producing B. ordering C. making D. building9. A. take B. look at C. draw D. put10.A. one day B. a day C. any day D. the other day11.A. when B. that C. how D. while12.A

    28、. chose B. get C. take D. make13.A. a B. an C. the D. /14.A. often B. never C. always D. sometimes15.A. with B. under C. by D. for27It was very cold that day. It was _1_ heavily and the ground was covered with _2_ snow. The shepherd thought it was dangerous to _3_ the hill and it was difficult for t

    29、he sheep to find some _4_ there. So he decided to stay in the _5_ room. He put some hay(干草) in a pen(围栏) _6_ the sheep could eat it when they were _7_. The dog, who felt cold outside, lay on the _8_ hay and soon went to sleep. At noon the sheep wanted to eat the hay. They were _9_ afraid of the dog

    30、and _10_ could get close to it. At last the _11_ sheep came to the hay. Before he started to eat, the dog heard it and opened his eyes. He barked(吠) loudly to _12_ him. The sheep ran away _13_. Looking at the unnatural(不近人情的) dog, the sheep began to talk _14_. “What a selfish(自私的) dog!” said one of the sheep. “He cannot eat the hay, and yet refuses to _15_ those who can to eat!”1. A. raining B. snowing C. blowing D. shining2. A. thick B. thin C. beautiful D. big3. A. play on B. live on C. cl


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