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    1、Note writing of TEM-4,英语专四便条写作辅导,PART I DICTATION(15 min.15%)一篇150个单词的短文 考试时间:15分钟 比重:15%PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION(15 min.15%)Section A Conversations(10 items)Section B Passages(10 items)Section C News Broadcast(10 items)考试时间:15分钟 比重:15%PART IIICLOZE(15 min.10%)20个填空 考试时间:15分钟 比重:10%PART IVGRA

    2、MMAR&VOCABULARY(15 min.15%)PART VREADING COMPREHENSION(20 items)考试时间:25分钟 比重:20%PART VI WRITING Section A:Composition(35 min.15%)(200个英文单词)Section B:Note-Writing(10 min.10%)(50-60个英文单词)考试时间:45分钟 比重:25%,NoteNote is a kind of simple letter.Its form is quite similar to that of a letter.It is made up of

    3、 date,salutation(heading),body,ending and signature.The content is usually concise.The writer only needs to express clearly the reason,motivation and the requirement for writing.,应用文,看清题目要求,必须面面俱到。注意格式正确字数不能过分超标题目要求:Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of about 50-60 words based on the following situati

    4、on:,Section B:Note Writing(10%),Grading specifications-Format:3 points-Content:6 points*Purpose*Organization*More or less words:deduce 1 point*Grammar,spelling errors:3=1 point-Style appropriateness:1 point,Note-writing Sample Format,April 17,2010(Date)(Dear)Tom/Mary:/,(Salutation)Im very glad to kn

    5、ow that youre coming to Shanghai.(Content)Sincerely yours,(Complimentary closure)Mary/Tom(Signature),例,Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher,Professor Wang.Write him a note of apology and make a request for another meeting.You should also suggest the time for the requ

    6、ested meeting.分析:题中包含四项内容Apologize for failure to turn up for the appointmentThe reason for failure to turn upMake a request for another meetingSuggest the time for the requested meeting,缺一项内容扣1分;语法、拼写及表达各占0.5分。语言较差扣0.5-1分。,便条的基本要求是:格式(包括日期、称呼和结尾)正确,日期的位置在右上角或左上角,正确写法为以下几种:April 17th,2010 April 17th

    7、 April 17,2010 April 17 17/4/2010 4/17/2010,称呼的位置在日期下面一行的左侧,正确写法为:Dear Professor Wang,Respected Professor Wang,结尾的位置在便条结尾的右或左下方,正确写法为:Yours sincerely,Sally Yours truly,Sally Yours,Sally,Sincerely yours,Sally Truly yours,Sally Sincerely,Sally,Note Writing Topics,2006 Ask for joining a weekend excursi

    8、on2005 Invite friend to pop band/orchestra2004 Comfort a friend who failed in final exam2003 Decline invitation to a house-warming party2002 Ask about condition of walkman&offer price2001 Apologize for missing an appointment,2006 Note-writing,Write an answer sheet two a note of about 50-60 words bas

    9、ed on the following situation:You have got to know that you classmates,Michael,is organizing a weekend excursion for the class,and you are thinking of joining the trip.Write him a note expressing your interest in the excursion and asking for information on two details related to the excursion.Marks

    10、will be awarded for content,organization,grammar and appropriateness.,A Letter to Michael,April 22,2007 Dear Michael,Im told youre organizing a weekend excursion for the class.Is that true?Where are you going and for how long?Im wondering if I could join you.As you know,Im an outdoor person,and it w

    11、ould be great to spend a couple of days outdoors after weve taken the mid-tem exams.Looking forward to your early reply.Thanks.(60 words)Yours,Mary,各类便条样文,Good work,April 14,2007Dear Professor Wang,I am writing to apologize for missing the appointment yesterday.One of my roommates fell ill suddenly

    12、and there was nobody else in the room,so I had to take her to the hospital.She is fine now,but I broke our appointment.Im really sorry.May I ask for another meeting at 8:00 tonight?Im waiting for your reply.Sincerely yours,Kevin Lee,awful,April 14,2007Dear Professor Wang,I am terribly sorry not to t

    13、urn up yesterday.Because my sister was sick.I hope we could make another appointment at 9 am tomorrow.Yours sincerely,Cherry,Authentic sample(apology),April 14,2007 Dear Sir,I am terribly sorry that I wasnt able to come to the class this morning owing to a severe attack of illness.I enclose a certif

    14、icate from the doctor who is attending me,and he fears it will be several days before I can attend classes.I trust that my enforced absence will not bother you.Respectfully yours,Jim,apology,April 14,2003 Dear Miss Nancy,Much to my regret I was unable to keep my promise to attend your birthday party

    15、 last Saturday,owing to the fact that my little son was suddenly taken ill early that day.Hoping to see you soon.Truly yours,Clark,apology,Exercise:You are Peter/Mary.You had a party at your home recently,but you unintentionally neglected to invite a close friend of yours-Victoria.Write her a note a

    16、pologizing for this and explaining how the mistake came about.,apology,April 14,2010 Dear Victoria,I was surprised not seeing you at my party yesterday until I terribly realized that I forgot to invite you.I am really sorry,Victoria.I planned to invite you when I borrowed your cook yesterday morning

    17、.However,you know,I saw you were really busy answering the phone from your mother at the time,so I forgot to invite you.Please accept my apology,Victoria.I hope that you can come to my home tomorrow afternoon and we can have tea together.Yours,Mary,Message/Information,April 14,2007Dear Jack,I have h

    18、eard that you wish to sell your walkman.I am very interested in it.I am just wondering about its condition.Give me a call when you have a moment.My telephone number is 555-2436.I am willing to offer 30 dollars for it if everything is OK.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Kevin,Message/In

    19、formation,April 14,2007Dear George,I Have heard that you are considering to apply for a part-time job.The university library is now looking for an assistant working at weekends.I think you are the suitable person for the vacancy.You are careful,and love reading.Why not apply?I am sure you can get th

    20、e job and enjoy it.Wish you success.Sincerely yours,Kevin Lee,Message/Information,Exercise:You are Mark/Sally.You have got a ticket to a computer fair,but you now find that you are unable to go.Write a note to your friend,George,explaining why you are sending the enclosed ticket to him and telling h

    21、im briefly how to get there.,Message/Information,April 14,2007Dear George,I have got a ticket to a computer fair for the coming Sunday at two oclockin the afternoon.The fair will be held at the International Center for Convention and Exhibition.I shall not be free next Sunday,so I send the ticket to

    22、 you and I am sure that a computer wizard like you will be glad to go there.Bus No.101 will take you directly to the center from our school.Yours,Mark,Congratulations,April 22,2007Dear Shelly,Ive learned that youve just graduated from college,Congratulations upon having received your Bachelor of Sci

    23、ence from Qinghua University.I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part,and its an achievement you can well be proud of.I hope that your graduation will not end your studies,but will rather be the beginning of a new and broader culture.I believe that the knowledge youve acquired

    24、 will enable you to be successful in whatever calling in life you may enter.Sincerely yours,Kevin Lee,Authentic sample,April 14,2007 Dear Shelly,May I join your many friends and admirers in wishing you a happy birthday?I have held dear your friendship during the last ten years and I look forward to

    25、enjoying it for many years to come.Heres hoping you have many happy birthdays in store for you.With affectionate birthday wishes.Sincerely,Alice,Congratulations,Exercise:Your friend has just won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest.Write a note of congratulations.,Congratulations

    26、,April 22,2007Dear Kate,I am really happy to hear that you have just won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest.Congratulations!It is absolutely a natural result after you had worked so hard for almost two weeks for it.I hope I can go to see you tomorrow and say my congratulations

    27、to you.Sincerely yours,Alice,Authentic sample(thanks),April 14,2007 Dear Sandy,When you left a package for me yesterday,I had difficulty waiting until my birthday to open it.I dont know how to thank you for such an attractive present.It is something that will give me pleasure for a long time to come

    28、.Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes.Cordially,Susan,Authentic sample(thanks),April 14,2007 Dear Professor Smith,Thank you for a delightful stay.Your home is lovely,your meals delectable,and I am still thinking about it and enjoying it in retrospect.Many thanks again for your warm hospit

    29、ality.Cordially,Tom,thanks,Exercise:Write a thank-you note to Dr.John Durkee for his giving lectures on American culture to the students in your class last week.,Authentic sample(Invitation),April 14,2007 Dear Tom,We are planning a dinner party to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Professor Lis

    30、 teaching at Harvest Restaurant and we want you to come.Its next Saturday,Apr.the nineteenth,at six oclock.We do hope you can make it,as we are looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you.Affectionately yours,Larry,Authentic sample(reply),April 15,2007 Dear Larry,Thank you very much for your i

    31、nvitation.It will be great pleasure for me to come to your dinner party on the seventh at six oclock.Professor Li is much respected by all of us and I shall be glad to attend such a party in his honor.Thank you for thinking of me.Affectionately,Tom,接受邀请的句型:,Thank you very much for your kind invitati

    32、on to dinner on I shall be delighted to come.Nothing would give us greater pleasure than to accept your kind invitation.,谢绝邀请的句型:,I dont know how to express my warm thanks for your welcome invitation,but I am very sorry to say that a previous engagement prevents my acceptance.I sincerely regret that

    33、 owing to a previous engagement I am obliged to decline your kind invitation to dinner next Sunday.Owing to unavoidable circumstances,I am prevented from attending.I only wish I could be with you,but unfortunately I have lessons that afternoon.,Declining Invitation,Exercise:Your friend Clare has invited you to her house-warming party this weekend.However,you will be away then.Write her a note poli


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