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    1、如何提高高中生的听力 学校代码:10475外语学院自考生毕业论文 如何提高高中生的听力能力How to Improve Senior Middle SchoolStudents Ability of Listening专业名称:英语论文作者:* 指导老师:*论文类型:教法类论文主题:听力能力 阻碍因素 应对策略完成日期:2007-3-6如何提高高中生的听力能力摘 要文章旨在说明,高中生听力方面存在的问题,分析其原因。其中既有考试制度的原因,也有教学方法的原因。教师应该采用行之有效的教学方法去提高学生的听力能力,从而全面提高中学英语教学质量。 关键词: 听力能力 阻碍因素 应对策略 How to

    2、 Improve Senior Middle SchoolStudents Ability of ListeningAbstractThis paper implies that the problems in Senior Middle School students listening, analyzing the causes of it. This is caused by the examination system, by the teaching method. Teachers should adopt effective teaching methods to improve

    3、 students listening ability, and to improve the quality of whole English teaching of Middle School.Key Words: listening ability obstacle factors solving tactics Outline. Introduction. Analyzing Why Listening is Difficult A. The Difficulty in Language 1. The Difficulty in Phonetics2. The Difficulty i

    4、n Vocabulary3. The Difficulty in Grammar4. The Difficulty in General UnderstandingB. The Lack in Background Knowledge C. The Obstacle in Psychology . The Ways of Improve the Students Listening SkillA. On the Aspect of Listening Exercise 1. Distinguishing Sound Method 2. Intensive and Extensive Liste

    5、ning Comprehension Method B. On the Aspect of Vocabulary Teaching C. On the Aspect of Grammar Teaching D. On the Aspect of Guiding American and British Culture E. On the Aspect of Eliminating Psychological Obstacle F. On the Aspect of Creating Language Environment. Offering Some Listening Tips . Con

    6、clusion . IntroductionThe purpose of Middle school English teaching is to improve the students four skills of listening, reading, speaking, writing, with the base of necessary phonetics, large vocabulary and good grammar. And finally achieve the final purpose which is to enable students to use langu

    7、age. Teachers often speak of the four skills? Listening, reading, speaking and writing. It means that each of them is important. One can not say that he has mastered the language without any of them. Listening as one of the means of language communication is used most widely in peoples daily lives.

    8、An investigation shows that 45 % of an adults time concerns listening to other people, listening to the radio, listening to the music etc. So listening also plays an important role in English study. But now, most of Senior Middle School students do better in reading and writing English than in liste

    9、ning and speaking. An investigation shows that about 43.2 % of the students think that the most bothering and difficult thing is listening comprehension, and even some of them have difficulty in understanding their teachers who give lessons in English, let alone use the language. They always complai

    10、n that listening is the most difficult among the four basic skills. Without question, it is difficult of a middle school student to understand the listening material, if he hasnt enough vocabulary and the ability of telling the grammar construction. In my investigation, about 35% of the students wit

    11、h low listening comprehension thing this is because they dont understand or know the knowledge about linguistic; they are not able to tell the means of what they have heard. In another investigation, students were asked to listen to a dialogue of 244 words, in which the words and grammar have alread

    12、y been learned. But 80% of them thought it was too difficult. Then, using the same dialogue as a reading comprehension material, I found only 5% of them thought it was a little difficult, on the other hand the response ability is also another reason. It is clear that the reading speed of a material

    13、also affects. About 43% of the students thought that the material was read too fast and they couldnt follow. A lot of students have their own listening habits. Some students often tries to understand each word or each sentence. They will think hard when they meet some difficult words or sentences, a

    14、nd a great many students could understand the material directly, they often translate the English into Chinese in their heart, thinking that only in this way can the sentence be understood. This is also a reason, trying to understand each word is difficult, and it is not necessary at all. You should

    15、 catch the most important points. Analyzing Why Listening is Difficult. Why listening is so difficult for students? There is lots of factors influence it. Firstly, when they listen to an English speaker, they not only recognize words by hearing them instead of by reading them, they also have to reco

    16、gnize words very quickly, unlike reading where they can pause to think about a word means. Listening usually does not allow them to pause at all. They must be able to recognize and understand words very quickly because if they pause to think, the English speaker will keep right on going and they wil

    17、l miss much of what he? She said. All in all as to this phenomenon, there are three aspects that make listening difficult for Senior Middle School students. A. The Difficulty in Language Language difficulty includes of phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, and general understanding. 1. The Difficulty in P

    18、honetics Phonetics is the basic element of language. In order to improve listening, the first and foremost thing is that students should have standard pronunciation. Otherwise, they can not understand the materials whose pronunciation is very standard. Secondly, some students can pronounce single wo

    19、rds correctly. But they are unfamiliar with English intonation, linking, weakening, lose of plosive, etc. Generally speaking, Native American or England reads the listening materials. They will add their emotion to it, which is embodied in the intonation. So it makes the intonation change greatly. S

    20、ometimes students are difficult to understand words even which are very simple. 2. The Difficulty in Vocabulary Vocabulary is the basic element which makes up language. If students have not enough vocabulary, they will have no chance to improve listening. What is more, majority of them have not mast

    21、ered all the meaning of new words. For example: while listen to this sentence “white shoes dirty easily.” A lot of students can not understand “dirty”. The reason is that they do not know “dirty” which is not only an adjective means “dirty”( 脏的 ) , but also a verb means “make dirty”( 弄脏 ). 3. The Di

    22、fficulty in Grammar Most students have not sound basic grammar knowledge. Even though they have listened to materials clearly, however they cannot understand them correctly. For example: “You should have told him the news.” If listeners are familiar with the function of fictitious tone in the senten

    23、ce. They can catch the meaning of this sentence that you should tell him the news, but in fact he did not. 4. The Difficulty in General Understanding The first purpose of listening is to understand sentences, paragraphs, and articles. Some students are not good at catching the key words and the gene

    24、ral ideas of articles. They always concentrate on single words or sentences instead of catching the drift of contents. So they waste too much time on single words. On the other hand, a great many of students understand the materials directly. They often translate English into Chinese in their minds

    25、while listening.B. The Lack in Background Knowledge In listening period, background knowledge plays an important role. Students in our country always feel difficult while they are listening to materials. Even though the materials which are very easy with few new words. The reason is that they are un

    26、familiar with English-Speaking countries cultures, customs, habits and interests and so on. For instance: “Ms Smith has a green thumb. Her roses are so beautiful.” If the listener does not know the idiom of “have a green thumb”. He cannot understand its meaning. It means that Ms Smith is good at pla

    27、nting vegetable and flowers. C. The Obstacle in Psychology Students are too nervous to understand, when they are listening. Because listening is their weak-point, they always worry about it. So they want to try their best to understand completely, but on the contrary, they cannot catch it. Students

    28、feel that listening is very difficult. This is partially because of our examination system, and partially of teaching method. We are not able to change the examination system. But we can improve our teaching methods. . The ways of improve the students listening skillWe know the largest difference be

    29、tween mother language learning and foreign language learning is the environment. A child can soon learn his mother language well. He has heard a lot before he can say something and walk. Then after he is able to walk and say, he has a chance of listening to more. Before he goes to school, he has alr

    30、eady been a good listener and speaker. But for a foreign language, you can meet it only in formal places, classes, for example, otherwise, you can hardly have a chance to meet it. So I think you should try to let the students be in a language environment.Let the students grasp the phonetic symbol. I

    31、 think the phonetic symbol is the base. A good intonation and phonetic depends on the base. Oral reading after a radio or a teacher is a good way at the beginning; Students should do much about it. Pay attention to the oral reading skill, It includes stress, strong form, weak form, intonation incomp

    32、lete plosive consonant, affricate consonant, syllable and so on. Training and practicing the oral reading is not a days word. The teacher must give correct information about it . There is no easy way. Enlarge the students knowledge about English. Encourage the students to read something in their spare time about geography, history, culture, stories and so on. For example, there are two materials of the same difficulty. One explains something about Chinas Spring Festival; the other is about Thanks giving Day of the western


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