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    五年级上册英语同步拓展M4 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版一起.docx

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    五年级上册英语同步拓展M4 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版一起.docx

    1、五年级上册英语同步拓展M4 综合复习及检测讲义 牛津上海版一起学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级:五年级 辅导科目:英语授课日期时 间主 题M4综合复习及检测学习目标1. 帮助学生掌握及运用M4的短语和句型2. 副词的用法3. 情态动词的用法教学内容1、 上次课后巩固作业复习; 2、 互动探索做游戏:1. 要求每一位学生将提前准备好的句子在前面表演,看看谁的词量准确而且比较大,错误的小朋友表演一个节目。2. 游戏过程中老师也会参与,并给与学生提示,若游戏中学生重复同一个副词,便当作是没过关。 Student A: I lived happily in the city. (T) Student B:

    2、 I ran fastly in the race. (F) Student C: I strongly believe you are right. (T) Student A: I swam happily in the swimming pool. (F) 游戏宗旨:目的是为了1.)让学生将所学的副词以及动词的过去时在生活中得到运用, 2.)检验学生过去时态是否完全掌握。 【知识梳理1】 First, Next, Then, Finally运用 教学建议:1. 1. 要求学生先阅读文章,分别让学生用First,Next, Then, Finally 串联文章中泡茶部分。2. 2. 让学生

    3、先彼此讨论,然后给学生一定的提示,看谁能准确理解;3. 3. 注意学生表达的过程中是否会出现语法错误和词汇的错用。 Kitty: What _ you _ ,Grandma?Grandma: I _ (make) some tea. Would you like _ ?Kitty: Yes, please. How _ you _ (make) tea, Grandma?Grandma: Well. First. Next,.Then.Finally.Key:1. are.doing am making do.make 2. 1) First we must boil the water2)

    4、Next, we put some tea in the teapot3) Then, we pour the hot water into the teapot4) Finally,we pour the tea into the cups and drink the tea. 【知识梳理2】 副词的运用教学建议: 1.完成这个小练习,熟悉一下副词;2.答完题之后,让学生分析这几个副词的区别;3.鼓励学生自己编一个有趣的小故事,尽量用口语表达。 gentlystronglyslowlyquickly One day, Tom was walking _ under the sun. He f

    5、elt so hot. Then he saw an shop in his front(前面). He _ needed(需要) an ice-cream to make himself comfortable(舒服). So he ran_ to the shop. In the shop, the air-conditioner blew _, he bought an chocolate ice-cream and ate it happily. He would never forget this experience. (经历) 【知识梳理3】 情态动词must/ have to/

    6、mustnt/cant的运用教学建议: 1.完成这个小练习,熟悉一下must;2.答完题之后,让学生分析一下must / have to的区别;3.鼓励学生用must和have to造句,尽量用口语表达。1. People _ smoke. ( mustnt, cant )2. We _ play with matches.(mustnt, cant )3. Children _ (play) near fires. (mustnt,cant)4. Students _ obey(遵守) the rules in the school. ( must, have to)5. Tom _ lea

    7、ve the school late because of the heavy homework.(must, have to )总结:1. mustnt / cant_2. must / have to _1. mustnt 指的是 一定不 主观性强,通常指人不能做.否则会有不好的后果; cant 指的是 不能 指人没有做该事情的能力;2. must 表示必须 主观性强,人/物必须服从; have to 表示 不得不 指人在不情愿的情况下做(非自愿).【知识梳理4】阅读理解教学建议: 1. 通读全文,复述文章大致思想2. 完成练习,并在原文中定位 The sun gives more lig

    8、ht than all the electric lights in the world. It gives us light and heat. Without sunshine, nothing will grow in the world. At night we can see the stars. All day the stars are in the sky, but the light from the sun is bright, so we cant see them. The stars are bright only when the sky is dark. The

    9、stars look very, very small, but some are bigger than the sun. Things look small when they are far away. Planes in the sky look like toys, but on the ground they are very big. The moon is a ball, too, like the earth and the sun. It is smaller than the stars, but it looks bigger because it is nearer

    10、to the earth. The moon has no light. It is bright because the sun shines on it.1. The sun gives _ than all the electric lights in the world.A. more gases B. less gases C. less light D. more light2. _, nothing will grow in the world.A. without moonlight B. with moonlight C. with sunshine D. without s

    11、unshine3. All day the stars are not seen, because _.A. people have electric lights B. they are small C. the sun is bright D. they are not shining4. When stars are far away, _.A. they are bigger than the sun B. they are smaller than the moon C. they look small D. they dont shine5. The moon looks brig

    12、ht because _.A. the sun shines on it B. the earth shines on it C. its bigger than the earth D. it has lightKEY: DCCCA Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (词汇与语法部分)I. Copy the sentences (正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号)Excuse me wheres the zoo its on nanliu road_Key: - Excuse me, wheres the zoo? - Its on Nanliu Road.I

    13、I. Look and write (根据图意完成句子,每线一词)1. There is a _ near my home.2. Look at the _. There are green. They are for my new sweater.3. I have a _. I am so sad.4. -What do we do then? -Then _ the hot water into the cup.5. The wind blows strongly. The windmill moves _.6. Dont start _ in the forest. Its very

    14、dangerous.Key:1. hospital 2. buttons 3. cough 4. put 4. quickly/fast 5. fire . Read and choose (语音判断,将含有所给音标单词的编号写在前面的括号内)1. /i:/ A. evening B. next C. gently2. A. smoke B. brother C. strong3. / A.birthday B. their C. with4. /d/ A.glass B. angry C. jobKey:ACAC. Read and fill in the blanks (用所给单词的恰当形

    15、式填空,每线1分)1. 1. I want to be a _ . (farm) I like planting vegetables.2. 2. Its a _ (sun) day. I can go out and play.3. 3. Look at my windmill. It can move_(slow).4. 4. I can see many_(scarf) in that clothes shop.5. 5. Peter _(have) a cough. So he is in his bedroom.6. 6. My friend is good at _.(jump).

    16、7. 7. Today is the _(two) of a week. I must go to school.8. 8. My mother _(wash) the clothes every morning.9. 9. Which apples do you like? I like the red_(one)Keys:1. 1. farmer 2.sunny 3.slowly 4.scarves 5.is having 6.jumping 7.second 8.washes 9.ones. Choose the right answer(选择填空,把字母代号填入括号内)( )1. Gi

    17、ve me _ empty cup please. I want to drink some water.A. A.a B.an C.any ( ) 2. Please give a bottle of water _ your father.A. A. for B. to C.of ( ) 3. Its five_ twelve in the morning. Im very hungry. A.past B.to C.at ( ) 4. Would you like to have _coffee? Yes,please. A.some B.any C.many ( ) 5. There

    18、are _days in October. A.thirty B.thirty-one C.thirty-first ( ) 6. -There are many toys in Grandma Wangs box. Which one do you like? - I like _ toys. A.both B.all C.all the ( ) 7. -Can your brother _ a bottle of juice? -Yes, of course. A.have B.has C.had ( ) 8. Beijing is in the _ of China. A.east B.

    19、south C.north ( ) 9. The boys are _ a football match in the playground. A.seeing B.visiting C.watching ( ) 10. _, where is the bank?A. Excuse me B. Im sorry C. Thank youKeys: BBAAB CACCAVI. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改写句子)1. 1. You must eat some biscuits. (改成否定句)_2. 2. The pupils go to Shanghai Libra

    20、ry by bus. (对划线部分提问)_3. 3. The giraffe lives in the jungle. (对划线部分提问)_4. 4. I like the red and pink butterfly. (对划线部分提问)_5. 5. Ben likes the white robot. He likes the grey robot, too. (用both合成一句)_6. 6. I get up at half past six in the morning. (I 改成She,其余作相应变化)_Keys: 1. You mustnt eat any biscuits.

    21、2. How do the pupils go to Shanghai Library? 3. Where does the giraffe live? 4. Which butterfly do you like? 5. Ben likes both the white robot and the grey robot. 6. She gets up at half past six in the morningVIIRead and write (读一读,填入适当的单词完成句子,首字母已给,每线一词)1. 1. Mr. Wang is waiting for the train at th

    22、e underground s_. He wants to go shopping on Nanjing Road.2. 2. Johns father w_ the dishes after dinner every day. Hes very busy.3. 3. September is the n_ month of a year. My birthday is in it.4. 4. Fire can s_ in forests, in schools and at home. Be careful, children.5. 5. Why not t_ on this new dre

    23、ss? Its very nice.6. 6. My friend and I play chess t_ a month. How interesting!7. 7. Its Childrens Day. The children in Class One are swimming in the swimming pool h_8. 8. Please be c_ when(当时候) you cross the road. There are many cars and buses in the street.Keys: station washes nine start try twice

    24、 happily carefulPart 3 Reading and Writing (阅读与写话部分). Read and match (读一读,将答句的字母代号写在前面的括号内):6%A. We can walk there. B. Is it a quarter to twelve?C. Dont cross the road. D. Look at the sign.E. Lets go to Shanghai Zoo. F. Lets have lunch.David: Today is Sunday. _Linda: O.K. How do we go there?David: _

    25、 Its not far from here.Linda: Look, theres the red man. _David: Sorry, Ill wait here.Linda: Heres the zoo. Come on.David: Can I feed the giraffes?Linda: No, you cant. _David: Oh, it says, No feeding. Linda: David, Im hungry._David: Yes, its 11: 45. _Linda: Good idea.Key:EACDBF. Reading comprehension

    26、(阅读理解)A. A. Read and judge(阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示):John is a Canadian (加拿大人). He lives in a tall building in the city of Toronto(多伦多). There are eighteen floors in the building, and he lives on the fifteenth floor. He uses a lift to go up and down. He works very hard. He goes to work early. Every day

    27、he walks to a bus stop. Its in front of a station. He usually takes Bus No. 11 to work, but sometimes he goes by train. John works in a factory from half past eight to a quarter to five. He gets back home at a quarter past five. When he gets home, he always feels very tired.( ) 1. John live in Canad

    28、a(加拿大).( ) 2. There are fifteen floors in Johns building.( ) 3. There is a bus stop in front of the station.( ) 4. John always goes to work by train.( ) 5. John begins his work at eight thirty.Keys:TFTFTBRead and answer (阅读短文,回答下列问题,每线词数不限)Look at the tall man. Hes John. Hes old. So people call him Old John. Old Joh


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