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    1、江苏省镇江市中考英语试题学生版镇江市2020年初中毕业升学考试英语试卷本试卷共8页,满分90分。考试用时100分钟。注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必用0.5亳米黑色水笔将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试卷、答题卷上相 应位臥2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卷上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑:如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净,再选涂其他答案。答案答在试卷上无效。3.非选择题必须用0.5亳米黑色水笔作答,答案必须写在答题卷各题目指左区域内相应位巻 上:如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新答案;不得使用铅笔和涂改液不按以上要 求作答的答案无效。祝同学们考出优异成绩!一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题1

    2、分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选岀可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. Chma Sent UP the final Satellite Of BeIdOU Nawgation Satellite SySten1(匕斗卫星导航系统)firom XlChang SatelIite Center JlUle 23,2020.A.at B. in C. to D. On( )2. PeIlg Miil finally became the Wmner Of SeaSOn Of CCTVt ChmeSe POetryConference.A. five B. fiftl C. the fi

    3、ftli D. fifths( )3. My ParentS gave Ied PaCketS o my COUSill every SPrmg FeStiVal She got ajob, because She Said She WaS able to make money.A. after B. When C. Until D. SinCe( )4.1 am PrOUd that OUr ChiIleSe SurVey team Successfiilly remeasureQOmOIangma(再测珠穆朗玛峰)the Won S highest peak.A. must B. CaIl

    4、 C. may D. ShOUld( )5.HaVe you asked about the case? -No, except Bob.A. everybody B. anybody C. nobody D. SOmebOdy( )6.DanIeL YOU ddnl attend the CheSS CIaSS IaSt night.-OlL I my SOIfS model plane.( )7. All my family members tuk PeOPle ShOUld doctors and nurses for theircontributions.A.PrOIniSe B. P

    5、raISe C. PreSent D. PrePare( )8. It is IePOrted that the TOkyO 2020 OlyInPiCS no Iater than SUInmer 2021.A. is held B. Will be held C. WiIl hold D. hold( )9. My EngliSh teacher is a Iady and She Oftell COrreCtS my PromUlCiatiOn againand again.A. Patient B. CreatiVe C. modest D. ClIriOUS( )10. Alot O

    6、f museums i Chma are WOrth . If you have time, you Can ChOOSe togoA. ViSited B. ViSitmg ate C. to isit D. ViSit( )11. WhiCh Of die following SelItenCeS is a fact?A. BeIjing is tle CaPItal Of Cllina. B. The IleW Park IOOkS beautiful.C. SOme SUbjeCtS are difficult. D. I think my Pet dog is Very cute.(

    7、 )12.1 IOVe this city, m die spring, even though I WaS not bom here.A. CertamIy B. nearly C. especially D. PrOPerIy( )13. -Mm, I Want to WatCll the news about Our SChOOL Challge the ChanneL please!Wllat a pity! It is eight oclock now. It for a While.A. IlaS been OVer B. WaS o,er C. IlaS finished S D

    8、. finished( )14. -Ainy, m SOny I mistook yor book for mine and took it home.- Brlllg it to SChOOl tomorrow.A. m SOny to hear that. B. Thallk you.C. With PleaSUre. D. NeVH nid.( )15. -There WiIl be a film about the traditional CIUneSe musical instruments.That SOUndS cool. COUld you PleaSe tell me ?A.

    9、 that you WiIl See It B. IIOW much is the ticketC. WIlen it Will be shown D. Where it WaS ShOWn二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下而短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳 选项。TIIirty years ago, I fell m IOVe Witll a dog Caned Cookie. 16 it WaS Ilard for me to add another mouth to feed, I never gave it a SeCOnd

    10、 thought.COOkIe COUld quickly 17 Seeing my bags SPread across the bed With my leaving On a trip. She WaS also good at ShOWmg UnhaPPlIleSS with her tail, trying to Illake me 18 .When I Calne back home and WrOte my stories, She 19 Sat next to my desk and We COUld have ConVerSationS about Wllere d been

    11、 and What d Seen- We 20 each Otller as OlIly annuals and those WhO IOVe them can. I Often Iead to her What d Written- If Slle ted away to Start CleallIng a paw. I knew I had to improve my story. 21 , She didnt IUlderStalId What IWaS Ieally writing. BUt this kind Of COnIlllUnICatlOn With her WaS IlIy

    12、 22 Of PUShlilg a Story to a higher levShe inspired (激发)me to make UP many StOrieS and became my Partller In my travels. Iii this way, We travelled together. SOme IeaderS Illay tlmk it 23 to have SUCh a IeIatioiIShip. but dog OWnerS IIke me Will know its tne and IUlderStand.TOday I am Stiil a travel

    13、 ter. My heart IS broken because my friend COOkIe Ieft me fbrever. LIke many Old friends. Slle ad I 24 much OVeT the years. I miss her SO much ad I am also _ 25_ to her for bemg at my Side for all those years, IiStenmg and SIlnPIy loving.It doesnt matter if She never IUlderStOOd a WOrd I Said or tha

    14、t She newer Ieft Our home. SheWaS Illy MaVel Partller and always Will be.COmnnUlICated With3.阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下而的三篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B. C. D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。DO you IIke CartOOns? If so, Iead the IlItrOdUCtIOn to die 5 BeSt AllImatIOl( iE)Stdios. TOP 5 NiCkelOdeOn AnimatiOn StUdiOSIn 1998 Ihe

    15、COmPany entered the CartOOn film industry. AInOng Ihe best animated SerieS it has offered, many Stand out, including SPOnge BOb SqUare PanlS and InVader Zim.TOP 4 DreamWOrkS AnimatiOnSinCe 1994、Dream WOrkS has never failed to IeaVe a mark. MOSt CartOOn-IOVerS may know the IOgO (标:) Of a young boy fi

    16、shing from his Seat On a moon. FOr OVer twenty years audiences have enjoyed its imagination. BUt its influence has always been just SIightly Weaker than those Of the next three.TOP 3 StUdiO GhibIiAfter the SUCCeSS Of MiyaZaki,s 1984 film NaUSiCaa Of the Valley Of the Wind, he Set UP StUdiOGhibIi in

    17、1985 With PrOdUCer TOShiO and director Isao. NOVV. eight Of the fifteen most money-making cartn films in JaPaneSe historyr are made by StUdiO Ghibli. BeCaUSe Of his achievements, MiyaZaki is COnSidered the best animated director, PerhaPS Of all the time.TOP 2 WaIt DiSney AnimatiOn SlUdiOSDiSney has

    18、given US SO many ChiIdhd memories. The StUdiO WaS Set UP in 1923 by Walt DiSney and his elder brother ROy VVhen the two began PrOdUCing SiIent ShOrt CartOOnS in LOS AngeIeS The introduction Of MiCkey MOUSe helped Start the companys Careen but the 1937 CartOOn film SnOWWhite and Ihe SeVen DVVarfS CaU

    19、ght more attention.TOP 1 PiXar AnimatiOn StudiOSFOr thirty years. it has PrOdUCed many WOnderfUl StOrieS WhiCh attract evey age group. EVeryPiXar film is the result Of its WriterS trying to tell better StOrieS With the releases(发彳亍)for CarS 3, Coco. TOy StOry 4. Pixars next WOrk WiIl be better.( )26

    20、. What animation WaS PrOdUCed i SaIdIO Gbli?A.TOy StOry 4. B. SnOW White and the SeVell Dwarfs.C. SPOngeBOb SqlIarePantS. D. NaUSiCaa Of die Valley Of the Wind.( )27. What Can We IeanI from the HltrOdUCtion?A.NICkelOdeOn AlllIiIatIOn SnldIO began to make Silent ShOrt CartOOnS in 1998.B.The WriterS f

    21、rom PlXar AllllnatIOn SnIdIOS are trying to tell better stories.C.SnOW White and die SeVen Dwarfs didnt CatCh ay attention In 1937.D.The IOgO Of Drealn WOrkS AnmlatIOn IS known by all CartOOn-IOers.( )2 & WhiCh Part Of a magazme nay tlis PaSSage be taken from?A. OUtdOOr Fun. B. Great People. C. Art

    22、World. D. Wild AiiiiiiaLs.BIii a few hours Sam WOUld be flying to Germany. XV7e IOOked at each Other but S t no SOlUld broke die SilenCe Of my beach-side house.SUCh a moment WaS not the first tme for me. On SamS first day OfkilIdeIgarten(幼丿 L园),I felt IIlS StreSS Whell holding IUS hand. He IOOked at

    23、 me-as he did IlOw- BUt I SaId IlOtIImg till the SChOOl bus came. AbOUt ten years Iater51 drove Illnl to the college. He WaS SiCk but I didnt know tle. I tlought he WaS just too tired. I tried to think Of Sometmg to Say as he WOUId Start a new PerIOd Of life. Again, .Now, as I StOOd before him, I tl

    24、ought Of those OPPOmUHtieS We ParentS all Iet pass. AbOy graduates &om SChOOL a dauglter gets married. We SeldOm find a quiet moment to tell them What tley have meant to us. Or What they might face m the Eitiire.SalIl WaS Weak Whell he WaS bom but grew mto a StrOng boy. Then he became the best baseb

    25、all PIayer In high SChOOL HiS finest moment Came When he got the first PrIZe at a SCIenCe fair. I WaS SOlTy he gave UP his athletic talent、but PrOlId that Iater he ChOSe EngIiSh literature. Olle day, I told Salll I Iegretted never MaVeIing abroad to know better about the WOrld before working. Sam a

    26、decided to Iearn German In Berlin, even though s friends tlought it meaningless.The night before he WaS to leave, I failed to Say any WOrdS again. Maybe, I thought, it wasnt IleCeSSary to Say anything.What does It matter if a father neer tells a SOn What he Ieally thinks Ofhln? BUt as I StOOd before

    27、 Sam, I knew it does matter. My fatler ad I IOVed each other. However, I always Iegretted neer hearmg in PUt his feelings IiItO words.fcfcSaiiL 51 said, if I COUld have picked. I WOUld have PICked you; I wasnt SUre he ImderStOOd What I meant. Sam Came towards me and tlrew his arms around me. Sayillg

    28、 fcthank your My eyes misted OVer(模糊).Then, the moment ended, ad Sam Ieft home.That WaS SeVeil WeekS ago, and now I think about hn when I WaIk along the beach near my home On Weekends. Thousands Of miles away Sam might be busy WaIkHlg in the Street OfBerIm.What I had SaId to Sam WaS not new. It WaS

    29、notling. But, it WaS everything.(adapted &om WOrdS &om a Father) ( )29. WhIeh Of the following Can be PUt at the end OfParagraPh 2?A. I failed to Say a WOrd B. IUS illness WOrried meC. I decided to go abroad D. IIIS growth SatiSfied me( )30. When Sam heard fcIf I COUId have picked, I would have PlCk

    30、ed you IIe InIghtfeel .A. StreSSed B. Sad C. Calm D. excited( )31. What does the Writer mean by Writing die IaSt SelItenCe But, it WaS everything?A.A father SllOUld Care about IiiS Son S education.B.A father ShOUld express deep IOVe to IliS son.C.A SOn ShOUld take is fathers SUggeStion.D.A SOn ShOUl

    31、d IeSPeCt his father,s decision.Hae you ever PaId for educational POdCaStS (播客)or IiV已 videos? ASk Some PeOPle and most Of tlen Will Say yes. fc Pay-fbr-knovledge has been more ad more fashionable tlese years. The COntentS Of these ay-fbr-knowledge PrOdUCtS are rom IanglIage Ieanlmg to gardemiig or

    32、baby-carmg. EVerythlng you think Of Call be found OnIine at tlis moment. fcPay-fbr-kiiowledge is On the ise(兴起).Why is payfbknovledge、mdusty developing SO rapidly? First, its development is based On the Internet. Wlth a fast Iietworic ad a SnIartPhone, anyone WhO has PaSSed the Identity( f) CheCk Can


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