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    1、外研版七年级下册单词+课文Module 7 My past life.Unit1 I was born in a small village.课文:Tony: Hey, Lingling. Where were you born Lingling: I was born in a small village in Shanxi Province. Tony: What was the name of the village Lingling: Xucun. Where were you born, Tony Tony: I was born in Cambridge. Its a small

    2、city in England. Lingling: What was the name of your first school Tony: It was Darwin Primary School. Lingling: Who was your first teacher Tony:My first teacher was Mrs Lane. She was strict but very nice. Who was your first teacher Lingling: Ms Yao. She was very friendly. Who were your first friends

    3、 What were they like Tony: Their names were Becky and Adam. Becky was very good in class but Adam wasnt. He was quite difficult. Lingling: And what were you like Were you difficult in class too Tony: No, I wasnt. I was very good!单词:born adj. 动词bear的过去分词出生 strict adj. 严格的; 严厉的 friendly adj. 友好的 prima

    4、ry adj. 初等的; 初级的 primary school 小学 town n. 城镇;市镇 |US 美国 hey int. 嘿; 喂 village n. 村庄 nice adj. 友好的; 亲切的 good adj. 乖的; 守规矩的 difficult adj. 难对付的 Unit 2 I was born in Quincy.课文: My life in QuincyBy Betty KingI was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America, twelve years ago. There were lots of

    5、things to do in Quincy, with many stores, two movie theaters, football clubs and basketball teams too. I wasnt bored in Quincy. I was very happy there. 、Two presidents of the US, John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams, were born in Quincy. You can visit their old family houses.Our house was big an

    6、d comfortable. There was a big living room with a TV, a kitchen, a bathroom and three bedrooms. On my bedroom walls there were pictures of my favourite movie stars. Behind the house, there was a big garden with lots of trees and there was a small lake with fish in it. It was great to play there. The

    7、re were lots of children in Quincy. Many of them were my friends. This was our last in the US and I was there for the last time in 2010. One day Ill go back, and Im looking forward to seeing my friends again单词:bathroom n. 浴室 bedroom n. 卧室 garden n. 花园 living room 起居室; 客厅 east adj.东面的; 东部的 n. 东方 coas

    8、t n. 海岸 ;ago adv. 以前 store n. 商店 movie theater Br E theatre 电影院 bored adj. 厌烦的; 厌倦的 president n. 总统 comfortable adj. 舒适的; 舒服的 lake n. 湖 last adj. 星期、月份等最近过去的,紧接现在前面的 yesterday adv. 在昨天Module 8 Story time.¥Unit 1 Once upon a time课文:Tony: All alone in the dark dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowe

    9、rs.Daming: Oh, did she often go for a walk in the forest aloneTony: No, she didnt. And soon she was lost. Goldilocks looked around her. “Where am I she asked. Then she noticed a little house, so she hurried towards it, and knocked on the door., Nobody answered, so she knocked again, and again, Final

    10、ly, she pushed the door. It was open. There was nobody there.Daming: Oh! Didnt anyone live in the houseTony: Just wait a moment, Daming! Goldilocks entered the house and look into a small room. On a table there were three bowls with some nice food in them. One bowl was small, one was big and one was

    11、 very big. Goldilocks was very hungry. She picked up the very big bowl but she didnt like itit was very hot,. Then she picked up the big bowl, but she didnt like it it was cold. The little bowl was just right. She finished all the food in it.单词:hair n. 头发 gold n. 金色; 黄金; 金牌 forest n. 森林 once adv. 一次

    12、; 一回 upon prep. 在上; 到上 once upon a time从前 decide v. 决定 go for a walk散步 basket n. 篮子 notice v. 注意到 all alone独自一人的 dark adj. 黑暗的 pick v. 采; 摘 pick up拿起; 举起 (soon adv. 立刻; 不久 lost adj. 迷路的 around prep. 环绕着 little adj. 小的 towards prep. 往; 向; 朝方向 knock v. 敲 door n. 门 answer v. 应门; 回答 push v. 推 enter v. 进

    13、入 %bowl n. 碗 hungry adj. 感到饿的; 饥饿的 right adj. 合适的; 恰当的 finish v. 吃完; 喝完; 用尽Unit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house.课文: Goldilocks and the Three Bears.Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired. First she tried the big chair, but wasnt comfortable. Then she tried the middle chair. It was

    14、not comfortable either. Finally, she tried the small chair. It was nice and comfortable, but Goldilocks was very heavy and soon the chair was in pieces.She walked into the bedroom. There were three beds. She didnt like the middle bed or the big bed. The small bed was very comfortable. Very soon she

    15、was asleep in it. The Three Bears returned. They looked at the bowls and the chairs. Baby Bear cried,” Theres nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!” He wasnt very happy!Next, the Bears looked in their bedroom. They didnt notice Goldilocks at first. Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl i

    16、n his bed and shouted, “Look! Theres the bad girl!”Goldilocks opened her eyes. The Three Bears were all around her, so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket. She didnt go for a walk in the forest again.单词:either adv. 也(不) piece n. 部件; 碎片; 一件/个/张 in pieces破碎 asl

    17、eep adj. 睡着的 return v. 返回; 归还cry v. 哭; 喊叫 at first起初; 首先 point v. 指向; 指 point at指着 ,shout v. 高声说; 大声喊 jump v. 跳 without prep. 无; 没有 part n. 部分; 地区; 地方 Module 9 Life history.Unit1 He left school and began work at the age of 12.课文:Betty: What are you readingTony: Tom Sawyer, by the famous American wri

    18、ter, Mark Twain. Im writing about him for my English class.Betty: I read Tom Sawyer. Very good! Hey, we can find out about him on the Internet.Tony: Yes! . OK. Look at this! His real name was Samuel Clemens and he was born in 1835 in Missouri. He left school and began work at the age of 12.!Betty: W

    19、hat did he do Tony: He wrote for a newspaper Later he got work on a boat.Betty: Did he stay in MissouriTony: No, he went to New York, and other cities. Betty: When did he begin his storiesTony: I dont know the exact date. But he took the name Mark Twain and became very famous in the 1860s. He went t

    20、o Europe as well. But he didnt come to China.Betty: Yes, I knew that. Enjoy the book.Tony: Yes, its good.单词:March n. 3月 April n. 4月 -June n. 6月 Womens Day妇女节 National Day国庆节 Childrens Day儿童节 July n. 7月 August n. 8月 September n. 9月 October n. 10月 November n. 11月 December n. 12月 、writer n.作家 find out发

    21、现; 查明; 弄清 real adj.真实的; 真正的 at the age of 在岁时 newspaper n.报纸 exact adj. 准确的; 确切的 date n.日期 become v. became 成为 in the 1860s 在19世纪60年代Unit 2 He decided to be an actor.课文:William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of plays and poems. He wrote 38 plays, 154 short poems and a few long poems in his

    22、life. Two of his famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford, England. Like many people four hundred years ago, Shakespeares parents didnt learn to read or write. At school he liked plays, so he decided to be an actor when he finished school at 14. He marri

    23、ed in 1582 and had three children.Shakespeare went to London and joined a theatre company in about 1592. He became a successful actor and began to write plays. Queen Elizabeth I enjoyed his works very much.In 1599 the company built the Globe Theatre on the River Thames in London. You can visit the t

    24、heatre today, but it isnt the same building. There was a fire in the old theatre. They built it again in 1614 and in the 1990s.William Shakespeare died at the age of 52. He was rich and successful. You can still see his plays in English and in many the languages. Hes famous around the world.单词:play

    25、n. 剧本; 戏剧 poem n.诗歌 marry v. 结婚 successful adj. 成功 的 work n. 作品; 著作 build v. built 建造 on prep. 在河边 fire n.火; 火灾 die v. 死; 去世 rich adj. 富有的 language n. 语言 around the world 世界各地 young adj. 年轻的 Module10 A holiday journey.Unit1 what did you do【课文:Lingling: Where are you going on holiday, TonyTony: To Lo

    26、s Angeles.Betty: Oh, really Youll love it! I went there two years ago and enjoyed it a lot.Tony: How long did it take to get there Did you flyBetty: Yes, we did, and that took about nine hours. Then our friends met us and drove us to their home.Lingling: Who was with youBetty: My parents.Lingling: S

    27、o what did you doBetty: Well, first, we went to Disneyland, and guess what I met Snow White and Mickey Mouse! I was so excited!Tony: Wow! How long did you stay thereBetty: We stayed there for two days. And THEN we went to Hollywood. Lingling: Did you see any movie startsBetty: No, but we swam in the

    28、 Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica. It wasgreat!Lingling: Where are you going on holiday this year, BettyBetty: Paris.单词:Pacific adj. 太平洋的 so adv.那么尤指用于引出新话题; 这么; 那么用于强调质量、感觉或数量 guess v. 猜; 猜测 excited adj. 激动的; 兴奋的 wow int. 哇;噢 Unit2 This morning we took a walk .课文:Hi, Grandma! Here I m in Paris. Jenny

    29、and I arrived by plane the day before yesterday. Aunt Joan and Uncle Peter met us at the airport. We were tired so we relaxed at home and began our tour of the city yesterday.Yesterday we went to the Louvre Museum. It has many world-famous works of art, such as the Mona Lisa. In the evening we had d

    30、inner in a French restaurant. The food was delicious! This morning we took a walk. There are shops, and restaurants everywhere, and I love the street and markets. They sell such good fruit and vegetables. We also did some shopping. I bought a present for you. I hope youll like it!At about three oclo

    31、ck, we took the Paris Underground to the Eiffel Tower. It is really high. There were lots of tourists, so first of all, we had to wait in line for an hour, and then we went to the top. We waited till all the lights were on. It was wonderful!Tomorrow were going to visit a famous palace and take a boat tour on the River Seine. Ill write again.Love,Berry单词:arrive v. 到达 relax v. 放松 *world-famous adj. 举世闻名的 French adj. 法国的; 法语的 n. 法国人; 法语 sell v. sold 卖; 出售 top n. 顶端 till conj. 直到为止 light


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