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    1、西安交通大学MBA选修课程电子商务相关资料西安交通大学MBA选修课程电子商务相关资料授课教师:王刊良电子商务教科书哈佛商业评论近年来有关电子商务的文章目录课程在线材料链接重要的链接电子商务教科书(http:/www.isworld.org/isworld/ecourse/books.html, Text Books on business and economic aspects of E-Business)Adam, N.R., Dogramaci, O., Gangopadhyay, A., Yesha, Y. and Gangopadhyay, Y. (1998) Electronic

    2、Commerce: Technical, Business, and Legal Issues, Prentice Hall. Amor, D. (1999) E-Business Revolution, Prentice Hall. 中译Barnes, S. and Hunt, B. (2000) E-Commerce and V-Business: An International Money Making Machine, Butterworth Heinemann. 中译Brynjolfsson, E. and Kahin, B. (2000) Understanding the Di

    3、gital Economy, Cambridge: MIT Press. Castells, M. (1999) The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture, Blackwell Publishers. Fingar, P., Kumar, H. and Sharma, T. (2000) Enterprise E-Commerce, Megan-Kiffer Press. Greenstein, M. (1999) Electronic Commerce: Security, Risk Management and Control, M

    4、cGraw Hill College Div. 中译影印Kalakota, R. and Whinston, A.B. (1995) Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley. 中译Kalakota, R. and Whinston, A.B. (1996) Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, New York: Addison-Wesley. 中译Kalakota, R. and Robinson, M. (1999) E-Business: Roadmap for Success, Addison We

    5、sley. Keen, P.G. and Ballance, C. (1997) On-Line Profits: A Managers Guide to Electronic Commerce, Boston: Harvard Business School Press. Keen, P.G., Ballance, C., Chan, S. and Schrump, S. (1999) Electronic Commerce Relationships: Trust By Design, Prentice Hall. Kilov, H. (1998) Business Specificati

    6、ons: The Key to Successful Software Engineering, Prentice Hall Korper, S. and Ellis, J. (1999) The E-Commerce Book: Building the E-Empire, San Diego: Academic Press. Maddox, K. and Blankenhorn, D. (1998) Web Commerce: Building a Digital Business, John Wiley & Sons. McKnight, L.W. and Bailey, J.P. (1

    7、997) Internet Economics, Cambridge: MIT Press. Rahman, S. and Raisinghani, M. (2000) Electronic Commerce: Opportunities and Challenges, Idea Group. Schwartz, E.I. (1998) Webonomics: Nine Essential Principles for Growing Your Business on the World Wide Web, Paperback ed. New York: Broadway Books. 中译T

    8、apscott, D., Lowy, A. and Ticoll, D. (1998) Blueprint to the Digital Economy: Wealth Creation in the Era of E-Business, McGraw-Hill. 中译Timmers, P. (1999) Electronic Commerce: Strategies and Models for Business to Business Trading, John Wiley & Sons. 中译Treese, G.W. and Stewart, L.C. (1998) Designing

    9、Systems for Internet Commerce, Addison Wesley. Turban, E., Lee, J., King, D. and Chung, M. (1999) Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective, Prentice Hall. 中译Ware, J.P., Gebauer, J., Hartman, A. and Roldan, M. (1997) Search for Digital Excellence, McGraw Hill. Watson, R.T., Berthon, P., Pitt, L.

    10、F. and Zinkhan, G.M. (2000) Electronic Commerce: The Strategic Perspective, 2nd edn. Dryden Press. http:/www.terry.uga.edu/rwatson/estrategy/ Westland, J.C. and Clark, T.H.K. (1999) Global Electronic Commerce: Theory and Case Studies, Boston: MIT Press. Whinston, A.B., Stahl, D.O. and Choi, S.-Y. (1

    11、997) The Economics of Electronic Commerce, Macmillian. 中译Strategy & Business: E-Business Lessons from PLanet Earth (Booz-Allen & Hamilton)Amir Hartman and John Sifonis, NetReady: Strategies for Success in the E-conomy, McGraw Hill, 2000.Allan Afuah and Christopher Tucci, Internet Business Models and

    12、 Strategies, McGraw Hill, 2001.Stephen Bradley and Richard Nolan, Sense and Respond: Capturing Value in the Network Era, Harvard Business School Press, 1998.Philip Evans and Thomas Wurster, Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy, Harvard Business School Press, 2000.

    13、(notes)Christina Haylock and Len Muscarella, Net Success, Adams Media, 1999Carl Shapiro and Hal Varian, Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy, Harvard Business School Press, 1999Laurie Windham, Dead Ahead: the Web Dilemma and the New Rules of Business, Allworth Press, 1999.Evan

    14、 Schwartz, Digital Darwinism, Broadway Books, 1999. 概论 电子商务经济学,(美)崔,张大力等,电子工业出版社,2000-9-1 面向经理的在线企业和电子商务,H.M.Deitel P.J.Deitel K.Steinbuhler,清华大学出版社,2001-9-1 企业竞争策略或战略管理 信息规则:网络经济的策略指导,(美)卡尔夏皮罗(Carl Shapiro), (美)哈尔瓦里安(Hal Varian)著;张帆译,中国人民大学出版社, 2000.6 网络经济的禅:e时代的成功方略,鲍勇剑、陈百助著,复旦大学出版社2001年8月版 发现利润区(

    15、Profit Zone),A.J.Slywotzky等编著,凌晓东等译,北京:中信出版社,2000 77种网络经济创新模式,IT经理世界,2000第5期, 网络经济的十种策略,凯文凯利(Kevin Kelly),萧华敬 任平译,广州出版社,2000年6月 系统分析与设计 电子商务系统的规划与设计,刘军编著,人民邮电出版社,2001年04月出版 电子商务网站建设,陈信祥等编,清华大学出版社,2000-9-1 企业运作管理 采购与供应链管理,Michiel R. Leenders & Harod E Fearon著,张杰 张群译,机械工业出版社,2001.9 北京 大规模定制:企业竞争的新前沿,(

    16、美)派恩 著,操云甫 等译,中国人民大学出版社,2000年07月出版 网络营销原理,沃德汉森(Ward Manson),华夏出版社,2001-5-1哈佛商业评论近年来有关电子商务的文章目录(Chronological Order1997-2001, 搜集整理/王刊良)1 Price smarter on the Net. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Feb 2001; Walter Baker; Mike Marn; Craig Zawada; 2 Innovation at the speed of information. Harvard Busine

    17、ss Review; Boston; Jan 2001; Steven D Eppinger3 Contextual marketing: The real business of the Internet. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Nov/Dec 2000; David Kenny; John F Marshall; 4 The Napsterization of B2B; Harvard Business Review, Boston; Nov/Dec 2000; Vol. 78, Iss. 6; pg. 18; Andrew McAfee;5 H

    18、ow we went digital without a strategy. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Sep/Oct 2000; Ricardo Semler; 6 Knowing a winning business idea when you see one. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Sep/Oct 2000; W Chan Kim; Renee Mauborgne; 7 Networked incubators: Hothouses of the New Economy. Harvard Business

    19、 Review; Boston; Sep/Oct 2000; Morten T Hansen; Henry W Chesbrough; Nitin Nohria; Donald N Sull; 8 E-loyalty: Your secret weapon on the Web. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 2000; Frederick F Reichheld; Phil Schefter; 9 Can you patent your business model?. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Ju

    20、l/Aug 2000; Andrea Ovans; 10 A better way to crack China. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 2000; Wilfried R Vanhonacker; 11 E-Brands: Building an Internet Business at Breakneck Speed. Harvard Business Review;Boston; Jul/Aug 2000; John T Landry; 12 Building an innovation factory. Harvard Busi

    21、ness Review; Boston; May/Jun 2000; Andrew Hargadon; Robert I Sutton; 13 E-hubs: The new B2B marketplaces. Harvard Business Review; Boston; May/Jun 2000; Steven Kaplan; Mohanbir Sawhney; 14 E-procurement at Schlumberger. Harvard Business Review; Boston; May/Jun 2000; Andrea Ovans; 15 Engines of Tomor

    22、row: How the Worlds Best Companies Are Using Their Research Labs to Win the Future. Harvard Business Review; Boston; May/Jun 2000; John T Landry16 Transforming life, transforming business: The life-science revolution. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Mar/Apr 2000; Juan Enriquez; Ray A Goldberg; 17 C

    23、ost transparency: The Nets real threat to prices and brands. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Mar/Apr 2000; Indrajit Sinha; 18 Trusted Partners: How Companies Build Mutual Trust and Win Together. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Mar/Apr 2000; John T Landry; 19 Hypermediation: Commerce as clickstream

    24、. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jan/Feb 2000; Nicholas G Carr; 20 The electronic negotiator. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jan/Feb 2000; Regina Fazio Maruca; 21 The future of commerce. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jan/Feb 2000; Anonymous; 22 Redesigning business. Harvard Business Review; B

    25、oston; Nov/Dec 1999; Regina Fazio Maruca; 23 Getting real about virtual commerce. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Nov/Dec 1999; Philip Evans; Thomas S Wurster; 24 Creating breakthroughs at 3M. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Sep/Oct 1999; Eric von Hippel; Stefan Thomke; Mary Sonnack; 25 Digital Da

    26、rwinism: Seven Break-through Business Strategies for Surviving in the Cutthroat Web Economy. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 1999; John T Landry; 26 E-commerce: Taxing the Web. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 1999; Andrea Ovans; 27 How e-commerce will trump brand management. Harvar

    27、d Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 1999; Peter Sealey; 28 Marketing: The economics of piracy. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 1999; Nicholas G Carr; 29 Being virtual: Character and the new economy. Harvard Business Review; Boston; May/Jun 1999; Nicholas G Carr; 30 Marketing: The economics o

    28、f customer satisfaction. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Mar/Apr 1999; Nicholas G Carr; 31 Judo strategy: The competitive dynamics of Internet time. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jan/Feb 1999; David B Yoffie; Michael A Cusumano; 32 Are networks driving the new economy? Harvard Business Review; B

    29、oston; Nov/Dec 1998; Peter L Bernstein; 33 Versioning: The smart way to sell information. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Nov/Dec 1998; Carl Shapiro; Hal R Varian; 34 The discipline of innovation. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Nov/Dec 1998; Peter F Drucker; 35 The old-new economy. Harvard Busine

    30、ss Review; Boston; Nov/Dec 1998; Nan Stone; 36 Supply chain management: The case for alliances. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Nov/Dec 1998; John T Landry; 37 How venture capital works. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Nov/Dec 1998; Bob Zider; 38 Electronic commerce: A new take on Web shopping. Ha

    31、rvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 1998; John T Landry;39 Estimating and updating the activity costs for handling customer orders. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 1998; Anonymous; 40 Welcome to the experience economy. Harvard Business Review; Boston; Jul/Aug 1998; B Joseph Pine II; James H Gilmore; 41 Building a story that works. Harvard Business Review; Boston; May/Jun 1998; Anonymous;42 Strategic stories: How 3M is rewriting business planning. Harvard Business Review; Boston; May/Jun 1998; Gordon Shaw; Robert Brown; Philip Bromiley; 43 The power of virtual integration


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