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    1、译(文档含英文原文和中文翻)中英文对照外文翻译文献Biological effects of the Magnetic Stimulation on the Toad HeartAbstract-We stimulated the exposed toad heart by a low frequency and high energy magnetic.By analyze the data of this experiment, it shows that the pulsating of the weak toad heart wouldmake change after stimula

    2、ted by magnetic. Weak heartbeat strengthened, the single peak curvewouldbecomethetwopeakscurvewithatriawaveandventriclewaveafter themagneticstimulation. But the cycling of rhythmic pulsatile curve of toad doesnt change.I. INTRODUTIONAll life forms have magnetism. All kinds of magnetic field would ha

    3、ve some effects on theconfigurationandactivitiesoflifeformsthatwhicheverenvironmentalmagnetic,additionalmagnetic or inside magnetic of organism. The biologic effects are related to the characteristics and1theby附录英文文献及翻译the intension of the magnetic field, as well as the species and the tissues of th

    4、e life forms.The experimentation showed that magnetism stimulation in some range would control thegrowth of rat tumour, whatever they are in or out the body. Much more they can induce the cancercellsdead.30mTmagneticstimulation would increasethecontentof NOin theliver and thekidney.Magnetic also can

    5、 improve the activity of some enzyme and promote the regeneration ofnervetissue.Cellwouldincrease,theboneswouldbeconcrescence,thescarwouldberehabilitate.Thebloodrheologyand bloodcell number both of humanandwouldchangeobviously, DI the blood mucosity would be low.stoponceHeartnight.anddaypulsatesItof

    6、 life.apparatusimportantmostratHeart is thepulsating, the life for danger.Numerous scholar pays attention to the role of magnetic field.But theyjust studied the effects of magnetic stimulation of the heart pacemaker. The experiments aboutdirect effects of stimulate heart by magnetic is very few.The

    7、toads are our experiment animals.We stimulated and noted by the magnetic stimulationequipment and the noted equipment of pulsatile curve made by ourselves. Analyze the results.II. STUFFA.Experimentmagneticequipments:stimulationequipment;(magneticintension8-10T,impulse width 150ms,maximal stimulation

    8、 frequency 5Hz);software of noted pulsatile curvecardiomuscular transducer;(made by ourselves);clipBatrachia instruments;Ringer.Sol ;of frog heart; cotton thread; burette.B.Experiment animals: toads.III. METHODA. Destroythebrain and thespinalcord of the toadstylet:Penetrateintooccipitalaperture upri

    9、ght with stylet,destroyed the brain upwards, take back the stylet and destroy the spinaldownwards. If the limb of toad were relaxed, it showed that the brain and spinal were destroyedcompletely.B. Expose the toad heart: Make the toad lying on its back on the winding center. The magneticaspect is upr

    10、ight through the toad heart.Cut the ventral skin of toad, snip the breastbone,expose therat heart. Nip the heart tip by clip carefully. Make the cotton thread tied with the clip of frog hear thelinked with the cardiomuscular transducer. Do not make the toad heart leave thorax, or it woulddisturb the

    11、 experiment results.C.Noted the result:Connect the cardiomuscular transducer with the computer. Take notes thecurve of toad heart without giving the stimulate of magnetic fieldD. After three minutes, noted the weak pulsatile curve.20E . Make the magnetic intension 10T, electricize 10s.Stimulate the

    12、toad heart and record thepulsatile curve.IV. RESULTSThe abscissa of cardiac rhythmic pulsatile curve is time, the ordinate is constriction power.Takenotesfor thepulsatilecurveof toadheartthatexposed just.Wecanknowtherhythmicpulsatile cycle of the toad heart is 1.5s from fig 1 which show the cardiac

    13、rhythmic pulsatile curveof the toad which was exposed the heart just now. There are two waves in each cycle, one is atriawave,theother isventriclewave.Theatriawaveis0.5sand theventriclewaveis1.0s.Theconstriction power of atria is less than that of ventricle. The amplitude of constriction power ofven

    14、tricle is the 2 times of the atria.Fig. 4.1. It is rhythmic pulsatile curve of the toad without magnetic stimulation.The constriction power of toad heart would become weaker after the toad heart was exposedfor a while. At the same time,atrium wave and ventricle wave can not be already distinguished.

    15、Heart contracting amplitude were reduced obviously, do not go to the half of original atrium wave.The rhythmic pulsatile cycle of the toad heart is still 1.5s.Fig. 4.2. It is the weak pulsatile curve of toad without magnetic stimulation.But we can distinguish the atria wave and the ventricle wave ag

    16、ain after giving the toad heart amagnetic stimulation on following picture. And the amplitude of ventricle waves is more than thatof the single wave. The rhythmic pulsatile cycle of the toad heart is still 1.5s.There were six toads as experiment animal in our experiment.After exposing heart a time,

    17、therhythmic pulsatile curve all became single peak curve. Stimulate them when the single amplitudewas 0.95. Noted the data and analyze them.Following is the pulsatile curve of the six toads recorded which were stimulated by magneticfield.Fig. 4.3. It is the pulsatile curve of the fist toad which hea

    18、rt was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.4. It is the pulsatile curve of the second toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.5. It is the pulsatile curve of the third toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.6. It is the pulsatile curve of the fourth toad which hear

    19、t was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.7. It is the pulsatile curve of the fifth toad which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.Fig. 4.8. It is the pulsatile curve of the six toads which heart was stimulated by magnetic field.V. COMPARISIIONRecord ventricle wave amplitude and atrium wave ampli

    20、tude of the six toads after magneticstimulation.Table. 5.1. From Toad1to Toad6 expressed the six toads which was stimulated by magnetic field. The Toad00.95Toad71.1691.151Toad61.2301.214Toad51.1281.120Toad41.181.165Toad31.1291.120Toad21.1701.140Toad12.342.275Toad0amplitudes of ventricle waveamplitud

    21、es of atria waveexpressed the toad which was not stimulated by magnetic field. Toad7 expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Express the toad which was not stimulated by magnetic withToad 0, and express the toadwhich pulsate weakly withToad 7. Make histogram to contrast by these data. The first his

    22、togramwas made by the data of the pulsatile amplitudes of when toad was not gets stimulate and pulsateweakly, as well as the pulsatile amplitude of the fist stimulated toad. After magnetic stimulation,amplitudes of atria wave and ventricle wave were higher than single wave of weak heart. But it ismo

    23、re low than the amplitudes of heart when just exposes obviously.Fig. 5.1. The histogram was make by the amplitudes of the toad exposed heart justly and the toad which stimulatedby magnetic field, the toad which pulsate weakly. The Toad 0 expressed the toad which was not stimulated bymagneticfield.Th

    24、eToad 1 expressedthefist toad whichwasstimulatedby magneticfield. TheToad7expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Make histogram respectively with the data of amplitude of each toad stimulated by magneticfield and the amplitude of single wave. Make histogram with the data of amplitudes of six toads

    25、stimulated by magnetic field, and compare them.Fig. 5.2. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the first toad which was stimulated by magnetic field andthe toad which pulsate weakly. TheToad 1 expressed the fist toad which was stimulated by magnetic field.TheToad 7 expressed the toad which pul

    26、sated weakly.Fig. 5.3. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the second toad which was stimulated by magnetic field andthe toad which pulsate weakly The Toad2 expressed the second toad which was stimulated by magnetic field. TheToad7 expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.4. The histo

    27、gram was made by the amplitudes of the third toad which was stimulated by magnetic field andthe toad which pulsate weakly. TheToad 3 expressed the third toad which was stimulated by magnetic field.TheToad 7 expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.5. The histogram was made by the amplitudes o

    28、f the fourth toad which was stimulated by magnetic field andthe toad which pulsate weakly. The Toad 4 expressed the fourth toad which was stimulated by magnetic field.TheToad 7 expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.6. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the fifth toad which was sti

    29、mulated by magnetic field andthe toad which pulsate weakly. The Toad5 expressed the fifth toad which was stimulated by magnetic field. TheToad7 expressed the toad which pulsated weakly.Fig. 5.7. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad whichpuls,T

    30、oad 6 expressed the sixth toad which was stimulated by ma Toad 7 expressed the toad which pulsatedweakly.Fig. 5.8. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the was stimulated by magnetic field.ofcloselyFig. 5.9. The histogram was made by the amplitudes of the was stimulated by magnetic field and the toad whic


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