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    1、Unit1 Big Bucks the Easy WayI. Objectives:Students are required to be able to1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2. appreciate the writing skills demonstrated in the text (selection of details);3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series

    2、of listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.II. Key points:Word-building: the suffix “-ee”and compound nouns (formed from phrasal verbs);III. Difficulties:1. Analysis of some complex sentences;2. To learn to appreciate the writing skills demonstrated in the text;IV

    3、. Teaching methods:1. Blackboard (with detailed explanations and analysis of the text);2. Discussion (to divide students to several groups to discuss the advantages and disadvantages college student s taking a part-time jobV. Teaching-steps:1. New words and phrases of the text:To pay much attention

    4、to word-building of the key words and make sentences if necessary.2. Detailed explanations and analysis of the text:1).Leading-in (warm-up questions):a. Is there an easy way to make money? If the answer is yes, what is it?b.Have you ever taken a part-time job to support yourself while studying? Was

    5、it easy work?c. If you were short of cash and had to sell something, what would you sell? Would you sell your books?2).Give a brief introduction of the general idea of the story told in this text.3).Ask students to read through the text and then divide the passage into several parts.4).Learn the pas

    6、sage and give specific analysis and explanations.3. Exercises related to the text, reading activity and guided writing:1).Ask students to do the exercises before the class, and then check the answers in class, offering necessary guides and explanations.2).Basic reading skillAvoiding Vocalization and

    7、 Inner Speech3).Guided writing.VI. Language points:1. leisurely, lucrative work:Work that brings in a lot of money and can be done with easeLeisurely: (moving, acting, or done) without hasteExample:-When he lived in the country, he used to take a leisurely walk in the woods before supper.2. Iwas com

    8、fortably settled in a hotel room:Iwas placed to rest comfortably in a hotel roomSettle: place in a comfortable position; arrange to stay or rest in a certain placeExample:-The baby was comfortably settled in his cradle.3. how my day had gone:if I had had a good day4. “Super!”she snapped, “Just super

    9、!.”:The verb “snapped” makes it clear that she was saying this in an ironical tone.As a matter of fact, her day was just awful.4. Another truck just pulled up out front:Another truck just stopped outside in front of our house.Pull up: come to a stop; bring to a stopExample:-Bob was walking along the

    10、 street when suddenly a car pulled up beside him.5. The company ahd promised:Here, the company refers to the newspaper company that couldnt produce their paper because of the strike.6. “Just tell the boys to get busy.”:“Just tell them to start working.”7. stack: an orderly pileExample:-In Prof. Wang

    11、s study you can find stacks of books on the floor.8. as if working its way out of the range of the human ear:as if (her voice were) rising to such a pitch that it could no longer be heard by the human earAccording to acoustics (the branch of physics that studies sound), the human ear can only hear s

    12、ounds with frequencies between 16 cps (cycles per second) and 20,000 cps.9. but knew better by now than to say so:but had more sense by now than to speak the truthThe husband was well aware of his wife s anger and he didn t want to make her even angrier by telling her he was enjoying himself far awa

    13、y from home, while she was suffering.Know better than to: be wise or well-trained enough not toExample:-You should know better than to play football in the classroom.10. Theyve been at it for hours:Theyve been doing it (or busy over it) for many hours.At: engaged in, busy overExample:-Go and see wha

    14、t your mother is at now.11. but all this hasnt made a dent, not a dent, in the situation!: but all this hasn t made the slightest change or improvement in the situation!The word “dent”means “a hollow in a (hard) surface made by a blow or pressure.”12. Its almost as if the inserts keep reproducing th

    15、emselves:It seems that instead of being reduced, the inserts are increasing all the time.13. In mediation, the parties agreed on $2 per hour.:Through the mediation of a third party (most probably the mother), both sides accepted $2 per hour as the wages of the younger children.Agree on: reach an agr

    16、eement concerning (sth.); find (sth.) which is mutually acceptableExample:Through the mediation of friendly nations the two sides agreed on a ceasefire.Cf. agree with: share the same view as (sb.); regard with favor orapprovalExample:-I quite agree with you on this point.14. shrink: become smallerEx

    17、ample:-The vast forests of West Africa have shrunk in the past 20 years.15. may/might as well: have no strong reason not toThis phrase is used in an informal style to suggest that one should do something because there is nothing better, more interesting, more useful, etc. to do.There is no real diff

    18、erence between may and might here.Example:-Since its such a fine day, we might as well go home on foot.VII. Reference books:1. Unit1 of College English Book4 (Teachers book).VIII. Homework:Write a composition about college studentstaking part-time jobs.Unit2 Deer and the Energy CycleI. Objectives:St

    19、udents are required to be able to1. grasp the main idea and structure of the text;2. appreciate the writing skills demonstrated in the text ;3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text;4. conduct a series of listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme

    20、 of the unit.II. Importance:Word-building: compound adjective (noun + V-ing) and the prefix “bio-”(life or living organisms);III. Difficulties:1. Analysis of some complex sentences;2. To learn to appreciate the writing skills demonstrated in the text;IV. Teaching methods:1. Blackboard (with detailed

    21、 explanations and analysis of the text);2. Discussion (to divide students to several groups to discuss the shortage of energy and the ways to deal with the problem).V. Teaching-steps:1. New words and phrases of the text:To pay much attention to word-building of the key words and the part of speech,

    22、making sentences if necessary.2. Detailed explanations and analysis of the text:1). Leading-in (warm-up questions):a. Do we need to worry about the amount of energy we use?b. Are there any ways to cut back on energy use?c. Do you think there is anything we can learn from animals about how best to li

    23、ve our lives?2). Give a brief introduction of the text.3). Ask students to read through the text and then divide it into several parts.4). Learn the passage and give specific analysis and explanations.3. Exercises related to the text, reading activity and guided writing:1).Ask students to do the exe

    24、rcises before the class, and then check the answers in class, offering necessary guides and explanations.2).Basic reading skillBroadening Eye Span3).Guided writing.VI. Language points:1. Other of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind: Others who are less romantic and tend to look at things

    25、 more practicallyTurn of mind: natural tendency, dispositionExample:-He is a man with a very peculiar turn(=kind) of mind.2. convert into:change intoExample:-Coal can be converted into gas by burning.3. in turn:in due course or successionExample:-Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practi

    26、ce.4. during times of plenty:when food supplies are abundantTime: (often pl.) periods of time, more or less definite, associated with certain events, circumstances, persons, etc. as in “in ancient times”, “in the times of Confucius”.Plenty: the state of having a large supply, esp. of the needs of li

    27、fe Example:-It was an era of peace and plenty.5. a case in point:A good example of what is being talked aboutExample:-He is rather selfish. His unwillingness to help his brother is a case in point.6. meet her bodys needs:satisfy the demands of her bodyMeet: satisfyExample:-Jim could hardly earn enou

    28、gh to meet the familys needs.7. This is good timing:The time is well chosenHere “this”refers to the female deer s becoming pregnant in November and giving birth to young in May or June.8. ample: plentiful, more than enoughExample:-Theres ample room in the bus for more passengers.9. draw on: secure f

    29、und from; make use ofExample:-The government decided to draw on its gold reserves to get over the financial crisis.10. Nature provides a further safeguard to help deer survive the winter: Deer have an other natural means of protection against the threat of the cold winter.11. Drive only when necessa

    30、ry.:The United States is called a country on wheels. Before the “energy crisis”of 1973-1974, gasoline was very cheap in the United States and Americans used to drive everywhere, whether it was a coast-to-coast journey or a short trip to the store round the corner. During the “crisis” gasoline was ra

    31、tioned and many people walked, biked or skated to work.12. turn the thermostat on your furnace down:The thermostat is an automatic device for regulating temperature and the furnace referred to here is an appliance used to heat a house. When the temperature goes up or goes down to certain degrees, the thermostat will open or close an electric circuit automatically, by which the furnace is made to work or stop working. By turning the thermostat on ones furnace down, say, to 19 for heating instead of the normal 22, one can save electricity (energy) and money as well.13. pull through: survive or


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