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    编辑粉红小猪妹Peppa pig第四季的字幕 英语翻译 字母 全集文本 字幕4 1626 字幕.docx

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    编辑粉红小猪妹Peppa pig第四季的字幕 英语翻译 字母 全集文本 字幕4 1626 字幕.docx

    1、编辑粉红小猪妹Peppa pig第四季的字幕 英语翻译 字母 全集文本 字幕4 1626 字幕粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季16集Crampy Rabbits Dinosaur Park的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)Im Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George. This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig. Crampy Rabbits Dinosaur ParkToday is Freddy Foxs birthday and all the children are goi

    2、ng on a big adventure. Where are we going for your birthday, Freddy?I dont know, but I cant wait to get there. Were here!Welcome to Crampy Rabbits Dinosaur Park!Woo!Dinosaur! GrrGeorge loves dinosaurs. Are there really dinosaurs here?No, just pretend ones. Phew!Real dinosaurs died out 65 million yea

    3、rs ago. Edmond knows a lot about dinosaurs. He is a clever-clogs. But weve got better than real dinosaurs. Weve got singing dinosaurs. We are the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs, the dinosaurs.We are the dinosaurs. Listen to us sing. They are a bit small. Yes, arent dinosaurs meant to be big?Ah, yes! We do

    4、 have a big dinosaur. A real vampire. Erm, would you like to meet it?Yes, please. These are its footprints. We just have to follow them. Woo!These footprints look very real. Are you sure there is no living dinosaurs about, Grampy Rabbit?Quite sure, Daddy Pig. Over the botus (这里我怎么也找不到那个单词,即使有画面我也不知道

    5、,晕), everyone. Across the bridge. Through the cave. Oh, the footprints have stopped. Look! There are some green steps. Its a big slide. Wee! Wee! Wee! Wee!Wow! Its a big dinosaur. Yes, its my mopping ginormous dinosaur slide. Aha ha ha. That is some dinosaur. He is a Plateosaurus. Actually, the corr

    6、ect name is Apatosaurus. You are a bit of a clever-clogs, arent you?Yes.All right, my little explorers. Are you ready for the next bit of adventure?Yes, Grampy Rabbit. We have to find an egg. An egg? But eggs are little. It could be anywhere. Leave it to me. Foxes love hunting for eggs. Freddy Fox h

    7、as a very good sense of smell. Wow! What an egg!Its huge!Why is the egg so big?Its a dinosaur egg. Is it real?No, its better than real. Its pretend. Watch this! Happy birthday! Happy birthday!The dinosaur egg has a birthday cake inside it. Hooray!It is not a pretend cake, is it Grampy Rabbit?No, the

    8、 cake is very real and very tasty. Who wants some?Me! Me!Birthday boy first! Here you go, Freddy. Happy birthday, Freddy. Time for the beaten song and dance. Everyone, copy me. To the stomp. To the dinosaur. Stomp!To the roar!To the dinosaur roar! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Roar! Roar! Roar!To the dinosau

    9、r stomp! Stomp! Roar!This is my best birthday ever. To the stomp. To the dinosaur. Stomp!To the roar!To the dinosaur roar! Stomp! Stomp! Stomp! Roar! Roar! Roar!To the dinosaur stomp! Stomp! Roar!粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季17集Bedtime Story的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)Im Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George. This

    10、 is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig. Bedtime StoryIt is night time. Daddy Pig is reading Peppa and George a bedtime story. And so the prince, the princess, the buggy and the frog all lived happily ever after. The end!The bedtime story has sent Peppa and George to sleep. Good night, my lit

    11、tle piggies!Georges awake. Dinosaur! GrrrGeorge, you naughty piggy! Go back to sleep. George is not sleepy. George! Night time is for sleeping, not playing!I can tell you a bedtime story. Once upon a time, there was a little pig. His name was George Pig. And he was off to make his fortune. Soon, he

    12、came to a forest. Do you like the story, George?Inside the forest was a little house. And inside the house was a bowl of porridge. George Pig was very hungry. So he ate it all up. Yummy, yummy, yum. But just as he finished, Baby Bear walked in, and said, “Oy, did you eat my magic porridge?”George sa

    13、id, “Yes!”Baby Bear said, “that was magic porridge. It will make you go very big.”And then George Pig began to grow. He grew and he grew and he grew until he was taller than all of the trees in the forest. The end. Are you sleepy, George?No. Not even a little bit?No!OK, Ill do a bit more story. Baby

    14、 Bear said, “there is a box of golden treasure at the end of the world. But its too far for me to go because I am too little.”George said, “I will carry you there.”So George Pig walked to the end of the world. He walked and he walked and he walked. Are you sleepy yet?No. He walked through forests, t

    15、hen across mountains, across seas. And are you sleepy yet?No!He walked all the way to the end of the world and found a big box of golden treasure. Woo!And a big dragon!GrrYes! A big green dragon, with little wings, and breezing fire. Roar!Luckily it was a very friendly dragon. And he said, “you can

    16、have the treasure.”But then, George Pig began to shrink. He shrank and he shrinked and he shrunk until he was the same little George Pig as he was before. “How will we get back home now?” said Baby Bear. “I can fly you home.” said the dragon. So George Pig and Baby Bear hopped on the dragons back an

    17、d flew all the way back home to the little house in the forest. And then its the end. George is asleep. Peppa is asleep. Peppa, what are you doing out of bed? Night time is for sleeping, not playing. Night-night, my little piggies. Sweat dreams. Peppa and George are in their little beds, fast asleep

    18、.粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季18集Lost Keys的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)Im Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George. This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig. Peppa Pig. Lost KeysPeppa and her family have been for a lovely day out in the mountains. Time to go home. Back to the car. Thank you for visiting the Mountain Be

    19、auty Spot. See you again soon. Key! Key!No, George. You cant play with the car keys. You might lose them. Youre playing with the car keys, Daddy. But Im a grown-up. Im not going to lose them. Oh dear. Daddy Pig has dropped the car keys down a drain. Oh!Right! Lets go home.Ermthat might be difficult.

    20、 Why?Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Oh, Daddy Pig!Dont worry. Ill get the car keys out of the drain with a stick. Hooray!Mmmthe drain must be deeper than I thought. The stick is not long enough to reach the keys. What we need is a fishing rod. Then we can catch the keys on a hook. Maybe

    21、Miss Rabbit sells fishing rods. Ermdo you sell fishing rods. We do, actually. I dont know why. You dont get fish in the mountains. We are not fishing for fish. We are fishing for keys. My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Oh, youll never get those back. That drains really deep. What are dra

    22、ins for?A drain takes the rain water away to the sea. The fishing line is not long enough to reach the keys. My goodness! How deep is this drain?We can see how deep it is by dropping a stone. Good idea, Miss Rabbit. We can count how long the stone takes to reach the bottom. One, two, three, four, fi

    23、ve, six. That, is deep!Told you!What can we do now?It is Mr. Bull and his friends. Digger! Train!George loves diggers and trains. Hello, everybody. Hello, Mr. Bull. Welcome to the Mountain Beauty Spot.Have you come to do some work?No, its our day off. So we came to enjoy the Beauty Spot. You can see

    24、 for miles, boss.Yes, its very pretty. ErmMr. Bull, could we borrow your crane for a minute?What for?My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Say no more. Ill听不出来that in no time. Mr. Rhino, the crane please. Stand clear. Down she goes!How lucky Mr. Bull came along when he did! (我感觉这句话的语法有问题)Yes

    25、, now well finally get our keys back. Thats the furthest she goes, chief. Mr. Bull is the chief. Did you find our keys?No. The crane isnt long enough. Now, what shall we do?Easy! Well dig up the road. Hooray!Mr. Bull is digging up the beauty spot. Stop!Whats going on? We came to see the beauty spot.

    26、 Ermtheyre digging it up now. Wont be long. My Daddy dropped the car keys down the drain. Oh!Hold it! Hold it!Its the keys. Weve got them. Hooray!There you go!Thank you, Mr. Bull. Oh, it was nothing. Erwheres the beauty spot gone?The Mountain Beauty Spot is now a big hole. Its a cave now. Welcome to

    27、 the Cave Beauty Spot. Woo!All thanks to my daddy!Errand Mr. Bull. Yes, Im good at digging holes. Mr. Bull loves digging holes. Everybody loves digging holes. 粉猪妹(粉红小猪妹Peppa Pig)第四季19集Georges New Dinosaur的字幕:开头部分(每集都一样)Im Peppa Pig.This is my little brother George. This is Mummy Pig.And this is Dadd

    28、y Pig. Peppa Pig. Georges New DinosaurGeorge is playing with his favourite toy, Mr. Dinosaur. George loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur.Mr. Dinosaur is made of plastic. It is almost impossible to break him. Dinosaur! GrrGeorge loves playing with Mr. Dinosaur in the bath. At night time, George always ta

    29、kes Mr. Dinosaur to bed with him. Dinosaur! GrrGeorge, Mr. Dinosaur is broken. Oh. Mr. Dinosaur does not have a tail anymore. Poor George. You have had Mr. Dinosaur a long time. Im surprised he lasted as long as he did. Maybe its about time you got a new dinosaur. Yes, we can go to Mr. Foxs shop tom

    30、orrow. This is Mr. Foxs shop. Mr. Foxs shop sells everything. Im sure well find you a lovely new dinosaur here, George. Dinosaur!George does not want a new dinosaur. Look, George. A big dinosaur. Oh! Dinosaur!Good morning! Can I help you?Wed like the dinosaur at the window, please. Certainly! Good c

    31、hoice. This is the Dino Roar. It roars, it walks, and it sings a dinosaur song. Dino Roar! Dino Roar! Listen to the Dino Roar! Roar!Wow!Dino Roar!Well take it. Roar!George is playing with Dino Roar in the garden. Dont play too roughly with Dino Roar, George. He has moving parts and might get broken. George cannot play with Dino Roar in the garden. George wants


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