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    1、人教版新目标初二下英语unit10Ive had this bike for three years. 一、同步知识梳理1. -How long have you had that bike there?-I have had it for three years.归纳拓展:(1)how long, how soon, how often, how farHow long 多久,多长(时间)。对时间段提问,如:for+时间段;since+过去的时间点。e.g. -How long have you worked in Beijing? -For five years.How soon 多久以后

    2、。对“in+时间段提问,常用于一般将来时”,其答语常用“in+时间段”。e.g. How soon will Mr. Li be back? -In a week. How often 多久一次,对频率提问,其答语为:once(twice/)+时间段,always,usually等。e.g. -How often do you exercise? - Once a day.How far 多远,对距离提问,其答语是表距离的内容。e.g. -How far is it from here to your school? - Three kilometers.(2)辨析:for 与sincefor

    3、其后只能接表示“一段时间”的名词性短语,可用于多种时态,表示动作或状态持续时间段长短。e.g. I have lived in this city for five years. 我在这座城市居住了5年了。 He usually sleeps for twelve hours every day. 他通常每天睡12个小时。since 其后接表示“时间点”的短语或从句(过去时),也可以接“一段时间+ago”,常用于完成时态;还用于句型:“It is +时间段+since+一般过去时的句子”。表示过去某个时间发生并持续到说话时的动作或状态。e.g. It is two years since I

    4、came to China. 自从我到中国以来已经两年了。 She has worked here for five years. =She has worked here since five years ago. 她在这儿工作5年了。即学即用:1._haveyoubeenlearnEnglish.IhavebeenlearnEnglishforsixyears.A.HowlongB.HowoftenC.Howfar2._canyoubeready,Andy? -Intenminutes.AHowmuchBHowoftenCHowlongDHowsoon3._yogurtdoyouneed?

    5、jgt酸乳酪_Threecups.A.HowlongB.HowfarC.HowlongD.Howmuch4.XiaoWang,_willittaketoflytoGuangzhou? Sorry,Idonotknow.A.howfarB.howsoonC.howmanyD.howlong5.用for/since填空1)HehaslivedinNanjing_theyearbeforelast.2).Iveknownhim_wewerechildren.3)OurteacherhasstudiedJapanese_threeyears.4)Shehasbeenawayfromthecity_ab

    6、outtenyears.5)Itsabouttenyears_sheleftthecity.参考答案:ADDD since/since/for/for/since2. Jeffs family is having a yard sale.归纳拓展:(1)sale用作名词,意为“出售,销售”,on sale意为“出售,上市”;for sale意为“待售,供出售”,尤指从主人手里出售。e.g. Chickens are on sale in the market. 小鸡在市场上出售。 Im sorry, its not for sale. 抱歉,它不出售。即学即用:Wesellsthepen_ag

    7、oodprice.Theyareon_for5yuan.Aat,sellBin,saleCwith,sellDat,sale参考答案:D3. Amy thinks its hard to sell her old things.艾米认为卖掉她的旧东西很难。归纳拓展:(1)it is adj.for sb. to do sth. 意为“对某人来说做某事是”; it is adj.of sb. to do sth. 意为“ 某人做某事,”。 注:for sb. 与of sb. 的辨别方法: (2)for sb.句型中的形容词一般用表示客观形式的形容词,如easy, hard, difficult,

    8、 interesting, impossible等。 of sb. 句型中的形容词一般用表示人物的性格,品德,或表示主观感情或态度的形容词,如good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right 等。 (3)of sb. 句型中sb.为此句的逻辑主语,且此句可转换为动词不定式作状语的句子,如 It is nice of you to invite me to your party.You are nice to invite me to your party.for sb. 句型则不能作此转换。即学即用:(1)It is nice you to help me ou

    9、t of the trouble.(2)It is easy you to learn how to swim.(3)I often have hamburgers for lunch.-Youd better not. Its bad for you _ too much junk food.A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate参考答案:of/for/B4. We have already cleared out a lot of things from our bedrooms. 归纳拓展:(1)clear v. 清理;清除 clear out 清理;丢掉(2

    10、)clear adj.晴朗的即学即用:If the sky is c ,there is no rains and no clouds.翻译:我要替你把那个小衣橱清理出来参考答案:clear/Ill clear out that closet for you.5. We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use. 归纳拓展:(1)no longer 意为“不再;不复”,有时可用 not any longer 如:(2)no more “不再;不复”, 强调 次数上的不再,可以与 not anymore 替换 即学即用

    11、:He no longer lives here. = He here . 他不再住这儿了。I dont want to see you .我再也不想见到你了。My uncle has moved to Beijing. He doesnt live here _. A. at all B. any longer C. no more D.any time参考答案:doesnt live/any longer/any more/B6. My daughter was more understanding, although she also felt sad to part with cert

    12、ain toys.归纳拓展:1) certain adj. 意为“某种的”。 e.g. He decided to sell his certain books. 他决定卖掉他的某些书籍。2) certain形容词,意为“确实的,无疑的”。常用结构:be certain to do sth. 肯定要做某事 be certain of/about sth. 对某事确定、有把握 be certain of doing sth. 有把握做某事 be certain +从句 一定3) part with 放弃、交出, part v. 离开, 分开即学即用:翻译:1.他对成功很有把握 2.不要放弃你的梦

    13、想参考答案:He felt quite certain of success./Dont part with your dream.7. As for me, I did not want to give up my football shirts, but, to be honest, I have not played for a while now.归纳拓展:1) as for 至于,关于e.g. And as for us, we are fortunate. 可对我们来说,我们是幸运的。2) to be honest意为“说实在的,说实话”,经常单独使用,作插入语,用逗号与句子隔开。

    14、类似的表达还有to tell the truth “老实说,说实话”。e.g. To be honest, she is not an honest girl. 说实话,她不是一个诚实的女孩。honest 为形容词, 意为“诚实的;老实的”。反义词为dishonest “不诚实的”。e.g. An honest man does not tell lies. 诚实的人不会说谎。3) while n. 一段时间,一会儿while 还可用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”,while引导的时间状语从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。e.g. They chattered away happily

    15、 for a while. 他们高兴地闲扯了一会儿。 He kept in touch with us while he was on vacation. 他在度假期间仍与我们保持联系。即学即用:1. My best friend Tom is _ honest boy. You can believe him. A. a B. an C. the D. /2.用when或者while填空1)._Margowastalkingonthephone,hersisterwalkedin.2)._wevisitedtheschool,thechildrenwereplayinggames.3)_Ja

    16、kewaswaitingatthedoor,anoldwomancalledtohim.4)._IsawCarlos,hewaswearingagreenshirt.5)._Allenwascleaninghisroom,thephonerang.参考答案:B/1.while2.when3.while4.when5.while8.Nowadays, millions of Chinese leave the countryside to search for work in the cities.归纳拓展:(1)Search用作不及物动词时,意为“搜索;搜查”。短语search for 意为“

    17、搜寻,找寻”。e.g. He is searching for his sunglasses. 他正在找他的太阳镜。 作及物动词,意为“在搜查”或“搜查”。e.g. They searched the forest for the lost child.他们在森林里寻找那个走失的小孩。即学即用:用search for/search的适当形式填空1.She is her pen.2.The police are the house to the boy.参考答案:searching/searching for,search9. Among these is Zhang Wei, a 46-yea

    18、r-old husband and father 归纳拓展:(1)among 在三者或三者以上之间,between 在两者之间 (2)a 46-year-old husband and father意为“一位46岁的丈夫和父亲”,相当于a husband and father of 46years old. four-year-old 是一个复合形容词,特点“一是数词、名词、形容词之间要用连字符连接,二是数词后的名词用单数形式。 e.g. Tom is a 10-year-old boy.= Tom is a boy of 10 years old. 汤姆是一个10岁的男孩。 Lily is

    19、an 8-year-old girl. 莉莉是一个8岁的女孩即学即用:1.Tom sits the students. 汤姆坐在学生之间。 2.Tom sits Mary and Frank.汤姆坐在玛丽和弗兰克之间 3.I dont believe that this _boy can paint such a nice picture.A. five years old B. five-years-old C. five-year-old参考答案:among/ between/C10.consider 动词,意为“考虑”,=think about,后跟名词,代词,动名词,宾语从句或“疑问词

    20、+不定式”。归纳拓展:(1)e.g. Please consider my suggestion. 请考虑我的建议。 I am considering changing my job.我正在考虑换份工作。 He has never considered how to solve the problem他从未考虑过如何解决那个问题。(2)在与动词连用时,只能用动名词形式的动词或短语有: consider “考虑” enjoy “喜爱” practice“练习” keep (on)“继续(一直)” mind “介意” finish“完成” have fun “高兴” feel like “想要”

    21、look forward to “盼望” cant help “禁不住” give up “放弃”歌诀:喜欢错过别介意,完成愉快勤练习,禁不住考虑想放弃即学即用:1. -Can you give me some information about vacation trips? - Why not _ going to Hainan Island? A. consider B. mind C. keep D. think 参考答案:A 现在完成时复习:专题训练一、 单项选择。 1、Both his parents look sad . Maybe they _whats happened to

    22、 him . . knew . have known . must know .will know 2、He has _ been to Shanghai , has he ? . already .never .ever . still 3、Have you met Mr Li _? . just . ago .before . A moment ago 4、The famous writer _ one new book in the past two year . . is writing .was writing .wrote .has written 5、Our country _

    23、a lot so far . Yes . I hope it will be even _ . . has changed ; well . changed ; good . has changed ; better . changed ; better 6、Zhao Lan _already _in this school f or two years . . was ; studying . will ; study . has ; studied . are ; studying 7、We _ Xiao Li since she was a little girl . . know .

    24、had known . have known . knew 8、Harry Potter is a very nice film .I_ it twice . . will see . have seen . saw .see 9、These farmers have been to the United States . Really ? When _ there ? . will they go . did they go . do they go . have they gone 10、_ you _ your homework yet ? Yes . I _ it a moment a

    25、go . . Did ; do ; finished . Have ; done ; finished . Have ; done ; have finished . will ; do ; finish 11、 His father _ the Party since 1978 . . joined . has joined . was in . has been in 12、Do you know him well ? Sure .We _ friends since ten years ago . . were . have been . have become . have made

    26、13、How long have you _ here ? About two months . . been . gone . come . arrived 14、Hurry up! The play _ for ten minutes . . has begun . had begun . has been on . began 15、 It _ ten years since he left the army . . is . has . will . was 16、 Miss Green isnt in the office . she_ to the library . .has g

    27、one . went .will go . has been 17、My parents _ Shandong for ten years . . have been in . have been to . have gone to . have been 18、The students have cleaned the classroom, ? A. so they B. dont they C. have t hey D. havent they 19、 has Mr White been a member of Greener China since he to China? A. Ho

    28、w soon, comes B. How often, got C. How long, came D. How far, arrived 20、 His uncle for more than 9 years. A. has come here B. has started to work C. has lived there D. has left the university 二、 句型转换。 1、He has never surfed, ?(改成反意疑问句) 2、They have been here since 2000. (对划线部分提问) have they been here? 3、The old man _ last year. He for a year. (die) (动词填空) 4、This factory opened twenty years ago.(同义句转换) This factory _ for twenty years. 5、Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换) Miss Gao _ _ _ _ an hour ago. 6、Her mother has been a Party member for


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