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    迪士尼神奇英语 第二十课 Wild Animals 野生动物.docx

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    迪士尼神奇英语 第二十课 Wild Animals 野生动物.docx

    1、迪士尼神奇英语 第二十课 Wild Animals 野生动物第二十课 VIDEO TRANSLATIONMagic English ,Magic English! Look and speak and sing and play!神奇英语,神奇英语!既看又说,又唱又玩!Magic English , Magic English! Have fun with Disney every day!神奇英语,神奇英语!有了迪士尼,天天有乐趣!Plutos happy.He has a little bone.A very little bone. 布鲁托很高兴。他有一根小骨头。一根非常小的骨头。The

    2、 lion has a bone, too.A very big bone.Pluto wants it.Be careful. Pluto. 狮子也有一根骨头。一根非常大的骨头。布鲁托想得到它。小心点,布鲁托。Pluto takes the lions bone. But now he cant get out of the cage.The bone is too big. 布鲁托偷到了狮子的骨头。但是,现在他无法从笼子里出去。这根骨头太大了。Be careful, Pluto. 小心点,布鲁托。The lion is a wild animal. Wild animals are dan

    3、gerous. 狮子是一种野生动物。野生动物很危险。Who has the bone now? The baby kangaroo has it. 现在是谁拿到了骨头?小袋鼠拿到了那根骨头。A gorilla.Pluto is afraid. 一只猩猩。布鲁托害怕了。Wheres Pluto now? Hes in the water with a crocodile. 现在布鲁托在那儿?他和一只鳄鱼在水里。The crocodile is a wild animal. He wants to eat Pluto. 鳄鱼是一种野生动物。他想吃掉布鲁托。Pluto is afraid.An os

    4、trich. Giraffes.A peacock. A tiger. 布鲁托很害怕。一只鸵鸟,长颈鹿们。一只孔雀。一只老虎。Hurry, Pluto. Run away. 快点,布鲁托,快逃。Plutos safe now. Now the little bone looks good.Plutos happy again. 布鲁托现在安全了。现在那根小骨头看起来真好。布鲁托又高兴了。This is a kangaroo.This is a gorilla. 这些是袋鼠。这是一只猩猩。These are giraffes.This is a peacock.This is an ostric

    5、h. 这些是长颈鹿。这是一只孔雀。这是一只鸵鸟。Here we are now. 我们现在在这里。Theyre babies.Theyre lambs. Theyre looking for their mothers. 他们是宝宝。他们是羔羊。他们在寻找他们的妈妈。Shes a sheep.Shes sad. She doesnt have a baby. 她是一只绵羊。她很伤心。她没有宝宝。This is a baby lion.Hes looking for a mother.这是一只小狮子。他在寻找妈妈。She becomes his mother. 她成了他的妈妈。Lambert i

    6、s a baby lion. He lives with the lambs. 兰伯特是一只小狮子。他和小羊们生活在一起。The lambs grow up. Theyre sheep now. 小羊们长大了。他们现在是绵羊了。Lambert is a big lion now. 兰伯特是一只大狮子。Here comes a wolf. A bad wolf. 来了一只狼,一只大坏狼。Lambert is afraid. The wolf is a wild animal. 兰伯特很害怕。狼是一种野生动物。All the sheep are afrid. Lamberts mother is

    7、in danger. 羊都很害怕。兰伯特的妈妈很危险。Lambert becomes wild.He roars.Lambert saves his mother. 兰伯特野性发作了。他吼叫着。兰伯特救了他的妈妈。Lambert is a hero. 兰伯特是一个英雄。Is Lambert a lamb?No, he isnt. 兰伯特是只羊吗?不,他不是。Is she a sheep?Yes, she is. 她是一只绵羊吗?是,她是。Is the wolf a wild animal?Yes, he is这只狼是野生动物吗?是,他是。Is Lambert a wild animal?Yes

    8、, he is. 兰伯特是野生动物吗?是,他是。Wild animals can be dangerous.If you see one, be careful, run away. 野生动物非常危险。如果你看到一只,小心些,赶快跑。The panther is running in the jungle. The snake climbs in the tree. 那只黑豹正在丛林中奔跑。那条蛇爬上了树。The crocodiles are hungry. But they cant eat me! 鳄鱼们很饿。但是他们不能吃我!The bear is swimming in the wat

    9、er.The monkeys like to play. 那只熊正在水里游泳。猴子们喜欢玩。The tiger is roaring in the jungle. Be careful, run away! 这只老虎正在丛林里吼叫。小心点,快跑!Mowglis a lone in the jungle.Here are the vultures. 无忌独自在丛林中。飞来了许多秃鹫。Here is Shere Khan, the tiger. The vultures are afraid but Mowgli is not afraid. 老虎谢利来了。秃鹫们很害怕,但是无忌不害怕。Be ca

    10、reful, Mowgli! 小心点,无忌。Heres Baloo.He comes to save Mowgli. The vultures come to save Mowgli. 巴鲁来了。他来救无忌。秃鹫们来救无忌。Fire! Shere Khan is afraid. Mowgli and his friends are safe. 火!谢利害怕了。无忌和他的朋友们安全了。In the jungle there are wild animals. 在丛林中,有许多野生动物。Some of them are Mowglis friends.Bagheera, the panther.

    11、The elephants.And the vultures. 他们中有一些是无忌的朋友。巴鲁,熊。巴希拉,罪豹。大象还有秃鹫。But some of them are not Mowglis friends. Kaa, the snake. And Shere Khan, the tiger. 但是有一些不是无忌的朋友。蛇卡奥阿和老虎谢利。Be careful of these wild animals. 小心这些野生动物。Shere Khan is a tiger. Bagheera is a panther. 谢利是一只虎。巴希拉是一只黑豹。Baloo is a bear. Kaa is

    12、 a snake. 巴鲁是只熊。卡奥阿是条蛇。The vultures are Mowglis friends. 秃鹫是无忌的朋友。Wild animals live in the jungle.Wild animals live in the forest. 野生动物们生活在丛林中。野生动物们生活在森林里。This lion jumps. These crocodiles swim.这只狮子跳了起来。这些鳄鱼在游泳。That elephant climbs. Listen to that tiger roar. 那只大象在爬。听,那只老虎在吼叫。Wild animals can be dan

    13、gerous. If you see one, be careful, run away. 野生动物很危险。如果你看到一只,小心些,赶快跑。Wild animals can be dangerous.If you see one, be careful, run away. 野生动物很危险。如果你看到一只,小心些,赶快跑。Goofy and the elephant are in the jungle.Theyre looking for wild animals. 高飞和大象在丛林中。他们在寻找野生动物。Lunch time.They stop for a picnic. 午餐时间。他们停下

    14、来野餐。A wild animal.Its a tiger.Hes roaring. 一只野生动物。他是一只老虎。他在吼叫。Hurry up. Lets go! 快点,我们快逃!Goofy sees the tiger. Hes afraid. The tiger takes Goofy away. 高飞看见了那只老虎。他很害怕。老虎叼走了高飞。Hes eating Goofys shoe. Its delicious!Now he wants to eatGoofys foot. 他在吃高飞的鞋。真好吃!现在他想吃高飞的脚。Wild animals are dangerous. 野生动物很危

    15、险。What is this?This is a lamb.这是什么?这是一只小羊。What are these?These are sheep.这些是什么?这些是绵羊。What is this?This is a bear.这些是什么?这是一只熊。What is this?This is a snake.这是什么?这是一条蛇。What is this?This is a peacock.这是什么?这是一只孔雀。What are these?These are vultures.这些是什么?这些是秃鹫。Whos running? The bear is running. 谁在跑?熊在跑。Who

    16、s climbing? The elephant is climbing. 谁在爬?大象在爬。Whos roaring? The lion is roaring. 谁在吼叫?狮子在吼叫。Pluto wants to get out of the cage. 布鲁托想从笼子里出来。The tiger lives in the jungle. 老虎生活在丛林中。The crocodiles swim in the water. 鳄鱼们在水中游泳。The lion is a wild animal. 狮子是一种野生动物。Dont forget!为了帮助你记忆,本课出现的词汇和短语都列在下面了。你可以做个游戏,盖住下表两侧中的任何一列,看看你掌握了多少词语。bear 熊bone 骨头cage 笼子to climb 爬to get out(of) 从出来giraffe 长颈鹿gorilla 猩猩to grow up 长熟;长成hero 英雄hurry(up)! 快一些kangaroo 袋鼠lamb 羔羊ostrich 鸵鸟panther 黑豹peacock 孔雀to roar 吼叫sheep 绵羊;丰snake 蛇vulture 秃鹫wild 野生的


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