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    高中英语语法 过去进行时的被动语态讲解与练习.docx

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    高中英语语法 过去进行时的被动语态讲解与练习.docx

    1、高中英语语法-+过去进行时的被动语态+练习过去进行时的被动语态1. 概念过去进行时的被动语态表示过去某个时刻正在进行或者发生的被动性动作,就是指被动状态下的过去正在进行、发生的事情。2. 构成肯定句:主语be(was/were)being done其他。否定句:主语be(was/were)notbeing done其他。一般疑问句:Be(was/were)主语being done其他?特殊疑问句:Wh be(was/were)主语being done其他? 主动句:The teacher was telling Snow Whitewhen I got there 主语谓语宾语状语当我到那里时

    2、,老师正在讲白雪公主。被动句:(肯定句)Snow Whitewas being told (by the teacher) when I got there 主语谓语by执行者状语当我到那里时,白雪公主正在被(老师)讲。(否定句)Snow White wasnt being toldwhen I got there. (疑问句)A:Was Snow White being toldwhen I got there? B:Yes,it was./No,it wasnt.(特殊疑问句)Why was Snow Whitebeing told (by the teacher) 疑问词 主语 谓语 b

    3、y执行者when I got there?状语当我到那里时,为什么白雪公主正在被(老师)讲?3. 用法(1) 表示过去进行的被动动作,经常和时间副词then,at this time last week,at this moment yesterday 等连用。This issue was being discussedat this moment yesterday by the companys managers.这个议题昨天的这个时候正在被公司的经理们讨论。(2) 表示过去某个阶段正在进行的被动动作(说话时动作不一定正在进行)。It is said that his car was be

    4、ing repairedlast Friday in the garage.据说他的车上个周五正在修理厂被修。(3) 进行时的被动语态可以由“was/wereunder/on 等介词名词”结构代替。Many new inventions were onexhibition in the museum at this time last year.Many new inventions were being exhibitedin the museum at this time last year.许多新发明去年的这个时候正在博物馆被展出。He didnt stay in my room las

    5、t night because itwas under repair.He didnt stay in my room last night because itwas being repaired.昨天晚上他没有住在我房间里,我的房间正在修缮。4. 练习.单句语法填空1. Why didnt you bring your computer here yesterday?Oh,it (check) by my neighbor then.2. The tiger (feed) some nice meat at that time yesterday.3. Now we can cross t

    6、he bridge which (build) this time last month. 4He (play) the phone all the way and was almost knocked down by a car.5You arent worried about these rare birds,for something (do) to protect them at present.1.was being checked2.was being fed3. was being built 4.was playing 5.is being done.完成句子6. 我经过教堂时

    7、,里面有很大的声响。7. 我第一次遇到 Mary 是在三年前。她那时在一个收音机商店上班。8. 他匆忙赶回家,从未回头看是否正被跟踪。9. 昨天早上他们一直在讨论这些问题。10. 昨天下午 3 点他正在操场与他的朋友们一起打篮球。6When I passed the church,some noise was being made inside.7I first met Mary three years ago.She was working at a radio shop at the time. 8He hurried home,never once looking back to see

    8、 if he was being followed.9. These problems were being discussed by them the whole morning yesterday.10. He was playing basketball with his friends on the playground at 3:00 pm.yesterday.句型转换1I was practicing my oral English at 8:00 yesterday evening.My oral English was being practiced at 8:00 yeste

    9、rday evening. 2The dog bit her on the leg when she was catching it on the road.She was bitten by the dog on the leg when she was catching it on the road.3A letter was being written last night.But I dont know whether she has finished it or not.I dont know whether she has finished the letter being wri

    10、tten last night or not.4He was riding beside the bus and waving his arms.He heard a passenger crying for help.He heard a passenger crying for help while riding beside the bus and waving his arms.5I remembered the car keys were put on the chair because the phone rang as I was coming in.I remembered I

    11、 put the car keys on the chair because the phone rang as I was coming in.语法填空Over the pastTimes change!decades,the world has undergone( 经历) 1. (legend)changes.Thateraa bunch ofis gone 2. kids read books in abookstore withhumbledustyshelvesbrickexteriorand the old.Instead,various libraries are 3. (lo

    12、cate) on theshelvesstreets of the city inside which customers 4. (pore) over5. (sell)stationeryorganicandfood.In the evening,you can still participate 6. poetry recitalsand even jazz concerts.Those who don t want to come out can communicate with others on atabletemojisor a smartphone.With the rapid

    13、7. (develop) of social media,areintegralcomponentbecoming anof the language we use to express 8. ,through whichfacialother people can “see” yourexpression while reading your words.The intention ofthese 9. (adapt) is to make the classics more 10. (access) to young readers.Furthermore,emojis have a te

    14、ndency to pop upall over the place.We are lucky to grow in a new era.1.lengendary 2.where 3. located 4.are poring 5.selling 6.in 7. development 8. 9.adaptation 10. accessible.单句写作6. 他们学校当时正在建一座新图书馆吗?(用被动语态)7. 昨天这个时候他们正在种树。(用被动语态)8. 她敲门时我正在修理我的钟表。(用被动语态)9. 请问你前天到我的餐馆里来干什么?10. 当男孩的父亲下班回来时,他的作业正被妈妈检查。(

    15、用被动语态)6.The boys homework was being checked by his mother when his father came back from work. 7.Trees were being planted by them at this time yesterday.8. My clock was being repaired by me when she knocked at the door.9. May I ask what you were doing in my restaurant the day before yesterday? 10.Was a new library being put up in their school just then?


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