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    1、英语论文菲茨杰拉德和海明威写作风格对比英文三【英语论文】菲茨杰拉德和海明威写作风格对比(英文三)The Contrast between Fitzgeralds and Hemingways Writing Style I. Introduction Fitzgerald and Hemingway were two of the most distinguished writers in American literature. They grew up in the same period and in the same social situation. Their works are

    2、the symbols of that age. On the writing style and narrative skills, Hemingway created the brief and concise style while Fitzgeralds style is smooth thsensitive. They like two peals, which glittered in the 20 century literature circles. II. The writing styles of the writers 2.1 Fitzgeralds writing st

    3、yle Fitzgeralds writing style was the symbol of an agethe1920s, or “the jazz age”, he became the “angel of the twenties” and he was thought to be the “laurel poet of jazz age”. Fitzgerald was part of the 1920s and eventually died of it. His greatness lies in the fact that he used his personal experi

    4、ence and created a myth of American life. The hollowness of American worship of riches and the unending American dream of love, splendor were portrayed by Fitzgeralds works. Some people said Fitzgerald was one of the great stylists in American literature. Fitzgeralds prose is smooth, sensitive, and

    5、completely original in its diction and metaphors. Its simplicity and gracefulness, its skill in manipulating the relation between the general and the specific, its bold impressionistic and colorful quality, in short, its competence convey the vision of the author all reveal Fitzgeralds consummate ar

    6、tistry (Hu Zhuanglin, A Survey of American Literature, p293). Fitzgerald not only portrayed the life of one generation. The words, which were created by him, have the important parts of contemporary English literature and English language. 2.1 Hemingways writing style Hemingways books painted the im

    7、age of a whole generationthe lost generation. There were a lot of comments on Hemingways writing style. However, all seem to agree on the simplicity and apparent naturalness of his prose, and its effect of directness, clarity and freshness. He developed a spare, tight, reportorial prose based on sim

    8、ple sentence structure and using a restricted vocabulary, precise imagery, and an impersonal, dramatic tone. This is true that Hemingway always managed to choose the words concrete, specific, more commonly found, more casual and conversational, and employed them often in syntax of short, simple sent

    9、ence, which are orderly and patterned, and sometimes ungrammatical. Hemingways strength lays in short sentences and very specific details.III. The important reasons There are so many reasons big or small which caused the differences of Fitzgeralds and Hemingways writing style. In this part I will us

    10、e 4 main parts to explain the important reasons that caused the differences between Fitzgerald and Hemingway. These reasons are social situation, the life style, the attitude toward the war and the personality. 3.1 The social situations They lived in the world after the First World War, which was qu

    11、ite different is quite different from before. All the old things were gone, and everything was new. The disillusionment with the war, the new inventions, especially the new automobile changed the lives of the people. There was affluence and excitement on the one hand, and the other, disturbing indic

    12、ations that the old world was simply dying. Against the social background Fitzgerald and Hemingway wrote. Fitzgerald was an analyst. He stayed in the United States and wrote about the jazz age. Hemingway, on the other hand, he did not describe it. He went away to Europe and wrote about the expatriat

    13、es. His world was basically rootless. It is Fitzgerald who was so broken emotionally by the failure of American dream. So they reacted differently to their times. Both were talented writers; both lost the ability to write rather early in their career. Hemingway was famous for his style and Fitzgeral

    14、d for the fact that he tried to understand American culture at its roots and thus had more to say to the following generations. The social situation of that age was reflected respectively in Fitzgerald and Hemingways works. This Side of Paradise was the first novel of Fitzgerald. In this novel Fitzg

    15、erald successfully portrayed “a generation grow up to find all gods dead, all wars fought, all faith in man shaken.” Fitzgerald true described the “the roaring” of the post-war boom years. This book became immensely popular for the simple reason that it caught the tone of the age. After that, Fitzge

    16、rald wrote several short stories, such as Flappers and Philosophers. Our countrys famous professor Chang Yaoxin in his book A Survey of American Literature said that, Fitzgeralds Tales of the Jazz Age which, like Mark Twain the gilded age, give its name to an important history period in the history

    17、of the country. The 1920s or “the jazz age”, was, in the words of Malcolm Crowley, “not so much a history period as a legend of glitter, of recklessness, and of talent in such profusion that it was snow broadcast like wild oats”. It was a legend of “Americas adolescence before pain set in”. And Fitz

    18、geralds other works such as The Beautiful and Dammed and his masterpiece The Great Gatsby nearly became the most distinguished books from which people can know the social situation of that age clearly. And his books became the life guide which lead the young readers have a clear knowledge of life. I

    19、 think most of us are not unfamiliar with Hemingways works. His books are also the symbols of that age. Hemingways first import novel The Sun Also Rises attracted a great deal of attention after it had been published. Hemingways book paints the image of a whole generation, the lost generation. “This

    20、 included this young English and American expatriates as well as men and women caught in the war and cut off from the from the old young values and yet unable to come to terms with new era with the new era when civilization had gone mad.”(Chang Yaoxin in his book A Survey of American Literature). In

    21、 this book the peoples life especially the young generations life after the First World War was portrayed incisively and vividly. The people were wondering the things like fishing, swimming, bullfighting and beauties of nature. But meanwhile they acknowledged that the world was crazy and meaningless

    22、. The social situation was mess and chaos. Hemingways another important novel A Farewell to Arms also explained how people come to behave the way they did in that age. This book caught the mood of the post-war generation. Hemingways position as a writer was confirmed with the publication of this boo

    23、k. “This novel portrayed a farewell both to war and to love. Hemingway had rejected the romantic ideal of the ultimate unity of lovers, suggesting instead that all relationships must end in death.”(Wu Weiren). So, Hemingways works have sometimes been read as an essentially negative commentary on a m

    24、odern world filled with sterilely, failure, and death. All in all, I think we have to acknowledge that the social situation was the biggest reason, which influenced Fitzgerald and Hemingways writing style. But that is not only this reason that caused the differences of Fitzgerald and Hemingways writ

    25、ing style. In my opinion, the writers lifestyles are the important reason too. 3.2 The life style Fitzgerald lived in an expensive style. For him, who lived in the midst of the “roaring twenties” and was part of it all: driving fast cars drinking hard whisky, and taking an immense delight in it. Thr

    26、ee things eventually combined to break him down: loneliness, alcohol, and the awareness that he was wasting his talent. Fitzgerald had always stood mentally aloof from the spectacle that kept passing before him. Fitzgerald was always a heavy drinker. He always tried to find the solace in his cups. I

    27、t was alcohol as much as anything that killed him in the end. Fitzgerald was tormented virtually all his life by the fact that he could not concentrate on the novel and the improvement of his art in general. Nearly all the Fitzgeralds books are the true reflection of the authors life. Fitzgeralds li

    28、fe was changed after he met Zelda who was the daughter of a judge. Zelda was a beautiful social girl, who told Fitzgerald that she liked him well enough but was too expensive for him. Just like the professor Chang Yaoxin in his book said: after Fitzgerald discharge from the army early in 1919,it bec

    29、ame apparent that he had no means of supporting this woman with such great financial and social expectations, he had no way of making a fortune by writing advertisement in new York. Zelda soon broke their engagement. But when This Said of Paradise was published Zelda agreed to marry Fitzgerald.” The

    30、n his second novel The Beautiful and Dammed was published. He wrote, as usual, a great deal of himself into it. Here is a world of parties, and amid boisterous, reckless merry-making, there is unmistakable anxiety over money, gloomy spiritual barrenness and a hint of decadence and decay. Because Fit

    31、zgerald put his own life experience into his novels and short stories, his writing style is smooth and vivid. For this the works that he left to the after generation are full of strong vitality and have deeply history marks. So these books can attract so much attention and lasted for several posteri

    32、ties. And they have become the valuable treasure of literature. On the other hand, Hemingways life was totally different from the Fitzgeralds. Hemingway was a myth in his own time, and a myth in American literature. “He was a glamorous public hero of sorts whose style of writing and living was probably more imitated than other writers in human memory.” That was the reason why he liked sports of all kinds and was thought of as one going deep-sea fishing, big game hunting, becoming a prize ring boxer. But his life style was evidently nega


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