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    1、仁爱版初中固定短语总结1. have been to 表“曾经去过某地”。注意区别:have gone to表“已经去某地了”。如:I have been to Shanghai. (去过上海,已经回来)He has gone to Shanghai. (去上海了,不在此处)2. have (no) time to do sth做某事(没)有时间 Tom is busy helping his mother with housework, he has no time to play with you. 汤姆忙于帮助妈妈做家务,他没有时间和你玩6. “so + be/ 情态动词/助动词 + 主

    2、语”表示“也如此”1) She likes singing a lot. 她非常喜欢唱歌。 So does Li Lei. 李磊也是。2) They can play basketball well.他们打篮球很棒。 So can we. 我们也打得很好。3) Mary finished her homework. 玛丽做完了作业。 So did Bob. 波波也做完了。4) His father is a teacher. 他父亲是教师。So is his mother. 他母亲也是教师。8. Im sorry for making so much noise. 很抱歉我弄出这么大的噪音。

    3、be sorry fo doing sth. 表对做过的事感到抱歉,be sorry to do sth. 表对当前的事感到抱歉。如: Im sorry for giving you so much trouble. 我很抱歉给你带来了这么多的麻烦。 Im sorry to hear that. 听到那个(消息)我感到很遗憾。9. Its ones duty to do sth. 做某事出有因是我们的职责。 Its your duty to clean the room. 打扫这间房间是你职责。10. I have only one ticket. Either you or your sis

    4、ter can go to see the movie. 我只有一张票,要么你,要么你姐姐可以会期看这部电影。 注:eitheror作并列连词,连接对等结构,连接主语时,需根据就近原则。如: Either you or he is twelve years old. 要么你是十二岁,要么他是十二岁。11. My main job is to do sth. 我的主要工作是,不定式短语可用作表语 Your groups task is to find out the answer to the question. 你们这组的任务是找出这个问题的答案。12. We should use both

    5、sides of , rather than 我们应该用的两边,而不是。 1)both修饰复数名词,它的否定形式是neither,而either修饰单数名词。如: There are many trees on both sides of the street. = There are many trees on either side of the street. 在街道的两边有许多的树。 2) rather than意为“(是)而不是”,作连词,连接对等结构,相当于instead of。如: I would like a pen rather than a pencil. = I woul

    6、d like a pen instead of pencil. 我想要一支钢笔而不是支铅笔。 注:rather than位于句首时,后跟动词原形,它不受句中谓语动词的时态影响。如: Rather than do it by myself, I didnt ask for help. 宁可自己干,我没有要求帮助。13. can be done 能被,情态动词 + be + 动词的过去分分词为带有情态动词的被动语态形式。如: Paper can be recycled. 纸能被回收。14. be supposed to do sth. 意为“有义务做;应该”,与should同义。如: Studen

    7、ts are supposed to study hard. 学生们应该努力学习。 当be supposed to用于否定句时,表“允许”。如: You are not supposed to step on the lawn. 不允许践踏草坪。7. Thanks to the Internet, they can shop and do business at home. 由于有了因特网,他们可以在家购物和做生意。Thanks to your help, I have made great progress in studying English. 8. Generally speaking

    8、, we are in good health now. 总体来说,我们身体状况良好。be in good health 身体状况好be in bad health 身体状况坏It is a pity that he is in bad health these days. 遗憾的是他这几天身体不好。9. Its bad for your health if you spend too much time on them. 1) be bad for sth./ sb. 对某事/某物有坏处Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 2) if 引导的条

    9、件状语从句的主从复合句要注意时态问题,如果主句用一般将来时从句要用一般现在时表将来。I will be happy if you dont go to work tomorrow. 3) spend sometime on sth. 某人花时间或金钱在某事上4) spend somemoney (in) doing sth. 某人花时间或金钱做某事She spend two days on this book, you shouldnt spend too much time (in) watching TV. 11. But I prefer science to dancing. 但比起跳

    10、舞来说,我更喜欢科学。prefer sth. to sth. 比起后者来说,更喜欢前者。其中的to是介词。I know you prefer English to Chinese. 我知道比起语文来说,你更喜欢英语。12. find it +形容词+to do sth. 此处it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的不定式,形容词作宾补。Some students found it easy to study English well. keep sb. /sth. + 形容词We should keep our classroom clean. 2. People regard Macao as t

    11、he Gambling City. 人们把澳门看作“赌城”。Regardas 意为“把看成是”,主要指感情上,思想上形成的看法,也指根据外部情况得出的评判。He is generally regarded as the best student is the class. 大家都认为他是班上最好的学生。look on/ uponas 意为“把当做,把视为”,相当于regard/think sb. /sth. to be.He looked on the old man as his father. 他把老人当做父亲一样看待。3. the easons why he/she would like

    12、 to go there 他/她想去那儿的原因why在这儿引导的是一个定语从句,先行词为reason。This is the reason why he is later for school. 这就是他为什么迟到的原因。4. country, land, nation, state等几个与“国家”有关的词1)country意为“国家”,侧重于疆土等地理概念。China is a great socialist country. 中国是一个伟大的社会主义国家。Which country is he from? 他来自什么国家?2) land作“国家,地区”讲时,是可数名词;作“陆地,土地”讲时

    13、,强调国土,是不可数名词。They will come home from foreign lands. 他们将从国外归来。3) nation意为“民族,国家”,强调一国的全体人民或整个民族。如:the Chinese nation中华民族4) state意为“国家,州,政府”,侧重于政体,政府。These factories are run by the state. 这些工厂由国家管理。5) motherland祖国,尤指出生地所在国,带有感情色彩。China is my motherland. 中国是我的祖国。5. Peoples way of life in the north is

    14、quite different from that of the southern people. 北方人的日常生活和南方人的有很大的不同。1) be different from 与不一样 This visit is very different from last one. 这次访问与上次访问大不相同。2) that 这儿指代的是上文中的peoples daily life这一抽象概念。The weather here is different from that in Australia. 这儿的气候和澳大利亚的不一样。6. People that live on the norther

    15、n plains usually come and go by land, but people in the south travel not only by land but also by water. 居住在北方平原的人通常以陆路交通为主,南方人既可走陆路也走水路。1) that live on the northern plains 是关系代词that 引导的定语从句,用以修饰先行词people. that 在从句中作主语用以用引导词who来替换。2) by land 陆路交通,总指by car /bus/train等具体方式,相对于by water“走水路”。You can go

    16、there either by land or by water. 到那儿你既可走陆路也可走水路。 8. Isnt it a pleasure that friends come to see you from far away?有朋友自远方来,不亦乐乎?pleasure作“高兴,快乐,愉快,欣慰”或“玩乐,休闲”讲时为不可数名词。He takes no pleasure in his work. 他从他的工作中得不到丝毫乐趣。1) pleased表示“高兴的,满意的,感到高兴的”,指由外部因素引发人们内心的喜悦,主语只能是人。I am pleased to meet you。遇见你我很高兴。

    17、2) pleasant 通常指天气、旅行、消息、时间等令人感到高兴、愉快、舒适,也指人或其举止等“招口人喜欢的,友好的”。It is pleasant for us to take a walk on the meadow. 我们在这儿的草地上散步很惬意。3) pleasing表示“令人高兴的,使人愉快的”,主语通常是物。Her voice is quite pleasing. 她的噪音很悦耳。9. You know, I am becoming more and more interested in Chinas history these days. 你知道,这些天来我对中国的历史越来越感

    18、兴趣。Become more and more interested in sth. /doing sth, 对/干越来越感兴趣,强调变化过程。After fishing with father, I became more and more interested in it, 自从跟父亲钓鱼后,我对它是越来越感兴趣了。10. It is a pity that he died of illness on his way home from Africa in 1433. 遗憾4 是,1433年从非洲回国的路上他死于疾病。辨析die of / die fromDie of 和die from都

    19、指某种死亡原因,die of 指“患而死”,而die from 则指“由于而死,由致死”。The old man died of cancer,那老人死于癌症。 11. People could carve their suggestions on it, and Yao promised to follow the suggestions. 人们都可以将他们的建议刻在上面,姚答应接受那些建议。promise作动词用时,为及物动词,意为“许诺,答应”,结构为:promise sb. sth. 许诺某人某事promise to do sth. 答应做某事promise sb. to do sth

    20、 答应某人做某事promise + that从句I promised him a present for his birthday. 我答应送他一件生日礼物。She promised to write to him. 她答应给他写信。Father promised me to buy a new pair of shoes for me. 爸爸许诺给我买一双新鞋。He promised that he would come. 他答应来。promise作名词,有以下常见搭配:The promise to do sth. 做某事的应允Carry out a promise 履行诺言Make a p

    21、romise 许诺Keep a promise 遵守诺言Break a promise 违约He gave me the promise to lend me some money. 他答应供给我一些钱。12. In order to be the new emperor, there was a great final battle between them. 为了称帝,他们之间就挑起了决斗。辩析in order to /so as to 两者都可表示目的,意为“为了,以便”。1) in order to+动词原形和so as to +动词原形均可放在句中。She got up early

    22、in order to/so as to catch the first bus. 她早早地起床,以便赶上头班车。2) in order to 可以放在句首,而so as to 则不可。In order to win the match, they practiced hard. 为了赢得比赛,他们刻苦训练。3) so as to 可分开使用,而in order to 则不可。The teacher spoke so slowly as to be understood by the students. 老师说得很慢,以便学生能听懂。14. Not only paper but also pr

    23、inting is very important to peoples daily lives. 纸和印刷在人们的日常生活中都十分重要。not onlybut also用来连接两个平行的并列成分,but后面的also有时可以省略。连接主语时,谓语动词需和邻近的主语保持一致。连接谓语时,not前不可有助动词。Not only he but also I am wrong. 不但他错了,我也错了。15. I hope someday I can take part in a quiz show and win a prize!我希望有朝一日能参加一次智力竞赛,并得一次奖!1) I can take

    24、win a prize! 是个宾语从句,主句为I hope, 其后的“that”连接词被省略。2) someday意为“有朝一日”,注意其语气要比some day恳切。Someday Ill be richer. 有朝一日我会更加富有的。3) some day意为“(将来)有一天。”Some day I might buy a car.(将来)有一天我或许会买车。4) take part in 参加(某个组织)He joined the league three years ago. 他三年前入的团。16. As we know, there are differences betewwn w

    25、estern culture and Chinese culture. 众所周知,中西方文化有许多的不同。difference n. 差异,不同different adj. 不同的be different from与不同The two cats are different from each other. 那两只猫不一样。链接 be the same as 与一样 Bob dresses just the same as his father die. 鲍勃的衣着跟他父亲当年的完全一样。17. But it keeps them in the living room away from hea

    26、lthy outdoor activities. 但是电视使孩子们待在了起居室里,远离了健康的活动。Keep sth./ sb. away from 使某物/人远离The old man asked the dog to keep away from his grand daughter. 那位老人让那只狗远离他的孙女。18. Well, that dpends on what kind of paintings you want to learn. 哦,那取决于你想学哪一类的画。1) depend on 取决于,视而定The length of the treatment depends o

    27、n the severity of the illness. 治疗时间的长短取决于疾病的严重程度。2) depend on sb. /sth. to do sth. 依靠某人/物做某事I depend on you to get this done. 我指望你把这件事给办了。3) depend on sb. /sth. doing sth. 批指望某人/物做某事。Weve depend on him finishing the job by Friday. 我们原指望他在星期五前完成这项工作。4) depend on 依赖,依靠The country depends heavily on it

    28、s tourist trade. 这个国家主要依靠旅游业。5) what kind of paintings you are talking about 是宾语从名,作depends on 的宾语。在这个宾语从句中you are talking about是定语从句,修饰其先行词paintings. 19. Then you can decide whether you want to become a painter or not. 然后你就可以决定是否想成为一名画家了。1) whether or not 不管,不论,是否 Whether or not weve been successfu

    29、l, we can be sure that we did our best. 不管成功与否,我们确实已尽了最大努力。2) whether or not= whetheror not 是否 Whether or not you like it, youll have to face him one day. 不管你喜不喜欢,总有一天你将不得不面对他。= Whether you like it or not, youll have to face hime one day. 21. Im sure shell join us any minute now. 我确信她会马上和我们在一起的。1) b

    30、e sure 确信 Im not sure if hell be able to come. 我不敢肯定他能不能来。2) join sb. 与某人在一起Im going to the theater tonight. Would you like to join me? 我今晚去剧院,你愿意和我一起去吗?3) any minute now 随时,马上 Were expecting them any minute now. 我们希望他们马上来。28. We spend part of our spare time watching television, .我们花部分业余时间看电视,1) spe

    31、nd some time(in)doing sth. 在做某事上花费时间 Hw spent his whole life(in) looking after the poor. 他把他的一生都用来照顾穷人。2) spend some time on sth. 在上花费时间 He doesnt spend much time on his homework. 他在做作业上没有花费太多时间。3) It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某人做花费时间 It took me two hours to finish the composition. 我用两个小时的时间写完了那篇作文。4) sth. costs sb. some money 某物花费某人钱 This coat cost me 6. 这件上衣花了我6英镑。5) sb. pays/ paid some money for sth. 某人花费钱买 I paid ten dollars for the book. 我花了10美元买了那本书1. avoid doing something. 避


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