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    冀教版英语七年级上教学案Unit 6.docx

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    冀教版英语七年级上教学案Unit 6.docx

    1、冀教版英语七年级上教学案Unit 6Unit 6Lets Go!话题Topic让我们去吧(Lets Go)功能Functions谈论问路:Can you help us?We are looking for the bookstore.Where is it?谈论购物:May I help you?Yes,please.I am looking for the potatoes.语法Grammar一、现在进行时。二、祈使句。词汇和常用表达Words & expressions1.能正确使用下列词汇(Curriculum words)(按词性排列)名词:lady,traffic,luck,noi

    2、se,lion,forest,course,countryside,museum,hall,war,history,area,gift,movie,theatre,price,hero,airport,hotel动词:ride,follow,count,miss,feed,pick,learn,save形容词:fresh,lonely,friendly,famous,boring副词:off数词:forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred名词& 动词:dream,fight形容词&副词:straight名词&形容词:magic2.能正确使用下

    3、列常用表达(Useful expressions)go to the bookstore,get there,ride our bikes,take Bus 42,take the bus,get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,go down,turn left,at the traffic lights,good luck,next to,go to the zoo,make noises,of course,on the farm,come on,by bike,find out3.能认读下列词汇(Non-curriculum words)book

    4、store,broken,lost,quickly,moo,painting,kung fu学习策略Strategies1.能运用现在进行时。2.掌握祈使句的用法。3.能了解如何问路和购物。4.利用思维导图,对词语归类,提高单词记忆效率。文化知识Culture1.能了解如何购物和问路。2.能准确运用祈使句。3.描述某人正在进行的动作。4.了解国外的动物园、农场、博物馆和电影院。三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget知识与技能1.能掌握以下单词:ride,off,lady,straight,traffic,luck,fresh,follow,count,forty,fifty,s

    5、ixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred,dream,noise,lion,lonely,miss,forest,course,countryside,feed,pick,friendly,museum,hall,famous,boring,war,learn,history,area,gift,movie,theatre,price,hero,save,airport,hotel,magic,fight2.能熟练掌握单元短语:go to the bookstore,get there,ride our bikes,take Bus 42,take the bus,

    6、get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,go down,turn left,at the traffic lights,good luck,next to,go to the zoo,make noises,of course,on the farm,come on,by bike,find out3.能掌握以下句型:(1)How can we go there?We can ride our bikes!三维目标Three-dimensionaltarget知识与技能(2)Excuse me.Can you help us?We are looking

    7、 for the bookstore.Where is it?(3)Hello,may I help you?Yes,Im looking for the potatoes.I cant find them.(4)Go down this street.Turn left at the traffic light.Then go straight and you can see the bookstore.(5)Are they eating donuts?No,they arent.They are eating bananas.(6)Jenny,where are we going?Oh,

    8、I know!Lets go to the Art Hall.4.了解以下语法:现在进行时;祈使句的用法。过程与方法1.通过师生问答、生生对话、角色扮演等多种语言交际活动,培养口语交际能力和在日常生活中运用英语的能力;2.通过实物、图片或身体动作提供语境,运用学生的实际情况作例子,感知、学习Excuse me.Where is?句型。进一步学习Lets go to the Is the elephant sleeping?The panda looks cute.等句型,进入本单元的话题。创设情境学习、操练含有一般现在时的句子,学生结合自己的实际情况提出和回答问题,借助多媒体提供画面或视频来提



    11、前几篇课文中有关交通、动物等内容,是同学们已经熟悉并掌握的句型,加上文章所配可爱的卡通图片,让本课内容看起来就很亲切、活泼,给人很轻松、愉快的感觉。教学目标1.能够使学生掌握ride,off,lady,straight,traffic,luck等单词,take Bus 42,get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,turn left,at the traffic light等短语的用法。2.能够让学生了解现在进行时的用法。3.能够使用祈使句。1.能够听辨并正确使用现在进行时,了解祈使句的用法,会用Excuse me.Where is?Lets go to

    12、 the .Is the elephant sleeping?这些句型,并且能够用Go down this street OK.Yes,it is.等回答这些问题。2.掌握并使用本单元的表示家庭成员及其活动的短语take Bus 42,get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,turn left,at the traffic light等,能正确运用所学词汇、句型描述购物、问路及交通的不同场景,帮助学生学习这些场景中需要的英语表达方式。3.掌握现在进行时。4.学会使用祈使句。从情景对话入手培养学生的听、说能力,让学生流利地用英语购物、问路、去农场、动物园、

    13、博物馆和剧院等不同场景,帮助学生学习这些场景中需要的英语表达方式。能够听懂和应答由where和how构成的特殊疑问句的核心句型。能够运用现在进行时,能够用祈使句来给别人指路或表示建议。教学突破:创设语境,重视听说能力,反复训练Excuse me.Where is?Lets go to the等句型及对话。在练习中正确使用现在进行时,练习祈使句的用法。了解国外的关于农场、动物园、博物馆和剧院的情况,掌握如何购物和问路,学会如何描写动物和介绍电影。注重方法与价值观的培养:以听说领先,在英语语境中大量感知和训练本单元的关于购物和问路的词汇、短语和句型,养成良好的学习英语的习惯。通过本单元的语言学习,

    14、归纳总结现在进行时和祈使句的用法,使知识的记忆形象化、系统化。采用Pair work和Group work相结合的方式,练习用英语表达购物、问路、去农场、动物园、博物馆和剧院等在不同的场景中进行的活动,练习如何描述正在进行的动作,同时了解英美等西方国家的文化和娱乐活动。第一课时:Lesson 31第二课时:Lesson 32第三课时:Lesson 33第四课时:Lesson 34第五课时:Lesson 35第六课时:Lesson 36教学目标单词卡片名词:lady,traffic,luck,noise,lion,forest,course,countryside,museum,hall,war

    15、,history,area,gift,movie,theatre,price,hero,airport,hotel动词:ride,follow,count,miss,feed,pick,learn,save形容词:fresh,lonely,friendly,famous,boring副词:off数词:forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty,ninety,hundred名词& 动词:dream,fight形容词&副词:straight名词&形容词:magic短语归纳go to the bookstore,get there,ride our bikes,take Bus

    16、 42,take the bus,get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,go down,turn left,at the traffic lights,good luck,next to,go to the zoo,make noises,of course,on the farm,come on,by bike,find out句型集锦1.How can we go there?We can ride our bikes!2.Excuse me.Can you help us?We are looking for the bookstore.Wher

    17、e is it?3.Hello,may I help you?Yes,Im looking for the potatoes.I cant find them.4.Go down this street.Turn left at the traffic lights.Then go straight and you can see the bookstore.5.Are they eating donuts?No,they arent.They are eating bananas.6.Jenny,where are we going?Oh,I know!Lets go to the Art

    18、Hall.重点语法一、现在进行时。二、祈使句的用法。林林总总的英美国家商店在英美国家,人们要买东西一般是去商店或购物中心(商店一词在英式英语和美式英语中往往用词不同:英式英语多用 shop,美式英语多用 store)。根据商店的营业规模和售货特点,大致有以下几大类:百货公司(department store),专卖商店(speciality shop),商场或购物中心(market or mall),超级市场(supermarket),杂货店(grocery store),折扣商店(discount store),廉价商店(dime store)和连锁商店(chain store)。美国有一种

    19、独特的售物方式庭院售物(yard sale)。按照美国人的习俗,每隔几年他们就要对自己家中的东西来一次大“整顿”,并根据自己的需要处理一些多余不用的物品,这些被处理的物品并非因为破旧不能用,而只是因为对自己不适用。这些东西要是丢掉又可惜,而白白送人也不太舍得,所以他们就想出来个办法卖给别人。由于这种售物是小规模的、 临时性的,所以不可能去新闻媒介打广告,也不能去租个门面,于是他们就在自己的庭院(yard)内设摊售卖,因此人们通常称之为yard sale。有时,也可能会摆在自己的车库或门廊上售卖,所以也可称为 garage sale(车库售物)或 porch sale(门廊下售物)。为了招揽买主

    20、,他们通常会自己用纸写个简易广告,复印后贴在附近的“交通要道”。第一课时Lesson 31:Lets Go to the Bookstore!1.掌握单词:ride,off,lady,straight,traffic,luck短语:go to the bookstore,get there,ride our bikes,take Bus 42,take the bus,get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,go down,turn left,at the traffic lights,good luck,etc.2.掌握和运用问路的句型:Lets go

    21、 to the bookstore!How can we get there?We can ride our bikes.Lets take the bus.Danny and Jenny get off the bus.But they get lost on the way to the bookstore.Excuse me.Can you help us?We are looking for the bookstore.Where is it?Go down this street.Turn left at the traffic lights.Then go straight and

    22、 you can see the bookstore.3.能使用祈使句和现在进行时。4.能使用本课的词汇及句式礼貌地问路及回答。5.能听懂关于问路的对话。1.学会运用表示问路的词或短语:ride,off,lady,straight,traffic,luck,go to the bookstore,get there,ride our bikes,take Bus 42,take the bus,get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,go down,turn left,at the traffic lights,good luck。2.学会使用问路的句型

    23、:Lets go to the bookstore!How can we get there?We can ride our bikes.Lets take the bus.Danny and Jenny get off the bus.But they get lost on the way to the bookstore.Excuse me.Can you help us?We are looking for the bookstore.Where is it?Go down this street.Turn left at the traffic lights.Then go stra

    24、ight and you can see the bookstore.3.能使用一般现在时和现在进行时。4.能使用本课的词汇问路及应答。5.能听懂关于问路的对话。1.正确使用本单元的词和短语,分辨、会用take Bus 42,take the bus,get off,get lost,on the way to,look for,go down,turn left,at the traffic lights,good luck。2.听力策略的渗透,听懂有关问路的对话及答语。3.能够有礼貌地用英语问路及回答。本课时的教学内容是冀教版七年级上册英语第六单元的第一课时,重点在于引导学生理解语境,从表

    25、示问路的词开始,自然地导入谈论出行方式和问路的话题。以怎么去书店作为任务引起学生的听说兴趣,训练学生的听力和口语表达能力。利用动作、手势和图片学习英语单词,同时在对话中反复运用新学的单词和短语。因此,教师可以将知识目标定为掌握本课时新出现的词和短语,有礼貌地问路及应答的句型。情感目标定为通过话题的学习,培养学生的学习习惯和兴趣,使学生能够用英语问路及应答,并能听懂相关的对话。设计教学PPT,录音机,多媒体,相应的插图,表示一些活动的实物、图片和单词卡片。Step.Lead inLeading in 【情景1】The teacher will show a picture with beauti

    26、ful flowers,warm sunshine and a bike.T:Hello,boys and girls.Look at the picture.Its a sunny day,right?What would you like to do on such a lovely day?S1:I would like to have a picnic with my friends.S2:I would like to go shopping with my friends.T:Id like to go there with you,but my bike is broken.Ho

    27、w will we go there?S3:We can take a bus.S4:We can take a taxi.S5:We can walk there.T:OK.Your ideas are very good.What about Jenny and Danny?What would they like to do?Can you guess?OK.Lets go and have a look.设计意图展示一幅阳光灿烂的图画来吸引学生的注意力,能使得学生们眼前一亮,会带着强烈的好奇心继续学习,因此能起到很好的导入作用。Leading in 【情景2】The teacher a

    28、sks the students how they come to school and lets them show the route to others.T:How do you come to school every day?S1:I come to school by bike.S2:I come to school by bus.S3:I come to school by car.S4:I come to school on foot.T:How do you get to school from your home?Now work in groups.Draw a map

    29、and show us the way.After a while,ask the groups to show their maps and tell us the way to school.S5:Look,this is my home.Go down this street.Turn right at the traffic lights.Then go straight and I can see the school.设计意图运用学生所学的知识,从谈论熟悉的入手进入新内容的学习,运用实物或图片帮助学生学习生词和句型,直观、形象。Step.Presentation1.Lead the

    30、 students to learn new words with objects or pictures.Ask the students to make sentences with the new words.The teacher can ask them questions according to the situations.(ride)T:Can you ride a bike?S1:Of course.I can ride a bike.2.Practice the conversations in pairs.Use the following sentences:Lets

    31、 go toHow can we get there?Excuse me.Can you help us?Do you have a map?Go down this street.Turn left at the traffic lights.The teacher asks the students to practice the dialogues in pairs.设计意图两人组合练习之前,让同学们尽量学会生词,增加同学们的词汇量,然后创设情景,使同学们身临其境,激发说的欲望。在练习中巩固本课需要掌握的单词、短语和句型。Step.Listening1.Listen to the tape with your book closed and fill in the blanks.Jenny and Danny go to the .They go there by because Dannys bike is .They dont know the way to


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