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    1、完整word版湖南省对口招生英语高考试题机密启用前湖南省2015年普通高等学校对口招生考试英语(对口)试题本试题卷分四个部分,共12页.时最120分钟.满分120分第一部分听力理解(共两节,満分30分) Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there an several questions and each question is followed by three choi

    2、ces marked A9 B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Example:When will the magazine probably arrive?A.Wednesday. B. Thursday. C. Friday.The answer is B.Conversation 11.When does the woman usually get home from work?A.About 6:

    3、30. B. About 730. C. About 8:30.2.What did the woman do last night?A.She watched TV.B.She recorded a programC.She prepared for a lecture.Conversation 23.How often does the man exercise at the gv m?A. Every day. B. Every two days. C. Once a weeL4.Where will the tuo speakers meet before doing exercise

    4、 this Friday?A. At the park. B. At the cafe. C. At the cinema.Conversation 35.What is Mr. Chester doing?A.Telephoning someone.B.Speaking to the womanC.Leaving the man a message6. What is the mans last name?A. Oliver. B. Horst.C. Robert.Conversation 47, Why will the woman be late?A.She didnt catch th

    5、e train.B.She didnt finish her paper.C.She didnt wake up in time.& Where is the man?A. At the station. B. At homeC. At the office9. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Parent and child.C. Husband and wi住.Conversation 510.For whom does the woman buy t

    6、he T-shin?A. Herself. B. Her husband11.How much does the T-shirt normally cost?A. $54. B. S60.C. Her friendC. $70.12. Why does the salesman agree to sell the T-shirt at $48?A. It is cheaper online B He is in a hurryC. A button is lost.Conversation 613.When did the woman arrive?A. Friday. B. Saturday

    7、.14.What major did the man choose in the end?A. English B. Biology.C. Sunday.C. History.15. What suggestion does the man give on reading the books?A. Making notes. B Skimming first.C Reading word by wordSection B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully

    8、and then fill in the numbered Monks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.School Web Design 16I Meet on 17 from 2:30 to 3:15II Create a website for a competitionWebsiteon your ancestor 1819 long & well constructedC

    9、ompetitionhas a first prize of $300 for beginners & $ 20 for the advanceddo it by yourself; list the software you used 厂 第二部分知识运用(共三节.満分40分)第一节词汇与语法(本节共10小题:每小题1分,共10分)从每小题给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一项符合題意的最佳选项,并将答 案填涂在答题卡上.21.All of us find necessary to take exercise every day.A.this B. that C. it D. them22.

    10、The two cities have reached an to develop science and technology together.A. education B. excitement C. agreement D. invention23.They went to the park Bob. He had to look after his sister at home.A. except B with C. beside D. besides24.This magazine is very with young people who like its content and

    11、 styleA. familiar B. popular C. similar D. particular25.1know little about her interests, because wc talk about work when we meetA. quietly B. carefully C. slowly D. mainly26.Youd better stay here, because the gatekeeper will not allow you freely in thebuilding.A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walke

    12、d27.We on this project for four hours Lets have a rest.A. are working B. have been workingC. were working D. had worked28.A tourist will easily lose his way in Beijing, he has a guide or a map.A. if B. because C. when D. unless29.1cant hear the news clearly. Could you please the TV?A. turn down B. t

    13、urn off C. turn on D. turn up30.How dangerous! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice creamwith A. the other B. another C. others D. other第二节 交际用语(本节共20小題;每小题1分,共20分)(-)选择:看下面10组小对话.根据文字提供的信息,从A、B、C、D四个选项 中选出一个符合对话情景或含义的最佳选项,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。31.一 My recorder is broken. Could I use yours

    14、? . but you have to return it tomorrow.A. No. you cant B. No problemC. Im sorry D. I hope so32. I cant find my mobile phone Il must be in this room. Ill make a call. When it rings, you can follow the sound and find itA. Excuse meC Thank youB. Good luckD. Dont worry33. Dirty water shouldnt be poured

    15、into rivers. .It will cause pollution.A. Dont say like thisC I agree with youB. Never mindD. The same to you34. Hello! May I speak to Millie?A. No, you mustntC. This is Millie speaking35.Is Mr. Black ill?B. Pm MillieD. Yes, you may I think he will have to stay at home to have a good rest.A. I don$t

    16、think soC. I hope soB. Vm afraid notD. Im afraid so36.Its a fine day today. Shall we go swimming? But we need to be home before six oclock.A. Have a nice time!C. You are right.B. Not at all.D. Good idea!37.Are you confident about this evenings performance, Katie? . Tve got everything ready.A.I guess

    17、 not B. Ws hard to sayC. Sg I am D. I dont believe it38. Would you like me to take you to the new shopping centre? .Ive been there once.A. No, thanksC. Yes. I think so39. Sorry. 1 have hurt your foot. Its nothing serious.A. Thats all right.C. How careless!B. Not at allD. Thats very kind of youB. Tm

    18、sorry to hear that. D. You must be careful!40. Vm thinking of the CCTV English Competition next week. Tm afraid I cant do well. Vm sure voull make itA. All rightC. Well doneB. Cheer upD. Good luck(二)补全对话:根据下面一段对话.从A、B、G D、E. F、G七个选项中选出五 个选项补全空缺处使对话完整.符合情景和含义.并将答案填涂在答题卡上A: Mr. Fred, you often help ch

    19、ildren. 41B: Yes, of course. Children often write to me and ask me how to solve their problems. A: 42B: Many cant decide when to study and when to play. I think they should learn to achieve a balance between study and play.A: I agree. Sometimes I get too much homework and 43B: You must feel stressed

    20、 from time to time, right?A: Yes. Can you give me some advice?B:OK. 44A: I see. Any more?B: Yes. You can also get help from youth workers at your own school.A: Thanks for your advice.B: 45A.I dont know which to do firstB What problems do most students have?C. Whaf s your job?D You can talk to your t

    21、eachers, parents or friends.E Can you tell me something about your job?F. Its so kind of you to tell me this.G You are welcome.(三)匹配:请将I栏中常见的中文皆示、指令与II栏中的英文进行匹配并将答系 填涂在答题卡上.IIA.46.请勿跨越47.急救中心48.注意行人49.正在维修50.记者招待会First Aid CenterB.Press ConferenceC.No CrossingD.Watch Out for PedestriansE.Please Wait

    22、 HereF.No ParkingG Repairs in Progress第三节 完形填空(本节共10小题:每小题】分.共10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最 佳选项,并将答案填涂在答题卡上。Having waited all day. I finally saw my dad come in, with an envelope in his hand. Angrily, he 51 the envelope on the table and said that it was nothing to get excited about I grabb

    23、ed it and ran upsteirs I wondered why my dad did not understand how 52 1 was to see my mid-year report card for my first year in middle school. I wasreally 53 by how he refused to consider all my hard workI saw my class rank (寻圾):1/139. I felt my lips form a smile and wanted to run downstairs to tel

    24、l everyone. Then 1 54 what my dad had said it was nothing to getexcited about. I wanted to share my happiness with someone but felt lonely.I realized that I had become distant from my family. We used to 55 late watching Disney movies, and my brothers, sisters and I would play tennis in the backyard

    25、all the time. I wondered when all that had 56 My schoolwork 57 all my time and energy.While I had been busy with my study, I had also built a 58 between me and my family. I was only trying to become a person everyone could be 59 ofI wanted to go downstairs, say sorr for every refused movie and tenni

    26、s game, and be part of my 60 again. I knew I had to do something because without their support my achievements meant nothing.51. A. caughtB. movedC. pickedD. threw52. A. anxiousB. scaredC.sadD. sorry53. A. encouragedB. hurtC. amusedD pleased54. A. rememberedB. reportedC. missedD. heard55. A. come ba

    27、ckB go downC stay upD keep out56. A. begunB stoppedC improvedD. appeared57. A. set upB. gave upC used upD. put up58. A. wallB. bridgeC. roadD. house59. A. ashamedB. carefulC proudD. afraid60. A. schoolB. teamC classD. family第三部分阅读理解(共三节.満分30分)第一节选择(本节共15小題:每小题1分.共15分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可填入空

    28、白处的鼓佳 选项.并将答案填涂在答题卡上.A new kind of bookmarkIn order to encourage reading every day, someone is trying to invent a new kind of bookmark. If you dont read for more than one day, it will remind you of reading by sending short messages to you. Its really an amazing invention.A new light bulbNow the UK h

    29、as a new light bulb that can last 25 years or more It is green and environmentally friendly, and as bright as the old light bulb, but it costs 30.CartriderA Korean designer, Jaebeom Jeong, has invented a cartridef*. The idea is to put a shopping can and a bicycle together. That will add some fun to

    30、your weekly shopping!Anw chairIf you sit in a chair for too long or in a bad position, your back may begin to hurt. Now there is a new chair that could help you avoid this problem It was developed by German scientists It makes noises to warn users when they need to move.61.Which of the following has not been invented yet?B.The new kind of bookmark.D.The cartridcr.62.The new light bulb B. costs only 25 D. can last at least 30 yearsA. is good for the environment B costC.is brighter than the old light bulb D. can63.The cartrider can make yonr shopping more A. difficult B. bori


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