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    1、自己作文之表达自己的观点英语作文表达自己的观点英语作文【篇一:英语书面表达专题观点对比类文章】 英语书面表达专题观点对比类文章 一 写作思路 para.1: the question of the debate discussion. para.2: the ideas that support the question with reasons. para.3: the ideas that disagree with the question with reasons. para.4: your opinion. 二 写作套语 1. 总述:a. recently we have a hea

    2、ted discussion debate on- b. different students people have hold different opinions. c. students have different attitudes towards the question. d. people take different views on this question. 2. 赞成:a. 60% of the students hold the opinion that- b. the majority of the students are in favor of the ide

    3、a that- c. most of the students believe that- 3. 反对:a. however, each coin has two sides. others hold the opposite opinion. b. however, others students people hold the opposite opinion. 4. 自己观点:a. as far as i am concerned i think- b. in my opinion i hold the opinion that- 三过渡词 表并列和递进:and, not only-bu

    4、t also- first of all, besides, in addition, whats more, further more, whats worse, worse still, last but not least (提及最后的人或物 时说,最后但同样重要 ), on the one hand, -on the other hand, - 例一:人们对中学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短介1. 文章必须包含表中全部内容。 2. 词数为100左右。 3. 参考词汇:网友 online friends上当受骗 to be cheated should stu

    5、dents make friends on line? different people have hold different opinions attitudes. some people are in favor of the idea. chatting on line, students can not only make more friends but also express their feelings and opinions more freely. whats more, they can get help with their foreign language stu

    6、dies.of all, they think making friends on line is a waste of time, which will have a bad effect on their study. whats more, some students may get cheated on line. as far as i am concerned, i am not in favor of the idea that students make friends on line. students should place their study, health and

    7、 safety before other things. 例二:最近你市发现了一处唐文化遗址。是否应当开发?人们展开了激烈的讨论。假如你是一名记者,请就此写一篇100字左右的报道,并发表自己的看法。 赞成开发:应开发利用以吸引更多的游客来旅游观光。 反对开发:应保持原样,妥善保护,以免遭人为破坏。 recently, citizens in our city have had held a heated a debate on whether we should explore the cultural relics, which was discovered in our city. dif

    8、ferent people have different opinions. some people are in favor of the idea. they think the cultural relic is worth exploring, which will make people learn more about the great history. whats more, this cultural relic site can attract more visitors to our city, which will improve our tourism. howeve

    9、r, others hold an opposite opinion, thinking that we should keep it as it is and protect it properly. only in this way can it not be destroyed by people. as far as i am concerned, we should ask the experts for advice to find a better way to make good use of this cultural relic. 例三: 最近你班学生就“应该将学生成绩与老

    10、师考核挂钩吗?”展开了一次激烈的参考词汇:反映:reflect负担:be burdened 考核:evaluation 考入:be admitted to recently ,our class has held a heated discussion about whether teachers evaluation should be connected with students grade. different students have different opinions. some students are in favor of the idea. first of all,

    11、they think this kind of evaluation will encourage teachers to improve their teaching shills, with will help students get higher grades so that they can be admitted to key university .beside, students grades reflect teachers qualities so teachers should be responsible forstudents grades. however, oth

    12、er students hold an opposite opinion. they think a good teacher not only helps students get high grades, but more importantly, they should help students develop good personalities. besides, in order to get high grades, students are burned with more homework. last but not least, it is students rather

    13、 than teachers that decide whether they can achieve good grades. as far as i am concerned, i support the idea.【篇二:用英语陈述自己的观点 有用的句型】 word list on opinion and statements use each beginning statement to make a sentence. stating your opinion it seems to me that in my opinion, i am of the opinion that /

    14、i take the view that . my personal view is that in my experience as far as i understand / can see, as i see it, / from my point of view as far as i know / from what i know i might be wrong but if i am not mistaken i believe one can (safely) say it is claimed that i must admit that i cannot deny that

    15、 i can imagine that i think/believe/suppose personally, i think that is why i think i am sure/certain/convinced that i am not sure/certain, but i am not sure, because i dont know the situation exactly. i am not convinced that i have read that i am of mixed opinions (about / on) i am of mixed opinion

    16、s about / on this. i have no opinion in this matter. outlining facts the fact is that the (main) point is that this proves that what it comes down to is that it is obvious that it is certain that one can say that it is clear that there is no doubt that word list on agreeing and disagreeing use each

    17、beginning statement to make a sentence. agreement there are many reasons for there is no doubt about it that i simply must agree with that. i am of the same opinion. i am of the same opinion as i completely/absolutely agree with qualified disagreement it is only partly true that. i can agree with th

    18、at only with reservations. that seems obvious, but that is not necessarily so. it is not as simple as it seems. under certain circumstances disagreement there is more to it than that. the problem is that i (very much) doubt whether this is in complete contradiction to what is even worse, i am of a d

    19、ifferent opinion because i cannot share this / that / the view. i cannot agree with this idea. what i object to is unlike i think 【篇三:英语作文万能模板、万能语句及常用表达】 【万能模版】 对比/正反观点分析型 1、 大多为三点提纲,提纲模式一般为:有一些人认为;还有人认为;我的看法或观 点; 2、少数时候也会出现两点提纲的情况,此时可以补充成三点提纲来写作。 首段引出话题: when it comes to_, opinions differ(vary) fro

    20、m one to another or.differenf people hold different opinions 第二段写支持观点: there are a number of individuals who hold the positive opinion. they believe that_ is advantageous for_. what makes them convinced is that _ .in addition(whats more), they claim that _. 三段写反对观点: others, however, hold the opposit

    21、e view. they maintain that it is unnecessary/not indispensible to _ . one reason they cite is that _ . another significant cause is that _. 末段1:personally/from my point of view/as far as im concerned, nothing is more important than _ on the one hand, it is a fact that _ ,on the other hand, no one ca

    22、n deny the fact that _ therefore, only by doing so can _ 末段2:from my point of view, _ itself is neither good nor bad. for our human being, nothingis more important than making best use of it. we need _ in our daily life, but we should never be slaves of _. 社会现象/解决问题型 题型特点:1、应该为三点提纲,但是有时以两点提纲出现,所涉及主题

    23、为当时社会热点; 2、通常模式为:现象概述-细节(原因、危害、方式等)-自我评论 首段引出话题: nobody could have failed to notice the fact that _ has/ have become agrave problem with which modern citizens are confronted. as far as i know, there are some _. apparently enough, we can find numerous examples in our society/campus. however, what mak

    24、es many people worried is that this issue has not aroused enough concern. 第二段分析原因: as far as i am concerned, there are numerous factors accounting for the phenomenon mentioned above, but the following might be the critical ones. first and foremost, _ besides, _. last but not least, _ . 第三段提出解决办法::fr

    25、om my point of view, there are a number of ways in which _ can tackle mentioned above, but the following might be the indispensible ones. firstly, _ secondly, _.thirdly, _ . 第四段: based on the above analysis, we can naturally come to a safe conclusion that _ as modern college students, it is our resp

    26、onsibility to shoulder the burden of inheriting and developing cultural heritage/ constructing our nations future. therefore, it is essential that we should _. besides, in order to _, we should try to _.only by doing so can we become qualified talents to make great contributions to our homeland. 谚语名

    27、言警句型 1、文章题目为一句格言或谚语2、通常模式为:解释谚语-举例论证-画龙点睛 首段解释谚语: it is universally acknowledged that _, which means that _. even simple operations can easily be spoiled if we _ . actually, _ is the key to success. therefore, no one can neglect the great importance of _. 举例论证: taking a look around, we can find exam

    28、ples too numerous to list. the best illustration might be english study. it is _ practice that enables a learner to get a good command of pronunciation. similarly, only by _ can we acquire a basic grasp of grammar. it is a fact that the process of other skills is no exception. 尾段总结,画龙点睛: in short, l

    29、aying a solid foundation is essential if we want to make achievements in our studies or work, or indeed in any other aspect of our lives. at every step, review what has been achieved and assess the problems ahead before moving to the next step. and what we should bear in mind is that _。 图表类型 首段:描述图表

    30、引出话题it can be seen from the chart that there have been sharp/slight increases/decreases in the number of_ in the past decade. as the statistics shows/indicates, the year xxx witnessed _ however, _ 中段:解释现象分析原因there are a number of factors accounting for/responsible for the change, but the following a

    31、re the most critical ones. first of all,_ in addition / what is more / additionally,_last but not least, _ 末段:总结提出建议in a word / to conclude / in conclusion, this chart/pie-chart/form /table/graph/ the above statistics is a perfect indicator of_ what makes me convinced is that _ 书信类型 dear _, 首段: (熟人)the time f


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