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    1、学年度潍坊市奎文区初中学段第一学期初一期末考试初中英语20192020学年度潍坊市奎文区初中学段第一学期初一期末考试初中英语英语试卷考试时刻:90分钟 注意:只交第二卷第一卷75分一、听力部分计20分,每题1分 一录音中有五组句子,每组句子听两遍,然后从每题A,B,C三幅图画中选出与所听句子内容相符的图画。12345 二录音中有五组对话,听对话和咨询题两遍后,从每题A,B,C三个选项中选出能回答录音中每个咨询句的正确答案。6AThe P.E. teachers BEdwards CMine7AOn the desk BIn the box CIn the bag8AIts 6:20 p.m.

    2、BIts 6:15 p.m. CIts 6:00 p.m.9AShe is Kates sister BShe is Kates friend CShe is Kates sisters friend10AArt BMath CEnglish 三录音中有一段对话和五个咨询题,听对话和咨询题两遍后,从A,B,C三个选项中选出能回答那个咨询题的正确答案。11Where are Lilys parents?AThey are in their bedroom BThey are in Lilys bedroomCThey are at Lilys uncles home12What is Lilys

    3、 computer like?AIts new BIts old CIt doesnt work13What does Bob use the computer to do?ASend an email BPlay games CDo his homework14Which country is Bobs mother in now?AEngland BAmerica CChina15Which of the following sentences is RIGHT according to the passage?ABob is Lilys brother BBob doesnt have

    4、a computerCLilys computer is in her bedroom 四录音中有一段广播,听广播两遍后,完成以下表格。请将答案写在第二卷相应的位置Which class to start the club:1_What kind of club:2_ clubWe use Room 3_ on Wednesday afternoonsTime to meet every week:At 4_Wednesday afternoonMr.Whites phone number:5_二、单项选择计15分,每题1分16-Have they got _ apples?-Yes,they

    5、ve got _Asome;some Bany;any Cany;some Dsome;any17My father usually goes to work by car, but _ he goes by busAsometime Bsometimes C some time Dsome times18My parents and I like _musicAlisten B listening Clistening to Dto listen19Betty and Tony go to the same school,but they are in different _Aclass B

    6、grade Cgrades Dgroup20What about _ to Hainan for our winter holiday?Agoing Bgoes Cgo Dto go21-He has got _ ideaHe lets his sister go with him-Thats _ good ideaAa;an Ba;a Can;a Dan;an22-What would you like for dinner?-Some rice and _,pleaseAtwo meats Btwo pieces of meatsCtwo piece of meat Dtwo pieces

    7、 of meat23Mary with her mother often _ to the zoo on SaturdaysAgo Bto go Cgoing Dgoes24There are _ people in Beijing Zoo every dayAthousand of Bsixteen thousand ofCthousands of Dsixteen thousands25Mr.Zhang teaches _ ChineseWe like _ class very muchAmy, her Bme,his Cour, his Dus,his26Our teacher alwa

    8、ys asks us _ care of the animalsAtake Btaking Cto take Dtakes27Now lets learn _ lessonAnineth Bninth Cthe ninth Dthe nine28My friend doesnt like music and he _ goes to the concertAalways Busually Coften Dnever29They have a maths lesson _ two oclock _ wednesday afternoonAat;on Bat;in Cin;on Din;in30-

    9、The kangaroo comes from _ and its _AAustralia;Australia BAustralian;AustralianCAustralia;Australian DAustralian;Australia三、完形填空计10分,每题1分 I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zooWhen you are 31 ,you can go there with your family 32 the zoo,there are many animals:elephants,pandas, 33 ,tigers

    10、and other animalsElephants are the 34 animals on landI 35 there is a baby elephant in our zooSo I want to 36 at itLilan wants to go with meShe says, 37 we go there together?Sure!I sayWe can 38 a good time thereBut lets 39 there at half past fourI have 40 homework to do31Abusy Bfree Cyoung Dclean32AI

    11、n BOn CFor DNear33Amonkeys Bmonkeies Cmonkeyes Dmonkeis34Ayoungest Bsmallest Cbiggest Dtallest35Alisten Blisten to Chear of Dhear36Alooks Bhave a look Csee Dhave a see37ACan BCould CShall DWould38Ahas Bhave Chaving Dto have39Agoes Bgo Cto go Dgoing40Afew Blittle Cmuch Dmany四、阅读明白得计30分,每题1.5分A One da

    12、y,a little boy comes into a shop and says to the shop assistant,I want to buy twelve exercise books of 6 cents each and nine pencils of 10 cents eachHow much is that altogether总共? The shop assistant writes these numbers down on a piece of paper and thinks for a minuteThen she saysI dollars 62 centsI

    13、f I give you ten dollarsHow much money will I get back?You will get 8 dollars 38 cents for changeHere you areThese are the things you want Nothank you,I dont want to buy anythingThe boy looks at the piece of paper and says politely,This is my math homeworkThank you very muchCan I take it away?41The

    14、story happens _Ain a shop Bat a mall Cin a supermarket Dat school42The little boy comes to the shop for _Anine pencils Bsome books Cnothing Dhis homework43The little boy is _Abad Bnaughty but clever Cstupid愚蠢 Dhard-working44At last the shop assistant must be _Aexcited Bhappy Cangry Dsurprised45The w

    15、ordchangein the second passage means _A零钞票 B交换 C改变 D金钞票B Silywen School is a bilingual双语的school for children botwoon6:18Now a cook,a librarian,a sports coach,and three language teachers are wanted in the schoolJobAgeLanguageSkillNeeded to becook25-40ChineseCan cook Chinese and Western foodhealthylib

    16、rarian20-35Chinese,Englishis good at putting books in order and keeping books wellcarefulsports coach20-40Chinese,Englishcan play soccer and tennis wellhealthy, stronglanguage teacher28-45Chinese,EnglishDoes well in English teaching and is good with childrenkind,patient耐心46_ cant study in Silywen Sc

    17、hoolAA five-year-old child BAn eighteen-year-old girlCA fourteen-year-old child DA ten-year-old boy47Silywen School doesnt need an _Acook BEnglish teacher Cmath teacher DP.E. teacher48The _ may not speak English in Silywen SchoolAChinese teachers Bcooks Clibrarians Dsports coaches49The sports coach

    18、is asked to play _ very wellAvolleyball Bchess Csoccer Dbasketball50If a person wants to be a language teacher in Silywen School,he should _Aspeak both English and Chinese Bbe kind and patientCbe careful and strong Dboth A and BC Many people do not eat healthy foodIf you dont eat healthy food, then

    19、you are unhealthyDoctor Black from the Peoples Hospital says that people need to eat many healthy food,in this order按照那个顺序 Rice and noodles Fruit,such as oranges,apples and vegetables,such as carrots,onions,tomatoes and potatoes Meat,such as pork,chicken,beef and fish DrBlack says that people should

    20、 not eat unhealthy food like hamburgers,candy or ice cream,or have drink such as CokeInstead they should drink milk,juice or water So,to stay healthy and away from hospital,eat only healthy food!51You should eat more _ than fruit and vegetablesAbeef Bfish Crice DCoke52_ is not a healthy drinkAMilk B

    21、Water CJuice DCoke53Dr Black advises建议people _Ato eat more meat Bto drink more CokeCto eat some unhealthy food Dto eat only healthy food54To stay healthy, people should eat _Arice,fruitmeat and fish Bhamburgers and candyCnoodles and ice cream Dapples,tomatoes and candy55Can people keep healthy if th

    22、ey eat in this order:rice,apples,carrots and chicken?AYes,they can BNo,they cantCYes,they cant DSorry, we dont knowD Now, China has the second largest number of Internet users in the world after the United StatesMany of Chinese Internet users are teenagersThey spend about 13 hours every week onlineO

    23、n the Internet,students can find out almost anythingSurfing the Internet can help them with their homework and learn a lot of knowledge People can use the Internet to write letters,stories and to send emailsMany teenagers keep in touch with their friends onlineThey can also make new friends through

    24、QQ or ICQSome of the students surf the Internet just for funThey like to listen to music,watch films,and go to their favorite starswebsites But some parents always think that the Internet takes young people away from studyThey spend too much time playing computer games and most games are about killi

    25、ng and fightingIts too dangerousAnd there are some dirty things on the Internet,says the mother of a 13-year-old boy56According to this passage,China has the _ highest number of Internet usersAsecond Bthird Cfirst Dfourth57Some of the students surf the Internet for funWhat can they do?AThey can list

    26、en to music and watch filmsBThey can go to their favorite starswebsitesCThey write lettersstories and send emailsDA and B58Some parents worry that the Internet is _Ahelpful Bdangerous Ctraditional Duseful59The phrase keep in touch with means _A保持联系 B交朋友 C打电话 D写信60Whats the best title题目of this articl

    27、e?AThe Internet BThe Computer CThe Teenagers DThe Mother第二卷45分五、阅读表达10分阅读短文,依照要求完成以下各题。 There are many animals in Weihai Zoo1 The elephants are from AfricaAfrican elephants are big and kind animals,2 _there are only about 30.000 in AfricaSome people kill the elephants 3 _money African elephants are tall4 They need需要to eat a lot of leaves and grass and they eat for hours a dayThey can also drink 40 gallons加仑of water at one time Elephants have four teeth and two 5 tusksThese tusks grow about seven inches英寸a


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