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    1、高二英语同步精题语法分类汇编单项填空5高二英语同步精题语法分类汇编单项填空(5)名词1.(10-11,浙江温州中学高二上期中)As the years passed, many _birthdays, awards, graduationswere marked with Dads flowers. A. conditions B. examples C. occasions D. states2.(10-11,河北唐山一中高二上期中)In America, turkey(火鸡) is served as the main course on special _.A. occasions B.

    2、 situations C. positions D. scenes 3.(10-11,河南许昌部分重点中学高二上期中联考)To make members of a team perform better, the trainer first of all has to know their _ and weaknesses. A. strengths B. benefits C. techniques D. values4.(10-11,河南许昌部分重点中学高二上期中联考)Over a third of the population were believed to have no _to

    3、health care. A. access B. basis C. belief D. aid5.(10-11,黑龙江林口四中高二上期中)He had a strange hairstyle and became the _ of attention the moment he went into the classroom. A. aim. B. focus. C. direction . D. point.6.(10-11,湖北黄冈中学高二上期中)Its reported that many wars broke out in the Middle East. Whats your _

    4、of the situation there? A. assessment B. adjustment C. appointment D. assistance7.(10-11,湖北襄樊高二上期中四校联考)Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at her first_. A. intention B. attemptC. purpose D. desire8.(10-11,湖北襄樊高二上期中四校联考)The reason for our

    5、 failure was the _ of enough time and money.A. lack B. limit C. use D. demand9.(10-11,湖北襄樊高二上期中四校联考)Due to the widespread _ of this medical technology, more disease can be discovered and treated at an early stage.A. presentation B. application C. qualification D. appreciation冠词10.(10-11,浙江杭州市七校高二上期中

    6、)He made up _excuse to the teacher that he needed to look after his sick mother. Soon it turned out to be _ failure.A. a; a B. an; / C. a; / D. an; a11.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)-I heard that more than 500 people were killed in ten days during that Cholera outbreak.-Yes, _ news came as _ shock to us.A.

    7、the; / B. the; a C. /; a D. /; /12.(10-11,浙江温州中学高二上期中)Much to _ surprise of the students, the concert which was held once a year turned out to be _ complete failure.A. /; a B. the; a C. the; / D. /; /13.(10-11,广西桂林十八中高二上期中)First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get_ second chan

    8、ce to make_ first impression. A. a; the B. the; the C. a; a D. the; a14.(10-11,河北省冀州中学高二上期中)Let us suppose that you are in_ position of_ parent. Would you allow your child to do such a thing?A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the; the15.(10-11,河南许昌部分重点中学高二上期中联考)The medical reform in that country proved

    9、to be _ failure, but as we know, success often comes after _ failure.A. a; the B. a; / C. a; a D. /; /16.(10-11,河南周口高二上期中)_ example of John shows that _ knowledge of first aid can help a lot.A. The; a B. An; 不填 C. An; a D. The; 不填17.(10-11,黑龙江林口四中高二上期中)It was_ great shock to the world that two airpl

    10、anes crashed into _ World Trade Centre in New York on Sept11 Aa;Bthe;theCa;theD;the18.(10-11,湖南衡阳八中高二上期中)Jennifer, _ fourteen-year-old girl, who has won a gold medal in the International Math Olympics, is _ honor to our school.A. the; a B. a; / C. /; an D. a; an代词19.(10-11,黑龙江林口四中高二上期中)Ive decided t

    11、o move to the countryside , for Ive had _ of the noises here.A. none B. suffered C. enough D. little20.(10-11,湖南衡阳八中高二上期中)He didnt think _ mattered much whether they would recognize his achievements or not.A. what B. which C. that D. it介词和介词短语21.(10-11,广西桂林十八中高二上期中)We should try all means to ensure

    12、ourselves_ all possible risks.A. that B. against C. for D. to22.(10-11,河北唐山一中高二上期中)_ its low price, the advantage of this car lies in its good quality.A. According to B. Different from C. Apart from D. Due to23.(10-11,河北唐山一中高二上期中)The teacher accused her _ not finishing her homework.A. for B. from C.

    13、 of D. on24.(10-11,河南周口高二上期中)As an experienced journalist, he always has a nose _ a good story. A. of B. in C. for D. to25.(10-11,黑龙江林口四中高二上期中)_ the problem of land erosion getting more serious, the government is searching for a way to deal with it. A. As. B. With. C. When D. If26.(10-11,湖北襄樊高二上期中四校

    14、联考)We all went to Jiuzhaigou during the summer holidays _ Zhang Lin who was not herself at that time. A. in addition to B. besides C. including D. apart from 形容词和副词27.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)We were all very much attracted by the beautiful scenery _ we set foot in the village.A. quickly B. suddenly C.

    15、 finally D. immediately28.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)For those who work with their brains, exercise is _.A. of very value B. of great valuable C. great valuable D. very valuable29.(10-11,浙江温州中学高二上期中)Children are always asking all kinds of questions because they are _ about the world they live in.A. curio

    16、us B. worried C. anxious D. careful30.(10-11,广西桂林十八中高二上期中)My son has got a straight A in all his final exams. What a _ boy! Congratulations!A. promising B. predictable C. eager D. curious31.(10-11,广西玉林十二中高二10月月考)Is three oclock _ for you?I am afraid I will be busy working in my office then. A. enoug

    17、h B. late C. comfortable D. convenient32.(10-11,广西玉林十二中高二10月月考)He wasnt _ with what he had gained and wanted to get more.A. content B. proud C. satisfying D. pleasant33.(10-11,河北省冀州中学高二上期中)From the _ look of the boys, I found they were _.A. satisfying; satisfied B. satisfying; satisfying C. satisfie

    18、d; satisfied D. satisfied; satisfying 34.(10-11,河北省冀州中学高二上期中)Television has many advantages. It keeps us _ about the _ news and also provides entertainment in the house.A. informed; latest B. to know; later C. learning; latter D. to think; latest35.(10-11,河北唐山一中高二上期中)We should _ adjust ourselves to

    19、the development of our society.A. strictly B. hardly C. occasionally D. constantly36.(10-11,河北唐山一中高二上期中)She was so _ in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.A. attracted B. absorbed C. drawn D. focused37.(10-11,河南许昌部分重点中学高二上期中联考)-Do you think it _ to argue with them?-The question

    20、 is not worthy _.A. worth; discussing B. worthwhile; to be discussedC. worthy; to discuss D. worth; to be discussed 38.(10-11,黑龙江林口四中高二上期中)- Will you be _ this evening , Mary ?- That depends .I am afraid I will be with my manager together discussing a plan .A. convenient B. available C. suitable D.

    21、accessible39.(10-11,湖北黄冈中学高二上期中)Every _ space on the wall was covered in pictures.A. available B. valuable C. ordinary D. comfortable40.(10-11,湖北襄樊高二上期中四校联考)Are you _ that you have never seen him before? A. cautious B. optimistic C. positive D. delighted41.(10-11,湖北襄樊高二上期中四校联考)I have searched _ for

    22、the book but couldnt find it.A. accurately B. technically C. thoroughly D. Firmly比较级和最高级42.(10-11,浙江杭州市七校高二上期中)- Are you satisfied with the result of this competition?- No. We cant have _.A. a worse one B. a nicer one C. a bad one D. a nice one43.(10-11,河南周口高二上期中)After retirement, learning a musical

    23、 instrument may be harder than _ when you were a kid.A. it may B. it was C. it does D. it did动词和动词短语44.(10-11,浙江杭州市七校高二上期中)The teachers encouragement has _ Mary a lot, so she works harder than ever before.A. astonished B. confused C. inspired D. entertained45.(10-11,浙江杭州市七校高二上期中)It was so dark in th

    24、e cinema that I could hardly _ my friend.A. turn out B. bring out C. call out D. pick out46.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)I suggested to my father that we _ to Shanghai for a holiday this summer,but the expression on his face suggested that he _ to it.A. go; shouldnt agree B. would go; shouldnt agree C. go;

    25、 didnt agree D. would go; didnt agree47.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)He was charged with _ robbery and now is being questioned in relation to it.A. advised B. attended C. admitted D. attempted48.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)Measures have to be taken to teach young people how to _ themselves both in family and in

    26、school. They dont know the basic manners. A. do B. perform C. behave D. work 49.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)The book, which _ children, became popular with adults.A. was planned for B. was meant by C. was intended for D. was designed by 50.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中) The foreign teacher Mr. Halt has a strange

    27、way of writing. Heres a notice from him, but no clear _ of what he has written can be made at all.A. explanation B. meaning C. idea D. sense51.(10-11,浙江省杭州学军中学高二上期中)The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, finally _ because of the terrible weather.A. put off B. broke down C. called of

    28、f D. set off 52.(10-11,浙江温州中学高二上期中)Can I go to the cinema with you, Daddy?Sorry, my darling, but the film is _ for adults only. A. admitted B. intended C. promised D. permitted53.(10-11,浙江温州中学高二上期中)The other day Cathy was walking along the Broad Street when she _ an old friend of hers, one she hadnt

    29、 seen for a long time.A. came across B. came up C. came about D. came out54.(10-11,浙江温州中学高二上期中)It was so dark in the theatre that I could hardly _ my friend.A. turn out B. bring out C. call out D. pick out55.(10-11,浙江温州中学高二上期中)What he saw in the mountain village _ him to write a report about the gre

    30、at changes there.A. entertained B. increased C. inspired D. supported 56.(10-11,广西桂林十八中高二上期中)Indonesia_ some 3,000 islands stretching more than 2,000 miles from east to west.A. makes up B. makes the most of C. is made up of D. is consisted of57.(10-11,广西玉林十二中高二10月月考)You have to _ a choice. Are you going to leave the job or stay? A. decide B. get C. do D. make 58.(10-11,广西玉林十二中高二10月月考)The shopping center in the city was _ as a result of a cigare


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