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    1、商务英语高级阅读模拟题指导训商务英语高级阅读模拟题指导训2020 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家整理了商务英语高级阅读模拟题指导训练,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。商务英语高级阅读模拟题指导训1The expression benchmarking has become one of the fashionable words in current management discussion. The term first appeared in the United States in the 1970s but has now gained world wide reco

    2、gnition. But what exactly does it mean and should your company be practicing it?One straightforward definition of benchmarking comes from Chris Tether managing director of a New Zealand-based consultancy firm specializing in this area. “Benchmarking involves learning about your own practices, learni

    3、ng about the best practices of others, and then making changes for improvement that will enable you to meet or beat the best in the world.” The essential element is not simply imitating what other companies do but being able to adapt the best of other firms practices to your own situation.Instead of

    4、 aiming to improve only against previous performance and scores, companies can use benchmarking to inject an element of imagination and common sense into their search for progress. It is a process which forces companies to look closely at those activities which they may have been taking for granted

    5、and comparing them with the actives of other world-beating companies. Self-criticism is at the heart of the process although in some cases this may upset managers who are reluctant to question long established practices.The process of identifying best practice in other companies does not just mean l

    6、ooking closely at your competitors. It might also include studying companies which use similar processes to your own, even though they are producing different goods. The point is to look at the process rather than the product. For example, Italian computer company Arita wanted to improve the quality

    7、 of its technical manuals and handbooks. Instead of looking at manuals produced by other computer companies, Arita turned to a publisher of popular handbooks such as cookery books, railway timetables and car repair manuals. As Aritas Technical Director Claudio Benclii says, “All of these handbooks a

    8、re communicating complex information in a simple way - exactly what we are aiming to do. And in many cases they succeed far better than any computer company.”There is some disagreement between benchmarking specialists as to the best methods to follow when starting a benchmarking exercise in your fir

    9、m. Everyone agrees that the process must have the full approval of senior management but that it is best carried out by a comparatively small team. Some consultants feel this should be as small as three people but most favor a team of between five and eight at least one of whom should have some prio

    10、r knowledge of the benchmarking process. In practice this often means bringing in an outside consultant at least at the beginning. Once the team is assembled there can be anything from three to five formal stages in the process different approaches but whatever the exact technique benchmarking can o

    11、nly work if everyone in the company from top to bottom is committed to change.15. According to the writer, benchmarking must always involveA. changing your activities on the basis of new information.B. Copying exactly what your competitors do.C. Identifying the best company in your market.D. Collabo

    12、rating with other companies in the same field.16. Some managers may resist benchmarking becauseA. it takes their activities for granted.B. It makes them examine the way they work.C. It makes others question their efficiency.D. It gives them a lot of extra work.17. What sort of companies should you c

    13、ompare yours with?A. those producing similar goodsB. those communicating most effectivelyC. those using similar processesD. those leading the domestic market18. Anita found that a publishing company couldA. make more money than a computer firm.B. Produce technical manuals for themC. Show them how to

    14、 improve their own manualsD. Help them move into new markets19. Benchmarking specialists agree that in order to succeed there must beA. a team of no more than three peopleB. total support from top managersC. a fixed timetable for the processD. an outside consultant it the team20. What is the writers

    15、 purpose in writing this article?A. to recommend the process of benchmarkingB. to criticize firms that do not carry out benchmarkingC. to give tactual information about benchmarkingD. to explain why benchmarking does not suit every firmUseful Words and Expressions:Benchmarking; world-beating; assemb

    16、le; be committed to;Have you ever noticed the following sentences in your reading? If not, read them through and pay attention to the bold parts.16. Self-criticism is at the heart of the process although in some cases this may upset managers who are reluctant to question long established practices.1

    17、7. It might also include studying companies which use similar processes to your own, even though they are producing different goods. The point is to look at the process rather than the product.18. All of these handbooks are communicating complex information in a simple way - exactly what we are aimi

    18、ng to do. And in many cases they succeed far better than any computer company.”19. Everyone agrees that the process must have the full approval of senior management but that it is best carried out by a comparatively small team.Benchmarking can only work if everyone in the company from top to bottom

    19、is committed to change.Additional Reading Material:Whos best? How good are they? How do we get that good? What is Benchmarking?Benchmarking is the process of determining who is the very best, who sets the standard, and what that standard is. In baseball, you could argue that seven consecutive World

    20、Series Championships made the New York Yankees the benchmark. If we were to benchmark world conquest, what objective measure would we use to compare Julius Caesar to Adolph Hitler; Gengis Khan to Napoleon? Which of them was the epitome, and why?We do the same thing in business. Who is the best sales

    21、 organization? The most responsive customer service department? The leanest manufacturing operation? And how do we quantify that standard?商务英语高级阅读模拟题指导训练2Marketing and StressMarketing is one of the most stressful white-collar jobs and marketing executives are not far below teacher, air traffic contr

    22、ollers and doctors on the list of high-stress occupations. In a recent study, 67% of people in marketing and advertising reported that excessively high stress was a regular part of their working lives; 46% said they often felt crushed by chronic stress, while 34% were suffering so much stress they w

    23、ere seriously thinking of leaving their jobs. _H_.The real cause for concern is the condition of chronic stress. _9_. This is the name for a condition in which the individual has become so mentally and physically exhausted that he or she is no longer able to function effectively.In marketing, you fi

    24、nd people who are deeply dedicated to their jobs and to being successful. _10_. One reason is the intensely competitive nature of marketing striving to stay ahead in a market where you are consistently up against competitors who are striving to stay ahead of you. _11_. This loss of performance is co

    25、mpounded by the fact that marketers have to risk vast sums of money on campaigns or product launches which may or may not prove successful.The amount of stress in a job is related to the amount of control an employee feels he or she has. _12_. But stress is also related to the importance we attach t

    26、o a successful outcome. If someone genuinely does not care if they succeed or fail, their stress remains low. However, the more passionately we care about success, the greater the stress when anything threatens it. Research has shown that the most stressful organizations to work in are those which c

    27、ombine highly competitive culture, demands for total dedication and a low-to-zero tolerance of failure. _13_. When asked, most marketers said that this description perfectly describe the cultures found in most marketing department.The final ingredient in the mixture is the combination of bad manager

    28、s and over-demanding clients. _14_. Some senior mangers see such pressures as a way of getting things done. But surely it would be far better to reduce or eliminate the sources of stress than to have to deal with the consequences.A Despite this commitment, it is very hard for them to remain in contr

    29、ol of events, and this threatens their goals and creates insecurity.B Such companies are quick to blame marketers when things go wrong.C This results in a huge number of uncertainties and worries about that competition, which in turn leads to inefficient working.D It is caused by unending pressure t

    30、o perform at a high level, which can eventually result in Burn Out Stress Syndrome BOSS.E Almost every marketer has dealt with both of them and is make anxious and exhausted by the experience.F Therefore these problems can be seen to increase in proportion to the number of stressful situations.G Unc

    31、ertainty about job prospects makes matters worse and is another challenge to this sense of security.H Figures such as these suggest that stress is a serious problem.重要词汇和表达:Excessively; crushed; chronic; strive; compound; passionately; ingredient;小资料:What Factors Seem To Essentially Contribute To Bu

    32、rnout Stress?1. Expectation of greater workload and longer hours2. Loss of individual autonomy, over scheduling, predictable income, loss of trust and respect of your professional role3. Pressure to take on more risks as your business system demands compliance and to decrease costs but increase “quality”4. Inability to balance personal and professional life5. Decreased company


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