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    1、广州小升初16民校联考语数英试题20XX年广州小升初16民校联考语文试题2009民办中学联考试题(语)一、注音(8分)1、tng( )写 2、k( )睡3、xi( )想 4、gn( )尬5、稽( )首 6、脊( )梁7、蜿( )蜒 8、嶙( )峋二、填空(8分)1、“王师北定告乃翁”出自宋代诗人-的 。2、默写石灰吟中表现“不怕牺牲,坚守高洁情操”的品格 的句子:_,_3、“春风又绿江南岸”的“绿”是_的意思。4、郑人买履中“宁信度,无自信也”的“自信”是_的意思。5、“凹”字用部首查字法,先查部首_,再查_画。三、在成语后写相关人物(6分)1、纸上谈兵( )2、卧薪尝胆( )3、闻鸡起舞(

    2、)4、草船借箭( )5、负荆请罪( )6、煮豆燃箕( )四、指出修辞,并用该修辞造句(8分)1、单是周围的短短的泥墙根一带,就有弹琴。( )_2、油菜花只是单一的金黄,麦田只是单一的碧绿,而荀蓉仿佛是从天上落下的无数星星。( )_五、默写关于黄河的古诗(4分)(1)-(2)-六、仿句(6分)如果你是一朵云彩,就点缀蔚蓝的天空;_,_;_,_七、下面是春田小学全体学生体育优秀率与达标率的统计表,用一句话概括(=22字)。(7)时间 优秀率 达标率2006 23% 85%2008 45% 99%八、阅读理解(18)成长的桥(节选) 我记事很晚,所有关于童年的记忆,差不多都在父母与别人的闲谈中得知。

    3、在很多人眼里,我是一个不折不扣的笨小孩。 上学第一天回家在巷口碰上母亲,她问:“老师今天讲了啥” ?我想了半天才挤出三个字:“脚板印。”母亲又问一起回来的某某,她说:“老师要我们脚踏实地,好好学习。”大家一阵笑,我也跟着笑。一次不小心摔破了家中珍贵的花瓶,我把碎渣扫到地板中央,再搬个小凳老实地坐在旁边。母亲回来生气地责骂时,我委屈地说:“老师讲要表扬诚实的孩子,您却批评我!”母亲忍不住扑哧笑了。 也许智商有限加上读书不用心,虽然花了时间做了副努力的样子,小学时我成绩并不理想。别人家的父母见了面总是夸自己的孩子如何了得,我父母只能一边讪笑一边借机脱身,回来了他们彼此安慰说,孩子老实,心眼又好,读

    4、书也自觉,就别逼她了。那时真想把课本煮了熬汤喝,像皮皮鲁那样,除此之外我想不到法子读好书。 懵懵懂懂长到九岁,我的思想第一次发生了重大转变。 那年,春天的花开得特别艳,尤其我家向阳的窗台下花朵更是美不胜收。我喜而忘形,一手扳窗,一手摘花,却忽略了扳着的窗子是没有插销的。一分钟后那扇要命的窗子开了,把我像球一样从二楼抛下去做了自由落体运动;仙人掌又火上浇油,落地的我已变成昏迷不醒的“刺猬”。后来听说:是好心的行人送我进了医院;私下以为嫌我笨的母亲,听到这个消息竟在柜台内晕倒了,苏醒过来跌跌撞撞地推开同事就往医院跑;而父亲一脸煞白,骑单车撞到了电线杆,爬起来车子不要、泥水不管地直往前冲那天医生差点


    6、了习惯,一读读到了研究生。我至今仍不知道我的智商属高属低,这对人的一生也许并不重要。重要的是有怎样的父母。从懵懂到明事,其实只有一桥之隔。这座桥,就是父母温厚的爱。就像黑云经过太阳的亲吻也会变成绚丽的彩霞,再笨的小孩,有父母的爱来呵护,也会成长为顶天立地的栋梁。1、标点改错:(文中有三处标点错误,请指出并改正。)(1)她问:“老师今天讲了啥”?(2)后来听说:(3)我知道是为了什么?2、皮皮鲁是_童话中的人物,妹妹叫_,舒克与贝塔是两只可爱的_。3、列举父母为你所做的、影响你的行为例子_,_。4、“成长的桥”的本体_。九、作文(35) 广州连降大雨,黄小明走在去比赛的路上,又突遇大雨。设想情景

    7、,自拟题目。(=400字) 2009民办中学联考试题(英语)(全卷6版,满分100分,全部笔试,考试时间50分钟)一、判断下列单词划线部分发音,相同划“”,不同划“”(5分)( )1.five thin ( )2.much usually( )3.lake wait ( )4.phone bottle( )5.me be ( )6.lot note( )7.over old ( )8.tree eat( )9.slow down ( )10.horse work二、找出与其他三个划线读音不同的单词,将序号填入括号内。(5分)( )1.A. cool B. food C. foot D. zoo

    8、( )2.A. blow B. now C. know D. snow( )3.A. name B. take C. date D. sat( )4.A. teacher B. each C. machine D. chicken( )5.A. heavy B. breakfast C. great D. sweater三、找出不同类的单词。(5分)( )1.A. bus B. box C. plane D. car( )2.A. pen B. ear C. eye D. leg( )3.A. month B. year C. weekday D. sunlight( )4.A. worker

    9、 B. doctor C. nurse D. mother( )5.A. big B. cheap C. near D. safe四、据句意及首字母提示,将句子所缺单词补充完整。(10分)1.The months of winter usually are N_,D_,and J_.2.Shanghai is in the e_ of China.3.Womens Day is on the e_ of M_.4.The ball is 200 yuan. It is e_.5.This plane f_ to Guangzhou every day.6.Beijing is a b_ cit

    10、y.7.The box is h_. I cant carry it.五、填空,将正确的序号填入括号内。(10分)( )1.Ive got a toothache. Im going to see the_. A.park B.doctor C.teacher D.hospital( )2.- May I _ your bike?- Sure. A.ride B.riding C.read D.to ride( )3.- Whose ruler is it?- Maybe its _. A.Peter B.Peters C.Marys D.Peters( )4.I want to see th

    11、e film. I am going to the_. A.cinema B.school C.museum D.bank( )5.- _ will you do this Sunday? - Ill play football. A.What B.When C.Where D.How( )6.- What is she doing? - She _. A.has a cold B.will dance C.is dancing D.usually goes swimming( )7.Mr. Arthur can _ piano. A.played the B.played C.plays t

    12、he D.play the( )8.My father _ a new car. He _ it very much. A.have, like B.has, likes C.has, like D.have, likes( )9.More and more people in the world enjoy _ now. A.swim B.swimming C.to swim D.swims( )10.This new pencil is only _ Jimmy. A.in B.on C.for D.a六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1.I _(see) his name in th

    13、e newspaper yesterday.2.Where _ he _(live)? - He _(live) in Nanjing.3.I would like _(be) your pen friend.4.My father _(like) _(play) basketball.5.We _(visit) the farm next week.6.Its two oclock in the afternoon. We _(have) an English class.7.September is _(nine) month of a year.七、按要求改写句子。(10分)1.That

    14、 is her knife.(改成复数)_ are _ _ _.2.I jump higher than my brother.(同义句转换)My brother _ _ than me.3.We ate lots of delicious food last Spring Festival.(改为一般疑问句)_ you _ lots of delicious food last Spring Festival?4.Lily likes spring best.(对划线部分提问)_ season _ lily like best?5.I picked oranges on the farm l

    15、ast week.(对划线部分提问)_ you _ oranges last week?八、找出下列句中错误,将序号填在横线上并改正。(5分)1._ We sang English A.songs and B.do some C.Chinese dances last night.2._ Is it A.yours? No, it isnt B.mine book. Its C.his.3._ Id like to A.buy a cake with B.a lots of C.strawberries.4._ Look, A.your pen B.is on the ground. C.Pi

    16、ck up it.5._ I like A.drinking tea. I B.drinked C.some tea last night.第卷(40%)九、阅读理解:根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每题2分共30分) (A) A young man was getting ready to finish his college study. He loved a beautiful sports car and he told his father that was all he wanted.One morning, his father called him into the study.

    17、He told his son how proud he was to have such a good son, and told him how much he loved him. Then he gave his son a book, Success Stories, with the young mans name on the cover. The young man got very angry and ran out of the house, leaving the book.Many years later, the young man was very successf

    18、ul in business. He had a beautiful house and a wonderful family. He thought of his father and thought he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that morning. Unluckily, he was told that his father had died.When he came into his fathers study, he began to tidy up his fathers papers.He found

    19、the book, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he opened it and turned the papers. Suddenly, a car key dropped from the back of the book. That was the key to the sports car he wanted so much.( )1.What did the young man want his father to buy him? A.A book. B.A beautiful house. C.A sports ca

    20、r. D.A gift box.( )2.Why did the young man run out of the house angrily? Because _. A.his father didnt loved him. B.his father gave him nothing. C.his father said something wrong to him. D.he thought his father only gave him a book.( )3.Many years later, the young man _. A.had a hard life. B.became

    21、a successful businessman. C.went to see his father quite often. D.was told his father was still healthy.( )4.What does the underlined word “study” mean in Chinese? A.书房B.学习C.研究D.学问( )5.Which of the following is true according to the passage? A.The father was unhappy with the young man. B.The young m

    22、an didnt love his father. C.The father was very angry when he saw his son. D.The father was brought the young man a sports car. (B) Helen Keller lived in the USA. When she was a baby, she got very sick. After she was better, she couldnt and hear well. A few years later, things got worse. There was n

    23、o way for Helen to speak to other people. She heard nothing. She saw nothing. She didnt understand anything.One day a teacher came to live with Helen and her family. The teacher helped Helen learn about words. Helen was such a bright girl that she could spell her first word soon. When she was older,

    24、 she went to college.Helen became very famous later. She traveled around the world and helped many blind and deaf people. The world remembers her today as a brave and wonderful person. She was blind and deaf, but she found a way to see and hear.( )6.Helen Keller got very sick when _. A.she was a bab

    25、y B.she went to college C.she was taught by a teacher D.she was very old( )7._ taught Helen Keller her first word. A.Helen herself B.Helens a teacher C.Helens doctor D.Helens parents( )8.Helen Keller was famous because _. A.She traveled around the world B.She was an American C.Her teacher taught her

    26、 many things D.She helped many disabled people in the world( )9.People admires Helen Keller because _. A.she was very talented B.she was blind and deaf C.she was brave and wonderful D.she went to college( )10.Helen Keller was blind and deaf, but _. A.she found a way to understand the world B.she found a way to travel around the world C.she met a good teacher D.she was proud of her parents (C) One day an old man is selling a big elephant. A young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it slowly. The old man goes up to him and


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