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    1、新目标人教版初中英语八年级英语上册unit8全单元精品教案人教版初中英语八年级英语上册unit8全单元精品教案Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?教材解读本单元主要围绕“食物制作”这一话题展开,呈现了食物制作的动词及短语,在此过程中让学生学会食物制作顺序的祈使句以及灵活运用How many/How much.;随着活动深入,让学生了解西方感恩节大餐所吃的传统食物火鸡的制作,这样引发学生联想中国节日及家乡的风味小吃,激发了学生对家乡的热爱之情,同时又体验到中西饮食文化的差异。单元目标一、知识与技能1. 掌握本单元重点词汇:shake, honey

    2、, watermelon, spoon, salt, sugar,sandwich, temperature, pour, add, dig, celebrate,mix.2. 能正确描述制作步骤并依照指示语完成步骤.3. 能掌握并正确使用祈使句.4. 能正确区分可数名词和不可数名词并熟练运用句型How much, How many.二、过程与方法采用Using contest guessing和Role-play的学习策略,利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动.三、情感、态度与价值观通过课堂活动锻炼学生的听说读写的能力,通过教材的一系

    3、列活动激发学生对家乡的热爱,体验中西饮食文化的差异。教法导航采用直观教学法,遵循以学生为主体的原则。学法导航采用Using contest guessing和Role-play的学习策略。课时支配第1课时:Section A 1a-2c第2课时:Section A 2d-3c第3课时:Section B 1a-2e第4课时:Section B 3a-Self Check教案第1课时 Section A 1a-2c教学目标一、知识与技能1. Learn to describe a procestudents of making a banana milk shake and follow the

    4、 instructions. 2. Master some vocabulary: turn on, cut up, drink , peel , pour , put , blender , shake.3. Master some target sentences: How do you make a banana milk shake? Peel the bananas; Cut up the bananas; Put the bananas and the ice-cream in the blender; Pour the milk inot the blender; Turn on

    5、 the blender;Drink the banana milk shake. 4. Improve the listeing and speaking ability.二、过程与方法采用目标和直观教学法,调动学生的积极性,引导他们积极参与课堂。 三、情感、态度与价值观通过课堂活动提高英语表达能力。教学重点掌握一些重点单词,并掌握应用祈使句表达食物的制作过程,初步应用How much; How many。教学难点应用祈使句表达食物的制作过程,初步应用How much; How many。教法导航引导学生积极参与课堂活动,老师少讲,鼓励学生多练。学法导航加强小组合作学习,积极回答问题。教学准

    6、备课件,阅读资料或社会调查,了解水果沙拉、奶昔、爆米花、三明治、北京烤鸭等食品的制作过程。识记本单元词汇,了解水果沙拉、奶昔、爆米花、三明治等食品的制作过程。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Warm-up and RevisionTask 1. Revise the names of some vegetables, meat , fruits and drinks.Teacher: Do you like bananas? What kind of fruit do you like ? Whats your fa

    7、vorite food/ vegetable/ meat/ fruit? vegetables fruits meat drinks Let the students have a discussion: Teacher: What do you have for your three meals? Where are the foods you have from? (Lead to the key words and learn: home-cooking , take-away food )T: The weather is too hto in summer. So people ma

    8、ke some food to cool body. What do people like cooking in hto summer?Students: Banana milk shake, fruit salad ,popcorn , sandwiches , pancake.Step 3 1a Learn how to make a banana milk shake.Look at 1a,teach the names of all items. Point to the pictures of the items and ask students to repeat.Focus o

    9、n the pictures. Ask the students to tell what they see in each picture. Fill in the blanks. Then check the answers.1. Peel the bananas. 2. Cut up the bananas.3. Put the bananas and ice-cream inot the blender.4. Pour the milk inot the blender. 5. Turn on the blender.6. Drink the shake.Step 4 Listenin

    10、g1. Let the students go through the sentences in 1b.2. Play the recorder for the first time. The students only listen. Then listen again, number the instructions in the right order.3. Put the bananas and ice-cream inot the blender. 1. Peel the bananas. 2. Cut up the bananas.4. Pour the milk inot the

    11、 blender.6. Drink the shake.5. Turn on the blender. 3. Ask the students to read the sentences in right order.Step 5 1c Practice using the target languageTeamwork. Ask six students to start their conversations like the sample conversation in 1c. Each student try to describe a procestudents.Step 6 Wor

    12、k on 2a-2c2a, Let the students watch the picture and read the sentences carefully.体会How many 和How much的用法。Then play the tape for the first time and ask them to fill in the chart.Play the tape for the second time and have them check the answers.2b: Let the students go through the chart in 2b.Then pla

    13、y the tape for the first time and ask them to listen.Play the tape for the second time and ask them to fill in the chart.Play the tape for the third time and have them check the answers.让学生总结How much和How many的用法。2c:Let the students read the dialogue in pairs.鼓励他们尽可能地多说,请几组同学在班内作示范。Step 7 Homework练习本

    14、节课所学对话内容。课堂作业Oral Task.Remember the new words and write it down three times.教学反思本节课充分利用了教材素材,采用生动灵活的方式调动学生的积极性。教师要特别注意利用好“对话练习”环节,达到学以致用的目的。 第2课时 Section A 2d-3c教学目标一、知识与技能1. 学习掌握下列词汇:sugar, cheese, popcorn , corn, machine, dig, hole. 2. 学会应用how much和how many对事物的数量进行提问。3. 能够熟练运用所学的知识,正确描述做简单食物的过程,正确

    15、运用表示顺序的词。4. Improve the speaking ability.二、过程与方法练习法;实验法;实习作业法。三、情感、态度与价值观1. Develop the cooperative ability. 2. 通过制作食物的介绍, 培养学生的实际生活能力, 了解生活知识, 增长生活阅历, 培养实践操作能力和动手能力。3. 通过食物制作过程的介绍, 让学生认识到劳动成果的来之不易, 使之懂得不能浪费食物, 珍惜他人的劳动成果。教学重点正确运用how much和how many对事物的数量进行提问。 Improve the speaking ability.学会正确描述食物制作的过程

    16、。教学难点1. 能够熟练运用所学的知识,来正确描述做简单食物的过程,正确运用表示顺序的词。2. 能够分清可数名词与不可数名词,会用数量词来计量一些不可数名词。教法导航练习法;实验法;实习作业法,充分调动学生的积极性。学法导航多听积极参与。教学准备 精心制作的课件。 练习上节课对话。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Work on 2d1. Read the conversation and fill in the chart below. onecabbagetwothreefourfivesome2. Explain

    17、 some new words and main points in the conversation. one more thing. 另外一件事情。 another ten minutes. 再多十分钟。“数字+ more +物品” 指“另外的” “another +数字+物品” 指“另外的” 当数字为one时,常与more连用或只用another.Give me two more hamburgers, please. 请再给我两个汉堡。The boys rode another two hours. 那些男孩子们又骑了两个小时。Do you want one more cup of t

    18、ea?Do you want another cup of tea?你想再来杯茶吗? forget to do sth. 忘记(去)做某事。Dont forget to close the windows. 不要忘记关上窗户。3. Let students read the conversation after the teacher. 4. Practice the conversation with their partner. Then let some pairs to act out the conversation. Step 3 Grammar focusShow the fol

    19、lowing sentences on the screen and ask them to read the sentences carefully then fill in the following blanks. 你怎样做香蕉奶昔?_ do you _ banana milk shake? 首先,将香蕉剥皮。_,_ the bananas. 接下来,将香蕉放入果汁机中。_, _ the bananas in the blender. 然后,将牛奶倒进果汁机中。_, _ the milk _ the blender. 最后,打开果汁机。_, _ _ the blender. 我们需要多少

    20、香蕉?_ _ bananas do we need? 我们需要三只香蕉。We _ three _. 我们需要多少酸奶?_ _ yogurt do we need? 我们需要一茶杯。We need _ _ _ yogurt.2. Check the answers and read again.to master the important points.学生再次观察句子,师生共同得出结论:How many +复数名词; How much+不可数名词。Step 4 Work on 3a-3c Work on 3a: Let the students go through the sentence

    21、s in 3a.Give the students enough time to circle the right word.教师巡回给予必要的指导。Then let them read the sentences aloud.Work on 3b: First let the students go through the picture and try to fill in the blanks.做题时指导学生一定要先分析句子缺少什么成分。Check the answers.Then ask the students to read the conversation in pairs. W

    22、ork on 3c:1.让学生们看表格中的四个活动项目,让学生们根据自己的生活阅历来选择一个较为熟悉的话题,并与自己的小组成员进行讨论如何做此事。2. 详细排列这个事情的过程,并用英语描述一下。3. 然后与伙伴讨论,并把它写出来。4. 听一听其他同学们擅长的项目,并表达自己的想法或问题。 最后,选出较好的同学在班内展示。课堂作业重排下列句子,成为一段完整的对话。A. First, put the water inot the pto.B. Next, put the noodles inot the pto and cook for ten minutes.C. How many noodle

    23、s do we need? D. How much water do we need? E. How do we make egg noodles? F. What do we do next? G. Five bowls. H. Half a kilo. I. Finally, put the egg inot the pto and cook for another five minutes. 参考答案:E A D G F B C H I教学反思本节课通过多种活动加以训练,学生在训练中掌握了语法知识,并提高了综合运用语言的能力。第3课时 Section B 1a-2e教学目标一、知识与技能

    24、1. 掌握以下单词:sandwich, butter, turkey, lettuce, piece, Thanksgiving, traditional, autumn, traveler, England, celebrate, mix, pepper, fill, oven, plate, cover, gravy, serve, temperature.2. 能掌握以下句式结构:Do you like lettuce in a sandwich? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Its a time to give thanks for food in the autu

    25、mn.Cut the turkey inot thin pieces. 3. 提高阅读能力。二、过程与方法listen, read, make notes.三、情感、态度与价值观1. 在活动中渗透中西方餐饮文化,了解西餐的制作方法,在语言的运用中感受中西方饮食文化的不同,激发对家乡的热爱。2. 通过食物制作过程的介绍, 让学生认识到劳动成果的来之不易, 使之懂得不能浪费食物, 珍惜他人的劳动成果。教学重点1. 通过听力训练,提高综合听说能力。2. 阅读短文,获得相关信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。3. Master the new words and phrases.教学难点阅读短文,获得相关

    26、信息,提高学生们的综合阅读能力。教法导航Independent preview, cooperative and Inquiry learning.学法导航cooperative and Inquiry learning.教学准备与本节课相关的材料和PPT。记忆相关词汇。教学过程Step 1 GreetingsGreet the students as usual.Step 2 Work on 1a1. 头脑风暴:将下列名词分为可数名词与不可数名词。milk tomato teaspoon popcorn yogurt salt apple onion dumpling shake juice

    27、 meat cup porridge watermelon mutton.以小组为单位进行比赛,看哪个小组完成得最快。2. Ask students that what ingredients they need. Ask two students to say and write the ingredients on the blackboard. 3. Talk about the ingredients they like in the sandwich.S1: Do you like lettuce in a sandwich?S2: Yes, I do. S1: Do you lik

    28、e tomatoes? S2: No, I dont. What about you?S1: 4. Let students ask and answer in pairs. Step 3 Work on 1c-1eWork on 1c: 1. Ask students to listen and circle the words they hear in 1c. 2. Play the recording for the students to listen and circle. 3. Check the answers.Work on 1d: T: Now please look at

    29、the chart in 1d. Ask students to listen again and write the ingredients in the order you hear them. T: Check the answers.Work on 1e: Ask the stuents to read the dialogue in pairs.Then ask two groups to read aoud.T: Then lets make a conversation like the dialogue in 1d.Let the students act it out.Ste

    30、p 4 Group work1. Work in groups. Discuss the traditional food people eat on special holidays in China. Then make a list. 2. Ask some students to read their lists to the class.3. Let some other students add more.Step 5 Reading Work on 2b:1. T: Look at the article and the pictures. Can you guess what the passage is mainly about? Let some students try to guess the meaning of the passage.(Its about the turkey dishes in Thanksgiving in the United States.)2. Let students read the passage quickly and number the pictures 1-5. 3. Students read the passage quickly and nu


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