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    外研版学年外研版英语选修8 1617版 Module 3 模块尾核心要点回扣.docx

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    外研版学年外研版英语选修8 1617版 Module 3 模块尾核心要点回扣.docx

    1、外研版学年外研版英语选修8 1617版 Module 3 模块尾核心要点回扣模块尾核心要点回扣.重点单词1_ n毒药_ adj.有毒的2_ v尝起来_ n味道;品味_ adj.美味的3_ n贪欲;贪婪_ adj.渴望的;贪婪的_ adv.贪婪地4_ v固定,安装;修理_ adj.固定的5_ v认出;承认_ adj.可辨别的;可承认的_ adj.无法辨认的【答案】1.poison;poisonous2.taste;taste;tasty 3greed;greedy;greedily4.fix;fixed5.recognise;recognisable;unrecognisable.重点短语1ow

    2、e._ 归功于_ to 由于2end _ 以结束end _ 作为而结束end up _ sth. 以做某事而告终e _ an end 结束3make _ 理解;辨认出make _ 走向,有助于make _ 编造,组成,和好,化妆4go _ 违背go _ 着手做某事go _ 适用于,努力争取go _ 逝去,经过5be _ close terms with 与关系密切_ terms of 就而言_ the long term 就长期而言e _ terms 达成协议6set fire _.set._ fire 放火烧be _ fire 在燃烧put _ a fire 灭火【答案】1.to;owing

    3、2.up;as;doing;to3out;for;up4.against;about;for;by5on;in;in;to6.to;on;on;out.重点句式1_(难怪) my fellow guests had had only a few bites of each dish;they knew what was still to e.2_(第一次) I saw a threeyearold kid cheerfully chewing a chickens head I had bad dreams for weeks.3It seemed to be just a bowl of g

    4、rey liquid and _ (我尝了一下才知道) it was actually cooked with mushrooms. 【导学:72880013】4No one would even think of eating mutton,_(它) is the meat from the older animal.5In many homes,the willow pattern plates(named after the willow tree in the centre of the design)are kept for special occasions,_(重要客人来就餐)【

    5、答案】1.No wonder2.The first time3.it was only after I had tasted it that I knew4.which5when important guests e to dinner.回顾话题尽可能多地用本模块学到的词汇或句式完成下列写作任务李明和迈克是好朋友。他们第一次相见时,就发现彼此有许多共同之处。然而,他们口味不同。迈克来自美国,常以甜食结束用餐,而李明是中国人,喜欢吃鸡头、猪舌头、耳朵和蹄子。迈克不能理解为什么李明喜欢吃这些。西方人饮食中没有这些,难怪当看到动物的各个器官时,迈克看起来很困惑呢。_【参考范文】Li Ming and

    6、 Mike are good friends.The first time they met,they found they had a lot in mon.However,they have different tastes.Mike is from America and he often ends up with dessert while Li Ming is Chinese and likes eating chickens head,pigs tongue,ear and hoof.Mike cant make out why Li Ming enjoys eating them

    7、.The westerners dont have these in their diet;no wonder Mike looks very confused at these animals organs.模块综合测评(三).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AChildren who drink more milk do not necessarily develop healthier bones,researchers said on Monday in a report that stresses exercise and modest consumption of c

    8、alciumrich (含钙丰富的) foods such as tofu and broccoli (花椰菜)The report drew its conclusions from previously published studies and was written by researchers from the Physicians mittee for Responsible Medicine,which advocates a strict vegetarian diet.“Under scientific study,the support for the milk myth

    9、is defeated.This analysis of 58 published studies shows that the evidence on which US.milk intake remendations are based is scant.” said study author Dr.Amy Lanou in a statement.The US.government has gradually increased remendations for daily calcium intake,largely from milk products.But the Physici

    10、ans mittees report said increasing consumption of milk products was not necessarily the best way to provide the necessary calcium intake of at least 400 milligrams per day.Other ways to get the absorbable calcium found in one cup of cows milk include a cup of orange juice,two packages of instant oat

    11、s(燕麦),twothirds cup of tofu,or 12/3 cups of broccoli,the report said.And it also pointed out that milk products provide 18 percent of the total energy and 25 percent of the total fat intake in the diets of American children who are developing increasing rates of obesity.Frank Greer,who specializes i

    12、n childrens illnesses at the University of Wisconsin in Madison,said the ideal way to achieve the goal of healthy bones is to make sure children exercise and consume up to 1,300 milligrams a day of calcium.【语篇解读】本文主要讲述了仅喝牛奶不能让孩子骨骼强健,理想的方式是进行适当锻炼并且补充足够的钙。1What can be a suitable title for the passage?

    13、ACalcium is more important than milkBVegetarian diet bees popularCHow to get rid of obesityDDoes more milk really benefit us?【解析】主旨大意题。本文通过一个研究结论颠覆了传统的思想:喝牛奶可以满足孩子对钙的需求。除此之外,适当的锻炼和蔬菜水果也是补钙的途径,故答案为D项。【答案】D2What does the underlined word “scant” in the second paragraph most probably mean?AAccurate. BEn

    14、ough.CNot enough. DInaccurate.【解析】词义猜测题。根据第三段第一句话“美国政府逐渐增加每天的钙的摄入量”可推知原来的摄入量是不够的,故选C项。【答案】C3Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned as a way to get absorbable calcium?ADrinking cows milk.BDrinking orange juice.CTaking more exercise.DEating some tofu.【解析】细节理解题。第一段中提到使青少年骨骼健康只喝牛奶是不够的,还需要适当的

    15、锻炼和食用含钙的食物,如豆腐和花椰菜,可知A、D项正确,C项不正确;根据倒数第二段中的倒数第二句可知B项正确。【答案】C4We can see from the passage that _.A. American childrens obesity has something to do with milk intakeBthe US.government has realized exercise is important for healthier bonesCresearchers are all against childrens calcium intake from milk p

    16、roductsDchildren can develop healthier bones only by consuming milk products【解析】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段最后一句可知牛奶产品占那些变得肥胖的儿童的脂肪摄入量的25%,由此可推断牛奶的摄入和儿童的肥胖有关。【答案】ABEnergy drinks are as harmful as drugs and should be banned from schools,according to a British government adviser.Drinks such as Monster,Red Bull and R

    17、elentless bine sugar and caffeine (咖啡因) in such high quantities that children are being hyperactive (过度活跃的) and difficult to control.Some 500 ml cans contain the equivalent of more than 13 teaspoons,of sugar and 160 mg of caffeinewhich is about the same as in four cans of cola.Yesterday,government a

    18、dviser John Vincent warned,“Energy drinks are effectively another form of drugs.It has a hugely damaging effect on childrens ability to concentrate,how they feel and it is having health effects.”Evidence from teachers and pupils is that children who drink these cans may report feeling sick,shaky and

    19、 dizzy.Claire Duggan,a school public health adviser,said some children report feeling unwell after downing the drinks.Ian Fenn,headmaster of Burnage Media Arts College in Manchester,has banned the drinks following requests from staff.He told BBC,“Staff came to me and said at a school where we are ve

    20、ry conscious about the nutritional value of what students eat.We cant allow boys to bring in drinks that are really unhealthy for them and consume not one,but two or three.”Some children even choose to have an energy drink for breakfast rather than a bowl of cereal.A survey published recently found

    21、that one in twenty teenagers goes to school on a can of energy drink.A British Soft Drinks Association spokesman said,“We are clear that energy drinks are not remended for children,and we want to get that message across to young people and parents.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。英国政府顾问近日警告称,功能性饮料中含有大量糖分和咖啡因,对青少年的危害

    22、极大,建议相关部门禁止未成年人饮用功能性饮料。5What do we know about drinks like Red Bull from the text?AThey contain about four times as much sugar and caffeine as CocaCola.BThey bring about health benefits as well as side effects.CThey distract children from other kinds of drinks.DThey make children more energetic and a

    23、ctive.【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Some 500 ml cans contain the equivalent of more than 13 teaspoons,of sugar and 160 mg of caffeinewhich is about the same as in four cans of cola.”可知像红牛这样的饮料当中所含的糖和咖啡因的量是可乐的四倍。【答案】A6According to the text,some British schoolchildren _.Ahave energy drinks for their mealsBfeel un

    24、well after drinking energy drinksCare hard to control when choosing their drinksDare aware of the nutritional value of their drinks【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“children who drink these cans may report feeling sick,shaky and dizzy.some children report feeling unwell after downing the drinks”可知,孩子们饮用功能性饮料后感觉不舒服。

    25、【答案】B7What can be inferred from the text?AEnergy drinks do not affect adults at all.BParents request Ian Fenn to ban energy drinks.CBurnage Media Arts College is concerned about students health.DAll children drinking energy drinks report the same symptoms.【解析】推理判断题。根据倒数第三段“He told BBC,Staff came to

    26、me and said at a school where we are very conscious about the nutritional value of what students eat.We cant allow boys to bring in drinks that are really unhealthy for them and consume not one,but two or three.”可推知,Burnage Media Arts College非常关心学生们的健康。【答案】C8The text mainly tells us that energy drin

    27、ks _.Ado as much damage as medicineBcan cause children to feel uneasyCcontain too much of nutrientsDharm kids and should be banned from schools【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章第一段并通读全文可知,这篇文章主要讲述了饮用功能性饮料对孩子身体所造成的影响,因此应该在学校禁止卖功能性饮料。【答案】DCWhen in Ireland,do as the Irish do.And when it es to food and drink,be sure to try

    28、 these local specialities(地方特色菜)(1) Baked HamDefinitely not a poormans dish,the traditional Irish ham was coated with sugar,dressed with cloves(丁香),then baked until crisp on the outside,tender on the inside.Generally it is served with boiled cabbage and cooked or fried potatoes.It is not everyday fo

    29、od,even for the welltodo,but bargains can be had at some pub restaurants.(2) Smoked SalmonThe most popular way to enjoy salmon is smoked,either on bread with egg,or simply on its own with a salad on the side.Farmed salmon can be rather ordinary,so wild salmon tends to be much higher.(3) Dublin CoddleDubliners often eat this on Saturday nights before they go out.It is a good basic dish made of chopped sausage and bacon cooked with onions and potatoes in beef stock.It is also easy to make in quant


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